
Mafia III Will Not Have Reviews Prior To Release

ThisGenGaming along with many other sites including Polygon will not have a review online before the release of Mafia III.

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Heyxyz2913d ago

I'm sure Mafia 3 will be great, but man, I'm tired of this...

Hydrolex2913d ago

looks like a big flop unfortunately...

SoulMikeY2913d ago

Yeah... no. It actually looks amazing. As long as the controls are okay, everything they've shown is worth the money.

DeadlyOreo2913d ago

How on earth does it look like a flop?

Gecksta2913d ago

I hope your wrong, but no review day one is 99% a dud game.

SolidStoner2913d ago

maybe he meant it looks like flop because of this review embargo ... game looks bad ass, I bet it will be amazing like every other mafia game (especially 1st one, for its time!)

freshslicepizza2913d ago

there are early copies out there,


and it does look good

Thomaticus2913d ago

If there is an issue with the game, none of the video game journalists can tell anyone until after the game has been released. I've never been a big fan of the mafia series. Day one purchases should only include those who are excited about this specific release.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2913d ago

Embargoes are definitely a sign of averageness and mediocrity.

Major_Glitch2912d ago

The game DOES look good, but this definitely is a big "red flag". Gonna wait till the reviews roll in before I spend money on this game.

morganfell2912d ago

Not saying it will be bad even though the storyline takes a dump on Mafia II and what the 60s and 70s of La Cosa Nostra could have been, but what other reason could the publishers have? Just give a logical reason for the no reviews angle.

SonyWarrior2912d ago

im sure as hell not going to buy it... they took it in the wrong direction same with watch dogs 2 thankfully ill be busy playing ps vr games to care about these 2 failure of games

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2912d ago
SoulMikeY2913d ago

Why? The fact that there are so many sheep that can't formulate a thought for themselves doesn't bother you? Reviews are bad business in the current state.

Aloy-Boyfriend2913d ago (Edited 2913d ago )

Devs and/or publishers doing this are not having faith in their work. It is not a good sign regardless of how good it looks or not

SoulMikeY2913d ago

As someone who makes entertainment for consumers, it's not about "not having faith" at all. If they didn't have faith in it, they wouldn't release it. This is business first and foremost, so you need to make sure customers keep coming back. You don't release a shitty product and expect the next thing to sell.

Also, as a business you should know that people wake up everyday just to f*** with other people. So how many falsified poor reviews are gonna happen that deter mindless sheep? Maybe none, but if it's one, that could be millions of sales. So having no reviews until release should show that they know their shit's good. Otherwise you no longer buy from that company, and why would they want that?

Kyosuke_Sanada2913d ago

Please, lots of video games have "false reviews" but they are always in the minority unless the game really has glaring problems. Are people sheep for waiting to see actual gameplay from owners before making a purchase?

2913d ago
NarooN2913d ago

"You don't release a shitty product and expect the next thing to sell."

Actually that totally sums up the past two gaming generations in general. Only a deluded fool would argue otherwise. Seen WAY too many shitty games masquerading as good ones under the sheen of "ooh look! it's a AAA budget game!" and lofty promises. Too many games releasing in broken states of varying degrees, and games that were just wholly uninspired in every shape and form. And that's really the majority of games these days, honestly.

I don't see how anybody could say a pub or dev would never think of releasing a shitty game expecting it to sell when there are COUNTLESS examples even in recent history of that happening. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5, anyone? Come on lol. That game's entire existence was this:

Activision: "Oh shit, looks like the deal we signed with Tony Hawk to make Tony Hawk-branded games way back in 2002 is about to run out at the end of 2015. Quick, somebody call Robomodo! Tell 'em they're making Pro Skater 5, but they only have like 10 months to make it! We gotta rush this shit out and let's just give it the Pro Skater label to ride off people's nostalgia of when the series was actually good!"

lelo2play2913d ago (Edited 2913d ago )


Congrats for the dumbest comment of the day.
How many examples do we have about games that looked great on videos and screenshots, but turned out to be crap?

You may not like it, but reviews are very important to help consumers make a decision to purchase the product or not. This goes for any product, movies, games, smartphones, TV's, etc... or are you one of those guys that purchases anything that looks good at first glance?

Erik73572913d ago (Edited 2913d ago )

Wait aren't you being a sheep for trying to do damage control on this? LOL

"Guys come onnn its totaly not meaning this game will be shitty, the bad review business got embargos on no man sky and destiny and those games were AMAZING!!!"

Brooo there only doing a review embargo because they will misunderstand their work for shitty work....bad review businesssssss 😭😭😭

2912d ago
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TheSaint2913d ago

This has to raise a flag or two, does no one member No Man's Sky?

It really wasn't that long ago, cue the millions buying it day one after not learning a damn thing.

Vegamyster2913d ago

Doom didn't have early reviews either and it turned out to be fine, we won't really know how the game is until it comes out, it's not like the footage shown so far looks bad, some bugs here and there but it looks fun.

lelo2play2913d ago (Edited 2913d ago )


Doom is among the few exceptions. Doom's reviews caught everybody by surprise, even the developers. If Doom's developers were confident about their game, don't you think they would have reviews prior to release?

Great reviews help sell a game, specially on launch day.

Vegamyster2912d ago


Yes but compared to No Man Sky and others there is quite a bit of game play available and there is plenty of people on Youtube doing walkthroughs of the game currently so it's not so cut and dry. Will the game be good/great? Who knows but i personally don't think it's anything to worry about if they're letting others play the game.

Servbot412912d ago

Doom being your example is a bit of a mistake. Even the developers themselves were surprised at its popularity and weren't entirely confident in the game, which is probably one of the reasons the publishers didn't ship early review copies.

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lelo2play2913d ago

"Mafia III Will Not Have Reviews Prior To Release"

Game looks great, but this is not a good sign.
Was going to get it on release, now I'm waiting a couple of days. No rush...

Erik73572913d ago

What great game put a embargo on reviews before it came out this past decade?

To give you a idea destiny and no man sky had embargo and those games were terrible. I dont know of a single good game that had review embargo.

UgoGalimbertti2913d ago

I see for Forza Horizon 3.. The reviews, the early players of the ultimate edition, looked like everybody had already played it except me lol. It felt strange, but I guess both extremes are not the best way to handle.

In my opinion this is better than the overflow of information prior to release, and to be honest, the coverage of 6 hours of some youtubers / sites made clear for me that this game was a must buy, FOR ME. Remember, just a point, I don't blame you guys for being uncomfortable about it.

-Foxtrot2912d ago

Hopefully but regardless my CE has been cancelled. I'm not paying a lot of money for something which might be a let down. I can't take the chance.

Godmars2902912d ago

And yet people still buy pre-orders...

Lonnie182912d ago (Edited 2912d ago )

It's good there won't be reviews before, you see the gaming industry is just so toxic now and game companies don't put millions of dollars, 10's of millions, and sometimes over 100 million dollars just to have lame fanboy sites that have alot of influence over the minds of the masses to mess up their sells! This is a trend I expect to see more and more throughout the industry...

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2912d ago
Thatguy-3102913d ago

Was actually going to wait for the reviews but I'll guess I'll just wait until the verdict is out.

SoulMikeY2913d ago

Why do you wait for reviews? You can't spend $6 and rent it to see for yourself?

Oh right, follow the Shepard...

DeadlyOreo2913d ago

Reviews are nice to get a good idea though. I don't follow the scores, but if there is a lot of the same issues being brought up in multiple reviews it can be helpful when deciding to purchase. User reviews on the other hand are a joke, people only know how to rate a game 0/10 or 10/10.

NarooN2913d ago

It's 2016 and now people get labeled as sheep for not mindlessly going out and buying a game without researching to see if it's a technical and/or ideological disaster first?


SoulMikeY2913d ago

NarooN, not what I said. If you rely on reviews, then you can't think for yourself. If you can't make a decision based on the 5+ hours of released gameplay footage, then it's not for you.

If someone's going out and buying it day one, then they're obviously pleased with the extremely large amounts of footage, and they've made a decision, unlike sheep.

And too that dip, fries or whatever, don't PM me dog. Unless there's a real reason something needs to be private, keep it in the comments. If you couldn't tell No Man's Sky was what it was from what they showed, then you're an idiot. It looked like a grindfest, some people wanted that, others (stupidly) just went off what the developers said. And I hate Destiny, but clearly you don't know how many people still play that shit. As a shooter, amazing. Everything else is mediocre. It's not like it was a 2/10 with no reviews. Plus it had f***ing beta. You could literally play it and see.

2912d ago
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StormLegend2913d ago

Well that sucks! i'm expecting 7/10

alexgibson2913d ago

Which isn't a terrible score... if you like the genre that's basically a 9.

2912d ago
Movefasta19932912d ago

what if the reviewer liked the genre and rated it a 7...

Redx1652913d ago

That's never a good sign...

Kyosuke_Sanada2913d ago (Edited 2913d ago )

Thanks 2K for showing us how much faith you have for your game........

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Mafia 3 Deserves A Little More Respect

More people should be making a trip to this bayou.

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cbuc1125800d ago

Agreed....game was fantastic. Especially as a person of color, I enjoyed the side missions.

799d ago
Kakashi Hatake799d ago

I'm Black myself, which is different from Lincoln who is bi racial. (It's trendy to ignore that mixed people are half White for some reason) What would color have to do with enjoying a game like this? Imagine if people playing God of War were like "Gee, I'm enjoying playing as a White person right now". If we want others to relate to things other than skin color, we have to start setting an example as "People of Color" (That term is so stupid btw)

InklingGirl798d ago

I wonder if this comment will get removed like mine? It shouldn't but I'm just curious.

LucasRuinedChildhood798d ago (Edited 798d ago )

"What would color have to do with enjoying a game like this?"

Skin colour matters a lot in the story and setting of Mafia 3. It even affects the gameplay.

The comparison to God Of War doesn't make sense.

I'm Irish (as in, a person born in Ireland), and I'd probably enjoy a game where you can fight in the Irish War of Independence ... a bit more than the average Brit. lol. Who cares? If a British person "Imagine if ...", I'd just laugh.

LucasRuinedChildhood798d ago (Edited 798d ago )

*said "Imagine if ..."

Also, it is cool when you play an Irish character in a game who doesn't put on a leprechaun accent like Tom Cruise did. "Shannon! Tell me you like my hat!" https://youtu.be/eKrEVWGTuR...

Terry_B799d ago

nah..its mediocre and repetitive.

Demetrius799d ago (Edited 799d ago )

I played it once and it was very frustrating compared to mafia 2 I like to enjoy games not get raged all up 😂😂

XbladeTeddy798d ago

It was repetitive and boring. Not a good game at all.

Yi-Long799d ago

The game looked interesting, and from the trailers it seemed it had a great soundtrack, but the buggy release (AI) and disappointing reviews made me pass on it. No idea if they ever fixed its shortcomings post-launch.

XbladeTeddy798d ago

They could only polish a turd so much. Wasn't good at release and isn't good now.

MadLad799d ago

Weakest game in the series.

AuraAbjure798d ago

People said that about Wolfenstein:Youngblood. I played youngblood and it is a masterpiece and so awesome and entertaining and badass, with ray tracing too. Is Mafia 3 a great game on its own merit? I understand compared to the other Mafias, you feel it's weak.

MadLad796d ago

I respectfully disagree.

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GTA V, Mafia, and Red Dead Redemption 2 VR mods are dead – and Take 2 Interactive killed them

From VG247: "If you’ve been enjoying either Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA V, or Mafia: The Definitive Edition in VR thanks to some handy fan-made mods, we’ve got some bad news. Thanks to a DMCA claim by Take Two Interactive - the parent company of Rockstar Games and 2K - has led development on the most popular VR mods to grind to a halt.

This news comes via Luke Ross - the sole creator of a variety of VR mods for the aforementioned games - who released a lengthy post to his supporters. In it, he claims to have received a DMCA request from Take Two Interactive for his projects and that the company requested that he “remove all their copyrighted works from [his] Patreon page”. This was confirmed by Kotaku who reached out to Patreon directly."

Orbilator801d ago

Get the mods on a torrent site and tell the world were they are.

Duke19801d ago

I mean, if he was modding a game that someone else built, and charging for it on patreon - this seems pretty cut and dry for a DMCA.

If he was not profiting from it in any way though, would be nice to let companies let this shit slide more often


Top 10 Mafia 3 Characters

KeenGamer: "Mafia 3 has a huge cast of characters - good, bad, and both - but these 10 characters were the ones who stood out the most. With Mafia 3 set in the 1960's, these characters are influenced by the ever-changing times and the people surrounding them."

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