
AMD Radeon RX480 officially announced, will be priced at $199, shows Crossfire surpassing GTX 1080

DSOGaming writes: "AMD’s senior vice president and chief architect, Raja Koduri, has officially announced the Radeon RX480. The AMD Radeon RX480 will be priced at $199, will sport almost 5TFLOPS, features 36 CUs, offers 256GB/sec memory bandwidth, will come in two models (4GB and 8GB) and will be at 150W TDP."

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crazychris41242978d ago

Expect modified versions of this GPU in the upgraded consoles. I'm sure it's less than $100 per card for Sony and Microsoft, add in a Zen APU and the new consoles will be much more powerful but affordable, I would guess around $500.

FlameBaitGod2978d ago

Zen is still months off release so I doubt they'll have zen cpu's.

crazychris41242977d ago

Sorry I meant their Bristol Ridge APU

dcbronco2977d ago

It wouldn't be the first time something came out on a console first. Remember the current generation consoles contain Jaguar cores. They hadn't been released yet either.

NewMonday2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

seems like its the same rumored PS4Neo GPU with a higher clock


so about 39% faster

4TFLOPs(PS4Neo) increased by 39%= 5.5TFLOPs(RX480)

Kleptic2976d ago (Edited 2976d ago )

^yeah, I was thinking the same thing...

Eurogamer/DF suggested an apu 'ceiling' for roughly 280x like performance...and AMD was rumored to be putting desktop 280x/7970 like performance into their upcoming apu's...for reference, the desktop 280x is a card from the current PS4's gpu generation, but over twice as powerful...

but CU wise, and gcn update wise, this lines up...the 480 isn't a rebranded tahiti gpu, but seems to target roughly that amount of performance...the 280x's are still ok for most modern games at 1080/60fps on PC, but requires some tweaking to keep frames up there all the time. The clock speed reduction for the 'neo' apu, as well as possible differences with memory configuration due to the Ps4's shared architecture...I think 4.0 to 4.5 TFLOPs in the new PS4's gpu is realistic, right in line with a 280x, and down a bit from the desktop 480's 5.5...

DCBronco: The current PS4 and Xbox One SoC's are semi-custom...When announced, they were the first devices slated to use Jaguar core'd apu's...but by release they were commercially available, at least for desktops (as part of the A4 line, but with far less powerful gpus)...the main thing is that, other than the PS4 and XBO, the jaguar/kabini line was a complete flop...only the cheapest of OEM PC's offered them, and they were side stepped even in notebooks by the updated Kaveri A8's that arrived early the next year...Kabini just didn't have what was needed to run windows all that well...

Just pointing all this out because this is why there are new console updates coming...the jaguar line is empty except for the two consoles...and while the new versions of each will have the same base core structure, the SoC's are getting completely overhauled w/ new die sizes. Had the current Soc's held a better market share in budget computing, Sony and MS may not have been forced into this so quickly...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2976d ago
ShadowKnight2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

@Crazychris $500? Still expensive for a console lol. If you add in Vr that's still around $800 to $1000 dollars. And how much is the 8GB version? The 4G is $200 dollars. AMD is not using GDDR5X memory either? That's interesting. I'll wait for the benchmarks. I know my brother will be excited for this card since he's a AMD fan. I'm more of an intel/Nvidia guy.

@343 What does this have to do with Playstation fans and the Scorpio? Lol this is a PC article about a GPU that's design for PC's. Let's stay on topic.

@Eonjay You still need a good CPU

MrSec842977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

That's not expensive for a console part, if it's $199 at retail, then the cost of the actual GPU chip is about 1/3rd of that, so that AMD can make money on the part.

This means a 6TFlop console right now would only end up costing about the same as the launch PS4 back in 2013. VR is an optional extra, a console with 6 Tflops and way more CPU performance is likely not going to cost more than $399, that's at break even point too.

dcbronco2977d ago

Thank you MrSec. I can't believe so many don't understand simply retail. It's like they believe everything sold cost exactly that much to make. Who do they think makes these things, elves overnight?

BTW, the 8 GB model is $229. Still an easy fit for a console.

Hold_It2977d ago

There's really not that big of difference between GDDR5 and GDDR5X. HBM on the other hand outperforms GDDR5X and GDDR5 which Nvidia isn't using.

Gol3m2977d ago Show
KiwiViper852976d ago Show
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2976d ago
Eonjay2977d ago

Everything seems to match up. The 36 CU AMD card was quoted as being in the Neo and rumored to be in the new Xbox.

Zeldafan642977d ago

No one would get that big of a discount off the retail price.

2pacalypsenow2977d ago

A $500 console is not affordable look what happened to the PS3 when it was $499 and $599

starchild2977d ago

Well, these new consoles would be existing alongside the more affordable PS4 and XB1, and would be targeted at more of a hardcore or enthusiast segment. Such people are normally willing to pay more for better quality.

2977d ago
mike32UK2977d ago

It outsold the XBOX 360 Worldwide every month since it released... What is your point?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2977d ago
Ysmir67232977d ago

Extreme bottleneck with the almighty tablet cpu.If they are 500,expect extremely bad built quality and cheap 3 years old stock parts.

Tsar4ever012977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

According to the CU specs of 36, this RX 480 is the same gpu that's in the Ps4 Neo. Just clocked way higher.

JunMei2977d ago

The consoles you speak of use APUs. They're basically powerful mobile architecture. Nothing like that will be in those consoles. this is a REAL dedicated GPU. There is a mile of differences between dedicated and APU based gpus.

conanlifts2977d ago

I expect this or equivelant in the nx.

NohansenBoy2976d ago

What did you base this information off of?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2976d ago
FlameBaitGod2978d ago

This card is a beast, $200 for an RX 480 and dual for less than $500 bucks and dual RX 480's perform better than a GTX 1080 which cost over $700 + the card was running at 51% capacity, which leaves A LOT of headroom for performance. Glad I saved my money till their presentations, buying dual RX 480's ;)

FlameBaitGod2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

If you browse the web on any PC hardware store you would see a $700 dollar tag.


Theres no $600 dollar version available right now.

2pacalypsenow2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

lol dumb people think the founders edition is the retail price, the 1080's MSRP is $599.

starchild2977d ago


Those are Founder's Edition 1080s. The AIB versions will start at $600.

I'm no fanboy of Nvidia nor AMD, but I do prefer single card solutions over dual card setups. There are simply too many issues and a lack of support in many games using two cards in Crossfire or SLI configuration.

You're going to want the 8gb variant in any case because I've already seen plenty of examples where VRAM usage goes beyond 4gb in some games, especially at higher resolutions or when using DSR or VSR.

So by the time you buy two 8gb RX 480s you're already looking at spending $460. Personally I would rather spend $140 more for the single card solution, which will offer more consistent performance across the full range of games.

iloveallgames2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

By that same logic the RX480 doesn't exist at any price. You can't say "Theres no $600 dollar version available right now." then go on to compare a $700 version of the 1080 with the 480 because by your logic, there's no 480 right now.

And everyone knows performance comes at a price premium. The GTX 1050 or 1060 will likely be the real competitor to the 480 and how will it compare in price. How will AMD's performance products compare in price to nVidia's? You can't build an AMD based computer that can compete with a computer running 2 1080's in sli... or 2 1070's for that matter.

freshslicepizza2977d ago

very misleading, the 1080 is $599

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2977d ago
ShadowKnight2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

How many people uses Crossfire configurations though? I bet the percent is small lol.

@Move It's none of your business ha

Movefasta19932977d ago

WHy do you care?There are people out there that use crossfire,that's all you need to know.

ShadowKnight2977d ago

Yeah but you need two of them to outperform the GTX1080 :/ I want to see the benchmarks to confirm this.

dcbronco2977d ago

But two would still be less than a 1080. So big deal.

2pacalypsenow2977d ago

Not every game supports SLI or Crossfire very well

darthv722977d ago

@2pac, unless you are looking at older Pc games then yeah... not many. Newer games know that multi card setups are becoming more common and are supporting the feature.

Hell I remember the days of 3dfx and their use of SLI to bridge dual Voodoo2's together to increase graphical performance. the good ole days

dcbronco2977d ago

Your attempts to hold technology back will fail 2packs of Chains.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2977d ago
kevnb2977d ago

according to amd benchmarks it does, lets wait and see.

ShadowKnight2977d ago (Edited 2976d ago )

They're going to compare this with a Crossfire configuration lol REALLY. Some gamers don't like to use Crossfire and some of them don't have the right motherboard or power supply or even have the option to do that. So with one card you can't even compare it. Did amd overclock it in Crossfire lol.

ONESHOTV22977d ago

the 480 was on low settings dont get tricked

Volkama2977d ago

It's an impressive card, and a big step up for the mid-range. I'm looking forwards to seeing what AMD have to offer with Vega.

Qdog2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

Pretty cool the performance of the new midrange cards. I'm already at 12+ Teraflops with my R9 295x2 @ 1150/6500 though. Maybe I'll just hold off until Vega hits the shelves.

FlameBaitGod2977d ago


I can see you have a hard time reading, try reading again "Theres no $600 dollar version available right now". I know its hard since you couldn't even write a formal name.

mochachino2977d ago

My question is why reveal a card and only show what it can do at 51%. Why not show that a $200 can compete at a high level.

It's like revealing a sports cars claiming it can do 0-60mph in 4 seconds and only showing it go from 0-20mph

ninsigma2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

"dual RX 480's perform better than a GTX 1080"

4 frames advantage while playing at lower settings.

I don't know why you're comparing the 480 to the 1080 or even the 1070 for that matter. Both of those cards target higher specs than the AMD card and outperform it easily. Comparing the 480 to the 390x or 980 is much more apt.

Right. And why not show 100%??
The demo wasn't impressive so I don't understand how that was beneficial at all for them. I mean seriously, 2 cards to barely beat 1 but having to drop to lower settings than the single card. It doesn't make sense.

FlameBaitGod2977d ago


While running at 51% GPU capacity

Ysmir67232977d ago

450 for me(evga 1080),sold my 980 ti for 600.

dolfa2977d ago

Just so you know crossfire doesn't exactly work 1+1=2 but more like 1+1=1.6 ect I owned in past both AMD and Nvidia cards and my most recent GPU is R9 290 but to be honest i was regreting not buying nvidia, for some reason fathers lower budget nvidia gtx 760 had most of the time the same FPS +/- 5 and in some games ( for example Dying light) worked better while i had many problems/errors due to games that were optimized better for Nvidia. Just sharing my experience. :)

VJGenova2977d ago

Multi-gpu setups are always a crap shoot as far as how each game will respond them. I once had 2 6990s which was essentially quad 6970s. Games like crysis 3 sung whereas others ran like dogshit.

I am a high end gpu enthusiast, so i will be taking a pass on these. Got 2 980tis at the moment, which when sli works, also beat the 1080. Too bad so many games don't support it.

Timesplitter142977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

As the owner of dual GTX 970s, I can say a dual-gpu setup is very often a mistake. Many games or applications don't make good use of it. General rule of thumb is that a similarly-priced single GPU is always a better idea

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2977d ago
TXIDarkAvenger2977d ago

Would recommend to hold off until there are reviews/benchmarks as always.

ShadowKnight2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

Nvidia will counter this with the GTX 1060 ☺

2977d ago
Gasian2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

Hopefully with more competitive pricing. We need competition in the PC space. This is why people root for AMD's success ,because it can force Nvidia to drop prices

Shubhendu_Singh2977d ago

For 200$, this looks absolutely amazing.

This is the Mainstream King Card.

starchild2977d ago

There's no disputing that. It's a pretty exciting card for the mainstream PC gamer.

2977d ago
2977d ago Replies(1)
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that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

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We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

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Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

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Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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