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Valve's Marc Laidlaw Responds To Recent "Half Life 3 Will Never Release" Rumour

A new rumour surrounding Half Life 3 surfaced yesterday, suggesting that even though the game’s script has been completed, it won’t be ever released due to fear. Naturally, fans contacted Marc Laidlaw who decided to respond and comment on this recent Half Life 3 rumour.

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john23346d ago
NobodyEpic3345d ago

Am i the only one who didn't really like the Half Life series?

I did enjoy Portal though.

NotanotherReboot3345d ago (Edited 3345d ago )

Half Life 2 is the best game ever m8

Rimeskeem3345d ago (Edited 3345d ago )

it was revolutionary at its time but i feel like games have bettered it now.

Eamon3345d ago

Most fps still haven't reached the level of genius that is Half-Life 2.

3345d ago
nveenio3345d ago

Half Life 2 still holds up well. Just play it again. It's fun, fast, and has a great story.

AndrewLB3345d ago

It's in my top 5.

What drives everyone nuts is how they ended Episode 2 with the most heart crushing cliff-hanger I can ever recall in a video game.

Valve had planned on an Episode 3 which everyone thought would be relased in a couple years max. It's been what? 8 years now? Then to thoroughly annoy everyone, that fat pr*ck Gabe decides to wear a Half-Life 3 t-shirt to some public event just to f**k with everyone.

subtenko3344d ago

I like all the game engines and mods that it helped sprout. HL2 inspired a lot, thats what I like about it the most.

Yetter3344d ago

tried playing it not to long ago. It has not aged well

booflax3344d ago

I feel it's still the best FPS. I do not think any game has "bettered" it since it came out. It's actually depressing how it's been 14 years and not a single FPS has come even close to HL2's gunplay, level design, story, art style, revolutionary physics engine, innovative gravity gun.

The only game I can think of that might come close is Bioshock/ and Bioshock Infinite. But I'd say those games are slightly worse than HL2. Great attempts though.

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MAULxx3345d ago (Edited 3345d ago )

Love Half-Life.
Portal... not so much.
I'd take a HL2 with ep 1 & 2 remastered on PS4 if they're not going to make 3.

scark923345d ago

I adore the series personally

Mega243345d ago

Did you played Half-Life on it's prime? I did, and I love it. A revolutionary game for it's time.

AnotherProGamer3345d ago

You didn't have to play it at its time to enjoy it

I played Half Life for the first time in 2010 and it became my favorite game ever

darksied3345d ago

I played the first one when it came out. Great game, loved it.

Portal series is awesome.

For me though, Half Life 2 was technically great, but so amazingly boring. Having every single person exclaim in surprise when you show up and hail you as some type of superhero when you were supposed to be some generic nobody was really annoying. That's why I like the first one. You ARE a nobody who eventually does good. The 2nd one ... ugh, so annoying. Gameplay was good though.

-Gespenst-3345d ago

I don't really feel any game has done what Half Life did better than Half Life. But then again, most games have different creative visions behind them. Half Life has it's own atmosphere and vibe going on that's pretty inimitable, and it really has to be experienced. It doesn't matter how old or "dated" it is. Games can be atmospheric and impactful and memorable without being cutting edge. They also don't have to be realistic to be any of those things.

I don't think HL will ever be topped, but I think many unique games will be made that are equally good in their own way. Any attempts to imitate HL will look silly and cheap, best to have your own vision.

SlightlyRetarted3345d ago (Edited 3345d ago )

It's like over a year since i last played HL1 and it's still golden. Aged really well. If you're talking about "intelligent" FPS's, i think first Bioshock topped HL.

SlightlyRetarted3345d ago (Edited 3345d ago )

Love the first one, but i don't really like HL2.

3345d ago
Scatpants3345d ago

I felt that it was average at best.

OhMyGandhi3344d ago

how so? genuinely curious.

Scatpants3344d ago

Gunplay was average, level design was below average and story was good but not great.

rainslacker3345d ago (Edited 3345d ago ) are.

That being said, I kind of feel that there is absolutely no way that HL could live up to the hype that surrounds the series. The expectations of it are going to be immense, and while it is still one of the best FPS available, there are others which do some things better, so HL3 will have to become better and once again reclaim the FPS crown, otherwise, it's going to be a disappointment and get immense criticism.

Even if it is the best FPS ever made, we all know it's going to get tons of hate just to drive hits and some fan boy agendas.

Jaqen_Hghar3345d ago

A man can still go back and enjoy HL2. HL1 is a little dated but there are updated versions that make it great (other than the platforming at the end). The gravity gun is still loads of fun to use. Only Resistance 3 is a greater FPS. All-time shooters its right up there for most people. Of course some people aren't gonna like it that's human nature.

LAWSON723345d ago

Resistance 3 better than HL2 lol

OhMyGandhi3344d ago

weird. I hated resistance 3. absolutely mindless.
The second one had it's moments, but Insomniac really shine when do their ratchet and clank games. Not every developer needs to pull a Naughty Dog and go from Crash to Last of Us, or Sucker Punch with Sly Cooper to Infamous.

Orionsangel3345d ago

Forget about liking the series. I mean that's not even the point. I wouldn't care if they never made another Half-Life game. I can deal with it. What I can't deal with is ending on a cliff hanger and never giving us another game to continue the story. Screw Valve for that most of all!

Azzanation3345d ago

Half Life is the greatest game ever made in many peoples opinions, its the one game series that would have over shadowed FF7 at E3 if it was announced. There true masterpieces.

Clown_Syndr0me3345d ago

I found it incredibly boring. First played it on The Orange Box, maybe it was too late and Id have liked it if I played it on original release.

FragMnTagM3344d ago

It is so much better on PC.

AndreR3345d ago (Edited 3345d ago )

i did not like half life. its a good and scary game, but i dont play horror games at all. I only played half life 1 multiplayer deathmatch, that was really fun.

DragonKnight3345d ago

Since everyone is trying to tell you that the game is great and you're the only one that didn't like it, I'm going to tell you that I don't like 99% of shooters so I don't like the Half-Life series.

Yetter3344d ago

nope, you're not the only one

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NotanotherReboot3345d ago

I can feel a poo coming, I'm so excited cos I love the feeling of having a poo

StarElite3345d ago

Yeah, yeah nobody has to know that.

MasterCornholio3345d ago

So you intensity your pleasures of gaming by gaming while taking a dump.


Theangrybogan3345d ago

Isn't that what mobile games are for?

-Foxtrot3345d ago

The way they've treat Half Life fans has been disgusting.

Valve don't seem to give a crap about gaming these days...the people who got them where they are today

Rimeskeem3345d ago (Edited 3345d ago )

I agree, HL fans would give their heart and soul to valve to see HL3. What does valve do? absolutely nothing.

But Naughty Dog has explained quite thoroughly why they cant make it. They said they even tried but just dont have the passion for it at the moment. Valve barely answers questions about Half life 3 anymore.

plus Naughty Dog isn't nearly as big as Valve

But i still want Jak 4

NotanotherReboot3345d ago

Naughty Dog is the same with Jak IV

Aloy-Boyfriend3345d ago (Edited 3345d ago )

No! They can't make Jak 4 because the creators aren't at ND anymore. To Do another Jak game, it requires to be rebooted, and that's the fear of ND. They started it and didn't work. Then TLOU was born. That isn't nearly the same as Hal Life 3

rainslacker3345d ago

What more can Valve say about HL3 though? I mean, every question outside of story and release date has been answered. That's about the only thing people ask anymore, and I'd imagine Valve is tired of talking about that, and the fans/people were getting kind of tired of them saying they have no plans.

I dunno about if they have a passion for it. Their involvement in making actual games in house has been rather sparse overall.

HL3 would be a stressful undertaking, because it would have a lot to live up to.

spacedelete3345d ago

they have so much money coming from Steam they feel like they don't have to make games anymore. same as Rockstar who have done nothing except milk GTAV since 2013 and haven't made a single new game other than ports of GTAV since 2012. Max Payne 3 was the last game they made that wasn't just ports of GTAV.

SlightlyRetarted3345d ago

But to be fair, Rockstar releases quite rarely games compared to other large companies. No one knows what they have coming because they have quite long development times and they like to stay quiet of their projects. GTAV released just 2 years ago and on the edge of the new generation. Of course there will be ports for both gens.

jdaboss3345d ago

then dont end a f@cking game on a cliffhanger if you think youre above making games.

Perjoss3345d ago

"they have so much money coming from Steam they feel like they don't have to make games anymore"

If this was really the case why did they make Dota 2 and whey are they even bothering with VR. After the big Half Life 2 leak they are entitled to keep things under wraps until they are ready to be shown off.

Dota 2 is only 2 years old and they actively keep their games patched (CS:GO, TF2 and L4D2). If they had totally bowed out of games development then they would not be maintaining these games so well.

JWiLL5523344d ago

Rockstar actually released 5 games last gen.

GTA 4, Red Dead Redemption, LA Noire, Max Payne 3, GTA 5.

Not all the same studio of course, but it was more prolific than they usually are.

(Actually it's 6 counting that ping pong game!)

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sinspirit3345d ago

They're not going to release a bad sequel. That is like asking System Of A Down to release a new album. They already said they were working on new material since they got back together but not releasing anything that doesn't succeed what came before.

If they don't have a proper story and events planned then don't make it. That is what they are doing.

-Foxtrot3345d ago

Oh come on it's been long enough. With all the resources and time they've had they could have made an amazing sequel years ago.

sinspirit3344d ago (Edited 3344d ago )

Try reading the Berserk manga and see how the wait time is. Every single thing the author writes he makes sure does not cause a loophole, conflict, etcetera. It's not just a story. It's an entire world.

If it is not in the artists vision then it is not art as you have seen in the previous entries. It's complicated. I draw garbage if I don't feel like it. When I know what I want to draw and an in the mood I create insanely detailed subjects and scenery. It's just a wallyou can't fight.

Would you rather more Halo games as well or are loopholes, inconsistencies, and rinse and repeat good enough if it has the skin of the previous games over it? They want a experience to be proud of. Not to break sales records or make money. Those are just byproducts of the vision that they wanted their true fans to see and support.

Kalebninja3345d ago

I don't even care if it comes out anymore my hype died after that march 3rd bullshit.

AtariFanboy3345d ago

Valve is making too much money to care about Half Life 3. If the script really is complete they should release it and let the fans who made Black Mesa make Half Life 3.

spacedelete3345d ago (Edited 3345d ago )

i don't get why people like Valve games. i played the Valve collection on PS3 and not only was that port awful but it was boring as hell.

3345d ago
MAULxx3345d ago (Edited 3345d ago )

Yeah, I think EA ported the PS3 version. I tried to play it and it looks like Vaseline being smeared all over the screen whenever you move. 360 version was far better.
HL2 was one of those games I played multiple times on PC & then on 360. It was awesome, especially for its time. Love it! It makes you stop and listen, seek out the story.

FragMnTagM3344d ago

Valve games are waaaaaaaayyy better on PC. The orange box on either platform pales in comparison to the PC versions.

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Half-Life 3 Allegedly Features A Semi-Open World With Real-Time Weather & Day/Night Cycle

The third entry in Valve's classic first-person shooter series, Half-Life 3, allegedly exists, and it features a semi-open world.

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Community25d ago
TheNamelessOne26d ago

Not even getting my hopes up on anything involving this until it's actually confirmed.

1Victor25d ago

How many generations has been since HL3 rumors of in development or will feature X.
I’m getting old has it been 3+ gen since it’s coming next generation 😱

thorstein24d ago

The original code was written on a Vic 20.

The_Blue25d ago

Naw it's definitely being worked on in some fashion. They just got in a position like Rockstar in which they can take their sweet time.

OtterX26d ago

They weren't kidding when they said this would take half my life.

RaidenBlack25d ago

again, take away his^ drums ...

OtterX25d ago

You can alwaye count on me for terrible Dad jokes! 🙃🥁

Fist4achin25d ago

Seriously. Gordon's going to be moving about with a walker by the time we get to play it...

OtterX25d ago

He won't be a Freeman anymore, bc he'll be locked up in a retirement home!

Fist4achin25d ago

The notorious crobar will be replaced with a walking cane!

thorstein26d ago

Valve does not make games with the number 3 in them.

HL3 is not happening.

RaidenBlack25d ago

yep it'll renamed to Quarter-Life 1

OtterX25d ago

Oh boy, you just had your own drum violation! Somebody get this guy! 🚨 🥁🚨

iNcRiMiNaTi25d ago

They can always give it another name at the end like they did with Alyx

dveio25d ago

This is almost like 'H³ will use shaders and sound effects'.

jznrpg25d ago

Interesting but we have heard rumors for years. It’s sad that they print money selling games but for the most part stopped making them. They can take risks but don’t.

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Details of Multiple Cancelled Valve Projects Revealed, Including Half-Life 3

A new Half-Life making-of has revealed details about cancelled Valve projects, including Half-Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3, a Dark Souls-inspired RPG, and more.

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Daniel21831534d ago
moongrim1534d ago

wait so I have to pay Steam money for this "Video" and Epic Games are the ones who are greedy? FOH

kitano19471534d ago

its an interactive storybook, written by Geoff Keighley, why should it be free? hes worked on reporting valve games since before half life 1 released.

1534d ago Replies(1)
1534d ago
-Foxtrot1534d ago

Open world L4D game?

I'm curious

I'd love to see Zoe, Francis and Louis come back, or maybe Bill if they pretend the cross over with L4D2 never happened and they went North to Canada.

Knightofelemia1534d ago

Shame about L4D3 I would have bought that day one

FlyingFoxy1534d ago

Same, tho interestingly if you check the steam database page you can see L4D2 is being updated frequently, just not publicly, seems they are up to something.

Also we can look forward to B4B trailers etc soon so we have another game that might be similar.

MadLad1534d ago

Damn I want more Half-Life and L4D..
Half-Life would be less jarring if it didn't end on such a cliff hanger.

Hard to believe that was all the way back in 2007.

Fist4achin1534d ago (Edited 1534d ago )

Wow, great plans all flushed down the toilet. These probably would have all sold well too. A fan in me no more of valve.

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Six Gaming Sequels We Desperately Need

B. Michael Logan writes: "Sometimes pressure from gamers has paid off when it comes to pushing game developers to grace our lives with sequels of games that we desperately need. However, we may never see sequels to game we’ve been demanding for years."

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Community1821d ago
ApocalypseShadow1821d ago

Not desperately. But I'd definitely take another Jet Set Radio.

SlagWolf1820d ago

I’d love a portal 3 but I don’t know where you’d go with it. The second one pretty much wrapped up every thing nicely.

AK911820d ago

Don't bother with Valve IPs anymore they don't make games anymore just focus on Steam.