
Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for April 2017 any good?

Carlos writes "April is pretty much here and more free games are coming our way. The question is, are the free Xbox One and Xbox 360 Games With Gold titles for April 2017 actually any good?"

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oKidUKo2676d ago

Smart move with Ryse to create possible hype and TWD to bring more attention to season three.

nevarDcirE2676d ago

Also Darksiders to gather interest for Darksiders3 Xbox Play Anywhere exclusive and Assassins Creed Empire marketing rights.

tyasia02676d ago

Why would you assume either of those things?

No Darksiders has been exclusive and on top of that PS4 has double the number of units it would be silly to go even timed exclusive.

And Ubisoft this gen has prioritized PS4 on basically every game that have had any kind of marketing agreement with this gen, why would you think that would change?

freshslicepizza2676d ago

How is Microsoft able to offer big titles but it's main competitor doesn't seem to as much, especially when so many claim the Xbox One has no games?

But I agree, this could be a sign the might be Ryse 2.

XXanderXX2676d ago

Awesome, enjoyed playing them first time look forward to playing them again.

tyasia02676d ago

Well I guess if you have a console with no new games you may as well look forward to playing 4 year old games and games from last gen.

I'll let you know how Persona turns out it's already getting amazing reviews.

Prince_TFK2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

...really? Did he say anything bad regarding your Godly PS4? All he said is he is excited to play these games again. Not even a little mention of the word "sony or ps4". I guess you insecured ps4 fanboys never have any class in your life.

XXanderXX2676d ago

That's okay , am okay with it .

tyasia02676d ago

"That's okay , am okay with it ."

You have low expectations, but that's understandable if your willing to accept Microsoft as your console provider.

XXanderXX2676d ago

As for Microsoft being my console provider am cool with them and have no issues . Besides am no fan of Sony . So again am good with my xboxs . You enjoy your platform of choice.

babadivad2658d ago

I've said this before but Sony fanboys are now worse than Apple fanboys. Hard to believe that was ever possible, but here it is.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2658d ago
thestarboy2676d ago

Wow you Got 12 dislike to Enjoy playing it agine i Will play it agine and when Scorpio Will reales i Will play it agine but in native 4k

Summons752676d ago

Not really. Darksiders was awesome but nothing else is really all that great. AC: Revelations was the worst in the AC2 (unneeded) Trilogy. Ryse was a garbage QTE game with a terrible story and pretty graphics. TWD S2...well it's a TT game, anyone who does enjoy TWD has already played it years ago.

PFFT2676d ago

lol nope Ryse was an amazing overall experience. The heck you smoking?

Kavorklestein2676d ago

Salt. He's been smoking salt.

generic-user-name2676d ago

An amazing overall experience? And you're saying HE'S the one that's smoking?

tyasia02676d ago

The only reason Ryse was popular was because it came out at the start of the gen when there were very few games.

It's a short game with a mediocre story at best.

neil3632676d ago

Ryse was utterly brilliant. Never understand how anyone can hate on it.

2676d ago
neil3632676d ago

@Kryptic - aren't most games though? The vast majority centre around the same old stuff over and over again.

DarthZoolu2676d ago

This is one of the worst month ever seems like they've already given us these games before.

opinionated2676d ago

Haven't played season 2 of twd yet.

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15 Best Ancient Rome Games of All Time

From underrated Xbox One launch titles to absolute emperors of the strategy genre, history heads will love these games based around Ancient Rome.

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Leeroyw461d ago (Edited 461d ago )

There's fifteen ancient Rome games?

LG_Fox_Brazil461d ago

Shadow of Rome was so freaking good

Sashamaz461d ago

I'm still waiting for the sequel.

HyperMoused461d ago

Ryse was awesome, i have no idea why it wasnt recieved well and why we havnt seen another, Rome conquered so much, you could take the action anywhere, and it looked great when xbox one came out, now would be even better.


Decommissioning of online services for several AC games (October 2022)

"Hello everyone, we have more details to share concerning the upcoming decommissioning of online services affecting several AC titles, including additional information regarding the DLC for these titles."

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CrimsonWing69693d ago

When will you decommission this new one? I’m only asking so I can be happier by not buying it at full price.

bunt-custardly693d ago

The dog Chorizo from FAR CRY 6 has wheelchair legs, so is hardly a decommissioned pet. In fact very useful for digging up dirt.


Ryse: Son of Rome Deserves a Second Shot

Ryse: Son of Rome was an Xbox One launch title that has been left to collect dust, but Crytek should set aside Crysis and give Ryse another shot.

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AngainorG7X716d ago

It was a great game, it had issues but it can only go up from here.

crazyCoconuts716d ago

It was just ok. Looked really good for an Xbox game though

Snookies12716d ago

"for an Xbox game"

Way to subtly throw shade there. It looked amazing compared to any game at the time it was released.

Never played it myself though, wasn't really interested in it personally. Plus it came at a time when I didn't own an Xbox console. But it was at least different than the usual copy/paste games we get. So I hope it gets another chance sometime soon.

Crows90716d ago

It was a crytek game though

1nsomniac716d ago (Edited 716d ago )

It was a stunning game on all basis. One of the standout games for Xbox as a whole. I ended up buying on pc as well… and yes nothing looked better than it in PC at the time either. Nothing just ok about it, definitely needs a sequel.

fr0sty716d ago

@snookies12, don't pretend like the Xbox One didn't struggle with being gimpled by its tiny pool of ESRAM as a frame buffer. It was significantly weaker than the PS4.

crazyCoconuts716d ago

Metacritic 60, user score 6.4. I'm not alone in putting it into the "ok" category...

VenomCarnage89715d ago

Haven't played it but at least you know enough to defend Xbox over it. The game did look good, for an Xbox game. That's not some "subtle shade," it's full on reality.
I remember it being nearly the only graphically decent game on the Xbone for like the first two years after launch, and graphics were that games strength

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 715d ago
CrimsonWing69716d ago

I really enjoyed it. Bought it at launch even.

ManMarmalade716d ago (Edited 716d ago )

The qte's were disappointing though. God of war was doing it back in the ps2 days. As gorgeous as the game was, the gameplay needed to be updated.

annoyedgamer716d ago

I really liked the original Ryse but Crytek doesn't have the funds. The mismanaged their properties and let EA raid them with Crysis for the duration of their relationship. Right now they are working on Crysis 4, I doubt they can spare resources to work on a Ryse sequel.

gamer7804716d ago

It would have to be funded by MS, I really liked Ryse sure it got repetitive but the setting visuals and story were good

moriarty1889716d ago

MS should have funded a sequel to Ryse and Sunset OD. Two good franchises they definitely needed last gen.

annoyedgamer716d ago

MS is too busy trying to become the next EA, Ryse wont be on their list of titles to finance unless it gets a hipster makeover with lootboxes.

darthv72716d ago (Edited 716d ago )

I recently bought it for the steamdeck and have to say... 60fps is a game changer. I really wished MS had gotten a one x patch or series boost mode option but sadly, nope. Other games that definitely deserve a second chance (esp on steamdeck/pc) are quantum break and sunset overdrive. Both deserved 60fps support on one x / series but you have to go to PC for that.

Rumor has it Crytek had plans for a Ryse 2 but due to the low turnout for XB (at the time) it was shelved. They really should give this another shot. i dont care if its multiplat on PS and XB and PC and Switch... just so long as part 2 gets made.

babadivad716d ago

The game is automatically boosted on Series X

darthv72716d ago

sorry... but it's not. It still runs at the same fps the XBO did.

lelo2play716d ago

Game was good enough, not great.
Graphically it was top notch. Still holds well till this day.

Crows90716d ago

It only needed more enemy variety and few more movesets or weapons to use. That would have made the experience tons better.

MadLad716d ago

It was a good game.
Only time I saw quick time events actually make me feel engaged.

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