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5 2016 Games that we shouldn’t get too excited about

Joe from GamersFTW writes about 5 games set to be released in 2016 that may have a little bit much hype surrounding them.

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Community3125d ago
DarkOcelet3125d ago

"Ultimately, the story feels like a framework for a more open world focused Hitman game. In a manner that’s quite unfashionable for a AAA title, IO Interactive have stated that the game won’t have a season pass for additional content, as they believe that this is the “wrong approach.” A lot of people would agree with this sentiment, and then we see the preorder plan for Hitman."

If you are playing Hitman for the story then you are playing it wrong. You are making your own story by choosing how and when you take your targets. I really think this game is gonna be great and will go back to Hitman roots. I am just not too thrilled about the episodic stuff.

"Quantum Break looks generic in every sense of the word; the gameplay looks like every single uninspired third person shooter over the past decade; the story sounds like a TV drama that you’d find on late at night on SyFy right after what Sharknado film we’re up to now; even the title is pretty generic, taking a word that thrown around by scientists a lot and then just an action word on the end of it. Look, I can do that right now: Atom Jump. Try it yourself."

And that is where i really stopped taking this writer of the article serious. I really hate when people judge a game without trying it.

c00lvilKid693125d ago

"I really think this game is gonna be great and will go back to Hitman roots. I am just not too thrilled about the episodic stuff."

"I really hate when people judge a game without trying it."


DarkOcelet3125d ago (Edited 3125d ago )

There is a difference between thinking that it might be great and saying this game is great.

The author says Quantum Break looks generic and uninspired but how can he say that when he havent played the game?

c00lvilKid693125d ago

There is a difference between saying it looks generic and uninspired and saying the game game is generic and uninspired.

Bdub20003125d ago (Edited 3125d ago )

So this author has a personal preference on video games, and displaces that on to how all gamers should feel about upcoming games?

Cool,you aren't excited for a few games for petty reasons. No need to write a pointless article about it. A lot of people are excited about those games for the very reasons you listed they shouldn't be.

"Quantum Break... Even the title is generic..." the poor journalism lost me right there.

NovaCorps3124d ago

what lol he is absolutely right about quantum break
that game brings nothing new to the genre

lastking953124d ago

You can say that about every 3rd person shooter. It doesn't need to bring anything new. As long as gamplay and story is good it'll be a hit.

The 10th Rider3124d ago

You could say the same about Uncharted 4, Bloodbourne, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, etc... However, just because a game doesn't seem to bring a lot of new stuff to the table doesn't make it a bad game. The Last of Us is hardly known for innovation, yet stands as one of the best games of last gen. We trust Mario Kart entries, Smash Bros entries, Gears of War, Halo, Uncharted, and many other series will be good games because of the track record of the series and the developers. Remedy has made some good games in the past and they like to take their time and make sure their game is good. I don't even own an XBox One and I still think it'll be a cool game.

XanderZane3124d ago

Yeah article creator is clueless. Yeah he has an opinion, but most gamers won't agree with most of the crap he wrote. The only games on the list that I'm not all that overly excited about are Dead Island 2 and The Last Guardian. I was never a big fan of the first Dead Island, so I'm not all that pumped to play the sequel. The Last Guardian demo that was shown at the E3 just bored me. I'm sure there's a lot more to the game, but it's simple slow puzzle gameplay just had me scratching my head. I was looking for a bit more action and excitement.

jambola3122d ago

So the writer is clueless and what he wrote is crap because you disagree? makes sense to me....................

XanderZane3122d ago

I'm not the only one who disagrees about this article. Read everyone else's comments. Some of the games he listed really haven't been hyped to begin with. So why even have them on the list. Who is hyped for Hitman? The game was just recently announced I thought.

MrsNesbitt3125d ago

I don't think Dead Island 2 has that much hype surrounding it. It was an OK title. Dying Light has blown them out of the zombie cesspool! It will be interesting to see if Dead Island emulates Dying Light...

alexgibson3125d ago (Edited 3125d ago )

How can you not hype Last Guardian? Its been resurrected from the dead!

No Man's Sky will be VR compatible and will be a launch title for PS VR so I'm confident it's going to be awesome.

Rest of them agreed but not sure Dead Island is a 2016 game :p

Free_Fro3125d ago

I would apply this to almost any game to be honest..

Especially the new ips..

temper your expectations.. you can either be blown away or not disappointed.

Relientk773125d ago

Agree with Dead Island 2. You can add the new Homefront game too

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No Man's Sky is 1% away from a positive review score just eight years after its disastrous launch

No Man's Sky is only 1% away from hitting an overall positive review score on Steam, a monumental achievement 6 years post-launch.

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Dirty_Lemons9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Hello Games put in so much work with NMS. It's similar to CDPR, they massively improved Cyberpunk, Hello Games took that multiple steps further and have just poured everything into this title, rather than say f*ck it and move on.

StarcrossedBits8h ago

Title says 8 years since launch, blurb says 6 years since launch. Videogamer's AI journos making weird mistakes as usual.

ChasterMies1h ago

No Man’s Sky launched on PS4 before it launched on PC and Xbox.

StarcrossedBits58m ago

Actually it launched on PS and PC at the same time ( Xbox was later but regardless the article blurb doesn't talk about Xbox, only Steam.


No Man's Sky Sees Almost 500% Increase In Players On PlayStation 5

No Man's Sky's July 2024 update gave it a massive PS5 player count boost as new and returning PS5 and PS4 players checked out the Worlds Part 1 changes.

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MaximusPrime_18h ago

HelloGames must be one of the most patient and devoted game developer in history. All those updates since they launched the game nearly 10 years ago have been free.

Well-done to the team. NMS continue to impress

solideagle17h ago

it's because it always paid off, numbers increased, more people bought...They have done exceptionally well. I wonder what their next game would be.

KnightNumber8614h ago

It’s already been announced. “Light no Fire”, I believe, is what their next release is called.

MrNinosan14h ago

Next game is Light no Fire.
You should check the trailer for it, looks amazing and shows what they've learnt during NMS years.

Amplitude8h ago

Hopefully it's another Joe Danger. Those games were absolutely sick

StormSnooper12h ago

I remember when people were attacking them like rabid beasts because the game at launch wasn’t what they had been let to believe. Since that time, they kept delivering.

sagapo11h ago

Yeah, I got the game at launch, such a big letdown. You can barely compare the game as it is today. Big big improvements!

StormSnooper2h ago

Yup. That is what I meant. They really kept at it. Big dedication for a small team. They never stopped believing in their game/vision I think.

Jin_Sakai18h ago

No Man’s Sky may be the best video game redemption of all time. It’s also a better game than Starfield.

CrimsonWing6917h ago

Do you think in 10 years time Starfield can have a similar redemption?

outsider162417h ago

Nope. This is bethesda. Also..any improvements to the game will probably be the community through mods.

NotoriousWhiz16h ago

Fallout 76 is popular now too 10 years and numerous patches later. So it's possible.... though unlikely.

MrNinosan14h ago

FO76 is not even 6 years thou.

Vits12h ago

I think the issues with Starfield are on a different level than those with No Man's Sky. The latter lacked features, with many advertised elements missing from the game, and what was included didn't contribute to a fun experience. So fixing it was more about adding content than anything else.

Starfield, on the other hand, has issues with its foundation—ranging from the travel mechanics to how quests are handled. Everything seems flawed, so fixing it would be more akin to remaking it from the ground up.

Jin_Sakai6h ago

“Do you think in 10 years time Starfield can have a similar redemption?“

Absolutely not. Bethesda is lazy and wants modders to finish their games.

NotoriousWhiz5h ago

If we're going to be pedantic, no man's sky has only been around for 8 years.

MrNinosan5h ago

Okay? Did anyone say anything else?

Crimson just asked what you think will happen with Starfield after 10 years.

But yes, NMS turns 8 next week.

KyRo1h ago

It's Bethesda. They've re-released Skyrim a billion times and it's still riddled with bugs, terrible voice acting, dated graphics (even for it's time), poorly animated trash. The same for Fallout. What makes you think Starfield will be any different lol?

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dveio17h ago

This game is simply amazingly polished right now.

I personally would still love a less 'cartoonish' approach in the art design of a space exploration game, but I am truly amazed of the indefinite space they are able to simulate in NMS.

If you're into space exploration, all with planets, galaxies, black holes, flora & fauna, huge distances, warp jumps, research, minerals, myths, chemistry and so much else, then NMS is a true gem of its game.

In all of this fields SO vastly superior to Starfield.

There's no comparison really. Let alone the excitment of freely approaching and landing on a planet the first time.

Hat's off to Hello Games!

It's a masterpiece in the genre.

Demetrius8h ago

Would be dope if more devs supported their games like this that fell a lil short when released smh. This one of the only devs

Zenzuu6h ago

People can talk about and praise how much of a good comeback Cyberpunk was, but it's nothing compared to what Hello Games has been doing for this game. The level of commitment, ongoing support and free updates, makes this by far the best redemption in gaming history.


3 Planets in Under a Minute: A Closer Look at No Man's Sky's Engine

Martin Griffiths proved once again that NMS's proprietary engine is one of the game's greatest strengths.

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