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The Last Guardian preview | Gamereactor UK

GR-UK writes: "We spent three hours with The Last Guardian, and walked away concerned. Because while the game does display the magic that has earned the studio's previous efforts their spots as modern classics, players may be unable to forget the technical and mechanical shortcomings after a decade worth of iteration. The tale of the troubled development is constantly there, a dark cloak over the experience, and it does, despite our best efforts, have an effect on the way you perceive it."

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Community2873d ago
TKCMuzzer2873d ago

This like their previous games will have it's audience. The first two were not high sellers but remain classics in their field, this formula may not appeal to the 'new entitled gamer' but will have an appeal to those who loved the previous two and thats a good thing, keeping that sense of what made them unique instead of bowing to modern wants (not needs) helps keep variety in the gaming market. I mean they could have made it 1st person and stuck a gun it his hands and that would have attracted many players on its own, stuck a jet pack on the back of the animal and bam, modern game, sorry, I jest.

dcbronco2873d ago

Author didn't comment on game play, comments were on technical issues. So gun comment made no sense. It was a tech demo that got a following and instead of admitting that they spent ten years and millions trying to make a game out of it. Low sales will be because it doesn't cut it. It will still win awards and sheep will praise it. Some of it will be sincere. But mostly it will be sheep following instructions. No man's sky all over again.

Hoffmann2873d ago

Wow..someone has a bad day it seems.

ThatGuyDart2873d ago

Calling people "sheep" over video games, just because someone might just actually like the game.

Who shat in your cheerios this morning?

UCForce2873d ago

Ah no, The Last Guardian is not NMS. NMS wanted to bring a lot of content, but it failed to deliver that promise and lie to customers. The Last Guardian will deliver just like Ueda did delivered last Two Games. Ueda only want to deliver the simple thing : a emotional story where you can relate to the character and epic moments where it will chill down your spines.

UCForce2873d ago

Calling people a sheep,huh ? Now that's just low.

Imalwaysright2873d ago

Comparing Team Ico with Hello games? Am I in bizarro world? That's like comparing Lincoln or Roosevelt with Donald Trump. I don't know if you think I'm a sheep or if I'm insincere but SoTC in my top 5 games of all time and I can't wait for this one technical issues or not because I see Team Ico's magic and uniqueness in it.

AdonisIsBeast2873d ago

Somebody went potty in their diaper

P_Bomb2873d ago (Edited 2873d ago )

The "technical issues" they speak of are literally just team Ico's standard SOTC/Ico controls at play which are for better or worse a staple of that studio. They literally say the game has magic and substance that could very well make it worth the wait. Their words. They only hope players will look past the stubborn trademark controls like not always lining up a throw perfectly and trico not listening on demand.

Fortunately I'm experienced enough to adapt. I handled RE4's shooting without being able to move, MGS1-3's fixed camera angles, Vice City's clunky combat, TwistedMetal's overmapped controls, and Soulsborne lock on making the screen go nuts on certain bosses. I work with what I've got.

Everything else you said about sheep, poor sales, tech demos and NMS has nothing to do with the article.

nix2873d ago

Wait... Wasn't similar preview was published last time too? I sense dejavu.

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ThatGuyDart2873d ago

100% agree. This game was never meant to be some sort of mainstream blockbuster system seller. It was never going to appeal to the casual masses. Those who know Team ICO's games I'm sure will love this game, including myself. Buying the CE day one!

UCForce2873d ago

Well, I agree with you. But I think authors want a smooth gameplay and basic controller just like other modern video games. For example, like PS4 controller have X which jump, cube is for interactive/reloading, circle is for slide/drop and triangle is for switch/something like that. But it will not be like that in The Last Guardian. It controls different and play different, but it's still have familiar play style just like other two games.

P_Bomb2873d ago

You can remap every button on PS4. If you want X to jump, make it so

ShadowKnight2873d ago (Edited 2873d ago )

Wow Sony has a lot of exclusives coming out soon. Horizon and Spider-Man next. Diverse always win 🙌

robtion2872d ago

Lots of good games out of Japan in the next few months. The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush 2, Persona 5, Nier Automata.

ShadowKnight2872d ago (Edited 2872d ago )

Agreed. Can't wait

TheColbertinator2873d ago

RIP Team Ico. Sony should buy a studio that meets deadlines instead like Level 5 or Tri-Ace.

UCForce2873d ago (Edited 2873d ago )

And you think that easy ? The Last Guardian will be just like ICO and Shadow of the Colusus. Way back then, those two games has clunky control and did have some technical issues but these are still fan favorite till this day. I think people will get disappointed because how long it took for this game to come out. But it will do big favor for the older fan.

Rimeskeem2873d ago

Xbox should actually keep their studios and have them make creative faces instead of the same old over again.

ShadowKnight2873d ago (Edited 2873d ago )

You don't understand this type of game.

WilliamSheridan2873d ago

I expect it doesn't even sell as well as Gears 4. Although I loved SoC, I don't expect the same amazement considering the biggest part of that game to me was how large the characters were.

Liqu1d2873d ago (Edited 2872d ago )

This game is way more niche than Gears.

You're getting disagrees because you made a comparison between 2 completely different games with completely different audiences. Gears 4 target audience is much bigger than that of the TLG so of course it'll sell better, that's Pachter levels of predicting.

WilliamSheridan2873d ago

Which basically reinforces my point, despite you getting agrees and me getting disagrees... LOL fanboys

UCForce2872d ago (Edited 2872d ago )

No, you getting disagree because two games are different. You are also fanboy, don't try to hide it. Because you and I are the same fanboy.

Edit : @WilliamSheridan That doesn't mean anything you say.

WilliamSheridan2872d ago

I made a comparison regarding highly anticipated exclusives. Sony fans bashed Gears 4. This game will likely sell less despite getting way more publicity. I'm not a fanboy, I have purchased every gaming console since the Colecovision, including the Atari Jaguar. I'll likely buy a Pro and Scorpio.

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15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

GB: "With this feature, we run down 15 of the most underrated games on the PS4 that never received the love and appreciation they truly deserve."

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Community286d ago
Christopher288d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88287d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183286d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie286d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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The Last Guardian Is One of Gaming’s Most Beautiful Depictions of Friendship

Friendship is hard to depict accurately, but The Last Guardian does a good job of showing all its ups and downs through Trico and the boy.

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Community971d ago
NeedleEye971d ago

Technical issues aside, this is easily one of my favorite games from last gen.

ClayRules2012971d ago (Edited 971d ago )

I couldn’t agree more. I’ll never forget the emotional experience I had with this game. After waiting all those years, and than to finally play it. It was a visual beauty, along with offering a story/friendship between the 2 characters that was unique and unforgettable. Far surpassed my expectations. A masterpiece!

Technical issues aside, never have I played anything quite like it!

Magog971d ago

I enjoyed the game but it started out too simple and easy. If the entire game was as intense and challenging as the last 20% it would have been a 10/10 experience.

EvertonFC971d ago

Great game, so underrated. One of my favourites and top 20 games of all time

Phoenix76971d ago

I managed to grab the collectors edition for £40 about a year after it released. Was an enjoyable game, but I had just finished Shadow of the colossus, and whilst I enjoyed it, it was not as good when compared.

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Making Sense of Trico: The Last Guardian's Misunderstood Hero

To better understand why The Last Guardian's Trico clicked with some gamers and annoyed others, this article will explore the story behind the beast to see what makes it tick. Although a somewhat polarizing figure, Trico is a unique element of The Last Guardian that is equal parts captivating and mysterious. While some appreciate the beast's realism and unpredictability, other found the strange creature to be a tad too frustrating.

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Community1245d ago
Trilithon1244d ago

unique classic with a high quality sound track