
Watch Dogs 2 Needed a New Protagonist for the Good of the Series

Watch Dogs 2 gets rid of its old protagonists in favor of some new blood. Some may not like it, but it's what the series needed.

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wonderfulmonkeyman2932d ago

It's true that Aiden wasn't the best protag, but whether or not this new guy will be any better, in the long run, remains to be seen.
I'm reserving judgement.

Kombatologist2932d ago

I liked Aiden, but his story ran its course and the series was left open for new horizons. I'm glad the series is trying to explore new areas and people. It's really no different than GTA in that sense. In contrast to the first game, WD2 definitely has a different vibe to it, but I'm willing to look past that.

OoglyBoogly2932d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

Did it need someone new? Yes. Is who we got it? Not in my book. And no, it's not because he's black, it's because he and his crew don't fit the feel of the series in my eyes. It's all hipsterish now with "yo's" and doesn't take itself seriously in any respect that I can see.

So while the graphics look great, game play looks great, the over all FEEL of the game is just simply not in my zip code of giving a shit.

Yi-Long2932d ago

Don't you think the story will see us see the protaganist develop from hipster-youth into someone more mature!?

Ezio in Assassin's Creed 2 also developed as a character throughout the game(s).

Personally I'm glad they've gone for someone less dark and sombre and moody, at least at the start of the game. It just feels a bit fresher. Aiden always looked like a boring lead-character (kinda like Altair in the fist AC), but hopefully this new guy at least has an original and interesting personality.

GigawattConduit2932d ago

He seems to be having a lot more fun with his stuff than Aiden did, and the fact that he's a music geek and plays tunes during his missions feels like a neat touch.

iceman062931d ago

This! Aiden was the complete brooding, macabre, somber trope of a character. There was very little that separated him from all of the others that we've played. While that alone wasn't horrible, he just lacked any profundity whatsoever. Marcus is definitely skewed younger. He seems to take himself a bit less seriously (probably ALSO because he's younger). Maybe this is the beginning of his journey into becoming a more thoughtful man. Maybe something happens along the way to make him change. Or, perhaps he will be the opposite of Aiden in every aspect except character depth. It's way to early, at least for me, to decide.

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isarai163d ago

Dude I was absolutely loving that game till the aimless backtracking started becoming the norm and I quit 😅

badboyz09162d ago

lol I beat it 4 months ago I loved it. Old school vibes what gaming is missing.

Rebel_Scum163d ago

Honestly anyone who hasnt played this by 2024 should get on it.

isarai163d ago

A man who never eats pork buns is never a whole man!

Ninver163d ago (Edited 163d ago )

Absolutely. It's a breath of fresh air. I played it so many times.

REDGUM163d ago (Edited 163d ago )

I think Cyberpunk is close in gameplay. Sure it's a futuristic setting but I find alot of similarities with the two games.


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