
Final Fantasy 15 looks amazing on PS4, but there's a small resolution price to pay

From PlayStation Universe: "Hajime Tabata, director on Final Fantasy 15, has revealed a few new details on the hotly anticipated JRPG’s technical performance on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One during the latest Active Time Report broadcast."

trywizardo2848d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

As I always say on games wither this problem on X1 or PS4,if the FPS is stable then the resolution doesn't matter,if the game looks and runs smoothly then its great.

meka26112847d ago

Feel the same. Tired of everyone bitching about resolution. Especially the ones that complain about 900 vs 1080

Eiyuuou2847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

Indeed, though 720 vs 1080 is noticable though.

But I could care less, as long as the FPS is stable.

Bansai2847d ago

all of a sudden framerate matters, sure.

Omnislashver362847d ago

With how bad the aliasing can be with FFXV I think resolution does matter. I'm hoping it gets an upgrade with Neo/Scorpio. 60fps + some good AA would go a long way with this title.

andrewsquall2847d ago

Then get ready to bitch about this game when it underperforms in FPS ON TOP of the pathetic resolution issues.

andrewsquall2847d ago

@Bansai I think its more hilarious that "all of a sudden", for some people here, this game has fallen into the category of "as long as the FPS is stable then......." hahaha sorry I couldn't finish.
Why have some people decided to dub this game as the spokesperson for rock solid targeted FPS when it has proven with 2 demos to utterly fail at this???

freshslicepizza2847d ago

i could see ps4 neo doing very well and scorpio. peoiple want the extra power.

Kingthrash3602847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

For the record, when it comes to resolution between the xbox one and ps4....especially in the beginning was tge xbo costed more than the ps4 but had a gap in performance and resolution. resolution itself wasn't the problem...it was the fact that an under powered machine costed more than the more powerful one....even when they costed the same it wasn't a good thing.

A game dosent have to be 1080p to be good...is it preferred yes but 60fps>1080, 720, 4k all day every day

fr0sty2847d ago

900 vs. 1080 is indeed noticeable, especially on larger TVs. It isn't just 180 extra pixels.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2847d ago
Gaming_Cousin2847d ago

Lol @ the people saying resolution doesn't matter.

"if the FPS is table then the resolution doesn't matter"

Yeah what's the point of buying an HDTV or 4KTV? Let's just stick to 480i TVs because framerate /s

Eldyraen2847d ago

Yes it matters but it is secondary. There are many more important things when it comes to a great visual/gameplay experience.

EmperorDalek2847d ago

Now that's just ridiculous. 480p would make the game blurry, and precision in say shooters would be difficult. Could you imagine playing BF4 in 480p? Wouldn't work.
That's not an issue in 720p, as showcased by the many shooters on PS3/360. The difference between 900p and 1080p is barely noticeable, so that's why it's annoying when resolution becomes a debate.

Like people have pointed out before, if X1 was 720p, and PS4 was something like 721p, Ps4 fans would still find that worth bragging about. That's why I don't think many people really care about resolution, they just like bragging about it when it's in their favour.

Eiyuuou2847d ago

Oh it's very simple.

"Preference", sounds familiar?

Why do you get you panties in a twist just because we prefer a stable FPS over the highest resolution?

GameNameFame2847d ago


900P to 1080P is about 50 percent in resolution bump. It is definitely noticeable bump. Game is 100% still playable on both versions, but people want crisper image qualities.

Problem is xbox fanboys like you downplay resolution of 50 percent difference as if they are nothing. At the same time, Scorpio and Neo will have same resolution difference. Now xbox fanboys will suddenly talk about resolution difference.

Dspdspes2847d ago

The question you should ask is: whats the point of buying a 4ktv if the current hardware cant take advantage of it?

2847d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2847d ago
Rumor2847d ago

No wonder I've stopped engaging on this site. Whenever I see this happen to Xbox it's the end of the world now frame rate matters all of a sudden?

I'm a Sony fan, always have been. All I own is a ps4... Ive been a member of N4G since the start of the ps3 gen. But what I'm trying to say is, the sheer biased fanboyism is so sickening here. There's a constant flip flopping of ideas, hypocrisy, and this idea of "if Sony does it I have to defend it mindstate" here. My goodness. It's especially evident in the ps plus articles.

I've seen xbone get bashed to hell for running games at 900p and having $60 membership fees. But all's right and "framerate is stable enough" or "it's only $10 a year" comments start to arise. Come on N4G..

Eiyuuou2847d ago

Instead of getting all emotional, you should take a step back and think.

You're just generalising every user on this site, and when there's someone whose opinion doesn't correspond with the mass' opinion you call it "flip flopping"?

C'mon man, different people, different opinions.

If you're gonna claim such thing, at least bring proof to back it up.

Servbot412847d ago

Framerate always mattered. It's just that PS4 has almost always had a better framerate AND resolution compared to the Xbox One.

candystop2847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

Yeah I wouldn't take it personal! There's a bigger user base on Playstation which makes them the majority on this site and others. Had the mods not completely banned almost all Xbox fan boys we would be seeing bigger more balanced brawls but e dont want that. Every side has there point but it's MS who put themselves in a bad spot this generation. Luckily things seem to some what be turning around but I would like to see MS listen more to fans and hire back key players that once had a vision for Xbox . One thing to remember is that many younger people and grown jerks frequent this site and blind out the true mature comments written everyday. Just enjoy the news and have fun with it. Never take this site to serious. Not every Sony gamer is an extreme fan boy and same goes for X1.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2847d ago
boomtube19872847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

and many future games from fall 2017 onwards..... PS4 Neo 900p 60fps & 1080p 60fps Xbox Scorpio.

A Playstation god who goes by the name Yoshida once said...The higher the resolution and frame rate the better the game and gamers can become. Yes, resolution and framerate does matter. FLIP FLOPPPP!

Sephiroushin2847d ago

Are you sure? Because they hardly target 60fps, I mean many developers will just rather try to max the graphic department and make them run at 30fps at best (I mean when it comes to consoles they would rather make a good looking game that run like crap instead of giving up some graphics and making them run 60+ fps, so they would rather try to max texture, shadows this and that on the system or make them 4k ~25fps than 2k 60fps) its usually the only thing I dislike about consoles and its almost why I lately play more on PC.

boomtube19872847d ago

@Sephiroushin I was referring to NEO and Scorpio

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2847d ago
feraldrgn2847d ago

Essentially, both platforms have to have compromises to run & the Xbox has to run at 765p - 900p, but that's unimportant information right?

TheCommentator2847d ago

It will run upscaled 4K on XB1S and native 4K on Scorpio though, but that's unimportant information too, right?

TheCommentator2847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

Yeah, native. MS said dynamically scaled games will be native 4K on Scorpio.

Edit: I guess I was wrong, I just looked it up again and it will only make the games run at 1080p locked. A patch is still needed for a 4K frame buffer and would depend on the devloper to patch it. Sorry about that, guys.

BlacKJesu52847d ago

It'll be a an ugly image upscaled my man

Kryptix2847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

Commentator...it doesn't work like that. lol


"When that same game’s running on Scorpio, because of the compute capability, it’s effectively is going to run at its max resolution the whole time. And so you will see advantages like that when your Xbox One games are running on Scorpio. So that’s why we continue to talk to developers about dynamic scaling because I think as compute capability goes up on the hardware, they kind of get it for free. Now, it’s not going to make Halo 5 run with 4K pixels. The frame buffer is not a 4K frame buffer for the game. But it will run more solidly. And certain developers might go back and decide if they’ve built a 4K version for PC already for some of their games, they might go back and decide to enable a 4K version for the Scorpio Xbox when it launches.” - Phil

Read it? It's not going to make Halo 5 run with 4k pixels. The game would already need to have 4k pixels to run in true native 4k. All the old games will need to be reworked.

These people praise Phil Spencer and they don't even closely read what he says. lol

Final Fantasy 15 has no PC version so there is no 4k version built unless the developers re-release the game for Scorpio with 4k pixels included or patch it in. Highly doubt that will happen if it's just for Scorpio alone. Knowing Square Enix.

EDIT: Disagree to facts, blind fanboys. ;)


I posted my comment 10min before you posted your apology. Not gonna say sorry due to that fact, but it's nice that you apologized though. It's rare that someone comes back to correct their mistake, respect for that. Just don't rush out comments next time if you're not so sure what's true or not. If we had that in the comments more, things would be nicer. I research before posting anything, thus, Phil's quote to back it up.

TheGamingArt2847d ago

You clearly don't know the difference between scaling and native. Sampling pixels != native rendering resolution lol.

feraldrgn2847d ago

It's on the Xbox One, but moving goalposts is fun right?
I'm sure Xbox owners will be happy to fork out extra money on top of the game to get it running at a reasonable performance (why not just go the PC route at that point?)

Roronoa04112847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

XB1S will upscale to 4K lol... No it doesn't if you have a 4K tv most of them have that technology built in already which mean any console benefits from a 4K tv. It has a 4K blueray and streaming for media not games

TheCommentator2847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

It's amazing how many of you are attacking me for being wrong, but don't realize I knew that hours ago when I looked it up again. Like you Kryptix, you know that if you'd read more than just my original post, you'd have known about my reading comprehension skills and see the apology? It was nice of you to offer up the information though, so thank you. I'd read about it just a few minutes before you posted, and no, I don't remember everything perfectly, sorry.

TheColbertinator2847d ago


Thank you for accepting that sometimes we get the wrong idea. Nobody is perfect and that wont change but I certainly appreciate that you owed up to it.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2847d ago
XanderZane2847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

I'll probably wait to get this game. There is so many other games I want before this that I probably won't get it until next year. I could care less about the resolution as long as the game runs smoothly and doesn't crash.

Rodney252847d ago

Why would you want your games to crash? You're an awful person. :D

Yui_Suzumiya2847d ago

I was waiting for someone to catch that after noticing it earlier, loool

XanderZane2847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

Mistyped. lol!! I think you knew that though. It's fixed.

Mystogan2847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

Can't wait to play this on Scorpio.

edit: Lol whats with the downvotes. I cant wait to play it on Scorpio because it will probably look even better than the Xbox One version. Of course I'm not going to wait a year to play it. But ill probably replay it on Scorpio just to see the difference.

Nara_shikamaru2847d ago

If you think so then you live inside a rock, much less under it

ninsigma2847d ago

Well you'll have to wait....like a year xD

IIFloodyII2847d ago

Is there even any guarantee it'll get a Scorpio upgrade? I'd be shocked if Xbox even makes up 15% of it's sales, I doubt they'll be in much of a rush to pump more money into developing and optimizing the game for Scorpio.

Rodney252847d ago

Who cares, as long as it doesn't look like my screen was whiped with Vaseline and doesn't run like a slideshow I'm fine.

wonderfulmonkeyman2847d ago

Aww, and I was so sure you were the type that liked 'em slick yet stuttery.XD

Rodney252847d ago

No, that's only on the weekends, but I can't talk about that here.

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gold_drake62d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies61d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix61d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion61d ago (Edited 61d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled61d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


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Knightofelemia193d ago

FF15 is like FF13 its subjective people either like it or hate it.

raWfodog193d ago

I liked it. I haven’t played the royale edition yet but I’ll get around to it one day.

gold_drake193d ago

no no, 15 wasnt trash.

15 had a tremendous difficult development.

FinalFantasyFanatic192d ago

I really believe 13 was better put together and more complete than 15 ever was.

EternalTitan193d ago

Found the pathetic troll.
How is your jobless life going?
Dot worry, you will never get a job or a girlfriend haha!

Hofstaderman193d ago

Man inherited a train wreck and was expected to release this game in under two years after it spent a better part of a decade in development hell. At one point there was even plans to make FFXIII Versus a musical. He did what he could.

TheColbertinator193d ago

I didn't care much for XV and I always wanted the original vision of Versus XIII but I think the dev team did what they could to salvage the project

Inverno193d ago

And yet people still blame him for the game turning out the way it did, rather than SE for the horrible mismanagement of 13 and Namura for being overly ambitious.

Dwarrior193d ago

Whatever the behind-the-scenes went on over the many years, at the end of the day it was a radical change in direction that I could not go along with. Also why I never bought 16.

gold_drake193d ago

this is also why Sakaguchi (spelling) left.