
Watch: Hands-on with the Steam controller


"Two shiny new Steam controllers arrived in the Eurogamer office today, which was exciting. Then it was confusing, then amusing, then vaguely disappointing, then exciting again, then... well, to be honest I'm not sure exactly how I feel about the Steam controller at the minute. It shows definite promise, but it's also got the unenviable task of fighting how my brain is wired to operate after years of gaming with a keyboard and mouse."

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1383170d ago

I really don't like it. The trackpad is not functionally equal or even really comparable to an analog stick, let alone a mouse. The "D-pad", if you can even call it that, serves no purpose, either. Valve is trippin' with all this janky hardware. "Consoles" without a customer base and the worst controller I've sullied my hands with in the 25+ years I've been gaming. Would be nice if they'd use these resources to make games instead.

ninjahunter3170d ago

I will probably get one for in home streaming. I don't expect it to be microsofts pro whatever controller, but a controller that i can expect to work with all my games without having to bend over backwards sounds like a good deal to me.

-Open killing floor, no controller support, get third party program that overwrites gamepad drivers and breaks them for regular use, reconfigure controls, open killing floor again with binary controls, revert drivers when done.- That's not my idea of kicking back and enjoying a good game.

Fro_xoxo3170d ago

I dunno, I'd still like to try it out..

thereapersson3170d ago

I've been skeptical from the moment I laid eyes upon this thing, and the size doesn't help it's case any (it's big!). However, you provide a logical viewpoint, and that is to try it out even despite a preconceived notion regarding it's aesthetics / usability.

starchild3170d ago

I'm getting this. I can tell that once I adapt to it it will likely have advantages over both k&m and traditional gamepads.

thereapersson3170d ago

Deluding yourself after years of PC indoctrination, eh Starchild? Get a real controller. MotionInJoy can support 360 pads as well as DS3's, and if MotionInJoy gives you problems, use InputMapper or a similar program. There's no need for Valve's convoluted hardware design, and multiple gaming outlets have come away indifferent as to how they feel about this pad.

I'm a huge Steam fan as it presents the most palatable DRM solution on PC's, and some of my most-loved games are in my gaming library as Steam-only versions. However, I've had doubts from the beginning regarding this pad and initial feedback has strengthened my stance on this peripheral. I'm happy you've made up your mind regardless of hater commentary, though. Good on ya.

1nsomniac3170d ago

Way to go on looking absolutely terrified on saying anything bad about it in case of getting struck off Valve's well behaved list.

I've not heard a single good comment from anyone about these pads which is worrying considering Valve have spent soo, so long creating it & the money they've spent on it. Also as I'm waiting for mine :-(

Still, the profile notification system sounds good. I wonder if that's for all games or just a select few?

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The Frustrating Failed Experiment That Was The Steam Controller

TheGamer Writes "I really tried with the Steam Controller. Valve's first foray into creating its own bespoke gamepad tailored specifically for PC gaming was, putting it mildly, poorly received. It launched in 2015, but by 2019 the company had quietly discontinued it. However, while everyone was gleefully dumping on it, I was determined to get my money's worth. I bounced off it immediately like everyone else, but I thought: Valve is smart."

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lonewolf10591d ago

They should of added some sort of center point on the right track pad, maybe a dip in the center or a slight bump, I think that could help in games for controllers?

Espangerish591d ago

They really just needed the second stick for me. A control scheme alone the lines of the deck would have been a big improvement

gamerz591d ago

Still use it for controlling my living room pc. Never liked it for games. One neat thing is the scroll-wheel function by dragging your finger around the perimeter of the left circlepad - clockwise for down, counter-clockwise for up.

IanTH591d ago (Edited 591d ago )

It's primary value truly is in games that don't support any kind of controller input. You can do a decent job of grafting something usable for games with only direct mouse input, like strategy games and the like, thanks to the touchpads.

Outside that? The customization is really quite excellent, but it is almost impossible to use in place of a traditional controller in a lot of circumstances. It's a nice niche option to have, but I was certainly never able to have it completely replace an XB or PS controller when a game called for one.

MadLad591d ago

I use mine all the time still.


Steam Deck Is Valve's Biggest Hardware Misses in One Convenient Package

Valve's newly revealed Steam Deck is the Frankenstein resurrection of two of their most notorious products, the Steam Link and the Steam Controller.

jjb19811066d ago

The same could be said about the Switch. It is a combination of the WiiU game pad and the nunchucks. Neither of those were incredible devices either but the refined combination of the two created a highly successful device.

Immagaiden1066d ago

The nunchuck was one of the most successful accessories in gaming. It made a ton of Wii games better

Notellin1066d ago

It was so good they immediately transitioned back to traditional control schemes after the novelty wore off from grandparents playing Wii bowling twice and ordering a Wii fit.

FallenAngel19841065d ago

@ Not

Wii U utilized nunchucks
Switch had a configuration that mimics the nunchuck configuration

Inverno1066d ago

Why does it feel like the media is trying to kill this thing before it gets a chance to even be released?

ScootaKuH1066d ago (Edited 1066d ago )

Yeah I don't really get it. I know Valve have a sketchy history when it comes to hardware but to me it seems the Steam Deck gets far more right than it gets wrong.

Of course we've only seen games playing on prototype systems but already it seems really polished and well thought out. I have faith that the Steam Deck will be a success. I've reserved a 512gb model and the estimated availability is Q2 2022 (UK) so plenty of time to see how it progresses in the coming months. Right now I think it looks really promising, but if, when it launches it's not all that, then I'll cancel and I'll have lost nothing. If, on the other hand, it proves to be every bit as good as promised then I'll be happy to be in the queue 👍

Zeref1066d ago

Nintendo fans feel threatened by it because they didn't get a Switch Pro

King_Noctis1066d ago (Edited 1066d ago )

CBR is owned and operate by Nintendo fan? Wow.

Zeref1066d ago


I didn't say anything about CBR, don't put words in my mouth 😕

but at the same time yeah whoever wrote could be a Nintendo fanboy

MadLad1066d ago

Because gamers seem excited and games "journalists" get off on being contrarian.

derek1066d ago

I see the exact opposite going on.

annoyedgamer1066d ago

Because its open source. And the media like closed systems that they can control through proxy.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1066d ago
garos821066d ago

is the hardware upgradeable?

Trunkz1065d ago

Yes but you’d have to really dig inside to do such a thing, I’m sure people will make step by step YouTube videos on how to upgrade parts, tho you’d void the warranty.

foker1066d ago (Edited 1066d ago )

It is cool and all,.. but the thing is huge,.. might as well get a gaming laptop at that size

Zeref1066d ago

Lol it's barely 2 inches longer, you want me to get a big ass gaming laptop cuz of 2 extra Inches? Make it make sense

specialguest1065d ago (Edited 1065d ago )

Seems you can't please everyone. I've read another comment saying the battery is not long enough. Well, a larger battery would mean the handheld would be much larger and heavier, and possibly a little pricier. Now you're saying it's too huge. Well, if it's smaller then the thing would suffer from a hardware downgrade, and cooling might be affected. Then someone else will say it's too weak. It's an endless cycle of complaints

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Valve Loses $4 Million Steam Controller Patent Lawsuit

Valve has lost a patent lawsuit over the Steam Controller to the tune of $4 million — and it could have to pay out even more based on the court's decision.

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moongrim1235d ago

gotta love those patent trolls, invent something in a drawing and start suing people, scum

DaCajun1235d ago

Goes to show you that the patent system is extremely flawed. Should not be able to be a patent without a working prototype at least. If you're to lazy, not intelligent, or creative enough to take your idea from a scribble on some paper to an actual somewhat working product, you should not be allowed a patent.

Most that file patent law suits like these are just con artist looking for the quick easy buck. If these losers spent half as much energy following through on these supposed patents they would probably make more than they do from these lawsuits considering their lawyer is the bigger winner after their cut.

porkChop1235d ago

This isn't really a patent troll. They warned Valve ahead of time to change their design because it was infringing their patent. Valve released the controller anyway.

Patent trolls don't warn companies, they just sit and wait.

spwittbold1235d ago

Clearly someone didn't read the article. They aren't patent trolls if they "warned," Steam before hand that they may potentially be infringing on their patent well before the controller was released for sale. Then again, it's no surprise the average IQ of comments here is just barely room temperature.

Kados1235d ago (Edited 1235d ago )

Ironburg Inventions is a subsidiary of Corsair, which also owns Scuf. Hardly a patent troll when they have had the design on the market for many years.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1235d ago
Knightofelemia1235d ago

Let's see if this new controller they are working on infringes on another patent Ironbug warned Valve about the controller potentially infringing on the patent yet they still sold it. That right there shows that Valve knew and still moved a head to release it so they are at fault for this one.

rdgneoz31234d ago (Edited 1234d ago )

Read the patent and look at the pictures... The patent has two analog sticks and 1 track pad on the left side. Vavle's controller has 2 track pads and an analog stick. The pictures on the patent look like that were made by a 10 year old trying to draw a controller. The track pad and analog sticks as like the same size in the troll's patent and look exactly the same...

Part of that quality patent summary:
"The present invention provides a hand held controller for a video game console having a hard outer case and a plurality of controls located on the front and top edge of the controller. The controller is shaped to be held in both hands of the user such that the user's thumbs are positioned to operate controls located on the front of the controller and the user's index fingers are positioned to operate controls located on the top edge of the controller. The controller further includes one or more additional controls located on the back of the controller in a position to be operated by the user's other fingers.

In one embodiment, each additional control is an elongate member which is inherently resilient and flexible such that it can be displaced by a user to activate control function.

Preferably, each elongate member is mounted within a respective recess located in the case of the controller.

Preferably, each elongate member comprises an outermost surface which is disposed in close proximity to the outermost surface of the controller such that the user's finger may be received in said respective recess.

Preferably, each elongate member has a thickness less than 10 mm thick, more preferably less than 5 mm thick, and most desirably between 1 mm and 3 mm."

Such quality...

If you want to see a real patent not by a troll, check out Sony's PS5 controller patent.

1235d ago Replies(3)
gold_drake1235d ago

i mean, they've been warned ahead of their release of the controller.
but i feel like 4 mio. is like pocketchange to them at this point.

Bladesfist1235d ago (Edited 1235d ago )

It's probably just seen as part of the cost of doing business, they're the most profitable American company per employee, I doubt they will have any issue paying it.

specialguest1235d ago (Edited 1235d ago )

Not the first time this type of lawsuit happened. 4 million is peanuts compared to the Immersion vs Sony patent lawsuit where Sony loss and had to pay 97 million plus licensing fees for prior years totalling 53 million. They had to remove the force feedback from the PS3 during the early years until they made an agreement with Immersion. I still have one of those non-force feedback controllers (because "tilt" was the future haha) . MS was sued too, but settled out of court and actually purchased 10% shares of Immersion lol. What that meant was when Immersion won the lawsuit against Sony, MS benefited too

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