
WRC 5 Review - GamerKnights

GamerKnights has done a full review of the new "WRC 5".


"Where WRC 5 excels is in the ability it has to make you feel like a great rally driver. Little flicks of the car, drifting and handbrake turns can be pulled off with ease after a few minutes of familiarisation, and the tracks are just wide and forgiving enough to let you take the old Colin McRae adage of ‘If in doubt, flat out!’ literally with your application of throttle. "

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GamerKnights3174d ago

Let us know your feedback on our review!

craig2web3174d ago

Looks good - looking forward to picking it up on the 27th. :-)

GamerKnights3174d ago

Yes, still Colin McRae Rally is still the best rally game ever :)

However WRC 5 takes it back to its roots, pure rally.

AmUnRa3174d ago

Yes, i love the game till dead. Its sometimes difficult as hell, but it is rallying in its core.👍

GamerKnights3173d ago

Indeed, no more arcade rally, this is pure rally like it should be.

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