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Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Lead Game Designer Finds Preview Mistake “Pretty Scary”

By now many are aware about the Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End preview fiasco on a relevant British website. The site posted a since removed preview titled “Is Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End too formulaic?” The problem was that the writer mistook his playthrough of Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection at Tokyo Game Show for a hands-on session of Uncharted 4.

The editor in charge has since apologized and the article has been removed, but of course the internet reacted quite violently. Some at Naughty Dog took the issue with a bit of irony, and Co-Lead Designer Anthony Newman expressed his opinion on Twitter.

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Community3268d ago
Thatguy-3103268d ago

No excuse can justify the mistake. It's Among Thieves for God sake which is the pinnacle of the series. Journalist need to do research to know what they are talking about. This just paints a bad image to gaming journalism in general. Developers pour so much hard work for what? So individuals can badly represent it?

fallacious3268d ago

who was the original author that wrote that preview? i want to go and tell him what a complete and utter moron he is.

jordan84453268d ago

Brenna Hillier. A 32 year old female communist (I'm not joking about that) from Australia, complete narcissist and bald-faced liar. And not too smart.

3268d ago
ShadowWolf7123268d ago


How exactly does being female explain anything?

Mr Lahey3268d ago


misogynistic much?

VenomUK3268d ago (Edited 3268d ago )

The fact that the 'journalist' said she was an 'Uncharted veteran' was a barefaced lie to convince readers the game franchise was one she was knowledgeable on. However if she had played the original Uncharted 2 on PS3 she would have known the remaster was not Uncharted 4.

The sad part is that it's probable she had already made the editorial decision to be critical of Uncharted 4 BEFORE EVEN HAVING PLAYED IT. She took the stance that the game was unoriginal and unimaginative and sort to propagate her views to the public. This was from a person who very likely has never played Uncharted 2. But it makes you wander why was she so negative. Is it because she doesn't like one particular brand, is there incentives from another company?

Besides the contempt of the readership this reflects a serious issue within the industry of lazy hacks who even just repeat the perceived opinion of a game, or worst, make stuff up. I believe it is these repeated instances of incompetence or wrongdoing that is alienating gamers from traditional websites because they simply cannot be trusted.

3267d ago
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viperman2403268d ago (Edited 3268d ago )

Not only that but what does it say about the person who originally made that article. That person can't even fuss up to make an apology or say anything, instead someone else had to apologize.

PS: Yes the person on the left is the author who made the original article confusing UC2 for UC4.

Hoffmann3268d ago

No wonder that more and more of us can't take the big gaming sites seriously anymore. Good there are many small alternatives, run by gamers and not people that have the main target to make clicks.

UKmilitia3268d ago

the funny thing is they branded themselves as a VETERAN of uncharted.

yet couldnt recognise the scene not being from uncharted 2.

im currently playing the remasters and onto 2nd one and while it looks great its far from uncharted 4 lvl.

AizenSosuke3267d ago

Ikr these ppl need really have an retrospection on their careers as gaming journalists.

S2Killinit3267d ago (Edited 3267d ago )

To be honest i find a genuine mistake much easier to forgive than some of the shady behind the scenes practices of gaming journalism. This guy made a mistake, a horrible one, but luckily it was identified, and he appologized. I prefer that to journalists who give reviews based on how much a console holder has recently "donated" or "paid for advertisements" on the journalist's site.

Maybe this journalist's mistake is actually a testament to how good UC2 was? But then again, why did he mistake UC4 for UC2 and not for UC1 or UC3 for that matter? Isnt it a bit odd? Could it have been purposefully done? Was there a motive behind the site? A policy? Were they so eager to bash UC that they jumped the gun? I guess we wont know. Well maybe the site's review of the actual UC4 will clarify things? We shall see.

Hairy Chewie3267d ago (Edited 3267d ago )

The problem is the writer hasn't apologised or said anything about it as far as I know, only the editor has acknowledged the mistake. It would have been forgivable and forgotten about if the writer hadn't made out that they had played and enjoyed the previous games when it seems unlikely they have played or finished them.

3267d ago
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suckingeggs3268d ago

Gaming journalists don't do this for the Love of gaming.. They are narcissistic... Will be dishonest to garner hits...except gifts to write a favourable review ...and also for a bit of infamy

There are very few sites you can trust...its normally the smaller independent sites that are run by gamers who you can trust

Vg27 just highlighted what's been common knowledge for a while and I hope this really hurts their revenue from advertising hits

chrish19903268d ago

"Gaming journalists don't do this for the Love of gaming.. They are narcissistic... Will be dishonest to garner hits...except gifts to write a favourable review ...and also for a bit of infamy"


Aloy-Boyfriend3268d ago (Edited 3268d ago )

To me, Colin Moriarty and Greg Miller are true gaming Journalists. Lots of hipsters on IGN hated them for being PlayStation fans and their stuff being limited to Playstation mainly (and still), but those guys did and still do show passion for gaming, wrote excellent pieces (Colin's PlayStation developers history), had the #1 PlayStation podcast in the world where they talked and even criticised PlayStation, and reviewed games fairly

Salooh3268d ago (Edited 3268d ago )

Naaah, not for me. IGN always been one of the worst sites for me. Most if not all were and still noobs. That's one of hundred reasons why any good gamer should avoid them...

Gametrailers in the other hand feels legit and i trust them with reviews. But still i always go with my taste in games. It's easy for me to know if the game will be fun or not.

Yui_Suzumiya3268d ago

Yeah, those are the two people I've been trusting for many years now.

_-EDMIX-_3268d ago

Agreed. I'd rather trust other gamers for my damn news then most sites. Too many writers that write for the sake of money vs because they REALLY game.

We are on here because we talk about games, literally DAILY!

You won't see Gangster Red confusing what a damn game is called or footage released.

You want see Foxtrot telling us about a damn game he "thought" was Uncharted 4 LMFAO! I'm sorry but its sad when we on this forum could very well do a better job then MANY on those huge sites. Consider when regarding games on this site, everone sorta keeps each other in check. We always got that one person that knows everything about said developer, publisher, IP etc lol

Some of them didn't know some serious gaming history junk, like some of them didn't know Sony published FFVII in the states or paid for its marketing. Some of them had no idea that Destiny was being worked at at MS, it was not Bungie that just went to Acitivision and started working on Activisions IP, just some sad crap that you hear and you just think....I'm merely a gamer, how is it I know lots of this and some of them KNOW those developers and just have no idea whats going on.

Don't get me started on those who review games they don't actually play the genre of.

Pintheshadows3268d ago

Kinda Funny is great. Glad the two of them shed the shackles of IGN and went out on their own.

The_Devil_Hunter3268d ago

Colin and Greg are the fucking shit, I absolutely love their work. Colin and Greg are no roubt my favorite journalists they dont give you any bullshit and are straight to the point, I'm glad they made a swift return to a Playstation podcast, I love PS I love you. Gamecast wit Tim Gettysburg just isn't the same.

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Tapani3268d ago

Spot on, sir!

Now, where can I find some eggs to suck? Eww, what did I just say...

NeoGamer2323268d ago

Gaming journalists are a bunch of people who could not get a job doing real journalism.

The previews/reviews of gaming journalists are constantly biased based on fanboy opinion.

When they do decide to write articles they usually lack real content and quality.

And then stuff like this happens as well... If someone says they are a gaming journalist I instantly loose all respect I may of had for them when I first saw them.

I surf thru N4G about twice a day, and once every two weeks I find an article that is truly enlightening and useful.

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DragonDDark3268d ago

How can he even mistake Uncharted 4's drake from uncharted 2's? lol

bobsmith3268d ago (Edited 3268d ago )

uncharted 4s 30fps so uncharted 2 with 60fps evened it out to look good

TwoForce3268d ago

Wow, nice trolling ! How much douche level are you ?

bobsmith3268d ago (Edited 3268d ago )

wasnt trolling I just dont think this is that big of a deal
if this was like gears ultimate mistaken for gears 4 no1 would make that big of a deal out of it. 60fps on gears ultimate looks good and uncharted 4s mp will be 60fps too im not hating

fitfox3268d ago

This game is cursed, for the first demo drake fell through the ground, at e3 They had to reboot the demo, & now this.

Bathyj3268d ago

I hope you just forgot the /S

johndoe112113268d ago


"what is /S"

Wow, you should not be using the internet.

fitfox3268d ago

Everything i said was factual, lol People are in such denial, but yes, There was a twinge of sarcasm, I thought it was funny how naughty dog has had a string of bad PR luck, Thanks for not completely biting my head off Bathyj.

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Spotie3268d ago

What part of "This game is cursed" is factual?

Moe-Gunz3267d ago

ND live demos always mess up, and their games always turn out great. I guess The Last of Us was cursed too. I wish more games got that curse if those are the results.

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Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 Imagining From MachineGames-Indiana Jones Designer is a Sight to Behold

A stunning Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 imagining has been released, featuring cutscenes, platforming, combat, stealth, and vehicles.

Created by Daniel Arriaga, a level designer at MachineGames on the upcoming Indiana Jones game, this fan concept is a solo developer project.

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Community210d ago
RaidenBlack211d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai211d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

210d ago
lellkay210d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z210d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Uncharted Love: How Nate & Elena Found Their Happily Ever After

This Valentine's Day got me thinking of some of my favorite video game couples. Specifically, Nate and Elena from the Uncharted Series.

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Celebrating 10 Years of PS4 with Our Favourite Games

Push Square's editorial team delve into their favourite PS4 games.

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Community312d ago
Crows90312d ago (Edited 312d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

312d ago