
ZTGD | Nex Machina (PS4) Review

John shoots with both sticks in his latest review.


3 Classic Housemarque Games Worth Playing Through Before Returnal

If you've been hankering for an intro to Housemarque's brand of adrenaline-filled action, then here are 3 awesome titles you should try.

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Knushwood Butt1166d ago

I plan to snag Stardust VR soon. It is on PSN sale for cheap.

FTLmaster1166d ago

Do it! It’s a seriously addictive experience. Housemarque is the master of modern arcade classic gameplay. Curious to see how Returnal turns out tbh.

Knushwood Butt1166d ago

Thanks. Downloaded it and will be playing it shortly.

Pre-ordered Returnal too.

P_Bomb1166d ago

Loved Alienation. Good co-op!

Knushwood Butt1166d ago (Edited 1166d ago )

Yep, had a lot of fun playing it with my kids. Although they always fight over the drops.

ArchangelMike1163d ago

Dead Nation is a classic, Definately one of their best games.


Nex Machina Developers React to 25 Minute Speedrun

Rise along with Housemarque's Mikael Haveri and Nex Machina's game director Harry Krueger as they give their thoughts on AShinyBlackPhoenix's incredible speedrun through their game.


Housemarque’s Harry Krueger: AAA Game Cuts All “Unnecessary Fat,” Remasters a Possibility

Housemarque director Harry Krueger talks Nex Machina, what we can expect from the studio's AAA title, whether Arcade truly is dead, and more.

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Chris_Wray1676d ago

If I were a betting man, and I am, I would say that Stormdivers won't be successful. There's too much competition, from the mammoths like Fortnite, Apex and PUBG, to further competition from AAA games with a battle royale mode like CoD.

There's too much competition and unless Stormdivers brings something unique to the mode, it just isn't going to work. "Simple yet deep" already exists.

Jackhass1676d ago

Yeah, they came to the battle royale genre too late to make an impact. I'm not sure what they can do with the game -- you don't want to release the game if you're just going to have to shut it down immediately.

Alexious1676d ago

Stormdivers has pretty much already failed, yeah.

Palitera1676d ago (Edited 1676d ago )

They have even admitted it already. No turning back from the stupid move of turning into a generic studio.

himdeel1676d ago

Yep I am afraid for them with Stormdivers.

TGG_overlord1676d ago

It's a very high gamble imo...

sprinterboy1676d ago

Great devs, one of favs, but I have to say they've been alittle off point with there last 2 entry's.
Think they need to go bk to basics imo.

IamTylerDurden11675d ago

Nex Machina was the best game they have ever made and Matterfall was excellent, but lacked content.

DigitalRaptor1676d ago (Edited 1676d ago )

I think Stormdivers has been put on hold or canceled at this stage.

They have 70 people in their studio currently working on a AAA new IP.

Sony is working with them on their next project, so that's probably it. Sony also knows it can't compete with third-party multiplayer / battle royale games which are on its consoles anyway so it doesn't bother. I reckon Housemarque's new game is going to be something different.

Sevir1676d ago

Storm Divers isn't their AAA game tho. They've got two projects going, StormDivers and the unannounced assumed to be PS5 Exclusive AAA title

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1675d ago
Blank1676d ago

Finally a beautiful article/interview. This was a really great read since I miss the Housemarque arcade games but this interview made me respect their decision a little more. Either way I will continue to support this dev team through thick and thin.

Jackhass1676d ago

Yeah, it's unfortunate they're leaving the arcade stuff behind, but you can't blame them.

darthv721676d ago

Resogun and Super Stardust were awesome. I'd love more of those games.

rainslacker1676d ago

A battle royale side scroller like Resogun would be pretty cool. Don't think we need more shooter .

Love Housemarque, but I don't like they're chasing the current fad. It's going to be a hard market to break into without serious marketing backing.

ApocalypseShadow1676d ago

I still want a 3D version of Dead Nation. Love the game and the overhead gameplay but wish there was a camera option to make it more straight ahead or closer. The initial videos made the game look closer than it actually was.

We need more Dead Nation.

darthv721676d ago

I concur... dead nation is hella fun to play.

Fluke_Skywalker1676d ago

Yeah I absolutely loved Dead Nation, and to be fair I didn't mind the camera angles at all. Just Dead Nation 2 is all I need.

Knushwood Butt1676d ago (Edited 1676d ago )

Hope it works out for them.

Great studio.

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