
Crash Bandicoot Returns to PS4 With Three Remasters

During Sony Interactive Entertainment’s E3 press briefing, the house of PlayStation the return of Crash Bandicoot in three remasters for PS4.

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Community2965d ago
Gazondaily2965d ago

This was a slap in the face moment. Pure evil...

naruga2965d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

who has the damn rights ? are they at least exclusives to PS4 and developed by Sony?...are they HD versions of PS1games? ..or completely remastered with new graphics engine? Is Activision a But whole fractured company ?? who the f..gonna answer me? whoo ..WHOOOOOO? :P

Letthewookiewin2965d ago (Edited 2965d ago )

Naruga they are being completely rebuilt, ala Rachet&Clank

nowitzki20042965d ago

What? Explain this please lol.

Eidolon2965d ago

Remaster != Remake/reboot. Ratchet&Clank PS4 was not a remaster. They called these Crash games remasters.

DarkZane2965d ago

They said remastered from the ground up for PS4. There is no way they're just normal remasters, since 2 of those games were originally PS1 games and believe me, they have not aged well and a simple remaster won't suffice.

NatureOfLogic_2965d ago

I believe they're saving a new Crash for PSX. It would make more sense. This is just a temp tease imo.

King_Lothric2965d ago

I have noticed you are on every PlayStation article commenting very negatively. Why waste your time on PlayStation articles if you hate it?

Gazondaily2965d ago (Edited 2965d ago )


Calm down? Did anyone else notice how NO ONE critiqued me for my article criticising the Xbox conference but in the 3 or so comments I've made re: PS I've already had someone go on the attack against me in a few minutes?

Pathetic really.

I don't have to share your opinion mate.
I just expected a new crash to be announced the way he came out on stage to crash music but he just announced remasters...it was such a tease. That's all.

morganfell2965d ago (Edited 2965d ago )

Then ask Xbox fans to critique you. You're here making comments about a console and company for which you have a long demonstrated history of bias against. If you haven't divined the truth, you are unwelcome in such threads. This is one of those. You want to express your opinion and then when people tell you what they think of you, then you have issues. It is known as being able to dish it out but not take it. If you possessed a modicum of reasoning you would know how you are received in such threads and you would just avoid them.

You should probably run along to some more PS threads and attempt (and fail) to do damage control. Sony owned this E3 easily.

Outside_ofthe_Box2964d ago

Why would they "attack" their own ally lol?

If you "criticized" anything Xbox as much as you do anything PS related they'd "attack" you too.

Notice that what King_Lothric is taking issue with: "I have noticed you are on every PlayStation article commenting very negatively."
He's not taking issue with your stance on Crash, at least not based off this comment.

DashArrivals2964d ago

HEY. No it was NOT. It's to test the waters. You really want a Crash game... then show us. Show us and we'll make it happen. Support this remaster from the ground up and if successful, they'll get a new one made. Mark my words.

Deadpooled2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

The pain of the slap of Crash being in Skylanders imo was reduced a lot by the trilogy HD remaster which got one of the biggest cheers of the conference.


Exactly, only chance of a new Crash is if this awesome trilogy is supported like the Ratchet and Clank reboot.

AnubisG2964d ago

How was this a slap in the face? Explain that to me! I think it is the best thing that happened at E3 as a huge Crash Bandicoot fan. This is clearly being made to gauge intrest in Crash Bandicoot so everyone better buy it so we can have a full fledged squel. I personally almost cried but than was really sad that they didn't show any gameplay of the trilogy.

Errorist762964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )


He's just very 'septic'. No life I guess.

Crash's gameplay formula is so outdated there simply isn't a way to make a modern Crash game without disregarding his roots.

mark_parch2964d ago

@ Septic

you've been on here long enough to know its 80% sony faithful. so even a little negativity towards ps4 you're gonna get some stick lol. actually come to think of it any positive xbox talk your gonna get some stick

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2964d ago
Shubhendu_Singh2965d ago

Was hoping for a new game...I guess it was not feasible.
Well atleast we have three new remasters, that's something.

Genuine-User2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

If someone has the will to scroll through my comments history, this is exactly what I had hoped for.

Crash Bandicoot trilogy remastered for current-gen.

showtimefolks2965d ago

these will be exclusive to ps4(sony funding them)

Doabarrelroll2965d ago

Where does it say that I wanna know too if it's exclusive

magiciandude2965d ago

Man how disappointing. I was hoping for a WHOLE NEW GAME but instead we got more remasters and, yeah, Skylanders...

Well played.

ravens522964d ago

Crash 1,2 and Warped remade for the ps4 from the ground up. Meaning new everything. Not a remaster.

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Aloy-Boyfriend2965d ago (Edited 2965d ago )

I didn't ask for this

Remasteres and Skylanders :(

-Foxtrot2965d ago

I'm curling up in my chair

This is not what we wanted

Remasters yes but they still have the rights


naruga2965d ago (Edited 2965d ago )

exactly ....this is ridiculous ...Crash must return to Sony end of story...Remasters probably will be multiplatform

Nitrowolf22965d ago

must be testing the waters tbh

-Foxtrot2965d ago


Testing the waters...yeah so they can channel the hype into their own shitty Skylanders and non Skylanders Crash games

The remasters will most likely go multiplatform aswell

Channelling my Adam Jenson

"I didn't ask for this"

SegaGamer2965d ago

I agree. It's great we are getting remastered games of Crash Bandicoot........but the Skylanders stuff was a bit of a kick in the teeth. You could hear a few unhappy people in the audience when that was announced.

Gazondaily2965d ago

Haha I actually thought of you as the segment ended. Foxtrot aint gonna like this....

Movefasta19932964d ago

crash's character model looks horrible, imagine ratchet's engine on crash.Activision just can't let it go

Deadpooled2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

Hopefully the remaster looks great (Crash warped 3 model on all three games) and gets supported by us gamers. The remaster was at least the minimum I wanted if Crash was going to the prison of Skylanders and now it's going to happen.

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Letthewookiewin2965d ago

It's not a remaster. They are all being rebuilt from the ground up.

Sweendog0072965d ago

It's a remaster , ign are reporting it as a remaster and out on both PlayStation and Xbox

Letthewookiewin2965d ago

Lol Xbox isn't getting any of them. Learn to comprehend. I watched the Conference Layden said rebuilt from the ground up.

garrettbobbyferguson2964d ago


Wait, both Playstation and Xbox? Why? Crash 1-3 are Playstation games.

PhucSeeker2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

@garrettbobbyferguson So ? MGS 3/PW was both PS games and was both remastered for x360. Activision get all the say here as they own the IP.

Errorist762964d ago

It's a remaster not a remake.

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Silly gameAr2965d ago

Yeah, it was a bs moment for me too. All of that hype building up to this? Hopefully Crash gets the R&C treatment at least.

garrettbobbyferguson2964d ago

I'm glad that there is at least a remaster of Crash, instead of nothing. But the snarky side of me laughs at you for being so damn sure that there was going to be a new Crash game.

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Vegamyster2965d ago (Edited 2965d ago )

I loved those games although i was hoping for a new game.

2965d ago
pompombrum2965d ago

I imagine the remasters are designed to gauge interest, if they sell well, they'll obviously make a new game, it's Activision, they love money.

ninsigma2965d ago

I think that as well.
OR they're waiting until PSX to reveal a brand new game.

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‘People laughed at it’: the unlikely story behind the music of Crash Bandicoot

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Community195d ago

Brendan O’Brien, Original Voice Behind Crash Bandicoot, Dies at 60

Brendan O’Brien, the voice actor behind the original Crash Bandicoot and several other characters featured in the classic Naughty Dog trilogy of games on PlayStation, died on March 23.

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Community435d ago

1996 Voted as ‘Best Year in Gaming’ by UK Public

Have you ever wondered what the best year in gaming was? Well wonder no more! The British public have had their say, and voted for 1996.

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Community680d ago
Limitedtimestruggle680d ago

I have some many fond memories as a 10 year old gamer from back then! The best of times!

Dfooster680d ago

Yeah that is a good choice. Great times

Snakeeater25680d ago

Lol Nintendo 64 … talk about a shitty year for gaming

Old McGroin680d ago

The N64 was amazing at the time, how old are you, 12?

CobraKai680d ago

Mario 64, Mario Kart, WaveRace. They’re prolly too young to appreciate em. My kids love the N64.

Terry_B680d ago

No..1996 was not a good start for the N64. The system had a lousy start in comparison to the SNES, Playstation and probably even the Sega Saturn.

CobraKai680d ago

So…. Nevermind the first time Resident Evil or Tomb Raider was released, a damn near arcade perfect port of Tekken 2, Quake, Wipeout, Crash Bandicoot, Super Mario RPG, Nights, Panzer Dragoon Zwei? It’s shitty cuz the old N64 is it?

BrainSyphoned680d ago (Edited 680d ago )

More of a 97 person myself.
FF7, Symphony of the Night, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, Dynasty Warriors, Diablo, Fallout, Tomb Raider 2, Mega Man Legends, GoldenEye, Turok, Wing Commander Prophecy, Star Fox 64, Einhander, Tobal 2, Bushido Blade, Colony Wars, Ultima Online. Was a great year to start working at Funcoland.

680d ago Replies(1)
After10Ben680d ago

You beat me to it. I loved both years, but 97 was one of my favorite years ever.

Marcello680d ago

2013 was a good year too. Dead Space 3, The Last of Us, GTA5, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Tomb Raider reboot, Bioshock Infinite, Batman: Arkham Origins, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Grid 2 & more.

Limitedtimestruggle679d ago

Dead Space 3? That game only deserves to be on rock-bottom lists. In my honest opinion.

Marcello679d ago

Its is very Marmite that game but to me it was only that love story nonsense that was bad, really bad.

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