
Halo 5: Guardians (Campaign) Review - ThisGenGaming

ThisGenGaming says

"This is possibly the greatest Halo game ever made...

It has been a long wait. 3 years without a new Halo experience and even longer since we’ve had a masterful entry into the franchise. 343 have admitted at length that they made mistakes in a lot of areas with the launch of Halo 4 and again with the release of the Master Chief collection have been pushing extremely hard to restore the franchise back to its former glory. From everything we’ve seen so far it’s looking like Halo 5 could be the start of that, right? Let’s find out what 343i have done right and whether this is going to bring Halo back to the forefront of the Xbox’s hall of fame."

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Walker3138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

This kind of review (campaign only for a multiplayer-driven game) is absolutely pointless ! should wait till monday and see real reviews .

hudsoniscool3138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

Actually it's not like cod or battlefield where the sp is an afterthought. Campaign is a very big part of halo my friend. And we can all see the mp, or we have played it from the beta. So we know whether we will like it or not(it rocks). The campaign is the question mark here, so I'm quit happy to know atleast this guy thinks it might be the best ever.

Walker3138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

I know campaign is a very big part of halo but multiplayer is as big if not bigger ! a real review should contain full game not a part of the game !

3138d ago
d_g3138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

@Famous my friend in UAE have played the camping and it was about 12 hours.

boodi3138d ago

sure ..343i make halo5 , it's an halo , one of the most importante new gen game ,and they make it 5-6 hours..rofl..

Elit3Nick3138d ago

@d_g seems consistent with what 343said about the length.

BattleAxe3138d ago

Looks like Halo 5 is about to Make America Great Again!

Kingthrash3603138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

America has always been great, with or without halo...relax.
343 weakness was never it's campaign it's the mp I'm worried about. Hopefully the beta and the lessons learned from the mcc and halo 4 will help them go over the hump. If they mess this up they will lose all credibility.
This review is for hits imo, a real review contains the full game and a score reflecting that. Even tomb raider lost points for its bland mp. Halo deserves the same kind a reviews. This was just them trying to get the review out quicker than everyone else for hits.

4Sh0w3138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

I dont know how much stock I put into a review before the embargo but I have NO doubt that Halo5 will earn plenty more 9+ reviews, either way I'm just glad 343 has put in the hard work to make it great.

Tuesday should be a Holiday....Halo-ween or something, lol that's how excited I am. -I will be handing out *free tea bags in honor of this day.

Gazondaily3138d ago

A real review cant take assess mp and campaign separately? BS. Then tell the world that when GTA 5 launched.


3137d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3137d ago
3-4-53138d ago

It's not pointless, they are reviewing the campaign, and if you are smart you will understand that.

Obviously the multiplayer aspect of the game can't realistically be reviewed at this point in time because the real experience won't go live until MOnday night.

Even then, you have to play a few days worth to really "get" everything that is there.

There is nothing wrong with reviewing what is available to review thus far, as long as they mention and make note that it's just for a portion of the game.

Most people understand this.

uptownsoul3138d ago

Thats true...Its just a pity that not all 5-6 hour campaigns are treated equally.

Eonjay3138d ago

Then they should wait and review the game in its entirety. It is very rare to see a partial review of a game when both pieces are sold together. I understand them not being able to play the multiplayer, but then they should wait because when you by Halo 5 you are buying both pieces.

Bigpappy3138d ago

I don't get why the PS guys are asking for Halo5 to reviewed after people have already bought and played it. I have been gaming for a long time. Never was it that reviews came after the game has been released and many already bought it. Some people rely on review to guide their commitment to buy a game. -I am NOT one to use reviews on established franchises-.

Multi-players can be reviewed separately. It has been done before without all the hoopla

zidane13413138d ago

Uptownsoul: too bad this game is longer then 6 hours then, troll.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3138d ago
Sitdown3138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

If somebody is more so purchasing the game for the campaign, how is this pointless to them? Pointless is you coming in here just to say you will wait till Monday for "real reviews". As of real reviews on Monday would have had the full Halo 5 experience.

d_g3138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

Camping has been always a big deal in Halo franchise

All these commercials and hunt the truth series and you call it pointless....

pivotplease3138d ago

Hoping the camping in this iteration is intents.

GearSkiN3138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

Camping sucks hate those types of ppl 😂

3-4-53137d ago

@ pivotplease = Did you mean intense ?

OpieWinston3138d ago

Multiplayer is where a large part of the replay value plays a factor. But the campaign is the major draw in for a large portion of the crowd. It's the main reason why when advertising the game the campaign/story is what's shown. That's what people want.

I myself come for the Campaign stay for the long hours in the PvP.

The real reviews are on an embargo and this is a clever way to move around that early and give people a glimpse.

Walker3138d ago

"The real reviews are on an embargo and this is a clever way to move around that early and give people a glimpse"

That's just a click-bait article . no one should release their review before embargo date, that's illegal !

OpieWinston3138d ago

Walker you're just going to downplay or ignore any positive Halo reviews so why do you care?

jb2273138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

It's not that this guy came up w/ a clever way around the embargo, as no one under embargo can review any part of the game, campaign or pvp....the reason this cat was able to post the review was because he didn't sign an embargo...he just got an early copy so he's free to post whatever he likes as MS didn't send him a copy or a contract to sign agreeing to an embargo, so it's not some crafty move or some illegal thing, it's just a dude posting his opinions on the campaign.

stiggs3138d ago


Pointless...to YOU.

I have played through all of the campaigns in Halo 1-4, Reach and ODST. I have NEVER played a single multiplayer match in any of the iterations of the franchise.

I understand that makes me somewhat of an anomaly but I am not ignorant enough to discredit the multiplayer aspect of the games. Multiplayer is just not for my thing. If you enjoy it then I hope it lives up to your expectations.

Just keep in mind that there are people out there who evaluate these games on different levels than you. For me, the campaign is where it's at.

TheXgamerLive3138d ago ShowReplies(2)
Team_Litt3138d ago

I play Halo for the campaign. I'm terrible at the multiplayer.

ic3fir33138d ago

at least you are honest, but most who hate halo, is because it is very bad at playing the multiplayer, Halo requires a lot of experience if you're not good, you are destroyed in 99% of games.
Ex, average CoD players is 90% bad on Halo =D

PandemicPrawn03138d ago

I'm not great at it either. Like you I'm in it for the campaign and the story.
But I still find the multiplayer a lot of fun.

PandemicPrawn0 just happy to make up the numbers!

iistuii3138d ago

Yeah me too, I'm a campaign coop guy who gets owned by these pesky kids at MP. But warzone has me interested as I can help out killing bots & big bosses & still be a part of the score, win, win for me.

Perjoss3138d ago

Doesn't Halo usually have good matchmaking? so players that are not so great get put into matches with other players of similar skill.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3138d ago
Caedus5113138d ago

I actually buy the halo games for the campaign...the MP is a bonus. I hardly ever play FPS games online unless I'm on PC. So a campaign only review is critically important to some of us.

Sheevah3138d ago

For me multiplayer is just an happy coincidence that I will gladly enjoy occasionally every now and then. I am Medium at best as far as Multiplayer Player Versus Player goes.my thing is the Campaign so I will be playing at least 2-3 times the whole thing before I consider MPing. I would be all over cooperative Firefight if it was still around but I guess that's just me and a few small number of other players.

Azzanation3138d ago

I only play Halo for the Campaign so its great to hear its good. I touch the MP when im bored. Its just my opinion but goes to shoe not everyone thinks the same way.

whoyouwit043138d ago

Only a uninformed fanboy will make such a dumb ass statement. everyone knows the halo is really bigger then the online portion of the game.

CaptainObvious8783138d ago

Great to see praising reviews coming out. I'm happy for you xbone owners :)

aviator1893138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

If you think Halo is multi-player driven, you're wrong.
Halo has always been given equal attention to both the campaign and mp portions.
With such an ignorant comment, I do wonder how you have so many bubbles... @Walker

DarXyde3138d ago

I disagree. I don't think outlets should have to wait to review the entire game. They didn't with Metal Gear Solid V. Granted, the entire game (meaning Metal Gear Online 3) wasn't available until this month, but that's sort of like saying they should have held off until only a couple of weeks ago to review The Phantom Pain.

I expect pretty good reviews for Halo 5. I don't think any game in the series has been poorly received.

LexHazard793138d ago

How is it absolutely pointless? We've seen plenty of multiplayer gameplay, we had a beta. Alot of people were more worried about what the single player expirience was gonna be like. So this single player review is a good thing and not pointless.

otherZinc3138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )


There are 13+ Books devoted to the Halo Universe. Not Halo Multiplayer. The Halo Universe Story is always the main focus. It's a testament that some think the Multiplayer is so great, that it's the main focus when there's such a well developed story in the same package.

No matter how much you guys attempt to smear Halo 5 Guardians, it's the top exclusive this generation.

Halo 5 Guardians is loaded with gameplay other developers aren't offering for $60:
Campaign Co-op
Multiplayer 21 Maps at Launch
No Season Pass
*Free DLC of 18 Multiplayer Maps
*And More

When a developer gives consumers this much content; support it, instead of hating on it.

fanboysmackdown3138d ago

If you have a problem with this fella's "campaign review", why'd you bother reading it, just so you could bitch and moan I suppose hey?

Scrivlar3138d ago Show
Randostar3138d ago

If you really played any Halo's Story you would know that it's just as important if not more than MP.

holysmokesbatman3138d ago

It explicitly states CAMPAIGN review, seriously, LEARN TO READ!

bananaboats3137d ago

how do you have so many bubbles with that ridiculous comment. please slap yourself. Halo is not a MP driven game. It benefits from having an amazing story and a fantastic MP. No reason to wait till Monday when the scores out already are a testament to how great this game is.

jay23137d ago

To me this is actually perfect. I couldn't care less about.mp for most games things like gta 5 being an exceptional

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3137d ago
raggy-rocket3138d ago

Wow, great score! Hope this trend continues. Halo has always been a 90+ game. From what I've seen (and played) of the games I'm getting, this will be my GOTY, for campaign and multiplayer given how much they're investing in both (financially and non financially)

Paytaa3138d ago

I just hope reviewers don't knock the MP because it's tough.

After playing Halo super competitively with MLG here and there for 14 years, Halo 5 was the first Halo since 2 where I was actually struggling at times. You could just feel the competitive push just within the gameplay and I personally love it. Having a new Halo where I have to start from scratch with new mechanics has been a long time coming.

I just get the sense that reviewers will find it difficult to do good therefore they will give it lower scores.

If this review in this article is anything to go by then this game will get solid reviews for the SP no doubt.

Crashbandicoot773137d ago

The campaign is only 5-6hrs. Look it up on youtube

Immorals3138d ago

Only played the first few levels, but they are phenomenal. Might beat Halo 2 as my favourite campaign!

Paytaa3138d ago

So lucky...

I haven't watched any of the released SP gameplay but are the levels more varied than previous games, notably 4? I really like the verticality focus on the campaign this time.

Immorals3138d ago

There's been plenty of variety from what I've played, and it has the open areas halo 4 lacked.

Can't wait to be able to play online!

3138d ago Replies(5)
hiawa233138d ago

I play Halo for coop and single player, so this is great news, for us sp gamers that prefer it to multiplayer.

Kerppamaister3138d ago

I'm sorry that means like 'Single player for ONE half a day afternoon only!'...

Try the MP, at least for like a half a day... please.

timmyp533138d ago (Edited 3138d ago )

I hope it is as good as H3. I don't understand how people rank ODST on the same level as H3. ODST was boring as hell.

Edit: Nah man. I'm about that singleplayer life.

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Master Chief Became More Than A Machine In 343's Halo

In Halo 4, 5, and Infinite, Master Chief became a more nuanced, human character.

In spite of the Halo series’ struggles, 343 deserves praise for adding nuance and characterisation to the ever-beating heart of Halo - The Master Chief. Playing through Infinite, it's abundantly clear that the events of the current and previous trilogies have irrevocably changed the iconic hero. He’s no longer the ‘blank slate’ that was previously presented by Bungie. He’s a fatigued, damaged and fallible protagonist, and one who is meandering through currents of grief, while reveling in his newfound agency. Giving the Chief a compelling and meaningful voice was no small feat, and 343 should be proud of that victory.

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kingnick440d ago

This article completely misses part of the appeal of the original iteration of character in the original game trilogy. It was the Chief and Cortana vs an entire alien collective. The blank slate Bungie displayed in their games was genius, he was an mysterious hero a wide audience could identify with because he wasn't as clearly defined as most characters.

The books added a lot of lore and backstory but most Halo players just want a fun game with exposition that doesn't get in the way of gameplay, it's why the Cortana level in Halo 3 was derided.

Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty.

BandarHub439d ago

A lot of people give the 343 version of Master Chief a lot of slack.
But Fundamentally he is still the same character, he just has a couple more dialogues. He has not changed in terms of attitude.
"Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty."
And that's what he has done at the end of the day, he did his duty. Watch his partner die, and was ready to destroy the weapon in Halo infinite....he is still the same soilder that everyone remembers

Halo Infintes one was a nice balance between both.

slate91439d ago

Chief and the halo franchise became a joke under 343

Sciurus_vulgaris439d ago

The 343i Master Chief has is based on the books. However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion.

Obscure_Observer439d ago

"However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion."

Which is awesome! I love how Master Chief become more John and less soldier.

Sciurus_vulgaris439d ago

I didn’t even notice my typos,lol


GameStop Kicks Off Four Pre-Owned Games For $20 Sale

Daily Video Game writes: "GameStop is running a new pre-owned game sale on over 1000 pre-owned games that offers four pre-owned ($9.99 or less) games for $20 across multiple gaming platforms right now, including PS3 and Xbox 360!"

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roadkillers680d ago

I mean, the deal is alright… Unfortunately for me the Serious S doesn’t have a disk drive and unfortunately for Gamestop a lot of those games are on or have been on Gamepass/PSNow.

Sgt_Slaughter681d ago

Given the nature of backwards compatibility on new systems, this is a great sale in case you missed out on some gems from last gen.

Mandingo2020680d ago

Most of the games on Xbox are on game pass. The Switch games in this sale are trash c'mon farming simulator that's laughable. The PS4 games should be cheaper. I can't wait for the GameStop going out of business liquidation sale.

neutralgamer1992680d ago

Seriously man I don't get the hate on GS and I guess you want even less options and give more control to the publishers

And you want thousands of people to lose their jobs because you don't like a company. One thing I have noticed is how most who hate on GS haven't shopped at the actual stores in years. Many who hate on GS have also done so listening to others negative stories or experiences. People on YT want clicks and hating on GS is the cool thing

SurgicalMenace680d ago

It's not people's hate that would lose people's jobs, it's the shady business practices of the company. So what you're saying is that because people work there individuals should just support what they don't want to? Sound advice; Hitler too had supporters, employees, and advocates but people go around hating him too. They only hate because of other people's bad stories or experiences; they only spoke bad about him because they wanted attention. It's been decades; lets give his way another go. With your logic anything could be made to sound good.🤷🏾‍♂️

neutralgamer1992680d ago


Seriously you used Hitler as an example to say company has shady practices

You don't have to shop at GS there are many other retailers. I shop there and vast majority of my experiences have been positive and most of the employees are super nice

SurgicalMenace679d ago

Just having some fun, bro.🤣🤣

Mandingo2020679d ago

There are other places to work besides GS. Plus, their benefits are trash so why not work somewhere else?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 679d ago
REDGUM680d ago

And none of those game you speak of you actually own as they are digital not physical & would cost more than $20 as the subscription costs more than that.

Mandingo2020679d ago (Edited 679d ago )

You know you can get game pass ultimate codes for the low on cdkeys or g2a right? You don't need to have a subscription 😂. GS is trash and I'd rather support the mom and pop game store here instead.

BlackTar187680d ago

Why are you people so full of hate? GameStop gives people jobs and provides a physical appearance to see things in the flesh and not just some soulless online experience.

Mandingo2020679d ago

You can get physical at mom and pop game stores plus you can get it online. GS is trash

neutralgamer1992679d ago

Because Mom and Pop shops cost two to three times more for the same product Angie the answer

BlackTar187679d ago (Edited 679d ago )

Mom and pop stores cost more and have even harder time competing against the internet. Also lie to me and tell you have a couple mom and pop stores near you selling games then lie and tell me you shop there.

IanTH680d ago

These sales, while potentially great, really struggle to be valuable given you can't easily parse what games are in stock. You can't just say "only show what is online & what are in my nearby stores". Probably 60-75% of these games in these massive lists are out of stock for shipping, and out of stock locally. It makes it a chore to find anything you'd want, much less 4 of them, much less enough if you wanted to get to a free shipping tier. It's a bummer.

680d ago Replies(1)

10 Best Halo Games

NoobFeed Editor Joshua Burt writes - There are many games in the famous Halo Franchise that are stellar titles and need to be revered. And some that do not. These games stand out from the crowd and deluge of colossal Halo titles. Games that made Halo great. We do need to iron out what qualifies the game for this list. They have to be in the Halo franchise… Obviously.

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750d ago
750d ago Replies(2)
-Foxtrot750d ago

Halo CE over Halo Infinite anyday

Not to mention the impact it had at the time

Flawlessmic750d ago

Halo 3 at the top is correct the only thing id change is swap infinite and halo ce around.

AuraAbjure750d ago

Halo 4 best campaign and multiplayer. Halo 3 best story.

ChubbyBlade749d ago

Are you trying to give people cancer?

AuraAbjure749d ago (Edited 749d ago )

Halo 4 has the hottest Cortana too which explains why the MC is the hardest in that campaign and why H4's multiplayer is the illest. Chief ain't afraid to take on teleporting enemies that can one hit melee kill.

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