
Achievements: My Horse And Me 2

Console Monster writes: "We have just added the Achievements for My Horse And Me 2 on the Xbox 360. The list may be short but the achievements confirm the game will contain 'fun games', the ability to groom your horse and even a Rodeo game. Be honest, who's buying this for the easy 1000 GamerScore and who's buying it for your love of horses?

The list contains 19 achievements worth 1000 GamerScore:

Master of Foal Herding - 10 GamerScore
Send 16 foals in Foal Herding game

Master of Labyrinth - 10 GamerScore
Complete the Labyrinth game in less then 90 seconds

Master of Break in the Bull - 10 GamerScore
Stay on horse 25 seconds in Rodeo game..."

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GiantEnemyCrab5736d ago

My Horse and Me 2!!!!

See! This is what I'm talking about! AAA baby!

Console war over!

This will look good in my collection right next to Barbie Horse Adventure.



XBOX: 10 Best Games To Boost Your Gamerscore

WC writes: There are a bunch of games, usually TV and movie tie-ins that even though they do everything wrong in terms of what makes a quality video game, they are still heavily sought after because they have very easy achievements.
So if increasing your Gamerscore is your main goal in life or if you just want to quickly boost your score by playing games that won’t require you to devote your life to sitting in-front of the TV with a controller in your hand, follow this guide to the 10 best games to boost your Xbox Gamerscore.

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ado9084335d ago

What do you know the 10 best games to boost your gamerscore are also the crapiest.

sak5004335d ago

For Prison break his comments: " after about 8 hours and a couple of playthroughs, you will have the full 1000 points."

So how come it's easy?

Rest i've already played except for one or 2

Zichu4334d ago

I wouldn't want to play terrible games to increase a number. I do like collecting achievements, but why spend your money on a terrible game when you could buy a better game, enjoy it more and still get the achievements even if it takes you a little longer or a little more effort.

The only game on that list I would get would be King Kong, I played it on the PS2 when it was released and I enjoyed it, the rest of them you can forget it.


VGW’s Serious Questions, Serious Answers

It’s time for VGW’s Serious Questions, Serious Answers. Totally serious. Frequently, we’ll pick 5 lucky comments to receive personal attention from our attentive and understanding VGW staff. Have a question or concern you want addressed? Feel free to contact us with game-related questions, or leave a comment on an article that strikes your fancy. Who knows? You could be next!

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Dsnyder4782d ago

I are serious cat. This is serious thread.


Top 5 Xbox 360 Games You Don't Want On Your GamerCard

GFB writes: "Though some elitists may try and salvage their reputation by claiming it has never happened to them. Everyone has played at least one terrible game in their life. At the same time, a large community of Achievement-Enthusiasts will play just about anything to hear that sacred “Ba-Bloop” from their TV. The point is, bad games exist in an overwhelming quantity and eventually you're going to regret time you spent on one of them. Though not everyone has played the following titles, they are of the most notable and overall gamers would prefer to keep these of their list of played games."

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vgn245153d ago

I would put DOA Xtreme 2 at number 1. Plus everyone plays promotional games because they're cheap, silly and fun.

nix5153d ago

hey.. the comment count says "0" but there's already a comment here.

vgchica5153d ago

N4G is all jacked up right now. Approval points are still being fixed for members. Half the things don't work. You can't use search or the site crashes. I miss the old site.

dabri55153d ago

I know a lot of people that played Avatar just to get the 1k gamer points in about 10 min.