
Podcast Unlocked 207: Grand Theft Auto 6 Is Gonna Be HUGE

This week's episode of the world's #1 Xbox show recaps Gamescom from the IGN guys who were there, explains why the Halo 5 console bundle might not be such a good deal, details how the Halo TV show isn't dead, laments Capcom's remakes/remasters-or-bust strategy, and more!

TeamLeaptrade3331d ago

I think that was a given. GTA V is a massive game, and I think Rockstar will want to continue that trend. It was kind of weird how GTA IV wasn't as big as San Andreas was, but I really expect Rockstar to focus on bigger worlds in future GTA titles. Then again, my guess is that it may go back to Liberty City or might even try a whole new location.

jb2273331d ago

Really hope they don't go back to Liberty City personally. There are few gaming innovations that could make that space feel interesting again. We've just seen Liberty City and the archetypal NYC setting far too much in gaming at this point...hell I'd rather it be set in some podunk backwoods small town than have to visit Liberty City for what will seem like the hundredth time by then.

Rob Hornecker3331d ago (Edited 3331d ago )

I'll take the "NEW" location for $100 please Alex!I think they will go a place where no GTA game has gone before!

I feel that GTA5 still has a lot of life left in it....MORE heists please!


Rockstar documents suggest GTA VI could get the Ballad of Gay Tony episode treatment

Rockstar's latest financial report suggests that GTA VI could get downloadable episodes, similar to GTA IV.

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-Foxtrot6d ago

It should get two expansions

One follows on from the game

The other is a non canon story like Undead Nightmare. Whether it’s Zombies, Aliens or just a variety of ghouls, monsters and supernatural creatures terrorising the map.

TheNamelessOne6d ago

Single player DLC?
Look at Rockstar thinking about the little guy /s

Hotpot6d ago

Yeah sure buddy.. at least until the online mode blows up with profit and there goes any plan for story-mode expansion.

andy856d ago

Yeah and we were promised story DLC for GTA V. How'd that work out? They realised the money was in online. Why would this one be any different?

Demetrius6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Yeah right we'll see, they let us down back to back with false claims of good dlc, red dead 2 never got anything, gta 5 dlc canned for no reason. Folks seem to forget how rockstar care more about online only, we might get half of dlc and folks will be disappointed af. Dlc prolly will take just an additional 5 hours to beat then once they see gta 6 online booming they'll cut singleplayer support, they'll put just "enough" story/free roam mode just to get by that's it

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Why the “GTA 6 60 FPS on PS5 Pro” Debate Doesn’t Make Sense

Even before Sony releases its mid-gen console refresh, players are concerned over whether it could handle Rockstar's next title.

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darthv726d ago

I feel 60fps is going to be better suited for the XB5 / PS6. both of which should have much more efficient CPU in addition to accompanying GPU prowess. So, like previous GTA games, you are better off playing them on the next iteration of the hardware. Series X / PS5 Pro are going to be lacking.

--Onilink--6d ago

I will be really surprised if GTA6 is 60fps on the Pro.

Its not like the game already came out and they just need to dedicate some extra time for the port.

At this point they are all hands on deck and probably already crunching just to complete the game, and I wouldnt even be surprised if its delayed since they have no issues to keep pushing the release date until they are sure its ready.

60fps in most games needs to be consideration from the very beginning or we end up with lackluster modes and Rockstar have proven time and time again that they design their games for 30fps first and they will no doubt will have been developing with the base model in mind.

Maybe a 40fps mode would be more likely (and a rather welcome addition), with the 60fps and probably reworked visuals left for the inevitable PS6 remaster we all know will happen

fr0sty6d ago

They did delay it until 2026.

--Onilink--6d ago


They haven’t. There’s been a lot of rumours (coming from ex-employees) about a 2026, but in their latest financial results, T2 still has the game scheduled for Fall 2025.

Granted, there is still plenty of time to delay it and as I said, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if it happens

Eonjay6d ago

It would be absolutely hilarious if GTA 6 was 60 FPS on PS5 and Series X. I don't understand why people think that the most expensive to develop game(of all time) hasn't dedicated any resources to optimizing for the very capable hardware they are running on. It could even have its own frame gen tech built into it.

GamerRN5d ago


It won't be 60 on current Gen without serious compromise

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5d ago
Einhander19726d ago

I bookmarked this, you are going to be wrong.

This game like basically every game not made by Microsoft will have multiple graphics modes.

And darth I just want to say how disappointed I am that you have become like this in every PS5 Pro topic.

If your not going to buy it fine, it's an optional upgrade.

6d ago
Sonic18816d ago

"And darth I just want to say how disappointed I am that you have become like this in every PS5 Pro topic."

I thought I was the only one that noticed that 😅

--Onilink--6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I’m curious about why you are so certain that it will have it. Granted, its in no way impossible for it to happen, but so many things point to it not being the case that it just feels like you (and many other people) are setting yourselves up for disappointment when I’d personally just rather have more grounded expectations and be pleasantly surprised if I’m wrong.

1. Most (if not all) Rockstar games have targeted 30fps upon release. Higher FPS versions have happened years later when an enhanced version comes out.
2. GTA games are very simulation/physics/cpu heavy. Not saying this prevents a 60fps mode entirely. But if base console is targeting 30fps only, the work to get to 60 won’t just be lowering resolution or using PSSR instead of FSR or whatever internal solution they have.
3. What exactly would be Rockstar’s purpose for diverting resources before release in order to develop the Pro port that reaches 60fps? They DONT need a Pro port AT ALL to sell the simply stupid amount of copies they will undoubtedly sell.
4. It makes waaaay more sense for T2 and Rockstar to provide visual and resolution increases and just do a remaster with even better visuals and 60fps when PS6 and the next Xbox come out some 2 years later… because we all know without a doubt that a Remastered version will be coming to next gen

I just really can’t see it happening unless they were already targeting a 60fps mode on the base consoles. There is no reason whatsoever for Take Two or Rockstar to be worrying about a Pro port unless Sony makes a deal with them.

But as I said, I rather think it won’t happen and pleasantly surprised if I’m wrong, than expecting it will happen and be bitter/annoyed if it doesn’t

Michiel19896d ago

I mean I could say the same about you in any ms and sony topic, all logic thrown out the window to try and validate your purchase cause god imagine if they do something wrong and you wasted 500 bucks. Unbelievably biased and nose deep in....well I guess you know where this goes. And when DF has receipts you just call them liars cause why not?

potatoseal6d ago

I fully agree. I'm 100% expecting GTA6 to at least have a "performace mode" for the Pro. If I could I would bet real dollars on it being true.

darthv725d ago

If I'm wrong about this game, I'll gladly accept that. However it is not wrong to be cautiously optimistic. And it is not wrong to state the obvious... XB5/PS6 WILL be more performant than the SX/5Pro. And as such GTA6 will be better served on that next iteration of hardware, just as 5 was better served on PS4/XBO (and later SX/PS5) than on PS360.

And like i've said before, I AM going to buy a Pro... when I feel it is appropriate.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5d ago
fr0sty6d ago

We don't yet know how the GTA6 engine is going to work... these "it'll be CPU bound" rumors are based on how GTA5 performs, but we don't yet know what tasks GTA6 will use the CPU for, which it will use the GPU for, which optimizations they have done since 5's engine released over a decade ago, etc... Let's just wait until we get some more concrete info.

sagapo6d ago

Rockstar has been using the Rage engine since 2006 ( GTA, RDR, Max Payne), refining and adding features since. It would suprise me if they come with a totally different engine now for GTA6.
Rage engine is heavy on the cpu. But sure, keep your hopes up.

Npugz76d ago

You seriously think people want to wait another 5 years to play GTA you moron.

purple1016d ago

do you recon as Sony over-delivered with ps5 power., matching or beating xbox on a lot of games when on paper xbox had more power.., we should trust them to also deliver on Ps5pro. and they had practice with ps4pro, so they should be better at it second timer round,

darthv725d ago

I wouldnt say over-delivered on the 5 so much as the devs under-delivered on the SX. By focusing on the 5, they felt that target was good enough and can be applied to the SX as well. In rare instances have we seen a 3rd party dev make the SX to be better than the 5 but that space marine 2 game is a recent example of the X beating the 5. i know people want to blame the S for the X but its really the 5 that is mandating how things go because it is the lions share of the market. Devs dont want to bit the hand that feeds them so... everything targets the 5 first.

Similar situation will happen with the Pro as well. It wont get nearly the type of support it deserves, much like the One X and 4 Pro before it because 'again' the base 5 has the lions share of the market. If anything, the Pro will actually help the SX versions of 3rd party games as many of the features the Pro is slated to have, the X supports as well. As for the SS... if switch 2 is anything to go by, SS support might actually benefit from there as well because many devs will try their hand at downsampling their games to work on lower spec hardware... which is right where the SS sits.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5d ago
6d ago Replies(1)
andy856d ago

Let's be honest no ones expecting 60 for GTA 6 now. If it can squeeze a 40 fps mode I'll take it. From the couple of times I've played specific 40 modes it's not horrible on a 120hz screen

franwex6d ago

He is this going to run on the series s? 720p?

6d ago Replies(2)
Gamingsince19816d ago

If the series s is lucky it will hit 720p on performance mode.

Profchaos6d ago

30 sans reflections and decreased everything

6d ago
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Rockstar Games Leaks GTA 6 PC Folders And Red Dead Redemption PC Port

Rockstar Games have leaked GTA 6 PC folders as well as Red Dead Redemption PC port folders in an update for GTA 5.

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Bhuahahaha8d ago

sernando had it 7yrs ago 😁😂
he must be playing gta 7 by now 😂🤣