
Hey Poor Podcast Episode 45: Trapped in a David Cage

Jay Petrequin, Adam Foster and Gary Swallow discuss all the goings-on of Paris Games week, postulate about Nintendo's new account system, and talk Halo 5, Undertale, Darksiders II Deathfinitive Edition, and more.

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Yes, that's Kara in season 4 of The Boys

Been watching season 4 of The Boys and find Firecracker's face familiar? As a gamer, where you know her from might surprise you.

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Nerdmaster15h ago

I did have one of those "where do I know her from...?" feelings.
It's funny how a different hair style changes a person. I saw some pictures of her with short or blond hair and it made me remember Kara, but making her a redhead AND with long hair, just bugged my brain.
Here's hoping her character survives until the end of the show (even though her character is a horrible person).

just_looken14h ago

No doubt homelander will get pissed and show her his appreciation.

Episode 3 i was expecting a bitch slap death but it never happened he was zoned out then.

Would it not buy the boys still comedy she fight's back with that lame finger snap power he is like bitch really then just takes her out with one hit LOL

bloop3h ago

Thank you. Couldn't remember who Kara was and was too lazy to open article.

Tankbusta408h ago

The only image from the show in my mind is the multiplying dudes eating each others butts in the sauna

VariantAEC7h ago

Valorie Curry is her name... not sure why that's not even in the short summary. Why is this gaming news though?

ZeekQuattro3h ago

I couldn't for the life of me remember what I remembered her from and then I saw The Tick in her acting credits. That's why she looked so familiar. I loved that short lived Amazon show.

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The 50 Most Iconic Indie Gaming Moments of All Time

Callum Marshal writes: "I want to catalog some of the best indie gaming moments I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing firsthand, and I hope that, in doing so, I unlock a core memory for you. So, without further delay, here is Indie Game Culture’s list of the best Indie Gaming Moments of All Time!"

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Undertale: One Of The Greatest Indie Stories Ever Told

Amidst choices between pacifism and genocidal tendencies, Undertale goes truly beyond in terms if story-telling, and the line between what is considered "right."

Zenzuu148d ago (Edited 148d ago )

One of the most touching and beautiful told story with a great cast of characters and excellent soundtrack. I highly enjoyed my playthrough of the game very much. It's a darn shame, not many people know about it or even give it a chance just because of the way the game visually looks.

Venoxn4g148d ago

Great game, highly recommend.. it is true that at the beginning it doesn't look appealing, but once you get into it..it is amazing