
Despite its numerous drawbacks, Mafia 3 crushes it with this amazing feature

Mafia 3 has a unique way of directing you to your destinations. The game augments the navigation system with street signs that appear at intersections.

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OB1Biker2811d ago

Way to wear personal protection equipment + gas mask, rubber gloves and boots to say something good about a game as if handling sht. Don't forget decontamination.

Nitrowolf22811d ago

I agree with this. I like that it isn't just a copy of a modern gps with highlightEd roads ect. This was a really creative way of doing it

gedden72811d ago

Ok cool but cant look over repetitive gameplay and no fast travel...

sullynathan2811d ago

you should have hated the past Mafia games then.

pandehz2811d ago

It was a different time.

Imagine playing the game with no save system?

There was a time when games had no saves at all.

So you see what I mean.

sullynathan2811d ago

Mafia 2 came out in 2010. That's not even a decade ago. It wasn't a different time.

gedden72811d ago

didn't play them, but i was interested in this one...

pandehz2811d ago

Repetitive by nature yes but the outcome, reward, approach maybe different.

deafdani2811d ago

For the most part, yes.

But people like certain kinds of repetitiveness while disliking other kinds.

But yeah.

Utalkin2me2811d ago


It's meaning repetitive by design. SMH....Some people

WellyUK2811d ago

ye but i bet you liked MGSV which has the exact same issues.

C-H-E-F2811d ago

GTA doesn't have fast travel yet it's GOAT and it has repetitive missions and gameplay as well yet it's GOAT quit riding dicks and enjoy a game.

sullynathan2811d ago

GTA V stopped the repetitive missions

2811d ago
sullynathan2811d ago

GTA had fast travel since GTA 4, it's called calling a taxi

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2811d ago
Manubiggs2811d ago

I might be th eonly one but I really like Mafia 3 a lot inspite of its flaws. I am over 20 hours in and still having a good time.

WellyUK2811d ago

i thoroughly enjoy it as well, yes it's a bit repetitive but it's no more so than MGSV was and I have only had one bug which is the lighting but it isn't enough to stop me playing it with it's solid gunplay, driving, great soundtrack, good story and top quality cut scenes are far from enough to keep me playing through the go here kill this of the game.

Pingal2811d ago

Past 30 hours, you'll start getting bored.

OB1Biker2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

'start'. I wish many games were like this then when you know many games way shorter get praised.

I did say games. All I'm saying in reply to 'past 30hrs you'll start getting bored' is that doesn't sound bad at all compared to other games with much less hours play. Now I'm not saying his statement is true either.

Utalkin2me2811d ago


What other open world games like this that are shorter that gets praised?

HighlyDoubtful2811d ago

It's DESPITE. In spite (two words btw) would mean you like it BECAUSE of the flaws. Despite means you like it, even tho you acknowledge the flaws.

Jon615862811d ago

Must be a hot button issue for you.....

Pingal2811d ago

Wait @deafdani . Now grammar Nazis are taking over N4G?

Utalkin2me2811d ago


What you said is "highlydoubtful".... ..roflmao

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2811d ago
deafdani2811d ago

Saints Row already did something similar, although not in the form of street signs. But still, it had arrows in the street pointing out where to go, eliminating the need of looking at the mini-map. So, I'd argue that Saints Row (not sure which one TBH) did it first.

scark922811d ago

Takes you out of the world though

deafdani2811d ago

I agree that it isn't as integrated to the game world as these signposts in Mafia III. But I wouldn't say that it takes you out of the world. In my case, I feel it makes the game more immersive when compared to glueing your eyes to the corner to constantly glance at the mini map instead of paying attention at the game world, a big problem in the GTA games.

I haven't played Mafia III so I can't properly compare its system with that of the Saints Row games... but judging by the video, it appears to me that it could be easier to miss the signposts because they are on the sides of the road. In the Saints Row games, the arrows are pretty visible, and still allow you to pay attention to the game world instead of a mini map.

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Mafia 3 Deserves A Little More Respect

More people should be making a trip to this bayou.

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cbuc1125710d ago

Agreed....game was fantastic. Especially as a person of color, I enjoyed the side missions.

709d ago
Kakashi Hatake709d ago

I'm Black myself, which is different from Lincoln who is bi racial. (It's trendy to ignore that mixed people are half White for some reason) What would color have to do with enjoying a game like this? Imagine if people playing God of War were like "Gee, I'm enjoying playing as a White person right now". If we want others to relate to things other than skin color, we have to start setting an example as "People of Color" (That term is so stupid btw)

InklingGirl709d ago

I wonder if this comment will get removed like mine? It shouldn't but I'm just curious.

LucasRuinedChildhood709d ago (Edited 709d ago )

"What would color have to do with enjoying a game like this?"

Skin colour matters a lot in the story and setting of Mafia 3. It even affects the gameplay.

The comparison to God Of War doesn't make sense.

I'm Irish (as in, a person born in Ireland), and I'd probably enjoy a game where you can fight in the Irish War of Independence ... a bit more than the average Brit. lol. Who cares? If a British person "Imagine if ...", I'd just laugh.

LucasRuinedChildhood709d ago (Edited 709d ago )

*said "Imagine if ..."

Also, it is cool when you play an Irish character in a game who doesn't put on a leprechaun accent like Tom Cruise did. "Shannon! Tell me you like my hat!" https://youtu.be/eKrEVWGTuR...

Terry_B709d ago

nah..its mediocre and repetitive.

Demetrius709d ago (Edited 709d ago )

I played it once and it was very frustrating compared to mafia 2 I like to enjoy games not get raged all up 😂😂

XbladeTeddy709d ago

It was repetitive and boring. Not a good game at all.

Yi-Long709d ago

The game looked interesting, and from the trailers it seemed it had a great soundtrack, but the buggy release (AI) and disappointing reviews made me pass on it. No idea if they ever fixed its shortcomings post-launch.

XbladeTeddy709d ago

They could only polish a turd so much. Wasn't good at release and isn't good now.

MadLad709d ago

Weakest game in the series.

AuraAbjure708d ago

People said that about Wolfenstein:Youngblood. I played youngblood and it is a masterpiece and so awesome and entertaining and badass, with ray tracing too. Is Mafia 3 a great game on its own merit? I understand compared to the other Mafias, you feel it's weak.

MadLad706d ago

I respectfully disagree.

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GTA V, Mafia, and Red Dead Redemption 2 VR mods are dead – and Take 2 Interactive killed them

From VG247: "If you’ve been enjoying either Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA V, or Mafia: The Definitive Edition in VR thanks to some handy fan-made mods, we’ve got some bad news. Thanks to a DMCA claim by Take Two Interactive - the parent company of Rockstar Games and 2K - has led development on the most popular VR mods to grind to a halt.

This news comes via Luke Ross - the sole creator of a variety of VR mods for the aforementioned games - who released a lengthy post to his supporters. In it, he claims to have received a DMCA request from Take Two Interactive for his projects and that the company requested that he “remove all their copyrighted works from [his] Patreon page”. This was confirmed by Kotaku who reached out to Patreon directly."

Orbilator712d ago

Get the mods on a torrent site and tell the world were they are.

Duke19712d ago

I mean, if he was modding a game that someone else built, and charging for it on patreon - this seems pretty cut and dry for a DMCA.

If he was not profiting from it in any way though, would be nice to let companies let this shit slide more often


Top 10 Mafia 3 Characters

KeenGamer: "Mafia 3 has a huge cast of characters - good, bad, and both - but these 10 characters were the ones who stood out the most. With Mafia 3 set in the 1960's, these characters are influenced by the ever-changing times and the people surrounding them."

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