
Will Kingdom Hearts III be a PS4 Exclusive?

So the other day Kingdom Hearts III's Japanese Xbox One page just disappeared. There was no announcement or any update explaining the disappearance, it was just gone. This has made many people wonder, will this game be a PS4 exclusive?

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bouzebbal2944d ago

I think most jrpg from now on will be on nx as well..

cleft52944d ago

In Japan it may end up being an exclusive because Microsoft just doesnt have a foothold there. However, in the West it will be on the Microsoft console and PS4. I am more curious if Kingdom Hearts 3 will come to PC with this new Xbox One and Windows 10 initiative that Microsoft is doing. Then there is the possibility of the NX, albeit a small one with all of the unknowns.

Aloy-Boyfriend2946d ago (Edited 2946d ago )

Xbox One is a lost cause in Japan. I can see why Squenix would not want to spend money in that.

Now if it was exclusive worldwide, that'd be pretty shocking. KH has been pretty much a PlayStation series anyways, but Squenix promised a Xbox port with the very first trailer. And considering they have been supporting Xbox since FF XIII, cancelling the Xbox one version would be pretty bad rep for them

Mikefizzled2944d ago

FFXIII was announced as PS3 exclusive too. Xbox version announced fairly late through the development at E3 2008. It's not impossible that Versus XIII was considered for Xbox but given the almost vaporwave status of the title, was never actually announced.

JEECE2944d ago

But you have to wonder if it even makes sense. Japanese games don't sell on Xbox, with the exception of a few franchises like Resident Evil. Even MGSV sold horribly on Xbox One, and it's a pretty Western friendly game.

Mikefizzled2944d ago

To be fair, Metal Gear had barely appeared on Xbox besides a HD collection that Konami infamously kicked out the door and left for dead and the Rising spin off game. I'm surprised that it sold as much as it did. 72% on PS4 and 22% on Xbox One.

Reibooi2944d ago

I don't really think it is going exclusive worldwide. I think it's just obvious to SE that it may be a waste of time and resources to do a Japanese Xbox version when it's basically not going to sell.

It's likely still headed to Xbox in the west and it might be worth that here. That said SE makes really dumb decisions all that time and could care less about how it makes them appear. So if it was indeed becoming a PS4 exclusive I don't think SE would really understand that it would make them look bad after promising a Xbox version.

But really with all that said this game is really far away. So speculation at this point is somewhat moot cause SE isn't gonna say much and we have quite away until we see the game itself anyway.

Mikefizzled2944d ago

Exactly. An AAA game skipping Xbox in Japan is nothing new this generation. Warner Bros are often skipping XBO in Japan and I think Destiny skipped Xbox in Japan altogether.

Sonyslave32945d ago

Only in japan move along nothing to see here.

BazingaReturns2944d ago ShowReplies(2)
ninsigma2944d ago

More than likely in Japan it will be. Can't see them pulling the game from xbox entirely though.

BazingaReturns2944d ago (Edited 2944d ago )

KH has no history on xbox. No point in releasing.

Kaneki-Ken2944d ago

Instead on the Xbone, put it on the NX since Nintendo have a history with KH spin off or just keep it PlayStation exclusive.

ninsigma2944d ago (Edited 2944d ago )

Well yeah I agree in that sense. I baffled me that they're release on xbox at all and even the remasters are PS exclusive.

So what's with the stealth edit just to be rude?? Hmmmmm

Edit 2:
Another edit! Your making me look crazy lol

_-EDMIX-_2944d ago

Mass Effect had no history on Playstation yet the games did quite fine , I'm sorry but I've yet to really see a series having a history on a particular platform as justification for it not existing elsewhere, we've seen many intellectual properties do well on many Platforms in which the platform itself had no history of the series prior to.

Tekken Final Fantasy Grand Theft Auto Metal Gear Solid just to name a few..

I agree with that statement only in regards to Japan but not in regards to Xbox in general.

jcole972944d ago

I think you just don't want it on xbox for fanboy purposes, judging by your comments.

nix2944d ago


PS gamers historically buy variety of games probably that was the reason it sold well on PS.

ShaunCameron2942d ago

@ Kaneki-Ken

But all of the KH games Nintendo received were for their handhelds.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2942d ago
Elda2944d ago

One never knows,do one.

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Kingdom Hearts 3 Prototype Confirms Square's Early Plans For Cars World & Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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Kingdom Hearts 3 finally gets Steam Deck Verified after missing out at launch

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Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece Review [Capsule Computers]

Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:

"When it comes to the Kingdom Hearts franchise, fans have had a variety of ways to play it throughout its incredibly long length. They could have followed it from 2002’s original release and subsequent questionably canon releases on handheld devices only to return to the core game again with Kingdom Hearts II to find out that yes, they were canon. Then in that wait until the third game the mixture of titles along the way and other numerous platforms would make following Kingdom Hearts‘ story a challenge even for the most eager fan. Square Enix made up for this prior to Kingdom Hearts III’s release by bringing together an HD pack collecting the game’s together in an easier to digest package for fans and releasing them on consoles only for PC fans to be left in the dark. That is of course until all of the games arrived on PC, but not in a way that many had hoped. See, PC users can be a fickle bunch and when the Kingdom Hearts collection arrived on PC exclusively through Epic Games, it may as well not exist. Now, three years after the fact, these same PC players can now enjoy the exact same games on Steam with a bit of extra support including Steam Deck compatibility with Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece. The question is, do all of these games still hold up on their Steam PC ports?"

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Inverno87d ago

Far from a 9, Square have left these games a janky mess since their epic release. Even now they have not said anything about fixing some of the problems that many steam reviews mention. You gotta download the re:fined mod to fix what square refuses to do.