
Resident Evil Zero Is An Underrated Masterpiece

Uncelebrated and under-appreciated as far as the franchise goes, Zero stands as the final chapter in the classic days of Resident Evil, and is a bold and satisfying swansong before the series’ eventual descent into combat-centric, blockbuster-apeing bombast.

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DragonDDark3171d ago

I agree. Its way too underrated.

shodan743171d ago

It's a shame that both the REmake and Zero never quite got the respect they deserved at the time.

Hopefully these new HD versions will help bring them to a whole new generation, as well as giving those who loved them first time round a welcome trip down memory lane!

2pacalypsenow3171d ago

"Hopefully these new HD versions will help bring them to a whole new generation"

Unfortunately this new generation finds the game hard and too challenging based on some reviews.

XisThatKid3171d ago

I thought they were extremely hard to get away from especially when you're burnt out on the franchise and they re-release them on PS3 and 360 at the time that was all the craze RE 0 and 1 after they came out on those consoles. Honestly when it came out on GC back then it was huge. Like I said I was kinda over the series and that's all people wanted to talk about. I don't feel it was under rated at all. Great games IMHO just couldn't deal with it at the time, I was over RE'ed.

Niceman913171d ago

I wouldn't call Resident Evil: Zero a "masterpiece"... I did enjoy it however, but I feel as though it was far weaker and convoluted when compared to the Remake. Saying that, Nemesis is actually my favourite, so who am I to judge!

2pacalypsenow3171d ago

I wish they made a remake for Nemesis

Niceman913171d ago

Me too! If Capcom manage to nail the Resident Evil 2 remake, we'll get the same treatment with Nemesis. Who knows at this point; it could end up being a travesty!

shodan743171d ago

Don't worry - Nemesis is right up there for me too.

The way the creature followed you relentlessly from room to room was just terrifying ("STARS!"), and I loved the way you got to explore a whole host of different environments throughout the whole of Raccoon city: streets, offices, shops, a hospital, a park. It was extremely cool.

2pacalypsenow3171d ago

The music for RE-RE0 was the best too

Artemidorus3171d ago

I enjoyed it on the Gamecube.

zielocz3k3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

I disagree. Its a great game but not a masterpiece. Sure it deserved more sales and recognition but it feels like capcom was forced to make this game because they had contract with nintendo. Story was weak, bosses were kinda meh and uncreative. To me Resident Evil Code Veronica X is an underrated masterpiece :) RE:CVX, RE2 and REmake are the best RE games

TricksterArrow3171d ago

Resident Evil Zero would be better with more inspired set pieces and a better storyline. The item management is specially dreadful in this chapter, with a huge chunk of time being solely dedicated to the inventory screen and tracking all the way back to drop points.

That being said, the game is still pretty good. Rebecca and Billy make a very good duo, even though you can tell the writting staff made zero effort in giving them good dialogue. I guess you really have to commend these voice actors for making these two so appealing and charismatic.

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Looking Back to 2016 with the Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster - Origins of Evil

Darren writes: "I view Resident Evil Zero and the 2016 Remaster as a bit of an oddity in the series, the black sheep if you will. It tried something a bit different, and in the end did so with limited success."

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AriesBear1345d ago (Edited 1345d ago )

everything about the game is great except for the inventory system. You literally spend half the game managing your inventory. And You have to leave your stuff like on the floor and remember where you put it. It's nothing like the inventory in any other resident Evil game It's cumbersome and highly annoying.
If you can get past that it's a cool game with gorgeous graphics

NapalmSanctuary1344d ago

yeah, the inventory system just destroys the game's flow. Especially on the first playthrough where you don't know what you're going to need to keep close by in any given area.

AriesBear1344d ago

It's all trial and error but pushed to the limit. That's literally the only thing that holds the game back. But damn it is beautiful.


The Shocktober Sale for 2017 is here - but which of the Xbox bargains are the greatest?

Carlos writes "If you thought the weekly Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains were already an exciting enough prospect then you’re in for treat as the festive Shocktober Halloween deals are here to get us even more excited. With a whole host of discounts available on numerous Xbox One and Xbox 360, there are a lot to choose from... which is where we come in. Here are our picks on the best, and worst, deals to look out for amongst the many Shocktober 2017 bargains available."

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chaos-emeralds2528d ago

90% of the xbox deals are way more expensive than its ps4 counterparts.


Amazon heavily discounts Resident Evil Super Bundle for PS4

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