
The Start of Your Star Wars Adventure

It’s been just one week since Star Wars™ Battlefront™ launched around the world, and on behalf of the teams at DICE and EA, thank you for joining us on this awesome journey. And what a start! Star Wars Battlefront is the biggest launch of a Star Wars™ video game ever and is the largest digital launch in the history of EA.

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madmonkey013122d ago

free content is always welcomed, even more so in this game.

OB1Biker3121d ago

Yea this is good news no matter how people try to spin it. And so is the new mode coming free with the battle of Jakku dlc. I'm very excited for that one

BeefCurtains3121d ago

Sounds like EA just trying to backpedal and make gamers forget how much content is lacking.

What's disheartening is their announcement that it was such a succesfull launch. They are stripping more and more content, charging more and more for additional content, and gamers are lining up to take it up the a**

guitarded773121d ago

I just want to say I'm not trying to spin anything as I love the game, and I think the vast majority of the hate is because it's "the cool thing to do" right now. That said, this article isn't even an article... it links to the SW website and talks about what we already knew. Jakku was announced early on as free. We knew they were releasing it pre-launch of the new movie. I consider it more part of the base game than free DLC. I mean, it's been known from almost the beginning and probably would have been included on disc if it wasn't being used as a promotional tool for the movie.

OB1Biker3121d ago

No its different. It's about extra free maps and cards coming in the next few months in addition to Jakku dlc.
Also I was hoping for a new mode with Jakku but most people including me though it likely to be just a couple of maps so those are good news.

-Foxtrot3121d ago (Edited 3121d ago )

Well they made these maps alongside the main game they should be free

Just seems like a PR move to try and improve EAs image

Guess people are easily fooled...good grief

Bennibop3122d ago

The free content is great news, I am sure the content probably not on the disk to avoid spoilers for the new film.

ArchangelMike3121d ago

This is what I thought when the date for the Battle of Jakku was annoucned. I'm pretty sure that at least one of the DLC expansion packs will be featured on episode VII. I'm also willing to bet that it will be the first DLC pack that releases, in order to tie the game together with the new film.

EverydayJoe3121d ago (Edited 3121d ago )

Not that this is going to hush any of the critics of the games content levels, but it is a step in a positive direction. Keep the masses happy and they will keep on supporting the game. Hell, they may even sell a few more season passes by throwing gamers a bone.

cfc833121d ago

Free as in they didn't have time to put content in the game that should have been there in the first place.

EverydayJoe3121d ago

Come on, it's free content. Who cares if it comes out 2 days, weeks, or 2 months after the game is released. It's free content for the people that purchased the game. Good grief, free and still gets complaints.

iDadio3121d ago

Because the game on release was not worth the asking price, should we really be expected to lay down full price on the hope of some dlc down the line?

EverydayJoe3121d ago

How is that relevant to the people that have already paid for the game?

I didn't get a season pass, and don't plan on it. Have close to 20 hours on the the game and feel that I have gotten my money's worth out of it with out the season pass, but I sure as hell ain't going to complain about any free content to keep me playing even longer.

cfc833121d ago

It's not free the. The game costs money.

RiseofScorpio3121d ago

"Free" is just PR bull. It's content that was in the base game. There's no way they made this map post launch so it was stripped and sold later.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3121d ago
G20WLY3121d ago

Or free as in the content in question may have contained spoilers relating to the upcoming movie, with which they hope to tie in?

It would make more sense and I'd be glad if they did this to protect peoples' enjoyment of the new film.

And, y'know, it's free, which is great and adds the value that the haters love to claim is currently not there. So everyone's happy now, right?!

Nodoze3121d ago

Why do I sense desperation here from EA? I think they are starting to realize this game has no legs. The player count is VERY low for a game that just launched (there are more people playing Fallout 4 on PC, than playing Battlefront on every platform).

Good to see EA loosen their grip on content. Let's see where they take this. The framework is in place for a great game, but it needs more content, and some work to get there.

ArchangelMike3121d ago

Free maps also means less fragmentation for the player base. EA know how many season passes they have sold, and going by fan and media reactions, I'm pretty sure (I hope at least) the numbers will be trending alot lower than expected.

Fragmenting the player base is never a good thing, especially for a game that doesn't seem to have the staying power as the go-to shooters on the market. (It is very telling that there are just as many people playing BF4 than Star Wars Battelfront right now).

In a few months time, when all the hype surrounding the new film has died down, EA will practically have to give stuff away to get players still invested it the game. Either that, or make the Season Pass DLC absolutely irresistable, with a fully fledge expansion pack with new single player story "mission" etc.

jdktech20103121d ago

Where are you getting these numbers? I didn't see a pop count in the game menu.

acdramon3121d ago

@jdktech I can't remember the site but it track the current online player base of all systems playing SWBF atm. I'm pretty sure that's where all the news articles came from stating PS4 has double the amount of players and so on.

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Aspyr Allegedly Used A PC Mod To Add Xbox Exclusive Content To SW Battlefront Classic Collection

Aspyr Media Inc allegedly used a fan-made PC mod to add previously Xbox exclusive content to Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection.

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XiNatsuDragnel109d ago

Aspyr if we sell hotcakes get that code from radical or something and create battlefield 3 please

DarkkMinion108d ago

Hope more developers do this.

Becuzisaid108d ago

I thought that was kind of obvious they were incorporating mods to piece this game together. Maybe not, but that's made me worried about one thing:

They also planned on adding the modded ending to KOTOR 2 but were legally blocked from doing so, even after they advertised that to help sell preorders for the game on Switch. Could the same happen with this? Any opponents have 3 weeks to bring down the hammer.

GoodGuy09108d ago (Edited 108d ago )

Wish these games would just get remakes.

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Battlefront 2015's PC Community Pleads for Action Against Persistent Server Issues and Hackers

Delve into the server challenges facing 'Star Wars: Battlefront 2015' players, as the community rallies for solutions and seeks EA's intervention.

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The Golden Age of Star Wars Gaming: Exploring the Iconic Titles of the Early 2000s

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gurp454d ago

love all of the classic star wars games

The3faces454d ago

Had a blast playing Kotor when it first released can't wait for the remake to drop.

Terry_B454d ago

urgh..that website design is as ugly as possible. bad colors.