
Is ReCore getting a Windows 10 release?

A developer who is currently working on Armature’s Recore as a senior/principal designer has listed the game for both the Xbox One and PC on his online portfolio. It is further stated that the 3rd-person action adventure game is being developed in partnership with Keiji Inafune, exclusively for Xbox One and Windows 10.

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Genuine-User3326d ago (Edited 3326d ago )


Part of ReCore's developer online portfolio.

Developer: Armature Studio
Platform(s): Xbox One, PC

ReCore is an upcoming 3rd-person action adventure game being developed in partnership with Keiji Inafune, exclusive for Xbox One and Windows 10. In ReCore, you play one of the last surviving humans and team up with a variety of robot companions to travel through a hostile and mysterious world. Having just been announced, I am not at liberty to post any more details about the game just yet, but Microsoft has big plans for the game and the IP over the coming year."


Gazondaily3326d ago

Well kinda settles it. It's coming to PC.

Genuine-User3326d ago (Edited 3326d ago )


Off-topic: Do you know how to take a screenshot of the Xbox One dashboard without a kinect?

user99502793326d ago

double tap the Xbox button and then press Y

I find that method for both videos and screencaps to be a royal pain in the ass. Never seems to work right, too much jutter to really get the screeny that you want.

Immorals3326d ago (Edited 3326d ago )

Wonder if it'll be cross buy?

freshslicepizza3326d ago

i would think more and more xbox one console games will be coming to the pc. it's a good move, easier access for more potential sales.

DevilOgreFish3326d ago

We don't even know what this game looks like, it's been over 14 months now in development. I've been waiting to see more of it. Metroid prime was awesome.

donthate3326d ago

Sweet. I am hoping it will be cross-buy in the sense that if I buy it on Xbox One, I can also play it on PC/Windows 10 (or vice versa).

Would be amazing! :D

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3326d ago
DLConspiracy3326d ago

Which is awesome. I hope that one day. IF you buy a game on one it's included on the other. That's how games SHOULD be bought. I think we will see that with MS first party games. At least I hope.

CerebralTiger3326d ago

This is actually already the case with Killer Instinct and Gears of War: Ultimate Edition.

OOMagnum3326d ago

They announced that already a while back.

Kingdomcome2473326d ago

@Genuine- Unfortunately you can't with, or without Kinect. Only in game. You can't screenshot title screens either. You have to be in game, or in the games inventory menus.

Genuine-User3326d ago (Edited 3326d ago )

Thanks for your help.

I hope Microsoft are able to streamline it somehow.

This isn't a good look:


Kingdomcome2473326d ago

I hope that the disagrees are due to me being wrong. Jeeze... I remember really wanting to screencap the Ori title screen for my wallpaper, but I was unable to.

3326d ago
_-EDMIX-_3326d ago

Saw that coming a mile away. I was expecting this news much later, but still expecting it. At this point its more like, whats not coming to PC?

I think their whole lineup will likely come to PC and from this point on, the games being made will be made with PC in mind from the start as Phil made it pretty clear that Scalebound and QB where not on PC due to him not being there at the start of their developments to tell them to make it with PC in mind, he wants the games to be developed properly and likely wants PC versions after the fact.

Its what I've felt since their comments regarding PC last year and many of those remarks are starting to show clear evidence that they are out of the exclusive console market and are now aiming to be multiplatform publishers.

Makes sense, software makes more money then hardware, they are losing for a 3rd time in a row so trying to gain market share in the hardware side is just pointless.

They need to make money everywhere vs trying to win a plastic box game they can't win. Better to make money on software and lose on the hardware front, then lose on the hardware front and keep losing on the software front because software is only in one place.

They are in a better position then Sony is to make money in more areas over time. They might be handing Sony the hardware side, but they are gaining huge ground on the software sales and I feel they should have done this a long time ago.

Mind you, I don't even believe they will be losing much fans due to this. Though I know many who game on both PC and console, I know more who game on console just based on what a console is. So I see those who prefer those XB experiences on console, will stay on console.

In the respect that I own a gaming PC, but will get MGSV on PS since its where I first played the series and feel more comfortable with.

Those that game on console will still likely game on console, only those that game on both will likely not buy a XB system the next time around, but thats very few I believe.

I mean.....they are saving me from buying a system. This was one of the games I was ready to get a XONE for.

Whitey2k3325d ago

How r they better position then sony it's good to get potential sales I agree on that but if ms to release every single game on pc that's on x1 what's the point on owning am xbox? Just 2 play the same game?

_-EDMIX-_3325d ago

@Whitey2k- Great question. Now many of you here might remember I sided with keeping them on XONE last year when this subject came up, but I have to just put my business hat on and really look at MS goal as a business.

Now, last gen and the one prior, they might have known that keeping certian IPs on console would help them gain market share and a larger install base, something they could use as they push for all digital, but as those 2 gens past, they sold the least and where so neck and neck with PS3, that it would render it useless to push for all digital with such a weak install base or better yet with a install base that wasn't the greater than.

ie if they had something like 130 or something and PS had something like 60 mill, I think they would benefit from seeking digital with the next install base as they would have great pull with publishers being the majority.

That is just a theory on why they might have seeked this right now, but the point I'm getting to is for years MS has been seeking to gain market share and it just hasn't worked, they got the closet with the 360.

Now what I mean in terms of better position is purely on sales of software.

Consider...MS makes $50 every XONE (not sure but just for arguments sake)

You will not buy a system 4 or 5 times in a gen (lord willing) but you will buy 5 maybe 6 games brand new in a year (rough figure) At the end of the day, they are getting more money from software.

By releasing on PC and XONE, they now have a greater possibale install base for the future.

Yes..PS4 is destroying right now, but on the software front, MS will bank on XONE and the growing PC with Win 10.

Now, I don't know just how much will really buy MS's games on Win 10, but they still have a great potential with a install base increase like that then with Sony's PS4s.

As Sony has those next gen titles only coming to PS4, MS will have them coming to XONE and PC.

Yes...some XONE sales will be taken away, but like I stated...factor that its just 1 console, will that one lost sale of someone not equal 3 games being sold going to MS's pocket?

Consider I myself am no longer getting a XONE, I'm ReCore, Sea Of Thieves are day 1's for PC for me and likely Scalebound, did I not still pay MS?

So I see it as, better a lost $50 and a gained $150 (clearly less due to taxes and other payments but you get what I mean)

Why always loose millions to gain $50? Especially when they have a potential install base on PC?
Are console gamers really going PC to not get XONE games? Consider those same gamers could have left for 3rd party games that actually typically sell better then first party games.

_-EDMIX-_3325d ago (Edited 3325d ago )

@ Whitey2k-
At the end of the day, this is about making money, not who could sell the most plastic box. Selling the box with titles held back for console is what is making them lost potential sales. They rather make money on both, then risk it all on XONE.

This is going to be their 3rd gen selling the least, I don't think they want to make it making the least money either. The term "exclusive" should be leaving their vocabulary. Its no longer what it will only be on, but rather what it won't be on. They will make more money with this choice as even if I got an XONE next year, what do you think are the chances of me buying any of those older titles brand new? I'm at least buying them new on PC as I have no other choice lol.

Its really a win for MS in terms of more money when you really look at it from a business prospective. Console will still be their for those who don't want ot game on PC and still want to buy used, it still has a value, as to why more then just first party's make money on console, some one made the choice that they wanted console for all their games. Uncharted is not the best selling series on PS, Halo isn't the best selling game on XB. Someone is buying console to play games regardless of exclusivity and MS can afford to actually duel install base where Sony can't. Sony will always sell more consoles, but this is about making money.

It makes sense because MS has a strong place on PC and really needs to focus on selling both that and XONE and make money where they can.

They gain nothing by holding games back on console other then a bullet point.

They've gone in with PC too many times to really have the word "exclusivity" even have any meaning at this point.

When Sony and Nintendo have a title that is published by them and exclusive....the chances of that title going else where is very, very slim if ever.

MS...its getting to the point where its a 50/50, they put too much on PC and I truly don't believe they gave it their all with XB at really any time.

It wasn't enough for them to NEVER put titles on PC, ala Halo, Gears, Fable, Alan Wake, it wasn't enough to fully focus on only making IPs for future XB fans, they didn't own the IP to Sunset, Mass Effect and many other titles, they paid for many timed games.

If they wanted to show they REALLY ONLY wanted XB games on XB, zero XB games should have been on PC, period. If they wanted to show they where serious about the future with certain series...they should not have been publishing a game like Mass Effect which they didn't own.

So at no point where they ever 100% JUST XB, so they don't even know just how well they likely could have done, they've likely lost millions of gamers that could have bought a XB if they always had the understanding that the only place for Fable, Gears, etc is XB, not PC. So they tried, but not enough to really get games only on XB. At this point, this move makes sense.

Would you believe them if they stated a title was exclusive to XB after this? So...why waste both sales of the system and game with such a move? I think its best they just do PC and XONE as their credibility of trying to sell the system with so called exclusives is done for, why keep losing money? Just bank on both and call it a day.

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Relientk773326d ago

Cool I'd love to see it on PC

raggy-rocket3326d ago

Was kinda hoping we'd keep a few full xbox exclusives :/

On the bright side, more people get to play it and the developer will make more money off it so that's great!

Sonital3326d ago (Edited 3326d ago )

As long as you can play it on the platform of your choice - it doesn't matter. It truly, honestly doesn't matter. If somehow someone else not being able to play it enhances the game for you then you're thinking like a jerk.

raggy-rocket3326d ago

Agreed :)

My concern was not this game specifically, but my hope is Phil keeps a steady and healthy amount of full first party xbox exclusives because that's really what makes a console thrive and keeps the xbox brand (specifically the console) alive.

Where would playstation be if not for its amazing diverse lineup of first party games. My hope is that Xbox continues this as well. If they do, then putting some games onto windows 10 as well to allow more people to play and support the developers is fine by me :)

Sciurus_vulgaris3326d ago

I would take this with a grain of salt. It is up to the publisher (who owns the IP), not dev to determine which systems the game releases on. Also the game was announced as an XB1 exclusive at E3; if there is a PC version it will come after the XB1 release .

RiseofScorpio3326d ago

Phil Spencer would have announced this from the start for PC, the box art even says Xbox One exclusive if I can remember correctly.

343_Guilty_Spark3326d ago

You shouldn't be so upset. The future of Xbox transcends the console.

Tsunoda went on to say that allowing people to play games "wherever they want, on whatever device they choose, and making that easy" is Microsoft's long-term goal for the overall Xbox ecosystem.

_-EDMIX-_3326d ago (Edited 3326d ago )

? Even with all that Phil has been stating?


As if to state if he was their during the start, it would have had a PC version from the very beginning ala like Gears 1, like Halo Wars 2 etc.

I don't think to really matters as you own an XONE and if you also own a PC, it sorta sucks but you still get a choice in where you play.

It might only really suck if you bought it for the sole purpose of playing games you thought where exclusive I guess.

They are not concerned with sales in terms of beating Sony, they are not concerned with selling a "plastic device" their focus on is selling software and its showing with what Phil has stated recently and the actions of the company.

I expect Scalebound, QB, ReCore, Halo 5, Gears 4 etc all to be coming to PC, down the line.

RiseofScorpio3326d ago (Edited 3326d ago )

Not even close mate. This game would have been announced from the start is it actually was coming. There shouldn't be smoke and mirrors for an IP MS probably owns, their wasn't with GOW UE and Halo Wars.

_-EDMIX-_3326d ago


Soooo could have been too early to make PC version at the time day and date. This might have changed along the way when Phil entered as head.

I'm not really sure what anyone would even be questioning....its happening regardless and the writing is all over the walls...

Mind you, the PC version could be coming at a later date due to the late start of it. For all we know the PC version is months behind and they might want to announce a PC version close to release of the XONE version. I mean...consider how long its been in development.

Gears didn't take long, Halo Wars is just being announced...ReCore has been in development for well over a year, closer to a year and a half now. They likely didn't know they were going to do a PC version until later on, I mean...for all we know that could have been ok'ed like months ago after its E3 debut.

ZwVw3326d ago

So all XB1 exclusives will make their way onto PC? Thought the goal here (in securing so many exclusives) was to try to sell hardware.

If that be the case, then Microsoft may as well just go ahead and make Windows 10 100% backwards compatible with the XB1.

_-EDMIX-_3325d ago (Edited 3325d ago )

@ZwVw- "Thought the goal here (in securing so many exclusives) was to try to sell hardware. "

Not according to MS, they goal is to make money, holding games off of PC is not really doing that for them right now.


"When we say 'putting gamers at the center,' that's different than putting a piece of plastic or a specific device at the center."

ie, they are no longer making games just for a device.


Selling better then PS is not their priority, making money is.


As to why he states this regarding Scalebound and QB.

I don't think they will make Win 10 a XONE, I think they will just move their titles over to PC and have future titles PC and XONE day and date.

Sorta like how they are doing Halo Wars 2, it looks like that is the future of MS's release as all the evidence sorta points torwards that. I mean..I haven't even seen anything to say otherwise, with his remakes about Scalebound and QB, to this news with ReCore, to Halo Wars 2... I mean every month or so its becoming more and more apparent the are going multiplatform and no longer just focusing on a "plastic or a specific device".

Like Phil stated, gamers are at the center, not "plastic" devices..

They tried and it didn't work, what more can they really do? They are losing millions keep those games on XONE and no evidence shows that they will sell more with those titles JUST on XONE (well make more money anyway)

If you wanted 10 games on XONE, but got them on PC...did you not just pay MS anyway? Consider you could buy the system, but just get half the games used....that doesn't make them more, it actually makes them less. The offset of lost hardware sales is not that much, again consider they will make more on 1 game then on 1 console....you and I clearly buy more then 1 game a gen so they'll be fine.

They will lose a bit of consoles from those that game on both, but I actually don't think it will be by that much.

Mind you..to those that seem to still be under this bubble of XONE games not coming to PC...


?? What could they mean? I think they might mean PC.


At 1.08.00. Turn 10's logo is up their with developers making Win 10 games with DX12. Sooooo might was well confirm Forza is coming to PC. I mean..how many really need to come over before anyone gets that this is happening?

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3326d ago Replies(5)
AstroCyborg3326d ago ShowReplies(2)
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Five Overlooked Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Gems You Should Play

Of course Sunset Overdrive gets a nod. It's Insomniac!

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shinoff2183628d ago

I personally think there's better on gamepass then what was listed. State of decay imo is better then anything listed. Recore seemed alright for what I played on there also.

628d ago Replies(1)
roadkillers627d ago

Is Recore any better to play now?

Concertoine627d ago

Yeah, especially on One X or Series X. It kinda feels like a PS2 platformer, but in a good way. I liked it.

KillBill627d ago

Odd that he specified 'Game Pass Ultimate' instead of just 'Game Pass' just so he could include a relatively weak choice comparably in 'Alice: Madness Returns' which is available with EA Play. SoD was a far better overlooked game to have listed.

Crows90627d ago (Edited 627d ago )

Dont know why they keep listing ultimate. Gamepass is the better value....but the reason I think is that ultimate includes online gwg.

MadLad627d ago

I mean, as someone who games both on PC and Xbox, Ultimate makes a whole lot of sense. There's console exclusives and PC exclusives. And, at the end of the day, EA Play is still a perk of having Ultimate. When I open Gamepass, the EA Play catalogue is sitting right there for me. It's as much part of Gamepass as any other title I'm looking at, right?


5 Games That Could Have Benefited From a Day One Game Pass Release

Omar Banat: Xbox Game Pass is one of the most ingenious services that Microsoft has come up with, but for these five games, it didn't come soon enough.

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RazzerRedux1287d ago

Game Pass certainly could have helped Sunset Overdrive which was underrated, imo.

"But the focus of the day is Remedy’s 2016 critically acclaimed Xbox exclusive, Quantum Break, and how Game Pass could have given it a much-needed bump."

Quantum Break received overall good reviews. Not great, but good. Critically acclaimed? Sorry, no. That's hyperbole.

"And fast-forwarding a few years, we saw what a boon Game Pass was for Gears 5. Not only did Game Pass help get the game into the hands of more Xbox and PC players, but it also helped it exceed Gears of War 4 in sales."

Gears 5 was launched on Steam day one. Gears of War 4 still isn't on Steam. I think that's important to point out if you are going to allude to reasons why one game outsold another.

darthv721287d ago

SSOD was free on GwG not too long after release. That is always fun for quick pickup and play. QB is one that I hope gets FPS boost support. It would just feel more natural being more fluid but it too is a good game. I assume it being on GP has somewhat helped it get some recognition.

CrimsonWing691287d ago

There’s no denying how good Gamepass is but I’m still foggy on how it benefits developers/publishers. Like, do they just get one lump sum of cash to put the title on Gamepass? I mean, I personally canceled my pre-order for Outriders when I saw it’s going to be on Gamepass day 1. Judging by that I’m not sure Gamepass helps with the sales of games, rather it does expose games to more players, but how much of that equates to sales down-the-road?

RavenWolfx1287d ago

I heard payment was based on number of downloads and time played in addition to a lump sum, but I am not sure on the accuracy.

demonseye1287d ago

I actually agree on this. because a lot of games will get played that people they normally wouldn't pay for. and its 10 dollars per month which is 120 dollars per year. The average game cost day one is around 70 dollars. i buy a lot more games than 2 on a yearly basis.
and well the gamepass for me just made my option ps5 pc combo. as long as they release every game on pc I don't even have a reason to buy an Xbox. so i wonder if this plan is financially smart in the long term. mind you Xbox already received money for every Xbox game sold regardless if it's Microsoft owned or not.


Revisiting Recore: Xbox One’s Lost Gem

Article on the story of Recore which includes new information on cut characters and covers its rumoured development hell. "Recore’s always been a title that’s fascinated me, as it's clearly a game that never fulfilled its potential for whatever reason.  It's filled to the brim with bugs and glitches and yet, despite that, still managed to charm many who played it. It’s the first game that I wanted"

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PhoenixUp2078d ago

Nothing Comcept has worked on can be considered a gem

LG_Fox_Brazil2078d ago

Had potential, but the progression is way too boring