
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition Graphics Comparison

Some time ago Nordic Games released few screenshots showing what changes we can expect in graphics. That was static images however, but this video will show it closely

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DivineAssault 3217d ago

It may be an upgrade but its still another last gen game being ported over with a facelift. Im sick of these multiplats getting remade over and over and over.. But if anyone wants to either get this game again or for the first time with a higher price, go for it.

showtimefolks3217d ago

dude no one is forcing you to buy it, also this is under the new publisher who bought the darksiders IP. so this could be their way of testing to see how much interest is there

also these remake or remasters are never done in house by original developer, these are done by new studios who are looking for work and get them self familiar with the tech

i am sick of people complaining about remasters and or remakes. there are more than enough new games launching every year so stop complaining and buy those instead

DARK WITNESS3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

if they want to know how much interest is there they should look at the sales figures of the last two games for that.

How does re-releasing the same game give an accurate idea of interest? of course there will be less interest because people have already played it an it's old news.

If they want to know how interested people are in the IP they could just do a survey and ask. It would be cheaper and they would not need to waste time and resources on this.

would you be interested in a darksiders 3? Hell YES!!!

would you be interested in a remaster of no2 that you played a few years back so we know if you are interested in 3? NO!!

Yes most remasters are made by new studios etc, but they could still be put to better use instead of making remasters for games that don't need a remaster. Just saying.

DivineAssault 3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

i know nobody is forcing me.. How can they? I guess theres just going to be more bargain bin stuff sitting around in stores..

If it didnt sell like they wanted it to when it launched, its not going to now. Also the "NEW" publishers could either get a new IP out there or get out of the business. Nobody is complaining. Im not losing out by them wasting more money than what theyre gaining.

I understand that devs need to get familiar with the tech but let me tell you, i have NEVER seen a generation that had to do this so many times that people are sick of it. A few here and there are understandable but stuff that never sold to begin with that have high development costs? Just seems useless to me from a business standpoint.

Jayszen3217d ago

@ showtimefolks is absolutely right. There are more than enough new games available and many of us have not played the remastered game on the original release. I am also for an ew studio getting support by working on the remasters.

Skate-AK3217d ago

I am buying it day one with the hope that they make a third game. I have it on PS3 too.

fei-hung3217d ago

Platinumed 1&2. This game for me is better than Zelda and GOW. I hope they make a third game, the combat and platforming was awesome and it had the most amazing soundtrack, especially the guardian boss fight.

Imortus_san3217d ago

It wont sell much, just like the last gen version did not sell well, plus this facelift looks like crap.

After Microsoft puts the BC to the public this will slowdown and completly die.

ThanatosDMC3217d ago

I really want Darksiders 3 with 4 player co-op with lots and lots of enemies on screen. I dont want it to be the easy mode fighting of Dynasty Warriors though.

bouzebbal3217d ago

apart from resolution upgrade, i see no difference in textures.
i think 60fps will be the main difference.

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King_Noctis1534d ago

Surprised that Xenoblade is not in the list.

lockedongamer11534d ago

It's not out yet so it was against the idea of it being a current alternative.

King_Noctis1533d ago

Xenoblade 2 is already out though.

lockedongamer11533d ago

Right! I think I didn't include it because most people who would be interested in FFVII Remake likely have played it already. Fair point though.

lucian2291534d ago

There is no substitute for the amazingness that is Ff7 remake. Wallow in your pain single console owner, let the burrowing dark pit envelope your insides as you yearn for it.

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