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Should The Witcher 3 Be Disqualified from GotY Awards?

It was a game that launched with a laundry list of issues and while the developers have indeed fixed it, can we really gloss over the first few months?

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Community3093d ago
Aloy-Boyfriend3093d ago

Witcher 3 is damn too ambitious to not have issues at launch. Hell it still have some woes here and there while the devs keep adding and tweaking it. There's still more to be added when Blood and Wine DLC comes... And yet, those issues aren't or weren't as bad or close to atrocious. Devs have been committed to it since day one. It shouldn't be disqualified because of some issues at launch

mikeslemonade3093d ago (Edited 3093d ago )

Everything is disqualified since Bloodborne is the true game of the year. If you would open eyes you would be able to see it as clear as I do.

All other games are generic.

WellyUK3093d ago (Edited 3093d ago )

Right yeah because Bloodborne isn't just a faster paced Souls game... And doesn't have a glaring frame rate issue.

WellyUK3093d ago

ah yes disagrees from people who obviously haven't played a souls game as Bloodborne is pretty much a faster paced souls game, it's great but at it's core it's a souls game through and through.

Dabigsiebowski3093d ago (Edited 3093d ago )

I played Bloodborne and Witcher 3 and completed them both. Witcher 3 is by far the bigger, better, more ambitious title in comparison. Sure Bloodborne was really fun to play but when it comes down to intriguing content the Witcher 3 has it locked down for sure.

It took me probably 5 times the amount longer to beat the Witcher 3 than it was for me to beat Bloodborne and it was compelling the entire time as was Bloodborne but Witcher 3 is without a doubt in my mind the better game. I played both on PS4 obviously and while both had some issues at launch, they both were ironed out relatively quick. Witcher 3 just had it all while Bloodborne felt lacking story wise in comparison tho the gameplay was a bit tighter in BB.

guyman3093d ago (Edited 3093d ago )


Wake up and smell the blood roses

Bloodborne doesn't have glaring frame rate issues. The game is right up there with the witcher 3, no need to be salty. Eat a watermelon.


The gameplay in bloodborne is FAR better than the witcher 3.... Story is lacking you say?

The beauty of souls games and bloodborne especially is that the story is laid out in The environment for you to piece together... It may also take up reading on the internet but bloodborne's story is incredibly dark, and is rich in lore. It's just the way it is. Heck I've played through the game twice and I'm still discovering secrets.

The witcher 3 and bloodborne can't really be compared though. 2 completely different games. Both games execute what they aim to achieve perfectly.

Aloy-Boyfriend3093d ago

W3, Dying Light, and Bloodborne are my only Gotys this year. My eyes are very openned. Any of these games win goty will be enough to me

Dabigsiebowski3093d ago (Edited 3093d ago )

@ Guyman- Sure the gameplay is better in BB I won't argue that. But the great thing about the Witcher is it has depth in literally every corner of the game that makes most other games look shallow in comparison. Character depth, customization of stats, crafting, alchemy, interesting dialogue, and a world that makes you feel as if you were part of it. This game tells many of stories whether it's right in front of you or even in subtle ways. Witcher 3 is rich in a variety of categories with "depth" bleeding out in each one. Bloodborne has strong gameplay moments and plenty of depth for your liking in that department but clearly doesn't achieve this across the board like the Witcher 3 does.

Plus there is a lot of depth many people don't know about with Witcher 3. Level up your alchemy instead of your swordsman stats and you'll be in for a treat by the amount of surprises you can achieve in the game.

Bloodborne is really good and has respects in its own regard. Witcher 3 hands down for GOTY though.

Ozmoses3093d ago

If you're just going to consider developer support than the winner should go to Dying Light hands down..

no other developer this year has shown more post love support for their game than the developers of Dying Light

thekhurg3093d ago (Edited 3093d ago )

What a ridiculous article. Games rarely launch in flawless condition - especially now that everything gets easily patched.

_-EDMIX-_3092d ago

No based on GOTY is a subjective thing, no one has any official standing on such an award as anyone can give such a title or award to any game.

Witcher 3 in terms of features, lacks even elements found in Skyrim, maybe due to being a different game, but I likely think its due to CDPR making an open world game for the first time.

I can't say anything like "too ambitious" as this isn't the first open world game in history of gaming bud, not even slightly. The issues are very much likely due to CDPR being new to this concept, where other teams like Bethesda or Bioware are not strangers to the open world RPG concept.

They will get better over time of course, I would argue that CDPR if they made Witcher 1 and 2 open world like 3, would have very much resulted in a better Witcher 3 in terms of issues, bugs, design choices etc.

Yes...those issues where very, very bad. Day 1 I got a quest that could be completed, ignored it and moved on, came across issues with disappearing and reappearing people or even headless people or people with no limbs, then finally 40 or so hours in, got a corrupt save, had to start the game over again.

I'm 45 or so hours in Fallout 4, no corrupt save, no quest broken etc. Frame rate issues, voice over issues, sometimes the text doesn't show up when someone is speaking etc, but nothing like my first few months with Witcher 3, it was legit near AC Unity bad.

I like both games, own all of both series, but I won't just ignore, lie ,exaggerate etc the issues in Witcher 3, it had and still currently has some major issues that ultimately had me stopping the game in favor of finishing other titles. I'll likely go back to it when I'm done with Fallout 4, but I do agree with you that such a thing shouldn't bar a game from getting some GOTY award, consider its not as if any of us can even name a game with zero issues that launched perfect.

To the rest of the gamers on here, please....stop seeking titles to bash with issues, yet ignore other titles with THE SAME ISSUES. BF4 ,AC Unity....Witcher 3, all had issues day 1 ,some still have a few issues. I stated this when both those titles first released, no game launches just perfect, I'm saying this now for Witcher 3. We can't just bash a developer for such a thing, yet suddenly another game that has the same issue...GOTY.

GOTY isn't a official thing, its subjective. Anyone can find any game they feel just as "GOTY" regardless of issues or not.

nitus103092d ago

Playing now under hard (not the top) mode and with the latest patch (15+ GB - huge) it appears to be quite stable and great fun to play.

Even guiding Roach your horse seems to be quite easy which was supposed to be an issue prior to the patch, although it is even easier if you just press "X" and let the horse follow the tracks, every now and again making adjustments.

There are some long loading time especially if you die which is quite easy on hard mode so try not too.

As for graphics, story and fighting it is like Skyrim, a touch of "Game of Thrones" and lots of visceral blood and gore.

I also have Bloodborne and I do think this is a very good game as well with a very atmospheric, detailed setting with lots of blood and hopefully not too much of your own.

Both The Witcher 3 and Bloodborne are excellent games and I am going to enjoy playing them since I have only been playing them for a few hours and have many, many hours to look forward to.

Choosing one of the other is difficult since they are not really similar therefore it is like comparing apples to oranges.

As far as GotY I would give one to The Witcher 3 for the best third party game and Bloodborne for a first party game.

The problem you have here is the above is my choice which is subjective and I am very sure many will agree and disagree with me which is rightly so.

jstark3092d ago

@mikeslemonade but i already played darksouls years ago

mikeslemonade3092d ago

Faster pace souls, that is pretty different.

New story, new theme, different weapons, different fight mecahnic, different enemies. It's different than souls you blind people. The only similarity is you collect blood echoes and the lantern is the bonfire. Souls is still much more fresh than a generic wrpg which has been done before since KOTOR!

Where as Witcher 3 is more generic and is more guilty of copying. I'm skilledge island right now and i've already fell asleep three times playing this game.

cyber_daemonx3092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

@Dabigsiebowski, so The Witcher is better than Bloodborne because its 'bigger n longer' really? Lol

And Bloodborne felt 'really lacking' story wise. No, Bloodborne's story is fantastic. Its just not in your face. You have to find it as it is hidden between the lines.

Bloodborne is hands down a better game than The Witcher along with most other games released this generation, not just this year.

BallsEye3092d ago

I disqualify this "journalist" for using Witcher 2 images. Obviously didn't play it.

strike1013092d ago

bloodborn only beats witcher 3 in combat

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FlipSwitch3093d ago

The Witcher 3's issues have been vastly over stated. I bought day one on PS4 and the worst that happened was a few framerate drops that weren't even all that noticeable

nucky643093d ago

my big complaint with W3 is the load times - way too long. I didn't think the hearts of stone dlc was that great either.

FlipSwitch3093d ago

Was Hearts of Stone not that good?

Was considering giving that ago. Don't usually go for DLC

Dabigsiebowski3092d ago

Yes HoS is really good. I mean it's another 10 hour plus side story thats just ad well written as the main game. It also adds minor gameplay elements to it which can have a lasting impact once the Blood and Wine comes which will for sure be a day 1 for me as HoS was.

VJGenova3092d ago


Load times? Are you kidding? I game on pc "exclusively" so when i picked up bloodborne, i was mortified by the horrible load times (which were fixed after i had already beaten the game). Also, they finally added information to the load screens (which should have been there from the beginning). Before, it was just "BLOODBORNE" ... Thanks, i know what game I'm playing .... oh shit, what was it? Oh yeah, bloodborne. Praise the sun for that load screen! I recall reading comments about how the load screen was a "blessing because it made the player 'think on their mistakes'" too bad it happened every time you went to hunter's dream ... people will say anything to defend what they like.

Not saying that load times can't ruin an experience, they can, but it wasn't my experience with TW3. I actually got a mod to remove those annoying "recap" videos. Takes about 10 seconds to load with a pretty stanard SSD.

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Bahamut3093d ago

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Disqualify the game of the year from the game of the year awards? Da fuq??

The only reason they're even suggesting this is because it's obviously the best game of not only the past year, but quite possibly 5 - 10 years. Obviously it's the winner. So take it away so others can stand a chance right?

2pacalypsenow3093d ago

Not quite, tons of games from 2006-2016 that are better than W3

averagejoe263092d ago

Best game of the last 5 to 10 years?

Not sure if it's just a young generation or what but the Witcher 3 is incredibly overhyped.

I loved the game. It was great fun with lots of content.

But it was buggy as all hell, generic story, mediocre battle system and tons of pointless busy work.

Great fun, for sure. Overhyped? Indeed.

Bahamut3092d ago


I'm 31 and have been playing games daily since I was 5, so I don't know anything about this "young generation" you speak of. It's not incredibly overhyped, it's accurately hyped. The game is phenomenal and has set the bar for how games should be, quality-wise. No other games released in the past 5 years have even come close to this game, in story, graphics, or just about everything, with the exception of combat, which is good, just nothing mind-blowing.

Great fun? For sure. Overhyped? Nope.

Fantastic game. And I don't know what the hell they mean from "disqualified from GOTY awards", the game has won the award numerous times so far, and will continue to take home more. Because it truly is that good, and deserves every award.

memots3092d ago

Since every other website has their own Goty award, And most people have their own favorite as well.

Who actually decides? Is there some kind of entity somewhere that makes the final call that everyone must agree with ? Who are these people ? True question.

3092d ago
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joab7773093d ago

Every game launches w/ issues and I got this game at launch and had minimal problems. BB fixed their long load times and Fallout 4 is still a mess in many ways like Skyrim was on Consoles.

But CDPR has been so good to us, giving us free dlc and everything we asked for.

nitus103092d ago

Skyrim on the PS3 had allot of issues although the main one was the 6MB bug/feature were the loading times got noticeably longer because of auto saving.

The fix was to turn off all auto saving although it was always a good idea to auto save ever 30 minutes to an hour depending how confident you were.

Another annoyance was the DLC. With the legendary edition loading all DLC was IMHO an invitation to a disaster which you would not know about until you had played for over 60 hours. It was best to save the game at level 10/20 and use that save for loading up one DLC at a time.

With The Witcher 3 I have been playing for over 15 hours and I have rarely seen any issues although a horse climbing a fence (only once) does seem odd.

Evidently that 15GB patch did fix allot of problems. I do see long load times when I die (on second hardest setting) so the fix is not to die so much and to take note what the recommended level for a given quest is.

Basically if you are level 4 and the recommended level for a particular quest is 6 or more then you are going to die allot as is taking on enemies that have a red skull above them. The game does explain this.

Takwin3093d ago

The Witcher 3 is - and will remain for quite some time - my favorite game of all time and the game I consider the best game ever. It is an unforgettable story, amazing battle system, and on a maxed out PC, simply gorgeous. It does everything right and it will be very difficult for this game to be topped any time soon.

averagejoe263092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

Amazing battle system?

Every fight was the same unless you were forced to use certain tactics. All you had to do was spam attack and roll every once in a while. Battle system was mediocre at best.

Same with the story. Pretty generic.

It's strong points were it's characters, open world and length (even tho a lot of it is busy work).

I'm glad it's your favorite game. But by no means has an amazing battle system or story. Which is OK...but let's just be real here.

Bansai3092d ago

Generis story? LOL

Some people... smh

JsonHenry3093d ago

I bought it launch day on PC and never had any problems with it.

starchild3093d ago

Yeah, same here. Bought it day one on Steam and never had any real issues. Minor glitches here and there of the sort you find in any large open world game, but nothing that hampered my enjoyment of the game to any noticeable degree.

Just an absolutely superb game. Probably the best I've ever played.

memots3092d ago

Problem is the minority speak loud and cry, while the majority who have no issue are playing the game.

Same with DriveClub had it from the day it came out and apart from the club part and the connection message i was getting, the game was far from being "teh broken wurrrst game evar" that all the journalist and fanboy keep going on about.

bumnut3092d ago

I had a few broken quests but managed to fix the problem.

rainslacker3093d ago

If we were going to disqualify games due to their technical issues at launch, we'd not have a single candidate for GOTY...or at least the ones that had no noticeable technical issues would not be the kinds of games we'd consider GOTY material.

DLConspiracy3093d ago (Edited 3093d ago )

Why are there so many articles upset about W3 winning game of the year? Disqualified? Really??

I guess we need to disqualify opinions and reviews from now on too? I'm sure other games are considered the best games to individuals and they didn't win. Doesn't mean those games suck and you shouldn't buy them.

3-4-53093d ago

Should we disqualify this writers opinion because they seem biased against a certain game ?

I wonder what they would say.

showtimefolks3093d ago

if one site or one per son thinks it's their GOTY than that's fine. why do we want everyone to agree with our opinion

to some people it's witcher 3 to others it could be verity of different games like fallout 4, halo 5, until dawn, bloodborne, batman etc,

one thing i will say though is why is it that as we move forward we are getting so many games that have major bugs/glitches at launch and or don't have much content that would be later sold to us as dlc?

is that what true next gen gaming is?

the amount of people who defend these broken/unfinished games should really rethink their support

as long as we chose to not speak with our wallets our voices won't be heard

Lukejrl3092d ago

It is nothing old. The snes vs genesis battles. Are you a giants or a patriots fan? People just want to feel the importance that they can have when they are right about something... even if it is a video game.

mechlord3093d ago

What a pretentious article. I could not play skyrim on launch day and to this day it is still bugged. Didnt read an article like this then when it was wholly deserved, not gonna put up with this now.

Ol_G3092d ago

Don't be a troll nobody forces you to put up with anything and not because you didn't read any articles means they weren't there

Some of you guys are acting like you're personally invested really childish behaviour

llMurcielagoll3092d ago

Damn, you beat me to it


Spenok3092d ago

This is quite possibly one of the dumbest article titles I have ever seen. Far more has been said above than I need to add, so I'll just leave it at that, and as simple as you put it. No.

XanderZane3092d ago

I agree. If this is the case, every GOTY game would have to be disqualified. It's ridiculous.

AznGaara3092d ago

Skyrim didn't work for a whole console so should its GOTY award get revoked too?

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ninsigma3093d ago

You'd have to disqualify a large amount of games for goty then. Biggest offenders being arkham knight and fall out 4.

DarkOcelet3093d ago

I think by his rules, the only two games that should be on the GOTY lists are Bloodborne and MGSV since they were the most polished games in 2015.

ninsigma3093d ago

Bloodborne was amazing but even that had some technical issues so lets exclude that one as well. That frame pacing ya know! :P

Just seems like they're picking on witcher 3 either just as a point of contention or because they're mad everyone likes it.

MaxiPower903093d ago

Mgsv is an unfinished product lol... Polished my ass

joab7773093d ago

Most ppl agree that MGS5 was cut short due to production costs, the final act being a mess. Online had many issues too.

thekhurg3093d ago


Bloodborne had a game shattering memory leak issue that broke every boss encounter in the game.

starchild3093d ago

Bloodborne is a great game, but it definitely had issues too. The framerate alone really irked me when I played it.

WellyUK3092d ago

bloodborne was polished? that sub 30 fps would say otherwise... It runs like sh*t tbh, very good game but it's far from polished.

3092d ago
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donwel3093d ago

Came here to say exactly this. Glad I'm not the only one with a bit of sense.

uth113092d ago

Until Dawn had no day one patch, guess it wins GOTY by default then!

ninsigma3092d ago

I have no issues with that outcome xD

crazychris41243093d ago

If the problems were fixed in a timely manner then no. Arkham Knight for PC shouldn't be on GOTY lists after they refuse to patch in basic PC features like multiple GPU support.

blackblades3092d ago

Some issues still remains, like the swordsmith rescue bug. It was know since may and they still haven't fixed it.

yarbie10003093d ago

Who really cares about award shows anyway? Most movies that critics love and win awards, are movies I don't care anything about

nitus103092d ago

Could not agree more.

As far as I am concerned if you enjoy playing the game that is the best award although one that the developers would never see.

Still developers do see sales and the more the better.

OB1Biker3092d ago

haha first time you get an agree from me... totally agree there.
Same goes for reviews IMO

Perjoss3093d ago

Spoiler alert: They want you to click in order to display ads in your browser window.

andibandit3092d ago


Got you covered, clicked twice.

Grap3093d ago

clickbait article nothing to see here.

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The 7 Best Western RPGs: Immersive Adventures

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Community72d ago
SimpleSlave72d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan72d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave72d ago (Edited 72d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.



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Community96d ago
thorstein96d ago

.... from the 2000s (mostly).

shinoff218396d ago

I can't fk with this list. They missed on alot of games probably before the writers times. Also I know people loved some portal but I was never a fan.

Cacabunga96d ago

Tomb Raider 1
Driver 1
Abe’s Odyssey
King of Fighters 94
Mortal Kombat OG
LINK 2 the past
Street Fighter 2
Resident Evil 1

Inverno96d ago

Infinite but not the first two games? Witcher 3 but not the first two games?? GTA V but not literally any of the games before it??? Portal 2 but not the first? Also if you're going to play Shadow of The Colossus play the remaster and not the remake. Can't say I disagree with the list but my man it's all over the place.

Name Last Name96d ago

I mean some sequels are objectively better and you don’t need to play the whole series.

Inverno96d ago

But most of these games have a story to follow, sure you can catch up with a YouTube vid but where's the fun in that?

LucasRuinedChildhood96d ago (Edited 96d ago )

A list like this isn't telling you not to play the previous games if you want to. It's just giving you legendary games to play.

But tbh, you don't always have to force yourself to play every entry in a franchise to get to the better ones.

- The vast majority of Witcher 3 players never played the first 2 and had a great time. The first 2 games aren't in the same league.
- The GTA games are self-contained with the odd fun reference. You can easily jump into any of them.
- The Shadow Of The Colossus remake looks and controls better than the original (plus it has a 60fps option while the remaster is just 30fps). New players will enjoy it more.
- Portal 2 is a lot better than Portal 1 and takes the concept much further gameplay-wise. Storywise, Portal 1 is fairly light too. Not that you shouldn't play it but realistically ... you'd love Portal 2 whether you play it or not (at lot of Portal 2 players have never played 1).

Bioshock 1 is the only one I agree with you on simply because it's one the best games of all time and arguably better than Infinite. No other setting like Rapture.

Looking at the list, I'd recommend playing Uncharted 1 before 2 but no doubt, 2 is the legendary one you have to play.

Inverno96d ago

I get it, but that's just my opinion on his opinion. I just think that before you play a sequel you should still play what came before it. Maybe it's just me but i find it fascinating playing through the first game in a series and seeing how it has evolved through its sequels. Like I said I don't disagree with the list, other than SoTC which I strongly believe the remaster of the original should be played above the remake.

AuraAbjure95d ago

Awesome list! Hot take on Fear (and it's hard af expansion Persaus Mandate!) Bioshock Infinite is stellar, so is the Witcher 3 and you nailed it by having Ocarina of Time. So many fantastic games! Gotta play 'em all! Next one on my list is Prey after I beat Dead Space 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction.

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