
Star Wars Battlefront Beta - Is It Any Good? [NOWGAMER]

Star Wars Battlefront, is it any good? NowGamer has had its hands all over DICE's latest ahead of the beta to answer the all important questions - how does it play, how are the new modes and is it the game Star Wars fans have always dreamed of playing?

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Takwin3273d ago

I watched it on Twitch this weekend with an open mind, and was not impressed. I think it will sell, but so will Ubisoft formula games.

This is a bro-shooter (which are still insanely popular) combined with Star Wars (which will be at its peak popularity this fall, and that says a lot).

I don't play shooters anymore because they are so boring (in my opinion), but this will sell. I cannot imagine, however, that EA releases this in a stable and relatively bug-free state.

Thunder_G0d_Bane3273d ago

I think this is DICE's poorest work thus far. I understand they were under alot of pressure from EA, considering they had to get it out on time for the movie.

The game looks generic, the lightsaber gameplay looks stiff and very shallow/dull.

I think it will sell on the name alone but the backlash in Nov will be serious. Watch this space.

Antifan3273d ago

How it looks and how it plays are two totally different concepts. Having played it, I was definitely wrong to judge it so prematurely. It's a very fun game, definitely better than other shooters out there. Haven't played a hero yet tho, they are really hard to come by. I just hope DICE makes a game mode dedicated to Hero. However, it needs a narrative to make it that perfect 10/10 for me. We love Star Wars because of the unique characters and interesting stories that the universe contains. Not having a Single player story component was a bad move by EA, no matter how good the MP gameplay is.

venom063273d ago

it really is a TON of fun to play and with more polish and balancing it will be even better. Definitely nowhere near as bad as i thought it would be... People need to watch out for the NOTORIOUS EA/DICE hater trolls (AngryJoe) and formed their own opinions. There's quite a few videos out there sayin just how fun it actually is.

Gamble203273d ago

This game doesn't look any less fun than the original Battlefront games. I'm not understanding the pessimism on this. People asked for a new battlefront and this is almost exactly that. Battlefront never looked that fun. But somehow it was anyway. I'm still looking forward to it.

Allsystemgamer3273d ago

They removed the ONE mode everyone played. Galactic Conquest. A board game style game mode where you move your fleet around the map and when you attack a planet you play the battle periodically upgrading your forces to try and over power your opponent. It was the best thing BF had.

In this vehicles are rewards...why? It worked fine being able to get into a vehicle on the ground now we teleport into them once weve been granted enough points. Absolutely stupid.

The ATAT is no longer controllable and is on rails. All you do is fire the turrets and cannons. Yawn.

The gun play looks decent but seriously. Change the skins from star wars and this is a bad battlefield rip off. Thats it.

I'll reserve judgement for the Beta but from what ive seen it looks like a stripped down, features wise, version of both Battlefront and Battlefield.

Thanks EA

iistuii3273d ago

Yeah I agree. It's like Hardline before it & now this is, they just seem like mods of Battlefield. It's still got conquest type captures but replaces the guns, tanks & jets with lasers walkers & tie fighters etc. I will have a go in the beta, but I've not seen anything amazing for me personally .

Gamble203273d ago

I can't speak for the galactic conquest aspect. I have not played the original games since the PS2 gen. You may have a point there. It appears based on my memory, however, this looks really similar to the old games. I'm just not seeing why it gets so much anger. I guess I'll see if the beta is fun and perhaps agree with you after that.

Allsystemgamer3273d ago


You need to remember the other BF games are over a decade old. It looks like a touch up but stripped down. The lack of classes instantly means player will just run around shooting anything that moves. Battlefront had tons of teamwork because of class strength and weaknesses.

Pilots got piloting bonus but only had a shotgun or pistol. So the idea was, don't get out of the ship dummy.

Commandos had chainguns and buffs but they moved slower when attacking so they required protection from teammates to do massive damage.

Things like that are no longer present.

I'll reserve full judgement but this game literally just seems like a Star Wars shoot me up. Not working as either the rebels or the empire to overcome the enemy faction by outsmarting and outplaying them.

LateStackk3273d ago

For a lot of people wanted, Star wars battlefront 3, pretty much all the features of the older games + more. I understand this is a reboot, but what happened to the roots? the only thing in common is the name, and the fact its Star Wars, They should of named it "Star Wars: Battlefield"

Honestly,for me personally, I think Dice should have stayed closer to how Star Wars Battle front 2 played and should of brought back all the old modes it had along with it and the old class upgrading system (with some modern elements) which would of been different and refreshing, playing online was actually pretty hardcore sometimes and very fun. SWBF2 as it is feels like it has more to offer at this point back in 2005 than this version 10 years later does, at least to me. By the way you can still play SWBF2 online with game ranger which is pretty awesome :)


but yeah I agree, this looks like a Star Wars shoot'em up. Still, as negative as I sound, I am willing to try the game because I am a sucker when it comes to Star Wars and I do genuinely want this to be a good game but my hopes are not up.

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ALowlyRock3273d ago

Played it for a few hours yesterday. It's alright, but I don't think it's worthy of the Battlefront name. It feels like a Battlefield game with a Star Wars skin, which isn't necessarily a bad thing if that's what you're looking for with this game. It's just not that long overdue next gen sequel to the Battlefront series that many of us have wanted for years.

aviator1893273d ago

I'm really not feeling this game so far.
With that said, I think I'll definitely pick it up somewhere down the road.


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XiNatsuDragnel212d ago

Aspyr if we sell hotcakes get that code from radical or something and create battlefield 3 please

DarkkMinion211d ago

Hope more developers do this.

Becuzisaid211d ago

I thought that was kind of obvious they were incorporating mods to piece this game together. Maybe not, but that's made me worried about one thing:

They also planned on adding the modded ending to KOTOR 2 but were legally blocked from doing so, even after they advertised that to help sell preorders for the game on Switch. Could the same happen with this? Any opponents have 3 weeks to bring down the hammer.

GoodGuy09211d ago (Edited 211d ago )

Wish these games would just get remakes.

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gurp557d ago

love all of the classic star wars games

The3faces557d ago

Had a blast playing Kotor when it first released can't wait for the remake to drop.

Terry_B557d ago

urgh..that website design is as ugly as possible. bad colors.