
Five 2016 horror games you can play right now

"An enhanced version of Capcom’s 2002 game Resident Evil Zero saw release in early 2016 and is available for current gen consoles."


Resident Evil Zero & Code Veronica Remake Will Reportedly Not Be As “Ambitious” As RE4 Remake

The Resident Evil Zero and Resident Evil Code Veronica remakes will reportedly not be as "ambitious" as Resident Evil 4 Remake.

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jambola9d ago

RE4 was the least fucking ambitious what??

Vits9d ago

Maybe they are talking about lenght? Because RE4 Remake is definitely larger than the first two modern remakes.

Furesis8d ago

oh no, not another RE3 Remake

jambola8d ago

I really really hope they don't think it's "ambitous" to actually make the game a full game

lucasnooker7d ago

Understandable to me. RE4 is one of their most important title's compared to these. People like to complain about anything. Be happy RE4 turned out as good as it did…

jeromeface7d ago

Sorry but these titles walked so RE4 could run. Bottom line is they are longer games and capcom doesn't wanna set the expectations high. Which is disappointing.

Puty7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Interesting. I would imagine it actually requires a lot more of work in terms of rewriting the story.

While I hated how they destroyed Nemesis in the RE3 remake, CV could really benefit from a major story overhaul. From the super corny opening action pumped sequence of Claire running from bullets to Jar Jar Binks level of writing of Steve character.

Redgrave6d ago

Steve is in dire need of remake redemption treatment. It worked for Carlos and Ashley, and made Luis better too.

VersusDMC7d ago

It's either like RE2 remake or they are keeping the static camera and redoing it in RE engine.

I think it will be like RE 2 remake and the not ambitious part is not making big set pieces or making it open with side quests like RE4 and Village.

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Resident Evil 1996 - 2023 - A Look at some Resident Evil games and how the visuals improved

CG writes: In this video we take a look at the original 1996 release of Capcom’s Resident Evil on the PSOne, then go through most of the more popular games in the long-running series. You can see the full list below in chronological order of release (or thereabouts). Sure, there are some notable omissions such as Resident Evil Chronicles and Resident Evil Outbreak 1 & 2 etc. but the video does a great job of highlighting how the game’s visuals progressed over 25 years. The last game in the video showcases the Resident Evil 4 remake which released earlier this year.

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bunt-custardly359d ago (Edited 359d ago )

Quite amazing how in late 90s those pre-rendered static backgrounds were like the bees knees. I am wondering what a game would look like today if it used the same pre-rendered backgrounds. Are we looking at photo-realistic environments or is there no need when you have games like UNRECORD using UE5?

Spenok359d ago

I would say no need when you consider games like Unrecord.

ApocalypseShadow359d ago

Not just the visuals. But the immersion since 3 of them are in VR

anast358d ago

I can't wait to rent these on my iphone...

aaronlif109d ago

Id also really love to see a VR update to Resident Evil 2.


Resident Evil Games That Still Deserve A Remake More Than RE4

There are plenty of Resident Evil games ripe with remake potential that Capcom is seemingly leaving on the table by choosing to focus on RE4.

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CrimsonWing69729d ago (Edited 729d ago )

I will never understand why Code Veronica has not received a Remake (Darkside Chronicles doesn’t count). Hot take here, but it’s my favorite of the games. First game where Wesker became a bamf and I always liked the music and enemy/boss variety.

InklingGirl729d ago

Code Veronica deserved to be next in line for a remake, why people still after all these years and different platforms feel they need a RE4 remake is beyond me.

Shinox729d ago

its not the people, its Capcom's greedy ass that have no appreciation for their past or their classics
the demand was high for CVX Remake even Capcom knows it

Army_of_Darkness728d ago (Edited 728d ago )

It's all about the sales and popularity bro! That's what Capcom and any other company for that matter, is going by for potential remakes.

I'd love a shadows of the damned remake, but that's never gonna happen.

Stonilein729d ago

this game is hard as hell but i love it

729d ago Replies(1)
TheColbertinator729d ago

Code Veronica would bring in some serious cash for Capcom.

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