
Dev On Why Orcs Must Die! Unchained Is A PS4 Console Exclusive, No Xbox One Version ‘On The Radar’

Ensemble Studios used to be at the top of the world, back when they were making Age of Empires games- they were the standard bearers of the real time strategy genre, and each of their new releases induced a paradigm shift for strategy games.

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GtR35olution2742d ago

Im quite sure that selling more than twice the overall sales of their closest competitor helped a lot in that decision

gameseveryday2742d ago

I think Sony's open ended policy towards indies since 2013 is still working for them. Although Microsoft have relaxed a lot of requirements on the indie front but what do they say..."first impression is the last impression." Having said that MS still has a good indie line up compared to the launch year.

Rimeskeem2742d ago

I feel like MS has slight guidelines they like indie studios to follow while Sony just says screw it and has no guidelines and welcomes everyone.

This isn't how it actually is but it's what it feels like imo

XanderZane2741d ago

The first two Orcs Must Die games are on the XBox 360. Pretty sure they will be B/C for on the XB1 if they aren't already. Don't think XBox fans are going to miss this games at all. When they are ready, Robot Ent. will port it to the XB1. Not a big deal.

ONESHOTV22742d ago

IvanSF-- it's not i was in the beta and i own both 1&2

BizarroUltraman2742d ago (Edited 2742d ago )

Cant be that salty Hes a Playstation fan. So it might not be good.

XXanderXX2742d ago (Edited 2741d ago )

Its not salt , what was their last great game and how long has it been since it release . To be honest they haven't been that good in a long time .

slasaru012741d ago

No, there's hundreds of games to play on X1 including such lengthy BC games like Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, Oblivion, etc. You don't have time to play every indie crap

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2741d ago
FallenAngel19842742d ago

Nah I just realized I read the title wrong. For some reason I thought it the PS4 exclusive Let it Die

JackBNimble2741d ago

So you didn't read the article either then did you?

SaveFerris2742d ago

A common reason for exclusivity could be that small studios do not have the resources to develop for multiple platforms simultaneously, so they choose PS4 and/or PC, or Xbox One and/or PC.

Yohshida2742d ago (Edited 2742d ago )

So why not make a game with UWP in mind? Make the game once and release it on Windows 10 and Xbox One. If we go by your logic.

Most of the time Sony pays even smaller devs for exclusivity. I had a nice talk with one of the devs from Tricky Towers at games com and he said Sony has a half year exclusive deal with them and its a really small game.

ILostMyMind2742d ago

Because developing for PS is more lucrative.

SaveFerris2742d ago

If Sony is supporting them financially then it makes sense, but then I'm sure MS is just as likely to make similar offers to developers in order to have them sign up.

Yohshida2742d ago


Is it? On PS4 you have 50 million potential buyers, while with UWP you have 500 million. Especially for those smaller games that can run on almost every PC, it would make much more sense. But if they signed up a deal, they should just say it.

game4funz2741d ago

My thoughts exactly...
If the dev is small then the price for exclusivity is small too... Especially since most of these indies have only been temporary exclusives.

yomfweeee2741d ago

UWP LOL. Microsoft's failed attempt to take on Steam.

Yohshida2741d ago


What does UWP have to do with steam? You make an app for Windows and can easily port it over to the Xbox One or Windows Phone = 3 Apps with one Code.

I think you mean the Shop built in Win 10. So MS is not allowed to have their own shop just because you think steam is better? I still remember the early days of steam when everybody hated them. Still today its not a good experience. You can't trade your games and the customer service is beyond horrible. The win 10 store is still new and gets better with time. You buy a game once and get the console version for free plus cross play and cross save. Isn't this something good?

mkis0072741d ago (Edited 2741d ago )


Because even with those extra potentials, the ps4 version outsells both combined.

I was reading an article on gaming revenue for november and is disclosed a shocking number for pc software. It was around 40 million dollars. Console software? Over 900 million (last year over a billion). Pc software doesn't move as fast as console software.

Yohshida2741d ago


This was based on physical sales, which no-one does at the PC side. You can't track down Digital anyway. PC digital sales are probably at 95-98%

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2741d ago
Phill-Spencer2742d ago (Edited 2742d ago )


And 500 million potential pirates.......

UntrainedN00B012742d ago

They are likely still bitter about MS closing Ensemble studios

Dragonscale2742d ago

Don't blame them. Once bitten twice shy.

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Scandalous recruitment standards in a Polish studio. A strip session in the background

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gold_drake1d 21h ago

i dont see how that is so outrages.

Eonjay19h ago

"A woman looking for a job in gamedev was asked by the recruiter for a naked sauna session as one of the conditions of employment."

I don't know...

gold_drake11h ago(Edited 10h ago)

is a pretty simple word imo

Mr_cheese1h ago


If you saying no to getting naked in a sauna results in you not getting a job, it's an issue.

purple10117h ago

but they do sauna all the time in Finland, Sweden all those countries, right>>? hehe

CrimsonWing6914h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Ok, say no and find a different job?

Christopher10h ago

Love how people don't understand a person in the position to hire is forcing women into uncomfortable situations if they need a job.

Can they say no? Sure, but the point is that they either do it or lose out on a job. That's not how it should be and is a legal suit in many countries for doing it to begin with.

Also, the logic that he can't see them writing about sauna's without experiencing it nude and with him? Yeah, that's how it works. Only murderers write about murder.

SubtilizZer10h ago

Yea it’s pretty fucked either way you slice it.