
Will VR Gaming Achieve Mainstream Success?

VR has been a long time coming and now that it's finally here its time to make a few predictions. Will VR win big or fail hard?

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PhoenixUp2765d ago

I doubt it. There are too many obstacles for it to be adopted by mainstream developers and consumers

wonderfulmonkeyman2765d ago (Edited 2765d ago )

I agree.
As I've said before, I believe the current form of VR is, at best, a fad that is only gaining any real popularity via riding off the backs of Sony and their own iteration of the tech, the PSVR, and that it holds better uses outside of home video gaming.
Medical science, rehab for the physically challenged, a part of theme park attractions, movies, and other things like that are all places where the current form of VR would work many more wonders, compared to home console gaming.

The best I can say for it, in its current form, is that it will be a stepping stone towards true VR.
The kind you'd see in The Matrix or Sword Art Online, albeit less invasive and without all the mind-traps and death.XD

KiwiViper852765d ago

Ye death is a major drawback.

PS4Gamer19842765d ago

Can we please stop with these stupid VR and Matrix comparisons.. Ok yea, "Now feautring the Matrix VR! Blue pill/red pill sold seperatley." lol come on, lets be real here.

Its almost as stupid as saying "I wont drive a regular car, I will just wait until flying cars come out like in Back To The Future." Get back to reality

wonderfulmonkeyman2765d ago (Edited 2765d ago )

Why should we?
We're a LOT closer to a flying car AND neural-link VR than you assume.
There is already medical science out there that allows both a blind man to see again via VR tech hooked surgically into his brain, AND headsets that can read the signals in your brainwaves, without invasive procedures, that can then transmit said brainwaves to MOVE A ROBOTIC ARM.
Those are just the first steps; we've come a LONG way towards unlocking and integrating with the potential of the human mind through digital technology.

Within the next 50 to 100 years, that neural link VR shit's happening.

Heck, we may be seeing the fore-runners of it in as little as 20 to 30 years from now, if someone smart enough to make it happen decides to get serious about it.

So enjoy the fad-like VR of the current day while you can, because I'd bet it'll drop from popularity even before the fast-approaching successor of it hits us in the face.

And the only reason we don't have flying cars yet, I assume, is because someone out there realized that humans are enough of a threat to themselves, and others, with GROUNDED cars as it is.
Why multiply the threat a thousand-fold by adding high-altitude drunk driving, followed by terminal velocity crashes from the air, into the mix?XD

_LarZen_2765d ago (Edited 2765d ago )

I belive VR or AR will achieve mainstream success. But it could be years away from now. And most likely it will be the mobile industry that will push it to becoming one.

KiwiViper852765d ago (Edited 2765d ago )

I hope not.

Or at least, I hope it doesn't affect traditional console gaming. I'll be gaming on my TV, with a controller in hand for the rest of my life. Don't take that away from me.

SegaGamer2765d ago

I would like both to stick around and i think they easily could.

cyber_daemonx2765d ago

Wonder if you'll be saying that when MS announce vr for scorpio.

KiwiViper852765d ago

Absolutely, I have zero interest in VR, regardless of console preference.

Gaming as it is, is completely immersive to me, while still being able to see my kids walking into the lounge, or hearing them cry in their beds. Being cut off from reality is not appealing to me in the slightest.

Feel free to bookmark these comments for future reference.

cyber_daemonx2765d ago

Well thats your decision. You ever tried vr? The immersion knocks normal tv gaming into a cocked hat tbh.

Kyosuke_Sanada2765d ago

Not everyone who voices concern for a move by Sony is trolling for Microsoft you know.....

xDealtwithIt2765d ago (Edited 2765d ago )

Because MS is the only other company that has VR coming right cyber? You can now attach any smartphone to a headset and get VR.

And I love the new buzz word "immersion". Let's me know that maybe you are the one who hasn't tried VR.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2765d ago
Aenea2764d ago

I dunno how old you are and how long you will be still able and wanting to game, but am sure that in the next 20 to 40 years tech will be evolved enough that you can play games on VR without any issues. No motion sickness, perfect graphics (nothing holding it back), wireless, nothing heavy (as easy to put on as regular glasses), perfect hand tracking without the need of controllers, etc., etc. It will be in such a way that you would not even notice you would be using a headset except that it has actual 3d with depth perception.

Give it a bunch more years and once science knows how our brains work we might get even better tech.

I find it odd that people do not like that idea at all and are stuck in the way things have always been.

It's also quite a given that at some point in the future we will not even talk anymore about resolutions and fps and such. The limiting factor now is power of the devices running the games and what they are displayed on. It will get to a point where the limiting factor will be time and money that's spend on the game and not the tech limiting it.

Aenea2764d ago

"Being cut off from reality is not appealing to me in the slightest."

Well, PSVR has the sidetone option so the microphone in the VR headset is not cancelling outside noises but actually let's them hear you. You can even change the volume of it. This will make sure you can hear your kids cry.

Also the whole being cut off can be solved as well, when the tech evolves they could create headsets that allow you to have parts of the headset see-through. heck it could even blend reality and VR images partly if you wanted (no, not AR), maybe even use the headset as a more flat screen but still with the 3d effect.

Don't just discount it yet as that you never will use it or that it never will replace gaming on a TV/monitor.

It's what people have said with many tech in the past, people said that sorta thing in the 80s about computers at home, about the Internet but also about mobile phones. It can change in a way you might not yet foresee or become so much easier to use that it totally makes sense suddenly!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2764d ago
ShadowKnight2765d ago

I hope so. I'm having a blast with it.

bunt-custardly2765d ago (Edited 2765d ago )

Yes it will once the prices come down, the form factor is less obstructive and are like glasses and the visual quality is higher.

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