
Team Coco and Microsoft Team Up to Showcase New Xbox Games June 16

Team Coco and Xbox Gaming Event go LIVE From The Microsoft Lounge In Venice Friday 6/16 at 8pm PT to offer an exclusive first look at unreleased upcoming Xbox games at the Team Coco and Xbox Gaming Event.

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The Artful Escape Review — The Gamer's Lounge

Paul from The Gamers Lounge writes "Unlike most kids I wouldn’t say I grew up on Guitar Hero. Of course, I was aware it existed and played it at friend’s houses but I never had it myself - Rock Band either. I was more interested in DJ Hero which ironically most people didn’t like. Rhythm games became more associated with phones as time went on and “walking simulators” are a genre game that’s very accessible but not always the most stimulating. The Artful Escape combines both with a heavy focus on the former."

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12 Best Platformers On Xbox Game Pass

Cultured Vultures: Xbox Game Pass has plenty of top tier platformers among its library, so we've decided to rank the very best.

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monkey602689d ago

I loved most of these but I have to say The Artful Escape is one of the most dissapointing games I've played in years. The whole thing is so Inconsequential and the try hard randomness they pin the humour to is infuriating. It started with a lot of promise but grated my nerves shortly after and continued to do so throughout

689d ago
Tacoboto688d ago

I'm not really sure I would've considered My Friend Pedro a platformer but it was a solid title that I played on Switch a couple years ago. Fun, 2-3 hours long, simple and bombastic.

Hollow Knight I wouldn't either - my personal favorite game on the list but that's a Metroidvania through and through, which the author acknowledges but still included. It's a sin that the first Ori is not included in the list.

Regardless of my gatekeeping over "platformer", can this site be frequented more often here? They give us lists with a table of contents showing each item AND they're all loaded on one full web page. Thank yooou


Forza Motorsport vs Motorsport 7 Comparison: Vast Improvements to Textures, Lighting, Vegetation

A Forza Motorsport 2023 vs Forza Motorsport 7 comparison has surfaced, showing great improvements to the game's visuals.

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ABizzel1734d ago

As I said in another post, I'm sure Forza will look, play, and be consistently amazing across all platforms like it generally is. But MS knows better than showing off the PC version of content at their Xbox events. They've been bashed for doing this before, and if I'm not mistaken Forza Motorsport was one of the main ones getting bashed for it back at the XBO launch.

SullysCigar734d ago

We get it, MS: As PCs get better, so do the textures and grass density.

z2g734d ago (Edited 734d ago )

Funny everyone gushed about gran turismo 7 being gorgeous and it’s running on less power than Xbox…

Forza Horizon 5 looks absolutely fantastic on Series X. Looks better than gt7 by a fair amount. If that’s indication about Forza Motorsport then it’s gonna be even better cuz it’s not open world like Horizon. No matter what it’s going to look significantly better on much more powerful hardware. Series x is twice the power of the one X. Your comment feels like solid troll.

SullysCigar733d ago (Edited 733d ago )

^ GT7 is running on a PS5, right? MS show their games on top end PCs that their consoles can't match. Have done for years.

ABizzel1731d ago


Well, Digital Foundry confirmed that it was running on PC, as I said, so.....


porkChop734d ago (Edited 734d ago )

Who said it was running on PC?

ABizzel1734d ago

Apparently, it's being said it was running on PC with Series X targeted performance after one of the devs said the trailer was running on Series X, but didn't confirm if the gameplay demo was. But it's looking more like they meant both were running on devkits, and people are running with it because the devkits have more VRAM, even though everything the CPU and GPU are the same as the Series X.

RaidenBlack734d ago

TopGear article states it was running on Series X


ABizzel1731d ago

To follow up, Digital Foundry also stated it was the PC version as well.

So....Yeah shame on MS.


porkChop731d ago

Interesting. That's a shame. Hopefully the Series X version looks roughly the same. I'd prefer they be a bit more transparent. If it's PC, SX, cutscene, etc., just say that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 731d ago
Obscure_Observer734d ago

"They've been bashed for doing this before, and if I'm not mistaken Forza Motorsport was one of the main ones getting bashed for it back at the XBO launch."

They also did it for Forza Motorsport 7 and we all know how things turn out.


Better luck next time.

ABizzel1734d ago

That's what I meant, I hope it's not true it seems like they meant it was running on devkits still and not PC which is better, considering the devkits are literally the same CPU and GPU as the Series X although allegedly with higher clocks, and confirmed 40GB of VRAM.

And considering it's still more than half a year away that's fine. But we'll see I guess Spring 2023.

ABizzel1730d ago

I tried giving them the benefit of the doubt but it's been confirmed to be running on PC, so yep this is the second time they're done this.

Now all the disagree's and hidden outrage are saying does it matter 😂😂😂

Obscure_Observer730d ago

"Now all the disagree's and hidden outrage are saying does it matter"

Like I said before, they first presented Forza Motorsport running on PC. People were skeptical on how well the Xbox One X would run that game, let alone the One and One S. Turn out that FM7 run amazing across all Xbox platforms.

That´s their latest track record, so I´m not sure what exactly you´re trying to achieve or what point your trying to make.

darkrider734d ago

Much better lighting, but I think the big jump was to f7. The locked 60 frames and they reached 4k. I think maybe when they are able to do 120 frames. That could be the next big jump. Beside the fact that racing games are meant to play inside cockpit not 3rd person. Anyone that races knows this

darthv72733d ago

Someone who never grew up playing pole position or outrun I see...
Its perfectly fine to race in whatever view a person chooses. It's not real life, no matter how detailed the car models, interior or track design may be. Just have fun with it and remember... go fast.

darkrider733d ago

No. Simulators go for inside cockpit. That like all that compete play it. Arcade is 3rd view. Thats why when people talk about the track and trees and people we can know they aren't racers. But casuals that play sometimes.

Orchard734d ago

The new Forza looks miles ahead of any other racing game on console today, including FH5 and GT7.

Simply looks spectacular.

Obscure_Observer734d ago

Simply looks spectacular.

Indeed. The more I look at this game, the more hyped I become.

Man... I believe Fable will be simple out of this world.

RaidenBlack734d ago

ForzaTech for Fable was a really interesting decision. And its commendable that they chose the sprawling ForzaTech over the common UE for their Fable.(the easy route)
But the conversion will take time. The engine's proprietary and was modified only for Horizon series.
Implementing it for an RPG like Fable will take substantial amount of time. Scripting, dialogue tree, inventory system etc.
And this was leaked recently too, that PGgames was having trouble with the development. (the job's not easy)
The situation is quite similar to Bioware's DA Inquisition development. Their first implementation of Frostbite.
They had loads of trouble. They had to write a lot of code/scripts from scratch.
But PGgames has the reputation, they'll eventually pull through. Its just that they initial dev phase will take a bit more time. Once done, the Fable sequel wont be that big of a hurdle. Because the framework will be there.

darkrider733d ago

No it doesnt. You were already warned about that kind of talk. Play games and not corporations. Again the big jump was the last one that went for the first time to 4k and 60frames. This seems cool, but the jump in rez and frames isn't. It got Higher setting. This games isn't running at 8k at 120 frames. And if you play Gt7 on ps5 you would understand that the dualsense make a huge difference in driving. From acceleration to braking, to feeeling the track and curves. Now thats miles away of what the game pad of the Xbox is able to do.

Orchard733d ago (Edited 733d ago )

Warned about saying Forza Motorsport looks better than Forza Horizon 5 & GT7? What? It's not illegal to compare games across one genre, lol.

"Play games and not corporation"
Is Forza not a game?

No one is expecting this game to run at 8k120hz lol, but the graphics look great, and in-race raytracing is huge. Also, the damage & dirt model looks great, as well as the changes in handling caused by temperature etc.

No one is denying that the DualSense adds to games, but it's not make or break. Plenty of great games are on other platforms or even PS5 games that feature minimal DS support.

The visuals here are breathtaking though, and the tracks & environment are so detailed. If you can't see how good this looks, it might be time to visit the optician.

darkrider733d ago

You told that Gt7 look like a ps3 game. Didn't? Maybe was another embassator of Microsoft.

733d ago Replies(1)
Brazz733d ago (Edited 733d ago )

Looking great, also they said physics are getting major upgrade. I wonder if they will finally become a true simulator like GT and stop being a simcade.