
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is a shoddy bait-and-switch cash grab | SCMP Review

Don’t be fooled by this cheesy VR game, which markets itself as a sequel to last year’s Until Dawn, but has few ties to the original and plays like it was hastily developed

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Community2889d ago
EverydayJoe2890d ago

I disagree with so much in this review, but I really wonder was this priced and marketed very differently in Asia? I was never ever under the impression that this was going to be a sequel to Until Dawn, and the fact that the game is $19.99 but is called "A full-priced release marketed as a sequel and targeted at giddy VR fans and horror geeks?" Makes me wonder what is amiss here.

GottaBjimmyb2889d ago (Edited 2889d ago )

Literally the only footage we sae it literally looked like a roller coaster. Not sure how trailers showing a roller coaster made them think it was a direct sequel...

That said, I cannot freaking WAIT for their next game and I really hope it is like the full until dawn game, but with VR that would be amazing.

rainslacker2889d ago

Guess we missed the roller coaster theme park level that laid just outside the haunted mountain that the game took place on.

PeaSFor2889d ago

just look at this blog description ffs: "..which markets itself as a sequel to last year’s Until Dawn"

its CLEARLY a spinoff arcady onrail shooter, it without a doubt embraces its arcade nature with score-attack challenges, collectibles, and secrets. It was like playing Revolution X/CarnEvil/Time Crisis all over again, and with seven levels and four difficulty settings, I'll be mastering this one for a long while.

the game is EASILY a 8.5/10 in my book, its also well priced for what it is.

to resume, this review is GARBAGE.

subtenko2888d ago

i havent looked into the studio, do u reallly thiink they will make more games like until dawn for sure or is it up in the air? I know telltale makes all their games that way tho it seems, using them as an example

IamTylerDurden12889d ago (Edited 2889d ago )

This utterly moronic review undermines a really terrific VR game. I was sceptical that Rush of Blood was just a cash-in. However, it is easily one of the best games on VR. It is well made and loads of fun. I'd suggest Rush of Blood, Arkham VR, and Rigs as your PSVR starter kit. Those 3 games are required gaming if you have PSVR.

Tethered is a PSVR exclusive god game that just recently released and it is fantastic. The visuals are gorgeous and the world is engrossing,

Lilrizky2888d ago

Completely agree with your 3 starter pack

When youre ready to level up and had your fun get thumper and rez

MasterCornholio2890d ago

I haven't seen any ads where they said it was a sequel to the last game.

SCW19822890d ago

This person really has no idea what they are talking about.

shinoff21832890d ago

Even when they announced it they specifically said it wasnt a sequel.

2889d ago
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Until Dawn: Rush Of Blood review \ One More Level

There isn't much to do except sit tight and shoot. Even thought you might think it's safe in this cart but — you can die.

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Community2471d ago
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BioDead2472d ago
BLAKHOODe2472d ago

Terrible review for a pretty good PSVR game. I think the reviewer missed the point and expected more; maybe because the game is linked to Until Dawn, which I admit might've been a mistake in developing this game. It's still a great, fast-paced shooter that's a lot of fun and might work your nerves a bit with it's scares.

Neonridr2472d ago

not to mention reviewing a shooting game with nothing but a dualshock. I know the game supports it, but still.

philm872471d ago

Yeah it makes a massive difference to the overall experience to use the moves. I thought it was a brilliant game. Great graphics for PSVR too. If the reviewer was serious about doing any PSVR review then maybe they should buy the moves!

It's a good game, and even better that it was on ps plus.

Venoxn4g2471d ago

Its in my opinion ome of the best VR games.and this game has to be experiences with both move controllers

generic-user-name2471d ago

Wow, I can't imagine playing this with a ds4, no wonder it scored low here. The game is a blast with moves.

CrimsonWing692470d ago

Um this game was actually one of the better VR titles... do people know how to review games anymore? I mean honestly scores have been so all over the place


PS Plus November Games Are Sad And Sorry Save For Until Dawn: Rush Of Blood

Sony rolled out the details for almost 10 free games that PS Plus subscribers will gain access to throughout November. The list was outlined over on the PlayStation Blog, where majority of the games that are free aren’t very impressive at all.

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Community2517d ago
andrewsquall2517d ago

Bound is sad and sorry? Because a garbage game like Thief would have been better only because it's classified as overhyped but disappointing triple A? Get out of here author.

ruefrak2517d ago

In all fairness, the site is called "One Angry Gamer." Can you really expect anything positive coming out of something like that? It's really kind of stupid actually... I mean, if you're always going to be angry at video games then maybe you should find a different hobby.

PapaBop2517d ago

Everyone keeps talking up Bound but what about Worms? Am I the only one excited for some nostalgic fun? I haven't looked it up so know nothing about the game but assuming it stays true to the formula, I can't wait to give it a go.

ocelot072517d ago

Am there with you. Not played a Worms game since the PSP and am looking forward to trying this one out.

uth112517d ago

How quickly everyone forgets the string of impressive months ps+ just had

Goldby2517d ago

Not to mention that we are also getting 2 psvr supported titles this month

Movefasta19932517d ago

They delivered for several months now.

opinionated2517d ago (Edited 2517d ago )

Why waste good game releases on call of duty month? assassins creed, Mario, wolfenstein, etc. It wouldn’t matter what Sony or Microsoft put out, people are playing games they paid 60 dollars for. They aren’t getting anal about the price of one month of PS Plus lmao. Dumb article.

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Playstation VR Year One Must Haves

PS VR hasn't been out long, but there are already many titles to enjoy. Here's a few.

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Community2557d ago
ApocalypseShadow2558d ago

List is weak. So much more came out and this is all that the article has?

No super hot? No far point? Then no point in reading.

ApocalypseShadow2558d ago (Edited 2558d ago )

Yes it is. The Aim controller is awesome. And the game has to be the best early representation of forward movement. Graphics, story and controls are up there with the best PSVR games.

The list is too short. If Psychonauts and the playroom are must haves(both are good. Especially the playroom), then far point is a must have. But not having super hot on there when it has sold like hot cakes for the last 2 months( I first questioned if this game was good using minimalism. Now I know it's SUPER HOT. Crazy fun I've had with this game)
tells me the list is weak or this person hasn't played enough PSVR games.

My list would be longer. Hopefully raw data and megaton rainfall make the list before October 13 anniversary.

Gazondaily2558d ago

Fair play. I still have yet to actually sample VR.

ApocalypseShadow2557d ago

I would suggest trying any one of them from oculus rift, Vive or PSVR. It would be nice to try super hot on the other two since they have better tracking, but PSVR holds its own.

VR is not perfect but when it's firing on all cylinders, it's crazy immersive. Some games played on a TV now seem limited and slightly boring because of it.

talocaca2557d ago

Farpoint is surprisingly immersive.

If you consider it just a shooter, it is not remarkable (against games like Titanfall 2 or Destiny 2).

But as a VR experience it is absolutely incredible with the Aim Controller.

mafiahajeri2557d ago

Lol, you havent tried VR? Then why the sarcastic demeanor?

MrFisher212557d ago

Duh. How is this a question. U even own psvr? Or just another hater?

Gazondaily2557d ago

I wasn't being sarcastic? I asked him a question and he replied courageously. Just how it should be?

BenRC012557d ago

Its garbage. People confusing VR "WOW" with an actual good game. Out of vr this would be an absolute joke of a game and referenced constantly in ps4 bashing.
Its probably the worst fps in 2 generations.

Re7, batman, rigs and dirt are the only games worth playing. Re7 is stunning in vr. Unforgettable.

ApocalypseShadow2557d ago (Edited 2557d ago )

Ben, expecting perfection for every game is being deluded. Not all games are going to be Shakespeare. And it's not bad to have a little Dave Chappelle in your diet.

FarPoint is a good game. You mention Batman which I have and is good, but Batman VR is so short and lacking actual deep gameplay compared to FarPoint. Batman has Baterangs and you can't even use them against enemies. At least one fist fight would have been good. Hopefully someone does a VR PC mod of it to add more substance.

generic-user-name2557d ago

Hell yes, as long as you have the Aim controller. I know it doesn't look like much when looking at flat screen footage but when you're 'in' it, it's magic.

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Phoenix762557d ago

Terrible list really. Yeah one or two good choices but thats it. I just brought Superhot VR this weekend and have to say its 1 of the best vr games going. I would of included that along with RE7, Star Trek Bridge Crew (MP fun), Dirt rally VR, DriveClub, Job Simulator (daughter loves this), the free giveaway RIGS. Am going to buy EVE next so me and my mate can play against each other.

Venoxn4g2557d ago (Edited 2557d ago )

As other person said - weak list.. I would add:

Rez infinite

And if you are a big shmup fan as me:

Polybius and Hyper Void and Super stardust

GordyNYC2557d ago

I wish they had more demos of the games. I am reluctant to purchase a vr game blindly as I tend to suffer for VRNausea. I do love the device and Im anxiously waiting for that killer app.

OB1Biker2557d ago (Edited 2557d ago )

Sometimes demos don't do the game justice. I mean in my personal experience I felt uneasy with Eve Valkyrie demo and I didn't like the controls. Its only when I made sure the controls were customizable that I decided to give the game a chance. Only to realize the controls were spot on when playing except for my preference to remap the boost on the stick.

Scatpants2557d ago

You should get a Rift or Vive. You can return whatever you want on Steam and the tracking is 5 billion times better.

GrimDragon2557d ago (Edited 2557d ago )

This list must be old. Try mine.
1: Oklahoma sunshine
2: farpoint
3: rush of blood
4: mortal blitz
5: resident evil 7
6: dead or alive beach volleyball
7: vr worlds just for London heist

Pancit_Canton2557d ago

Oklahoma sunshine? You mean, Arizona sunshine

GrimDragon2557d ago

Lol your right.....why did I have Oklahoma on my mind??

G20WLY2557d ago

Sequel insider knowledge, eh GrimDragon? 😉

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