
Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Includes Nearly 20% Of 360 Library

The Xbox One’s backward compatibility feature has recently reached an impressive milestone – there are now over 300 Xbox 360 games that can be played on your Xbox One. That is a fine showing for a feature that was introduced a little over a year ago. There are still a number of questions, though.

Bobafett4ever2829d ago

My question is, should we be expecting more 360 titles to come? There are still tons of xb360games I would like to see playable on X1.

christocolus2828d ago

Yes there will be more 360 games. The plan is to bring over the entire catalog of games to Xbox One and also Phil has already stated that January will be a very good month for BC.

Kingthrash3602828d ago (Edited 2827d ago )

Why not work on making the xbox ones library as large or larger than tHan the 360? Can't see why yall are looking forward to playing games that you can already play. BC is cool ....but they are drip feeding it to make it seem like they are truly supporting the xbox one.

Below....ok, so you are telling me it's ok to buy a console....get minimal games then buy another within 3 years just for more power to run the same amout of minimal games that last console had...like so you are gunna count the old games as new games when you buy a new console? Get minimal games on that console just to spend more on a even more powerful console 3 years later?
2 things....the ps4 pro plays all ps4 games....when the ps5 comes, it might not play ps4 games....I'm cool with that because the ps4 has a large amount of games. ...so will the ps5. IF the 5 plays ps4 games....cool it's nothing new. The ps2 did it....the ps3 did it...
Only each playstation had a huge library of games....the xbo has very little support and it's best games are it's most recycled games. If MS dosent get the scorpio games coming at a much higher rate then I just don't see it being worth a purchase. All the power in the world won't sell your console...you gotta have the games.
Ignore it all you want, if they don't fix this they will sell less consoles more and more.
I'm tired of playing the waiting game with MS and nintendo. Both of then are slacking on content.

oh and 1 last thing....if you think developers are gunna like losing money to BC you got another thing coming.
Devs lose money every time they sell a xbox game now. That's why the vita cross buy games are mostly only indies....companies spend millions making games...they are not gunna want to lose money by making games on multiple consoles but only get paid for one...that's just how it is.

XMarkstheSpot2827d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

@Kingthrash That's thinking to small imo. I think its no longer in the mindset of its in the OG Xbox, 360, or Xbox One library. I believe its just the Xbox library since all games going forward --> will be compatible with future devices since you'll still have all your games available to you when you get Scorpio(Xbox One and BC 360) and whatever console/service after due to Win 10 and the one ecosystem theyre pushing. Wouldn't doubt they eventually add in OG Xbox games in BC in time(Not sure if they'll add achievements though, which would be a first since every game since the beginning of 360 had achievements). So id think of it as making the Xbox library larger as a whole, no splitting the ecosystem based on what console you own(Within the Xbox device family**) or what platform you play on(Xbox / PC). And a lot actually goes into making BC games run on the Xbox. You should look up MajorNelsons podcast where he had a guest(A BC guy who works on bringing BC 360 to Xbox One) and they talk about what really goes into getting games over to the Xbox and its not so simple, I'm amazed they got 300 games honestly with what they do.

2827d ago
ONESHOTV22827d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

Kingthrash360--- i dont own a xone but some one like you who doesnt have the choice wouldnt know the value of having old and new games at your fingertip. and by the way buying remasters of old games doesnt make it any more newer than the original so your talk is pure BS.

christocolus2826d ago


I was about to type a proper replyesponse to you but i decided against it cos its not even worth it trying to explain anything to guys like you. You love trolling, downplaying and dissing anything xbox..the proof is all in your post history.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2826d ago
annoyedgamer2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

But still cannot include its most popular online titles like MW2. Activision = trash.

Doopy2827d ago

I think all the older cod except MW is backwards compatibility.

Youngindy212826d ago


Nope. Black Ops 2 is still not backwards compatible.

2827d ago
UltraAtomic2827d ago

I am still waiting for assassins Creed 3 and assassins Creed rouge

Youngindy212826d ago

I couldn't wait. So I downloaded AC3 for PC when Ubisoft was giving it away for free.

UltraAtomic2823d ago

Was it just as good as black flag?

pleasuretokill2827d ago

Started playing Lost Odyssey again for the first time in years! MS is knocking it out of the park w/ this BC imo! Want to go back to Red Dead Redemption as well as I never did complete it. LO runs better than it did on the 360 as well.... For all the hate they get, MS does do some nice stuff...

jholden32492827d ago

Man that Lost Odyssey... people just don't know!

I'm in the middle of a playthrough now (never owned a 360 so this is my first time playing), and I'm playing Sakaguchi's other 7th gen masterpiece- The Last Story on Wii. That game is right up there with Lost Odyssey.

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Two more Xbox 360 titles spotted on Microsoft Store with backwards compatibility IDs

We recently came across some strange store activity that could suggest Microsoft is making more games backwards compatible. Now, we've spotted another two Xbox 360 titles on the Microsoft Store with the backwards compatible ID.

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Sciurus_vulgaris1061d ago

I hope to see the Timesplitters series get added to the current backwards compatibility catalogue. Goldeneye -Esque shooters aren’t made anymore.

Sheppard7t31061d ago

I loved those games so much back in the day.

Knightofelemia1061d ago (Edited 1061d ago )

Silent Hill 2 and 4 would be better titles to add to the BC list the a then Are You Smarter then a 5th Grader First Templar I have never heard of. I am not going out of my way to buy these two titles kind of lazy to add these two titles when all Microsoft has to do is bang on Konami's door to add SH2 and 4. Downpour and Homecoming work so why not add 2 and 4 to the list.

BehindTheRows1061d ago

Because 2 & 4 were only available in the HD Collection for the 360.

MissAubrey1061d ago (Edited 1061d ago )

You mean 2&3 are in the HD collection.. Silent Hill 4 the Room was only on the OG Xbox, pc and ps2. But is currently playable thru BC on the xbox 360, not xbox one

BehindTheRows1061d ago (Edited 1061d ago )


Yes, I’m aware (I own every Silent Hill game released - yes, all, the PS1 original all the way down to the PC, Xbox, and Wii releases, and am emulating the first on PC). I know what’s what. I simply couldn’t change the typo nor finish the edit since N4G’s option expires.

Regardless, 4 was never an Xbox 360 game, and therefore, BC can’t exist in the way he’s requesting for it.

Knightofelemia1061d ago (Edited 1061d ago )


SH2 and SH3 are on the HD Collection and yes BC can work with the OG Xbox on Xbox 1, Series X/S Microsoft has all ready added some OG Xbox games to the list of BC games. Microsoft even announced that some OG Xbox games will work on newer Xbox systems at E3.

Knightofelemia1061d ago (Edited 1061d ago )


SH2 on the HD Collection is a poor mans copy it's way different from the PS2 and OG Xbox port so is SH3 in the HD Collection is way different then its PS2 cousin.

BehindTheRows1061d ago (Edited 1061d ago )


I never said you DID say that. I was talking about him.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1061d ago
BehindTheRows1061d ago (Edited 1061d ago )

Uh, yes I know (like I already said, it was a typo). You asked about 2 (already BC in the HD Collection) and 4, which ISN’T on the 360, unlike 3, Downpour, and Homecoming.

If you’re speaking about Xbox BC, in general, then that’s different and 4 (from the original Xbox) will most likely be added one day. Your other option is to maybe grab a PC and a copy or emulate the PS2 version with said PC.

MissAubrey1061d ago (Edited 1061d ago )

I said SH4 was playable on the 360 thru OG xbox backwards compatibility. "playable on 360" not playable on Xbone/Series.

BehindTheRows1061d ago

Yeah, the HD Collection wasn’t very good, but that’s besides the point. :P

dreamed1060d ago

I remember first Templar...I didn't play it....it was garbage..😂

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1060d ago
killagram1061d ago

It's too bad we have OG titles like Deathrow and others that haven't been made compatible yet. MS has made a great effort bringing over the majority of their library but 1st gen XBOX titles have fallen through the cracks.

XBManiac1061d ago

The First Templar and Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?

MissAubrey1061d ago

the moral of the story here folks is they brought bc back! yes these titles suck but atleast we know now they are back at it again after alittle hiatus!

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Backward Compatibility Reaches the Clouds for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Members

There’s a magical moment when you open up Kameo, an original launch title for Xbox 360, and it shows you last played in 2008, and you’re able to jump right back into the game like you never left.

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RazzerRedux1270d ago

I think if Microsoft really wanted to leverage their 360 library they would work to bring 360 emulation to PC and offer games like Fable 2 on Game Pass for PC.

Wikkid6661270d ago

Their goal would be to keep moving forward will the streaming service. Get the latency down on that so there wouldn't be a need for an emulator.

Tacoboto1270d ago

His point is... they could bring *that* emulator from the cloud hardware and let us be able to run 360-exclusive games on our own PCs.

I'd understand third party games being excluded by licensing deals, but it would be awesome if MS could have 360 emulation as a download into the Windows App for at least their own titles.

Orchard1270d ago

My guess is they haven't done this just because getting reliable/predictable performance with emulation on PC where there's a billion hardware configurations is complicated. Easier to have it running on fixed hardware and streamed to the PC.

1270d ago
1270d ago
Eidolon1270d ago

It's never going to look or be as latency free as even emulation.

DJStotty1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )


I can not comment on other cloud streaming platforms, but the only issue i have had with xcloud, is the odd bit of freezing, but other than that the games seem to play ok, at least on my galaxy S9.

It's not perfect, but it is good enough for dropping into a game on a work break or lunch.

PS - when i am at home, i do not use xcloud, i use the console. And xcloud performs quite well for something still in beta.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1270d ago
1270d ago
DJStotty1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )


Those that want 360 emulation on PC, have been able to do that for years.

I have a PS2 emulator on my mobile.

RazzerRedux1269d ago

Obviously I'm talking about the official Xbox 360 emulation that Microsoft created and not third party emulators.

CaptainHenry9161269d ago

That would be cool. Not going to lie but Microsoft has been saving me lot's of money with GamePass for PC

1269d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1269d ago
Jericho13371270d ago

Great news, glad xcloud isn’t limited just to xbo/xbs games.

autobotdan1270d ago

Finally some Xbox 360 games on X-Cloud for play on cell phones. Took them a long time. I'll play some Morrowind and Oblivion on my phone. Thank you Microsoft

1270d ago Replies(1)
autobotdan1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

Can we please get Ninja Gaiden 2 for X-Cloud please. Since Tecmo will not put original Gaiden 2 on switch. I want to play a portable Ninja Gaiden 2 at work on my lunch hours

Tacoboto1270d ago

It was on Game Pass until a month or two before they announced the Master Collection - very likely not a coincidence.

autobotdan1270d ago

I just would love the option to play Ninia Gaiden 2 anywhere. That would be a dream game to take around. I am not asking for Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 portable. I want Ninja Gaiden 2 portable

Father__Merrin1269d ago

What you would whip out a phone and then whip out a controller on your break to play games?

autobotdan1269d ago (Edited 1269d ago )

Merrin I always keep a extra Xbox One controller in my walmart work locker 365 days a year. Literally. I've been playing Xbox One games on my lunch hour on my phone for over 1 year. I was a x-cloud beta tester since the beginning

DeadManMMX1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

I got this backbone one and have been using it non stop during down time at work. I’ve been remote playing Octopath Traveler getting my grind in. I really love this thing. Highly recommended. Cmon XCloud iOS. This news is good because I want to eventually play Lost Odyssey the same way.

crazyh0rse1270d ago

BackBone is a great ios controller addon been at work for 14 hours now and the controller works perfectly. i think it's better than razer kishi

DeadManMMX1270d ago

Yeah everyone says it’s better then Kishi but that was the other one i weighed before going with this one. This thing feels premium right out of the box.

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15 Xbox Games We Wish Went Backwards Compatible

After Xbox's announcement that there won't be any more backwards compatible games until the release of Project Scarlett, here's a reflection of what could, or perhaps should have been.

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BlackIceJoe1914d ago

Not only would it have been great if Max Payne, Freedom Fighters, Nier, Blur and Lollipop Chainsaw got to become backwards compatible, it also would be great if those games got to have more games come out in their franchises.

VenomUK1914d ago

I want Toby Gard’s Galleon. I have the game but no way to play it and I’m not going to buy an original Xbox again.

Gunstar751914d ago

Blur. Was gutted it never came over, but I guess the licences expired

Primal Rex1914d ago (Edited 1914d ago )

Its not as backwards compatibity is dead its just been put on hold so all backwards compatibity game work on next xbox then when its released they will start up again, P.S I did finish Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Burning Earth

Bigman4k1914d ago

Idk I'm pretty sure they are done with backsward compatible program even when next gen xbox comes out i don't see them announcing new backsward compatible games

darthv721914d ago

i do. There are going to be more og and 360 titles added to the mix for project scarlett.

Jakens1914d ago

Might get the chance when Scarlett comes out. I mean for all games Xbox 360 and Original Xbox. I can dream it happening.

Imortus_san1913d ago

I only needed 10 games, and they are all Shoot em ups.