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Sony Santa Monica Is Teasing… Something

PlayStation Experience is just a few days away, scheduled to open its gates in Los Angeles on December 5th, and Sony Santa Monica is teasing… something.

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Community3120d ago
-Foxtrot3120d ago (Edited 3120d ago )

Not much to go on but nothing I could recognise if it was an old franchise they've done. Probably something new

Although I wouldn't mind a spiritual successor to God of War with Norse or Egyptian mytho like most people have said. I don't think you can do much with Kratos now unless you have a story of other mytho gods fighting over who should overtake the gods Kratos has killed. Although I think God of War is a little burnt out to be honest, Ascension did nothing for me.

Heavenly Sword 2 would be nice. I don't think Anna Torv is up to much these days.

Abriael3120d ago

The theory I saw that seems to be the most logical, even with the message, is that the the protagonist of God of War 4 might be female.

Dario_DC3120d ago

Female Kratos??? FFS! Just make a new IP... These SJWs are really forcing some stupid changes in video games...

breakpad3120d ago

probably a Sci Fi game and not another GoW(i feel optimistic in some way that lame Kratos wont have another game) ...

-Foxtrot3120d ago

But...they have Heavenly Sword

Heavenly Sword - Female

God of War - Male

A female in God of War as the main character would be pointless when there's another franchise just waiting to be picked up and continued with an epic female lead.

Saigon3120d ago

Why did they just troll us!!! Had me clicking on each and every link...wonder what it could be though...

_-EDMIX-_3120d ago

Or it really could be Heavenly Sword 2. Many have been asking for Santa Monica to take over that IP.

Nothing against Ninja Theory but in terms of combat, Santa Monica is king.

A female God Of War could work but it could just be another God in the same mythos.

cyphertech3120d ago

The term SJW is so overused. FEMALE CHARACTER? SJW! Male character? Of course, what else would they be?

Dasteru3120d ago

@Dario_DC & BronyAssassin:

Who said anything about Kratos? It could be a completely different character from the lore.

Aleithian3120d ago

Totally agree, @cyphertech

Dee_913120d ago

It just shows who actually know what an SJW is. Sad part is, this was inevitable when SJWs infiltrated the medium. I said it from the beginning when anita first made her crap video. I don't necessarily disagree with wanting more female protagonist but to make it seem like it's a dire issue, and that the developers are sexist are the main things I had problems with. With them over exaggerating the "issue" it will automatically turn a lot of people off to the idea alone of having more female protags because they will think exactly like Dario_DC. That developers are doing this solely to cater to these SJWs.

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but i'll bite. If this is even true, what classify changing the gender of your main protag as pandering to SJWs? From now on, are all female protags solely made to pander to SJWs? What exactly makes, making a female god of war, stupid?

UltraNova3120d ago (Edited 3120d ago )

Ok here it is, Kratos killed every one on Olympus and left to rein supreme over mankind.

That's when the Norse Gods(why? why not???) decided they had it with him killing their Greek counterparts and decided to sent elite Norse warriors after him to stop him before he decides its time for another god-killing spree.

They could easily squeeze another trilogy out of this mythos hybrid story.

1st game: We get introduced to Norse mythos and their plans on stopping the Greek menace. Kratos battles Norse warriors and some less known Norse gods.

2nd game: He decides its time to visit Midgard and show who's boss and make them regret challenging him but before he makes it he faces Thor.

I can only imagine the conclusion...

3rd game: Kratos finds a way to brake in Midgard with the help of Thor's hammer, Mjölnir, after defeating Heimdallr (Midgard's Gate protector), and faces Odin in Asgard...

How about that guys? That's what I'm talking about!
Dear Santa Monica,

I would like my name in the credits, a full VIP tour of your offices and a lifetime supply of PlayStation goodies.

Thank you.

showtimefolks3120d ago



in the end there will be chaos and off course with kratos. if there is one character i care about a lot as a long long time PS fan, its kratos

no female protagonist, not every game needs a female lead character especially a game like god of war

bouzebbal3120d ago

The new game just leaked:

You heard it here first.

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Ezz_Snake3120d ago

So Santa Monica many titles you are working on exactly ?!

_-EDMIX-_3120d ago

MORE then likely 2 as they always have many titles being worked on, but it could be as high as 3 or 4. They have a extremely large team and I wouldn't really consider them 1 team as much as many different teams under 1 name sorta.

Consider Rockstar is many teams, consider DICE is many different teams ie one making Battlefront, one working on BF4 DLC, 1 working on Mirrors Edge 2 etc, or better yet look at Naughty Dog, they are really 2 teams too.

Could be many projects.

Lore3120d ago

For goodness sake please be an rpg that takes up more than 30 hours

frameflip3116d ago

I'd love to see a new PS Allstars!! I think it's due for a sequel (^_^)b

Ezz_Snake3120d ago

@ Cindy

yes just bring the popcorn and soda and be ready for this legendary weekend

Sparta073120d ago (Edited 3120d ago )

@foxtrot, GOW ascension wasn't the best GOW, I did enjoy it. It did feel a little empty in a way but I wouldn't mind playing as Kratos one more time. GOW should go out with a bang, GOWIII ended with a cliff hanger and I agree I would Love a new heavenly sword.

Edit; BTW I don't think this tease has anything to do with Gow

NotAFanboyyy3120d ago (Edited 3120d ago )

Given God of War's visuals for their time, I can't even imagine a GoW game set in Egypt. I think it would blow me away graphically. It would also be fresh for the franchise by moving on from Kratos, which I know some don't want to happen, but there are so many mythologies out there to explore that could give GoW even greater staying power.

-Foxtrot3120d ago

Yeah...does not look like it's related to God of War in anyway

Unless it's a new IP like God of War which has a lead character who has ballet fighting moves.

GribbleGrunger3120d ago


From Wiki

Meret was a token wife occasionally given to Hapy, the god of the Nile. Her name being a reference to this, meaning simply the beloved. As token wife, she was usually depicted with the same associations as Hapy, having on her head either the blue lotus for Upper Egypt, or the papyrus plant for Lower Egypt. Since Hapy was the source of bountifulness, Meret was usually depicted with an offering bowl, as she was seen, being his wife, as the symbolic recipient of his generosity.

Amongst the lower classes, where nationalism was less important than successful harvest, she was more strongly considered the wife of Hapy than the protectresses of Lower and Upper Egypt, which were more normally his wife in the upper classes. As a deity whose role was to be the symbolic receiver of bounty from the inundation of the Nile, she was strongly associated with rejoicing, such as SINGING and DANCING. Later stories tell that Meret was the goddess of the eighth hour, in the Book of Gates.

johndoe112113120d ago

Ok, so i'm guessing it's a game about a female android ballerina.

Double_O_Revan3120d ago

Thanks for that. That's a pretty good look at...whatever it is... But thanks!

MasterCornholio3120d ago


Ooooo Egyptian.

I like the sound of that.


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mocaak3120d ago

Why you keep bringing up Heavenly Sword, Santa Monica has nothing to do with it.

-Foxtrot3120d ago

Because Sony holds the rights and Sony Santa Monica are basically the best developers for it to be made by.

It's a no brainer...if Sony didn't get them to work on it then it would be such a dumb move.

God of War and Heavenly Sword go hand in hand.

_-EDMIX-_3120d ago

? Its been rumored many times and Sony owns the IP. Many teams at Sony have worked on other IPs they did not create.

jznrpg3120d ago

First thought I had was Heavenly Sword

mocaak3120d ago (Edited 3120d ago )

Santa Monica is one of the largest Sony studios, with a lot of ideas and potential. So no, Sony won't give them a game that other developer created and that wasn't even a commercial success.

-Foxtrot3120d ago

Why wouldn't they? They've milked God of War as much as they can and know it's time for a new game similar to it. Instead of building up a new franchise they can easily use Heavenly Sword as there's already a big fanbase behind it.

Whether it was a big success means nothing, it's there job to make it bigger then the first game and honestly I think they can.

Narikos story is not over.

_-EDMIX-_3120d ago (Edited 3120d ago )

? Sony has done that before though. Slant Six didn't create Socom, Sumo Digital didn't make Little Big Planet, Sanzaru games didn't create the Sly series or Ratchet series yet worked on both.

Maybe you don't know what your talking about. Ninja Theory doesn't own the Heavenly Sword IP, Sony is a business, they are not "friends" with Ninja Theory, its simply business.

To say Sony won't "give them a game that other developer created" makes no sense as Sony has 100% FACTUALLY done that before with several titles.

Yes...Heavenly Sword didn't set the world on fire, that isn't to say a sequel by another team couldn't. In fact, they would have MORE reason to do that, then to hand those other IPs to have other teams work on them as those IPs were actually successful ie Sly, Ratchet, LBP etc.

They have nothing to lose by handing it to Santa Monica if they have great ideas for the series. Sony Santa Monica is not Ninja Theory, if Santa Monica wrote up concept and created a small build to show that Heavenly Sword can be rebooted to replace God Of War, I'm pretty sure Sony would give them the ok to do it IF what was shown had real promise.

Gamers don't just refuse to buy based on IP name solely. Consider Heavenly Sword didn't even get enough exposure to even have such a HUGE negative effect on an entire install base. It released early during the PS3 gen, was a short game and by a fairly new team.

It can be rebooted and can do huge things if a respected team wills it so.

@Mocaak- ? The comparison is based on that another team has factually worked on a Sony IP in which the did not create.

The quality of the team is actually irrelevant. Your saying something Sony won't do, yet they actually have for a fact done that before. I see no reason to then jump to questioning the quality of the team as that actually has nothing to do with what we are talking about. Not even slightly.

Other teams, for a matter of fact have worked on IP they did not create. Mind you, Sony Santa Monica helped with The Order, a IP Sony owns, that Santa Monica DID NOT CREATE, they were adding Ready At Dawn the team that did create that IP.

Sony Santa Monica also helped Guerrilla Games on their PS3 engine for Killzone, they also helped The Chinese Room on Everybody Gone To The Rapture.

Again...your saying they "won't" do something they've done before, something Sony, many, many times have ok'd. Sorry but trying to question the quality of the team and downplay the situation doesn't actually prove your point bud.

It happened and could still happen.

mocaak3120d ago

@_-EDMIX-_ Are you seriously comparing those developers to Santa Monica? lol

Utalkin2me3120d ago


After a well thought out reply with facts from Edmix, thats the best you can do for a comeback?

"Are you seriously comparing those developers to Santa Monica? lol"

Seems you missed the boat again. Gave facts of Sony doing this with other developers which was to reply to your original comment. And in know way was he comparing developers. He just stated what Sony has done in the past. And just saying it could possible happen again.

Losso-Oso3119d ago

Wow, ok guys that's enough of this dumb argument.


You are wrong bud. Insomniac actually helped Naughty Dog with development of Crash Bandicoot, ND helped Insomniac with the Spyro series, which gave pointers on what to do with their next series which turned out to be Jak & Daxter.

While Insomniac helped with J&D, they learned a lot which helped with their next Sony owned I.P. Rachet & Clank, which ND helped on as well, which is why there are tons of easter eggs to each franchise in ND & Insomniac games.

Jason Rubin, Gavin and Ted Price have spoken about their interlinked relationship many times.

This is something that Sony does often in order to help studios that may be getting burned out working on just one franchise to stay solvent and fresh. They do this a lot.

Japan studios is part of their ICE team, and the internal localization team for Sony for western games going to the east.

Yoshida has actually talked a bunch about Santa Monica being their biggest staging studio. The reason why they have such a large size is because most of what they do, is actually help other teams within Sony, Indy teams and 3rd parties with development of exclusives, timed exclusives and even multiplatform games coming over to the Sony platforms.

So it absolutely makes sense for Sony to give SM Heavenly Sword. The only reason why they haven't yet, or might wait even more to do so, is to not burn the talent out on the same type of game, and lets face it, Heavenly Sword is very similar to GOW.


excellent points and well thought out arguments. You did your research my friend. Bubs to you.

mocaak3119d ago (Edited 3119d ago )

@Losso-Oso Just like 90% of what Edmix wrote, your reply is irrelevant to my comments. Two Sony studios helping each other, especially in their early days, is hugely different from Sony assigning a developer to make another developer's game.

mocaak3119d ago

@Utalkin2me For me a reply with comparison of small 2nd/3rd party studios to Santa Monica is very far from "well thought out reply". And my very short reply answered everything he wrote in his first part, before he edited his comment.

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mocaak3120d ago

If the game wasn't commercial success, then fanbase isn't big either. :-) And it's not their job to revive game of another developer, their job is to create their own games, either from their own franchises or new ip.

_-EDMIX-_3120d ago

"their job is to create their own games"

You don't actually know that. They are still developers and they still work for Sony and Sony factually owns the Heavenly Sword IP.

It would not be the first time a team worked on a IP, they didn't create.

Many, many IPs have been rebooted that were not successes the first time around. Is Phantom Dust not being rebooted by a team that never even worked on the first game?

You might want to really evaluate if such a thing couldn't happen as its happened before bud. No evidence really supports it not being feasible as again...the exact thing we are talking about has been done by Sony teams before of IPs Sony owns.

mocaak3120d ago (Edited 3120d ago )

_-EDMIX-_ Didn't know that 343i or Rare or some other studio alike is working on Phantom Dust. From what I know Phantom Dust is in developing limbo because Microsoft didn't feel like development for this game is worth supporting.
Don't come up with small studios that are known of making ports and small entries into franchises. Better give me at least one example of a studio as big as Santa Monica that worked on foreign franchise.

_-EDMIX-_3120d ago

I know, your moving goal post to meet a specific situation. Sorry bud. Fact remains, a team that didn't create an IP, has worked on an IP owned by the publisher before.

Max Payne 3 was done by a team that never made the last 2 Max Payne's...OH they are not large enough for YOUR example so it must not be correct.

Mafia 3 is being made by a team that didn't make Mafia 2 or 1, OH must not meet your requirements huh?

Dead Rising 3 was made by a team that DIDN'T CREATE THE IP!

SOooo how many examples do you actually need of a team working on a IP they didn't create?

The ironic thing about this is the team Ninja Theory worked on series THEY FACTUALLY DID NOT OWN OR CREATE!

You sure you know what your talking about? those waves of disagrees, your lack of any real examples, and goal post moving show otherwise.

Its happened before at Sony and I don't see how the team pedigree or quality or size even have anything to do with it.

Fact remains, a team that didn't make the IP, has created content in the realm of said IP as Sony before several times over. Sony has shown they don't care and will hand IPs over if the team shows promise.

Its sorta like if Ready At Dawn doesn't want to do a sequel to The Order...pretty sure Sony has a team to take care of that and likely has no problem handing it over to another team as for a matter OF FACT they've done it before.

So I have no clue what your talking about bud. (as its starting to be clear neither do you)

mocaak3120d ago (Edited 3120d ago )

It's obvious that you don't know what I'm talking about. You said that Santa Monica has been helping Ready at Dawn on The Order 1886, you do realize that RAD has been working very closely with Santa Monica since they started working with Sony. They created 2 God of War games on psp.

You probably think that Santa Monica are the ones who want to work on Heavenly Sword and are waiting for approval from Sony. That's very rarely the case, the only one I can think of is Sly reboot, when developers asked Sony to do it. Most of the time it's Sony who is asking developers to make games from other developers, and they will never ask one of their largest teams to do it, especially when they are working on one of the best selling Playstation franchises.

You said you want examples? Here they are:

Naughty Dog - never worked on anything but their ips.

Guerrilla Games - never worked on anything but their own ips.

Sucker Punch - never worked on anything but their own ips.

Poliphony - never worked on anything but their own ips.

Media Molecule - never worked on anything but their own ips.

Evolution - never worked on anything but their own ips.

Insomniac (at the time of being under Sony) - never worked on anything but their own ips.

And finally, Santa Monica - never worked on anything but their own ips.

You will probably say that someone like Sony Bend were making Uncharted and Resistance on PS Vita, but they are not on the same level as other studios I listed. Syphon Filter wasn't very successful on PS2.

_-EDMIX-_3120d ago (Edited 3120d ago )

"And finally, Santa Monica - never worked on anything but their own ips"


Mind you, they helped with several Sony IPs of which they did not own.

That doesn't mean they can't or won't, just means as of yet it hasn't happened. Sorry bud, if Sony Santa Monica wants to work on Heavenly Sword, I don't think much is really stopping them. Sony again owns the IP and the team sooooooo

Mind you, whats the points of your example? The reality is....Sony has ok'ed games to be made by teams that didn't create them, its happened many times. Your list doesn't actually mean its never happened, merely that those teams as of yet haven't worked on other IPs not created by them, it doesn't mean they can't...just means they haven't as of yet.

1 example of Sony oking this means they have and can and they have no issue with it.

1 example of a team they own not doing it, merely means at that time a team didn't do it....

...thats it.

I'm sorry but it still means it can happen lol, I have no clue why you though other teams NOT doing it means it will never happen or something. If Santa Monica wants to work on that IP, it very well can happen and might be easier for them to do then other teams that have done it in Sony. They are a big team and I'm sure if they show Sony they can make the IP have great promise, Sony is likely to allow them to make a sequel or a reboot.

Sony wouldn't even be the first team to do this, dozens of publishers have done this before, I'm not really bringing up something that is rare or never been done, several HUGE AAA games have been remade, or rebooted by teams that didn't create them in the first place.

I have no clue why you thought that wouldn't apply to Sony even though they again have done that before for a matter of FACT in their teams.

mocaak3120d ago

Like always you just keep repeating same thing over and over again without any points in your argument.

What even makes you think that Santa Monica wants to make Heavenly Sword. And when did I ever say that Sony won't let them do it? I said that Sony will never be asking/forcing them to do it, that's completely different from saying "Sony won't let Santa Monica make it".

I answered everything you wrote in your last comment in my preceding comments, I don't understand why you keep writing same thing.

Losso-Oso3119d ago

Again kid, you are wrong.

Naughty Dog has worked on Insomniac games.

Sucker Punch worked on the port of SFxTekken for the PSP.

Insomniac has worked on Naughty Dogs games.

Studio Japan has an extremely long history of co-developing games and taking over projects from other developers, just google them.

And finally, Santa Monica has perhaps the second longest history, next to Studio Japan, of co-development and taking over other projects, again just google them.

But I'll do you one better. Go to, look for the PS I Love you XOXO playlist and listen to I think its the second or third episode, its the one that has Shuhei Yoshida HIMSELF, and listen to it.

In the episode he talks specifically about this very subject, and how often they do it. They take projects from one team and give it to another all of the time.

You are wrong on this, just admit it and be on your merry way bro.

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Christopher3120d ago

Why does that image look like it's from some super hero from a Pixar movie or something to me?

3120d ago Replies(1)
freshslicepizza3120d ago

i'm hoping it's a brand new ip, we need more of those in this industry. enough with the god of war franchise, let it take more time off.

Tsar4ever013120d ago

Well, It doesn't look like Warhawk, Dammit! Why can't SMS give us new WarHawk with more than JUST TWO RIVALING FACTIONS and with a full off-line mode!?

bluegoblin3120d ago

Heavenly sword 2...that would be dreamy.

It was my 1st truly WOW ps3 experience.

XanderZane3119d ago

God of Ballerina. It begins. Yes, I would also rather see a Heavenly Sword 2 game on the PS4. A female Kratos that uses spinning ballerina attacks. lol!! I have to say, that wasn't the best thing to tease, but we'll see where they go with this.

Thatguy-3103119d ago

Does no one think that can be Dr. Neo Cortex from Crash??

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3116d ago

please, god of war.

DeforMAKulizer3120d ago

My gut tells me its Edith Filch

Snappy3120d ago

I agree wgat reamains of edith finch

Wallstreet373120d ago

And "Greatness" begins again!!!! Show me a few games, VR price so i can run and preorder and ill be a happy camper!

Relientk773120d ago

I hope it's a new IP, but it will be God of War 4

Rimeskeem3120d ago

I would like to see and new IP but in the mythology still if that makes sense.

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God Of War Ragnarok Devs Thought The Game Was "Not Good" Just Three Months Ago, Director Says

God of War Ragnarök is already being hailed as game of the year material, but it's creation was anything but easygoing. GQ talks to Sony Santa Monica's Cory Barlog and Eric Williams about the making of a PS4 & PS5 classic.

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Flawlessmic585d ago (Edited 585d ago )

Well those fears were misplaced.

I've put in about 8 and half hrs so far, finding every chest doing any side quests I come across.

The game plays amazing and looks amazing, Santa Monica have knocked it out of the park again!!!

Oh and yes the side quests are as good as the reviews have stated so far, have completed and honestly they may have ad well been main story quests.

Seems harder than gow 2018 aswell, so it's defs worth while trying to clear areas out before moving on.

Bathyj585d ago

It reminds me of ninja gaiden in the sense that even the lowest level enemy can kill you if you're not paying attention to what you're doing. He can't afford to straight around being cocky have to be on the ball

lucian229585d ago

On normal or easy mode? When I started the last game I started on hard. I was killed in one hit until later when I got stronger.

Made the valkyries a royal pain fighting for first time though lol.

Wondering if starting this on hard mode too is a Good idea

Crows90585d ago

Yes start on hard. From what I've heard lower difficulties start okay but then drop off to very easy. I usually play all my games on hard to accommodate that inevitable decline in difficulty as you get stronger and more experienced with the game.

Bathyj585d ago

I'm playing on hard, but not really hard.The one above normal. Seems like a good challenge. Died a bit in those 3 guys mini boss by the watch tower but doing well.

0hMyGandhi584d ago

I snapped my Ninja Gaiden (for the og xbox) disc in half literally 30 minutes in. Then went out a bought a new copy the next day, and then went on to beat it three times.
Good times.

Pyrofire95584d ago

Seriously, I was doing great once. Just in a flowstate. Then all of a sudden a single Nightmare kills me. smh.

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ClayRules2012585d ago

That’s great to hear the dude quests are that good. Have a great time man!!

I cannot even fathom what it’ll be like when the wife and I boot it up for the first time…so anxious!

Jin_Sakai585d ago

Just started and I can already tell it’s going to be a masterpiece. SSM are an incredibly talented team.

Bathyj585d ago

It unlocked for me at 10.30 last night. I thought I'll just have a quick turn.

Well 2 and a half hours went in the blink of an eye and I got 4 hours sleep before work.

Crows90585d ago

What are you waiting for! Get back to work on that game!

Bathyj585d ago

I did. Got home and put about 7 hours in.

Gianoni33585d ago

Amazing game. Played for 2 hours and wow

ClayRules2012585d ago

Amazing and wow (for just 2 hours) I like the sound of that haha. Music to my ears!

Continue enjoying it! I’ll be playing later tonight, BUSY day ahead for me and the family, but we’re all itching to play😄

ClayRules2012585d ago

If I’m not mistaken (and memory serves me right) Naughty Dog thought the same thing with The Last of Us… And we all know how that was a special game back in 2013! So, knowing just 3 months ago they thought it was not good, yet their desire to hit “Perfect” much like their brothers (Naughty Dog) never has them take the easy route, still work so incredibly hard at their craft - being the veterans overall that this team is, along with I assume new fresh talent, this teams love, passion, care, fire and respect for this game and it’s characters etc. and their love for the fans (in wanting to deliver us a great game) really has, no surprise, paid off.

With hard work, the right mindset and loving what you do, respecting the art of games etc. you will get success. Sony’s first party studios continue to show this again and again. Simply unmatched talent.

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Sony Santa Monica Masterfully Teased God Of War Ragnarok

The trailer for God Of War Ragnarok was a masterclass example in trailer design, packed with plenty small details while still not revealing to much.

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Community639d ago
darthv72639d ago

SSM/SMS/SSMS are doing 'god's' work... can't wait.

ClayRules2012639d ago

Haha, like what you did there with the “SSM/SMS/SSMS.”

I can’t wait either, SSM will amaze us all over again, and possibly break our gamer hearts😭😂ԅ 57;

ClayRules2012638d ago

It was a masterclass of a trailer, showcasing one of the most badass looking game trailers I think I’ve possibly ever seen! It didn’t give away too much, stunned us, hyped us up even more and showcased that this sequel could very well (I’m just saying, it’s possible, but I’m not saying it’s 💯set in stone) surpass the masterpiece that was 2018’s gem and masterpiece of a game, in storytelling and fantastic gameplay design etc.

The scope and scale of Ragnarok is reminding me of, based on this trailer, Uncharted 2 (not that Uncharted 2 left it’s linear scope and went wide linear, of course that was Uncharted 4) but in the fact that Uncharted 2 cranked up EVERYTHING from Drakes Fortune to Among Thieves to an 11 in its bombastic nature, gunplay, set piece moments, cutscenes, etc. and Ragnarok is bringing that here, in its own unique way, but with a more living, breathing world in certain aspects; which is so neat and welcome.

SSM has been silently polishing this game up and perfecting it to a level I can’t imagine, wizards, I tell ya.

I wanna see Sindri and Brok fight against evil😁

darkrider638d ago

One the best studios in the world. Only some that don't have a sony machine doubt in the quality of their work.

ToddlerBrain638d ago

The last one but better. 10/10

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Game developers are pushing back against player toxicity

Game studios like Sony Santa Monica and Digital Cybercherries aren't taking player abuse lying down anymore.

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Kaii708d ago

Why as a developer would you Interact with the community anyway? Throw out the trailer with the release date and don't engage, is it that hard? From multiplayer to grouping in mmo's you'll get abuse & the moment you indulge the comments or make the trolls aware that it's having some "impact" you've essentially lost.

"Is harassment getting worse?" If you choose to look for it, yes.

Extra monetization In your game upsetting you? It's not Becky the developer's fault, Devs are obligated to milk that game dry for shareholders & It's your choice to purchase said game, even if you were misled the lesson learned is not to purchase anything In the future from said studio.

*Twitter/FB/IG are not good for your health.

EvertonFC707d ago (Edited 707d ago )

Exactly, it's the same with the ego leaker articles, just don't click them as there full of BS 99% of the time plus why ruin the surprise of a new ip game announcement, trailer, event or release date etc.
Take GoW for instance, it missed it's 2021 release year but it was never delayed or in trouble going into 2022 as it never had a date to be delayed yet we had all the hate from the community, misinformation, YT influencers talking BS etc.

TheCaptainKuchiki707d ago

I bet you're the type of people who say that if women don't want to get harassed by men outside then they should just stay home. Congrats here's a cookie

707d ago
Old McGroin707d ago


I bet you're the type of person who likes to put words in people's mouths and act like they really said those things when they really didn't so you can climb atop your high horse and gain that oh so important moral high ground.
Congrats, but I'm keeping the cookie.

NotoriousWhiz706d ago (Edited 706d ago )

Dang, he took @Kaii's cookie. It's cool. He didn't want those calories anyway.

TheCaptainKuchiki706d ago

Blablabla nobody gaf about y'all replies.

FPS_D3TH706d ago

Just as long as we’re on the same page that nobody gaf about your opinion either

RaiderNation706d ago

That's a false equivalency. If he had said "If you don't like the responses, don't be on Twitter at all and never post anything" then you'd have an argument. He's not saying never be on Twitter. He's just saying do not dignify these ridiculous posts by a bunch of overgrown children with a response. I agree.

Crows90706d ago

Except nobody says that lol...other than're legit the only person who I've heard make that claim.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 706d ago
707d ago
homeruz2707d ago

Developers are humans and they deserve to be respected as such. If an immature person send them a d*** pic, that imitate person deserves to be shamed 24/7

rippermcrip707d ago

That's what they should do. This lady should have posted the dudes d*** Pic back on Twitter for everyone to see.

H9706d ago

It's not a pretty situation, but what you are saying is a double edged sword, from one angle yes the attention gives people power and influence changes in the industry, if one of the developers ran from the abuse then it makes the abusers think that they can make changes, but it's their fault, in the first place developers shouldn't have to handle this situation, but at least you should limit the damages if you can, the problem is not everyone are capable of not giving the abusers attention and power, some people can handle it and render them powerless, but others can't, which may lead to horrible mental consequences, this is a LOSE LOSE situation!

A side note, nothing will be solved if we cheery pick the entitlement we want to fight against, hundreds of articles will be made in these situations, yet these outlets would call developers disrespectful if they made a game hard and would keep quiet if death threats were sent against a eastern developer with a different culture, if we show people that there's a way to run away from consequences then they will be encouraged to abuse!

PapaBop706d ago (Edited 706d ago )

If you've poured your heart and soul to create something you're passionate about, why wouldn't you want to engage with the very people who will appreciate your work? Some fans will always take it too far and that's really sad but developer interaction is important, especially for games with a long lifespan and continued development.

I can't really talk for most gaming communities but I've been an avid FF14 player for a good few years now and I love the way Yoshi P and his developers communicate with the community. Something goes wrong, he straight up apologies and explains what happens, none of that corporate hogwash that crap companies like EA would churn out.

Mobis-New-Nest706d ago

As a videogame developer you are obligated to subjugate your fanbase and make sure they never step out of line and when they do you have to put them in their place or revoke their Fan Card.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 706d ago
XiNatsuDragnel708d ago (Edited 708d ago )

This is going avengers gaming edition?

chicken_in_the_corn708d ago

Good on them. The gaming community is made up of some of the worst people there is.

_Decadent_Descent707d ago

Makes me hate calling myself a gamer for that very reason.

Army_of_Darkness706d ago

I've been gaming since the NES days and honestly, I've Nevered encountered gamers anywhere near that bad. It's usually just "my console of choice is better than your console!"... Nothing to do with developers and all, so I find it very difficult to believe that it has gotten this bad....

NotoriousWhiz706d ago

Every community has some of the worst people. I know someone whose car got flipped because his license plate had a rival sports team on it.

JackBNimble706d ago

You mean playstation community

garryxcs706d ago

No not just the Playstation community and your comment literally proves it.

JackBNimble706d ago

Well actually in this case it is the playstation community

garryxcs706d ago

Did you bother to read the article or just see the God of War thumb nail and decide to single out one fan base? The article mentions Hypercharge, Battlefield and Return to Monkey Island which are not just Playstation games as well as this quote, "employees at Activision Blizzard, who are demanding that management better protect customer support and community management developers who receive increased abuse whenever bad news hits the company." So again its not just the Playstation community so you can stop trolling.

Profchaos706d ago

The internet brings out the worst in people. If you got most of the toxic community members face to face I'm positive they would be to scared to run their mouths in such a way.

senorfartcushion706d ago

It’s 50% insufferable greedy gamers and 50% overbearing advertising. The game creators and publishers create the game as well as the fanbase. Them becoming zombie greed vampires is a symptom of how much games get shoved down our throats on a daily basis.

babadivad706d ago

No it isn't. Literally every community is like this. It's called being human. I don't understand why you shine a light on an extremely small portion of a community and use this as a brush to paint the entire community with.

It's like saying 2% of black people have a criminal record there for all of them are criminals.

Why don't you just use the tools of the platform you are on and block and report toxic fans. Not use the blanket term or make the implication that ALL fans are toxic.

That laterally helps nothing and only drives further divisions and animosity within the fanbase and with the developers.

We know where that road leads to, apathy.

babadivad706d ago

When people don't care, the industry dies.

The exact same thing happened with the comic book community. Creators turned on fans, fanbase became divided and became tired of defending themselves from blanket statements. Your paying customers became apathetic, the comic book industry died.

Developers/Creatives literally gain nothing by attacking their paying customers. You would think would be common sense but apparently that's in short supply these days. There's so many examples of this ending badly.

They should realpy think twice before continuing down this path.

senorfartcushion706d ago

It always comes from the same country.

706d ago Replies(2)
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 705d ago
Levii_92707d ago

Oh for godsake.. just shut up and make good games and release them when you said you would without any delays and then the other side will shut up and pay for it and everyone is happy. Oh and also don't pay attention to dumb s**t online .. is that so hard ? What are these people children ?

FunAndGun707d ago

Ignoring a problem is never the answer.... are you a child?

CrimsonWing69707d ago

I think ignoring them IS the solution.

goldwyncq707d ago (Edited 707d ago )

Crying about things you have no control over is the definition of being a child. By not ignoring the trolls, you’re just giving them more power because they thrive on attention. You think a strongly worded message against trolls and toxic asshats will make them stop what they’re doing?

sourOG707d ago

When you get death threats and harassment they recommend you don’t publicly cry about them because it just gets worse. That’s how trolls work. “Don’t feed the trolls” is actually the grown up answer lol.

707d ago
JackBNimble706d ago

What else are you going to do ... cry like a b.... when playstation fanboys don't get what they want when they want it?

Imalwaysright706d ago

Ignoring a problem that you'll never solve and doesn't hurt anyone in a significant way is the answear.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 706d ago
Duke19707d ago (Edited 707d ago )

To everyone saying “just ignore them”, there is no reason entitled gamers should be sending death threats to developers because their fucking game was delayed.

These entitled pieces of shit are at fault here, and shouldn’t be given a pass. You don’t like a game, don’t buy it and leave it at that

sourOG707d ago (Edited 707d ago )

What are you going to do about it though? What are they going to do about it? How are you going to stop it exactly? Ignoring it is the only rational option. Ignoring ignorant people isn’t “getting a pass”. Nothing hurts a troll more than indifference. They move on to feathers that can be rattled.

Duke19707d ago (Edited 707d ago )

Statements like this just give them a pass which is wrong. "How are you gonna stop them?" lol - maybe if we stop normalizing it and simply accepting horrid behavior by calling it out over time it can be improved.

The takes on here are wild to me. The post below literally like "Words shouldn't hurt you when the come from someone who doesn't even have a face". Like why are people trying to defend people being shitty on the internet?

Just because these kids can hide behind their keyboards doesn't mean that that behavior HAS to be tolerated. They should be called out.

sourOG707d ago (Edited 707d ago )

You still didn’t answer how to stop it. “Maybe if we call it out it will eventually stop”. No, it won’t. It never has. I don’t condone death threats and harassment lol. Crying about it won’t solve anything. Giving them attention is what they want.

sourOG706d ago

All public figures have to tolerate harassment. It comes with the job. You don’t hear about 99% of it because they know how the internet works. If you think the threat is credible you contact authorities. If it’s just some annoying prick you mute them and report them. The absolute worst thing you can do is cry on Twitter (a cesspool) about your trolls. It’s like flies to shit. I bet the dick pics in Santa Monica’s inbox grew 10 fold after they publicly mentioned it lol. That was just dumb. You are not going to reach these idiots with a scathing article of moral superiority. This kind of shit doesn’t do devs any favors. It doesn’t do anything but let the author sniff their own farts and preach to the choir.

We all agree that what they do is wrong but there isn’t a solution aside from ignoring them and moving on with your life. It’s unfortunate but it is what it is. It’s not “normalizing shitty behavior” when shitty behavior has always been the standard. Humans suck, adapt and overcome. That’s just my opinion and final thought before I stop caring again lol.

LucasRuinedChildhood706d ago (Edited 706d ago )

I disagree. The best way to fight a bully isn't to ignore them and let them get away with it - that makes them feel powerful and incentivizes them to keep doing it.

The solution is for everyone in the room to laugh at them and make them feel small. It's still a sort of indifference but it conveys that they're weird and should be embarassed, which will actually make them less likely to do it. Basically, we all need to roast the trolls to a fine crisp, haha, along with the those online who encourage this stuff without getting their hands as dirty.

sourOG706d ago


I disagree. It’s not the same.

The best way to deal with a bully is to beat the living shit out of them. Physical violence must be met with physical violence. This isn’t physical violence or a bully. It’s annoying internet trolls.

Are you going to hunt down and beat the shit out of every internet troll? No lol. Could you roast them enough to get them to stop? No. “The entire room” is what exactly? The entire internet lol? Good luck getting more than 10 people to give a shit.

Engaging with a troll is only giving them what they want. It doesn’t matter if you are crying or laughing at them. They got a rise out of you which is the entire point of their sad existence.

There is a practical solution which is ignoring them. And there’s an emotional non-solution which is feeding them and giving them what they want while pretending you are fighting back. It sucks but that’s the options.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 706d ago
Killer2020UK706d ago

The fact people are disagreeing with you says it all. Apathy is just as bad. How hard is it for people to just be decent?!

WelkinCole706d ago

Gone are the good old days where we can just be disapointed and then move on when games are delayed.

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