
2K Are Not Sending Mafia III Stock To Retailers Until Tomorrow, Worldwide Shipping Ban

ThisGenGaming says "2K has put a worldwide shipping ban on sending out Mafia III copies until tomorrow, some sites have even been told their allocation of stock isn't being sent to them until tomorrow. A day before release."

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Nitrowolf22815d ago


I'm gonna hold off on buying this day one. Typically I don't care for this kind of stuff, but it does have me worried.

OB1Biker2815d ago

I'm only worried not to get my copy tbh

seanpitt232815d ago

Definitely waiting for reviews on this one if they had any confidence in there game they would not be doing what they are doing. It's a bit like no mans sky I waited off and glad I did. Some games I just get without hesitation like witcher 3, bf1 but this has me worried now plus the gameplay videos haven't been to impressive.

t0mmyb0y2815d ago

Mafia games never disappoint my friend.

ThePope2815d ago


Is it made by the people that made the other games?

morganfell2815d ago

"Mafia games never disappoint my friend."

The only thing Mafia about this game is the title.

RosweeSon2814d ago

BF1? Yeah I suppose you can always rely on yearly churns ;(

seanpitt232814d ago

@ rosweeson

BF series isn't yearly churns! Not like cod the last battlefield game I got was bf4 that was in 2013!
How is this a yearly thing. I didnt get hardline because it looked mediocre and the beta just didn't do it for me.
So to me it's a 3 year iteration for me and bf1 w1 settings is different.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2814d ago
USMC_POLICE2815d ago

I wouldn't worry, this has been one of the most shown off and demoed games ever, angry Joe even loved it.

Meltic2815d ago

GMG got their hands of the game on the pc version and they said it was a smooth experience

Red_Renegade2815d ago

prolly just preventing leaks and broken street dates. why worry? not like they canceled or delayed the game.

PlayableGamez-2815d ago

Just redbox the game.. that's what I'm doing

DafunkyRebel2815d ago

nah its good, saw Angry joe playing it and he loves its also you can collect Playboy and Hustlers mag as collectables so GOTY. You can also view the magazines and look at nude pixxs in them too

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2814d ago
Servbot412815d ago

They clearly have no faith in this title. The early previews 2K released were probably carefully curated in order to hide whatever is wrong with the game in order to convince people to "pre-order, pre-order, preorder!" Honestly expecting a massive disappointment with this one after all the effort on 2K's part to hide the full game from reviewers and customers alike.

showtimefolks2815d ago (Edited 2815d ago )

Don't understand the logic behind this at all. So far whatever has been shown looks promising

Mafia 3 reminds me more of God father 2 from ea than mafia 2

One thing which is suspect is the enemy AI. It looks extremely mediocre and so ps2 erase enemy AI

I hope one day we get a mafia 1 remake. Such an amazing game

I expect a lot of 7/10 for mafia 3

No reviews
Not sending retail copies

What is 2k trying to hide

Goldby2815d ago

it may be to help prevents leaks that they want to keep under wrap for people experiencing the game on their own.

prior to release, NMS got some slack from that one guy who spent 1000 dollars on it and told everything about it before the game was released.

Deadpooled2815d ago

Or what happened with Uncharted 4 single player, I had to avoid gaming sites like this online for a whole week to avoid spoilers before the game was delivered to my home.

Goldby2815d ago


With the way they are talking about how Lincoln is a huge difference from any protagonist if any game, they have secrets about him they dont want leaked. is it the best approach, of course not, but its the approach they are going with

Servbot412815d ago

The parts they've shown are probably very carefully picked out. I'm reminded of the demo to Lost Planet 2, which put the absolute best level/battle of the game as the demo. Tricked me and two friends for sure.

rdgneoz32815d ago

They had one demo that featured high speed driving... Guy does the quick look back and you can see the ps360 texture loading on the street and buildings... And that's not to mention the sh!tty ai not noticing someone screaming from getting stabbed 3 feet away...

Zachmo1822815d ago (Edited 2815d ago )

I'm not sure what this is talking about. I work in the mobile department at Target and we recieved our copies today.

RosweeSon2814d ago

Mines in the post arriving today so yeah don't understand either shipping ban? It's already dispatching mine was yesterday and the website I use always turn up next day for free... sold! Mafia2 was fantastic if a little scripted couldn't just drive round city etc but then this isn't GTA. Should be a solid 8/9-10

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Mafia 3 Deserves A Little More Respect

More people should be making a trip to this bayou.

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cbuc1125706d ago

Agreed....game was fantastic. Especially as a person of color, I enjoyed the side missions.

705d ago
Kakashi Hatake705d ago

I'm Black myself, which is different from Lincoln who is bi racial. (It's trendy to ignore that mixed people are half White for some reason) What would color have to do with enjoying a game like this? Imagine if people playing God of War were like "Gee, I'm enjoying playing as a White person right now". If we want others to relate to things other than skin color, we have to start setting an example as "People of Color" (That term is so stupid btw)

InklingGirl705d ago

I wonder if this comment will get removed like mine? It shouldn't but I'm just curious.

LucasRuinedChildhood705d ago (Edited 705d ago )

"What would color have to do with enjoying a game like this?"

Skin colour matters a lot in the story and setting of Mafia 3. It even affects the gameplay.

The comparison to God Of War doesn't make sense.

I'm Irish (as in, a person born in Ireland), and I'd probably enjoy a game where you can fight in the Irish War of Independence ... a bit more than the average Brit. lol. Who cares? If a British person "Imagine if ...", I'd just laugh.

LucasRuinedChildhood705d ago (Edited 705d ago )

*said "Imagine if ..."

Also, it is cool when you play an Irish character in a game who doesn't put on a leprechaun accent like Tom Cruise did. "Shannon! Tell me you like my hat!" https://youtu.be/eKrEVWGTuR...

Terry_B705d ago

nah..its mediocre and repetitive.

Demetrius705d ago (Edited 705d ago )

I played it once and it was very frustrating compared to mafia 2 I like to enjoy games not get raged all up 😂😂

XbladeTeddy705d ago

It was repetitive and boring. Not a good game at all.

Yi-Long705d ago

The game looked interesting, and from the trailers it seemed it had a great soundtrack, but the buggy release (AI) and disappointing reviews made me pass on it. No idea if they ever fixed its shortcomings post-launch.

XbladeTeddy705d ago

They could only polish a turd so much. Wasn't good at release and isn't good now.

MadLad705d ago

Weakest game in the series.

AuraAbjure705d ago

People said that about Wolfenstein:Youngblood. I played youngblood and it is a masterpiece and so awesome and entertaining and badass, with ray tracing too. Is Mafia 3 a great game on its own merit? I understand compared to the other Mafias, you feel it's weak.

MadLad702d ago

I respectfully disagree.

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GTA V, Mafia, and Red Dead Redemption 2 VR mods are dead – and Take 2 Interactive killed them

From VG247: "If you’ve been enjoying either Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA V, or Mafia: The Definitive Edition in VR thanks to some handy fan-made mods, we’ve got some bad news. Thanks to a DMCA claim by Take Two Interactive - the parent company of Rockstar Games and 2K - has led development on the most popular VR mods to grind to a halt.

This news comes via Luke Ross - the sole creator of a variety of VR mods for the aforementioned games - who released a lengthy post to his supporters. In it, he claims to have received a DMCA request from Take Two Interactive for his projects and that the company requested that he “remove all their copyrighted works from [his] Patreon page”. This was confirmed by Kotaku who reached out to Patreon directly."

Orbilator708d ago

Get the mods on a torrent site and tell the world were they are.

Duke19708d ago

I mean, if he was modding a game that someone else built, and charging for it on patreon - this seems pretty cut and dry for a DMCA.

If he was not profiting from it in any way though, would be nice to let companies let this shit slide more often


Top 10 Mafia 3 Characters

KeenGamer: "Mafia 3 has a huge cast of characters - good, bad, and both - but these 10 characters were the ones who stood out the most. With Mafia 3 set in the 1960's, these characters are influenced by the ever-changing times and the people surrounding them."

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