
Metal Gear Survive is Actually Good, Wow

Twinfinite writes:

We got some hands-on time with Metal Gear Survive during E3 2017, and we liked it. Here are our impressions.

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alexgibson2555d ago

People were always going to slate this game after Kojima's exit. Sadly, I don't think many people are going to judge this objectively. It does sound like good fun.

FullmetalRoyale2554d ago

The mechanics of MGS V were great. I hated the story and the characters, but there's a good game in there.

Chumdiddy2554d ago

I hate Konami as much as any hardcore MGS/Kojima fan but I agree. I'll look at it objectively, zero bias. Yet, most won't.

It doesn't look fun to me but I've always said that Konami has the opportunity to win people back. No way a hardcore fan ignores a proper MGS1/2/3/4/PW remake if made. I'm talking the same game but in Fox Engine - nobody ignores that. It's money waiting to be made.

Konami could make a Chapter 3 to MGSV and NOBODY ignores that if it's decent. So, I think Survive looks lame but if I hear decent things after launch I may try it. I've said that even regarding new, legitimate, non-Kojima MGS titles! I'm open to a new director making one if good.

Sadly and deservedly by Konami's behavior, many won't.

milohighclub2554d ago

a proper kojima fan would ignore all remakes and future games released by konami.

Artemidorus2554d ago

Konami can drown in donkey piss.

arkard2554d ago

IF I pick it up, it will be used so Konami gets nothing from me.

Chumdiddy2554d ago

I support this message.

xwabbit2554d ago

Yeah, I don't like giving money to @ssholes, I wont die by not playing this game(hopefully :D!)

dumahim2554d ago

If that's what they wanted, it shouldn't have been a Metal Gear game.

Chumdiddy2554d ago

This. I don't see why they even had to use the name other than money and spite. It's not a MG title in any way but name.

EatCrow2554d ago

Which is a darn shame.
When it comes to gaming it should be about the game and not the devs.

I dont particularly care for the kojima konami thing. We dont normally get the full story anyway

milohighclub2554d ago

people slating it is not because of kojimas exit, it's how he was mistreated by konami and how they even have the nerve releasing a metal gear game after said treatment that is causing people to slate/boycott it.

CorndogBurglar2554d ago (Edited 2554d ago )

How they have the nerve?

Don't get me wrong, from what we know, which may or may not be accurate, Kojima was treated poorly. But Konami has always owned the Metal Gear franchise. Its their's to do with as they please.

That's like saying Marvel and DC Comics should stop selling popular comic book titles anytime the original character creator stops writing for the book. If that were the case we wouldn't have had any new stories about the world's most popular super heroes in over 50 years. And believe me, there are plenty of comic book creators who were treated poorly before they left. Especially back in the late 50's early 60's when most of the best heroes were created.

My point is, if you are a creator, whether it be a video game creator, comic book creator, or any other kind of creator, and the company you work for is not a "Creator-Owned" company, then you know full well that you do not own what you create. Metal Gear is not, and never has been Kojima's, regardless of how poorly Konami may have treated him.

milohighclub2554d ago

Kojima made Metal Gear what it is today. without him, there would be no metal gear. so yeah how they have the nerve to go on with the franchise after the way they treated him is pretty despicable, to be honest. I'm gonna stick by my morals and not support a company that treats their staff the way they do.

no it's not the same at all, if marvel mistreated the character creator, locked them in rooms away from the rest of the staff and the rest of it and then went on selling the comic, it would be the same and equally disgusting.

CorndogBurglar2553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )

First of all, you don't know that any of that is true. Locking him in a room? I read that claim too, but thats all it was, a claim with nothing backing it up. It wasn't even Kojima making the claim. I know its in Japan, but I'm pretty sure holding someone in a room against their will is illegal, even over there.

So rather than just believing every ridiculous claim we hear, lets think a little more rationally before condemning someone, or a company, to something like that. If a company locked its employee in a room, there would be some type of legal action taken.

Again, I have no doubt the guy was probably mistreated. But there's mistreatment and then there's criminal activity.

And at the end of the day, again, Kojima knew before he even made the first Metal Gear that he didn't own it. It was always Konami's. It doesn't matter that he made it what it is. It was always theirs.

milohighclub2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

Geoff Keighley came out n publicly released information regarding this. he has a career and rep to think about, i doubt he would just publicly spread such a condemning rumour if that all it was. it could destroy his career.

stop defending konami, they did this shit.

In an interview with Glixel, Keighley has finally shed some light on what was going on between Kojima and Konami, who managed to have a rather public falling out while still keeping the details of the conflict under wraps.

"It was such a difficult time because [Kojima] was going through a lot last year," Keighley says in the interview. "The fact that he finished that game under those circumstances is just amazing. He was locked in a separate room on a different floor than his development team for the final six months of development. He couldn't even talk to them - he had to talk through someone else. That's how that game was finished.

"Part of what kept me going this year was a belief that we had to be back on the same stage to give him his due, and give him the award that he was robbed of last year."

Last year referring to when konami blocked kojima from attending with the rest of his team.

CorndogBurglar2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

I'm not defending Konami in any way. I've said multiple times that I do believe they mistreated Kojima. But I won't just blindly follow what someone says about a person or company if its talking about doing something illegal and there's no proof to back it up.

There's more than enough there to say that Konami was mistreating Kojima. But locking the guy in a room against his will? I'm gonna need some proof before I believe that.

This is the same reason why people accused of rape or any other crime get stuck with that stigma whether they actually did it or not. One person comes out and accuses someone of something heinous, and then it doesn't matter if they're found guilty or not, they always have that reputation hanging over their heads. If they are found guilty, sure they deserve it. But even people found innocent will always be thought of as an accused criminal.

This is really no different except that no one knows for sure what Konami did. So it isn't fair to say that Konami locked him in a room because no one knows for sure.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2552d ago
THamm2554d ago (Edited 2554d ago )

On one hand you want to try it, on the other hand you want it not to sell so Konami will sell the IP to Kojima YET I don't think Konami has ever sold an IP and looks like Metal Gear may be gone to the likes of castlevania and contra

Enigma_20992554d ago


You d*mn right we're not. But hey, if you're will to completely overlook EVERYTHING that Konami has done to enjoy yet ANOTHER zombie survival game, then hey.. more power to you.

Also, F*cKonami.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2552d ago
HeisenbergX2554d ago

Fuck Konami and Metal gear Survive

2554d ago Replies(3)
TheGamez1002554d ago (Edited 2554d ago )

Like or dislike it, it'll still sell well because of the metal gear name.

JEECE2554d ago

No it won't. You are overestimating the name. It isn't like COD or BF. Plus, MGS fans are more hardcore and more likely to be aware of and affected by things like the lead dev getting screwed by the publisher. It will obviously sell better than it otherwise would have without the name, but it will bomb relative to the main series.

milohighclub2554d ago

jeece, i wish this was the case but after reading some comments I don't think ppl give a shit and will lap it anyway.

LordJamar2554d ago Show
milohighclub2554d ago (Edited 2554d ago )

how am i a blind hater fanboy? i disagree with the way a company treats it's staff so i will not give them money. i have morals. that's all. i'm human. i'm not gonna cry myself to sleep for missing out on a game that's just a blatant attempt to milk kojimas works. probably gonna be crap, have missing content that they will later sell you as dlc in an attempt to milk it further, cos it's konami. then you will be all on here whinning about it like it makes an actual difference.

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Metal Gear Solid Delta Has to Overcome an Obstacle That Tripped Up Metal Gear Survive

Metal Gear Solid Delta is going to have to overcome the same obstacles that helped sink the franchise's last installment, Metal Gear Survive.

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gaffyh362d ago

I wonder if they will remove the load screens? I kind of hope they do.

Tankbusta40362d ago

"In addition, the game will likely lack the bizarre charm, humor, and depth that can only be found in games that Kojima himself worked on."

If its a remake that stays loyal to the source material how is this an issue?

Kojima cultists are wacky

jznrpg362d ago

If they change the script that’s where they would f up big time. They would be stupid to do that

MIDGETonSTILTS17361d ago

Try not to pivot from the smartest enemies ever to zombies.


What's Next for Metal Gear Solid?

Alex DS. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "No matter what you think about Konami these days, they are sitting on a beloved IP that still has tons and tons of potential for great new stories."

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Z501988d ago

Those aren't "Solid" games tho.

chicken_in_the_corn988d ago

They're still part of the main series

Z501988d ago

"They're still part of the main series"
No one said otherwise.

MG 1 and 2 aren't Solid games tho. Title literally says "Solid"

Just stating facts.

RaidenBlack989d ago

Pachinko ... loads of 'em.

989d ago
porkChop989d ago

Likely nothing. After Survive failed Konami knows they can't capitalize on that franchise without Kojima. And Kojima doesn't want to make MGS games anymore, for a decade he kept saying he wanted to make other games.

Gridknac988d ago

Bingo! We got a winner here, show them what they have won!

Nyxus989d ago

It's so frustrating that we hear absolutely nothing. Remember, this is what Konami said six years ago: https://www.metalgearinform...

RaidenBlack989d ago

Lets guess that Konami wants the MGS franchise to continue to be multi-platform. Hence don't want to partner with either MS or Sony.
They can easily collab with other Japanese studios (if Konami is unwilling to do MGS with non-Japanese devs) for future games, like they did with MGR:R.
Hypothetical like: Even though Capcom is a long rival, but given the recent state of Konami, they can partner up with Capcom for an awesome MGS revival. Konami directs and publishes, while a Capcom sub-team just develops the game using the RE engine.

MIDGETonSTILTS17988d ago

They could easily remake old MGS games with the TPP game mechanics and engine, but they won’t.

It’s a shame one of the most innovative game directors also spent most of his career establishing his ideas with a company that doesn’t take pride in innovation.

Pachinko machines work for Konami, so they will continue that until it doesn’t.

Z501988d ago (Edited 988d ago )

MGS1 was isometric. Not tps or fps.The first person view is what broke Twin Snakes (Gray Fox & Ocelot fights)

How would the laser sight tracking on handguns from MGS1 work using TPP game mechanics and engine for example?

MIDGETonSTILTS17986d ago

You might have to think over a few hallways for the older games, but that is being done right now for Dead Space.

And for your second point, I guess they could not have lasers?

I’m not saying it would be an “easy” copy paste job, but it could absolutely be done in a profitable manner. Or, they could just make another pachinko machine.

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Metal Gear Solid V and Metal Gear Survive Updated, Here's What Was Added

Konami has updated all of their MGS games that are available on the current-generation consoles. This includes Metal Gear Solid V and Metal Gear Survive.

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justsomeoffdude1221d ago

- Modification of the Agreement Process

These are the patch notes that are accessible on the PS4. The update has been reported to be just under 500 MB. It will be available to download on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. Just don’t expect to find any new content or a patch to upgrade the game for the PS5. There is no such change included in this update.

DarXyde1221d ago

Konami still hasn't patched joy into MG Survive.

SlothLordPootus1220d ago

I want a Tidying Up season 2 so bad!

Orchard1220d ago

Headline had my hopes up for a next gen upgrade but... it’s Konami, I should know better.

Amplitude1220d ago

Whoa! I completely forgot Metal Gear Survive existed at all. It's like it was actually just erased. Weird. I wonder if it's actually as bad as people said it was...

Chocoburger1220d ago

I've played the game a lot. The online multi-player is good fun, but it gets repetitive quickly due to the lack of maps. For a game with micro-trash-actions, there is no excuse for the low number of maps to play in.

The single player on the other hand is awful. It's just nothing but grindy filler. Nothing special, interesting, or memorable happens. One plot twist that was okay, but not worth playing the game for.

The issue is that you must play lots of single mode player in order to improve for the multi-player mode, since your character progress is linked together.

Most people who hate the game never played it, much less experienced the thrills of 4 player online cooperational play. But at the same time, the game is an easy skip.

There are many games worse than Metal Gear: Survive released each year, but also there are many games better released each year as well.

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