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5 Big Announcements We Could See At PlayStation Experience

With PSX right around the corner, here are 5 announcements that could make their way into the event!

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breakpad3221d ago (Edited 3221d ago )

yes grounded predictions ...but we like to see the more unforeseen rumored announcements aka Demons Souls 2 ,Cash bandicoot's revival from Sony, FFVII Remake Footage....etcetc

Player3Podcast3221d ago

I was going to put "Radio silence from FFVII" but I wanted to keep it positive.

MrSec843221d ago

The potential at PSX is huge.
From Worldwide Studios this is what could be shown in the way of entirely new PS4 announcements(obviously not all of it would, but possibilities):

1)Bend's New IP is announced.
2)Santa Monica show God of War for PS4.
3)Santa Monica show a new IP for PS4.
4)Sucker Punch announces a new Infamous.
5)Sucker Punch announces a new IP.
6)Sony London reveals that 8 Days is on PS4.
7)Sony London reveals that The Getaway is now on PS4.
8)Sony London announces a new IP for PS4.
9)Sony Japan reveals their rumored new FF style global IP.
10)Pixel Opus announces a new game for PS4.
11)North West Studio announces a new VR game.
_____________________________ __________________

Then there's 2nd or 3rd party:

12)From Software announces another game in development for PS4, maybe a new Demon's Souls or a new IP.
13)Ready at Dawn announces a sequel to The Order 1886.
14)Capcom has a new PS4 exclusive.
15)Insomniac announces a new IP exclusive for PS4.
16)Level 5 announces their new PS4 exclusive.

There are likely plenty more I can't even think of, but I think this is all possible.

On top of a few of those likely happening, there's also the possibility for new footage for The Last Guardian, with a release date.
New stuff for Horizon Zero Dawn.
Dreams, GT Sport, Gravity Rush 2, Ratchet & Clank, Detroit.
A new Uncharted 4 trailer, maybe The Order 1886 DLC to reinvigorate the franchise and change perceptions about it.

This is going to be Sony's time to make people realize why they should be getting on on PS4 now to be ready for what's coming next year.

The most Playstation focused event of the year.

Tonnes can happen at this event and best of all, there would still be a tonne more stuff for Sony to keep in their back pocket for events throughout 2016 too.
Max they show 3-4 new things from the above and then they still have another 3 new games to announce at each event, along with other new partnerships or content from already established contracts with 3rd parties.

ND has been growing and will likely be ready to show off their 2nd PS4 game at a late 2016 event, like PS4 2016.

Tobsesan3221d ago (Edited 3221d ago )

We wont see anything about ff7. They announced it at e3 and the People named in the trailer didnt even knew they are working on it... So its early early development.


Most of this teams are working on protects and wont make 191929 games at once. You should also not forget this is psx and not e3. Most people dont even know what this is and the Main media wont Cover it. So for really big announcements its the wrong place. Also ready at dawn is now 3. Party and sony owns the ip.

We will see more vr and a release date + price, that is for sure.

MrSec843220d ago

@Tobesan: Re-read what I wrote!
In my post I was talking about potential announcements, obviously I haven't got a clue exactly what Sony's 1st party studios are up to, outside of announced stuff or developers like Cory Barlog coming out and stating outright that God of War is in development for PS4.
Also PSX is about Playstation gamers, it's a PS focused event, for people that know identify with who Sony's developers are, identify with Sony's partners and where Sony can take to the stage and talk directly to the Playstation fans.

Sony announced Street Fighter 5, with Capcom there, which was huge (despite getting leaked beforehand).
FYI PSX last year was covered by every major for gaming news, Sony gets the attention whenever they host a Playstation centered event because they're the market leader.

PSX is the perfect place to show off big new games. Hell simply announcing big games for the PS4 is enough to draw huge attention and keep the momentum up going into 2016.
Playstation Experience is the place to sell people on the future, more so than any other event.

As for Ready at Dawn, they were always 3rd party, The Order 1886 sold well, Sony owned the IP even before 1886 shipped, so I don't know what you're trying to say here, but nothing's really changed regarding that IP.

It was intended to start off a new series and there's plenty of room for growth, so RAD could easily come out with DLC to draw attention back to that franchise and actually show that they can improve on their own games.

AizenSosuke3221d ago

A Crash Spiritual successor exclusively for PS4.

OC_MurphysLaw3221d ago (Edited 3221d ago )

I think the single biggest announcement that will come from PSX ... price for PS VR

3221d ago Replies(2)
jb2273221d ago

Nah, pricing & release date would be cool but they didn't put together a dedicated event & stream to announce a price for a product. There will be multiple new game reveals along w/ footage of many of the games already announced for next year, that much is a given. To me, game announcements will always trump peripheral stuff. PSVR will be there & they will most likely announce some cool stuff for it, but the majority of the focus will be on the console games & exclusives.

Tobsesan3221d ago

Look at psx last year, dont hope for many announcements

jb2273220d ago


SFV, Drawn to Death, Fat Princess Adventures, amazing new gameplay sequences for things like UC4...there were plenty more but that's just off the top of my head...there will definitely be plenty of announcements, some AAA, some indie, all Playstation centric. Again they wouldn't host a conference & spend the no doubt large amount of money needed to put it on & stream it online to just show off stuff we have all already seen. Pretty certain there will be at least one huge announcement and a good handful of other smaller ones. Guess we will have to wait to see who turns out right.

GigawattConduit3221d ago

I'd kill someone for another Jak & Daxter.

Kyosuke_Sanada3221d ago

A new Warhawk would be nice.........

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Breaking Down The PS5 Pro And More On A New Skewedcast

Gareth, Justin, and Michael at Skewed and Reviewed look at the PS5 with an In-depth Breakdown and discuss entertainment and gaming news on a new Skewedcast. 

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Over 50% of PlayStation's Live Service Projects Either Failed Or Were Cancelled

PlayStation's live-service history shows that the gaming giant has failed frequently, resulting in a grim outlook for the future.

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Miraak82 17d ago

What do they expect !? the ones that failed are just knockoffs of existing popular games usually releasing alittle too late. Their multplayer offering haven't been good since ps3 and even later on in its lifecycle it started to chase trends like how Killzone 3 & SF tried to copy CoD compared to KZ2. Honestly I can't believe they gave up on LBP, technically not a live service but man I spent so much on DLC and costumes , Warhawk and KZ2 and their expansions . Demons Souls which I spent the most time playing was one of the most unique multiplayer experience ever . All the resistance games were just awesome .. but since ps4 I haven't enjoyed any 1st party multiplayer offering . Marathon might be alright but do they really think a Horizon mmo/mp is a good idea .

17d ago Replies(4)
refocusedman17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

how abt they remake warhawk as a live service game. that would be awesome. maybe MAG, bring back killzone resistance.... cmon sony stop trying to reinvent the wheel when you alreafy have tires in your garage.

porkChop16d ago

I could see Warhawk really working as a live service. Between the weapons, vehicles, warhawks, etc , there's plenty of opportunity for cosmetics. As long as the gameplay loop doesn't change too much from the PS3 game, that shit was unlike anything else and I loved it. Just keep releasing a new map every few months, and keep things fresh with new gameplay modes/events.

RaiderNation16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Agreed. Likewise with Twisted Metal. That game could work very as a live service game. Just follow the Rocket League format and it could be great!

Not all "live service" are bad. They just need to be well thought out and make sense.

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Aquarius Update - No Man's Sky

Hello Everyone!

Today, we are very excited to introduce the Aquarius Update!

This latest expansion to No Man’s Sky is free to download for existing players, and introduces something that felt like the perfect complement to the new water introduced in WORLDS PART I – fishing!

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