
At Long Last: The Last Remnant

Four-armed cats, sentient cannons, a teenager named "Rush"... they're all essential ingredients in a game being lovingly crafted to give the J-RPG formula a big tweak where it counts: combat. And it all combines in The Last Remnant, which might just be what the genre's doctor's ordered - multi-limbed felines and all.

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DA_SHREDDER5908d ago

Why are they making crap games like this? Whatever happened to games like Final Fantasy X, Chrono Trigger, XenoGears, FF7, Dragon Warrior?

Playstation Man5908d ago

And the Nintendo DS. Shovelware and quick sales has become Square's priority these days.


10 Most Overlooked RPGs That You Should Play Now

Many overlooked RPGs lie dormant in the catalogues of gaming, but players can pick up their swords and shields with these amazing JRPG hidden gems!

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10 JRPGS that are Better than their Metascore

Game Rant - "From Star Ocean to Final Fantasy, there have been a number of JRPG's that have been unfairly undervalued by their Metascores. Here are 10 examples."

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Rangerman12081704d ago (Edited 1704d ago )

While I agree that the combat in Star Ocean 5's combat is pretty fun, saying that its story is more enjoyable than its predecessors is highly debatable. Also, it's not just the technical issues the game suffers from.

Gaming4Life19811703d ago

Star Ocean 5 was garbage and I was a huge star ocean fan.

Docmortem1704d ago

Completely disagree the games I played from the list all deserve their scores (Star Ocean, Nier, Tales of Zesteria, Type-0). While there are certainly people that love these games, they have flaws in many categories, that justify those scores.
Star Ocean especially bored the hell out of me. Lame story and face roll battle system (I finished the game anyway). These games are really niche and when rated by a broader public, fall short. In my opinion even in their own genre.

solideagle1704d ago

I personally have not played any game below 80 and thought wow this should have been 80-90 game. The only game I thought should have been 90 was Shadow Hearts II: Covenant. I am pretty sure there will be some games but average score usually is pretty good indication.

do you recommend any JRPG which you think were good/amazing but it didn't score well? I just purchased Tokyo xanadu but it seems way too slow like trails game but trail at least has good story. I will give it a shot

1704d ago
rainslacker1704d ago

I think there were quite a few JRPG games that got hit with lower meta scores last gen when all these reviewers were on their anti-anime tropes kick. Not that they should get up there into the high 80s or 90s, but they weren't 60-70 games either.

That's mostly died off this gen, thankfully

WickedLester1704d ago

Ni No Kuni 2 is way better than it's metascore.

solideagle1704d ago

I think Ni No Kuni 2 combat is pretty generic but if you add all DLCs then its combat is pretty awesome. I purchased the complete edition so I can say DLC changes the combat completely

FinalAeonX1704d ago

Ni no Kuni 1 is way better than its metascore

Father__Merrin1704d ago

meta scores are rubbish best ignore them. many gems out there

solideagle1704d ago (Edited 1704d ago )

can you please name few?

Kocurstvo1703d ago (Edited 1703d ago )

Useless to argument troll, but e.g. Eat Lead is hilarious and extremely funny, yet mediocre on metastupids.... Lords of the Fallen, Strange brigade... I could name hundreds

1703d ago
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Noisy Pixel Explores the History of 'The Last Remnant' in New Video Series

In this episode, we explore The History of The Last Remnant. A game the recently received a remastered release and had an interesting development cycle.

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kalkano2098d ago

It's a good game, but the story is only okay. The gameplay is where the game really shines, but the game itself does an atrocious job of explaining it's own systems. Basically, you need to read a "what I wish I knew before I started" somewhere online, and then the game becomes great.