
I Hope Obsidian Entertainment Makes Another Fallout Game

RetrospectiveGaming gives his reasons why he thinks Obsidian should make another Fallout Video Game.

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Obsidian CEO responds to worries Xbox could shut them down, too: 'I'm not worried about tomorrow'

A gray cloud loomed over this year's big summer game showcases: Over 16,000 game developers have lost their jobs since 2023, many of whom were casualties of success at companies that reported huge profits this year. One of the largest cost cutters has been Xbox, which in January cut 1,900 jobs at Activision Blizzard and in May shut down four studios: Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin, Alpha Dog Games, and Roundhouse Games. The closure of Tango was taken especially hard, as the studio was still basking in the light of Hi-Fi Rush, a critical and commercial success by all of Microsoft's metrics.

SimpleSlave7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

I mean, you should be. Because we now know and understand that even if Avowed is a hit it doesn't mean the studio is safe.

I hope that they're able to buy out their own Studio, like Toys for Bob's did, maybe some of their IPs as well, and go the Larian Studios route instead. We still need a sequel to Alpha Protocol after all. So here's hoping for the best.

Listen to your leaders, rather, good luck!

Einhander19727d ago

Ok, fair enough.

As much as we all want another Alpha Protocol only Sega can make that happen.

porkChop7d ago

Honestly, it would be pretty cheap to get the IP rights from Sega. They've done nothing with it and weren't interested in a sequel. But I'd be fine with just a spiritual successor that builds on what they were trying to do with AP.

SimpleSlave7d ago

It's all good.

But to be fair, while SEGA does own the IP and Published the game, it was Obsidian who created the IP and helped bring it back from the dead. So it's only fitting that they should be the ones to work on a proper sequel. And hopefully with a proper budget this time around.

My point is that I want them to stick around for this to happen. But on the current position they're in, things are bleak is all I'm saying.

Obscure_Observer7d ago

"As much as we all want another Alpha Protocol only Sega can make that happen."

Not really. If Xbox really want Alpha Protocol, all they have to do is to pay SEGA for its licence and give it to Obsidian or any other Xbox first party or third party to do it, just like Nintendo did with Bayonetta.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
shinoff21837d ago

I would imagine. They've been around for awhile.

Hotpot7d ago

Well I mean, even if he's actually worried there's no way he'll say that publicly..

just_looken7d ago

na this team tossed out the outer worlds grounded that both made money and they have outer worlds 2 on the back burner sense 2021

MrBaskerville6d ago

I really just want a third Pillars of Eternity game. Not impossible under ms, but seems more and more unlikely with MS's new focus on high impact titles.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 6d ago
Lightning777d ago

Of course they're gonna feign confidence. They're about to release a game so they wanna look strong as possible. I know for a fact they're deathly afraid, I would be to and they absolutely should be.

I'm afraid for them right now. MS can't be trusted.

GamerRN7d ago

How come no one is interviewing PlayStation studios with the same questions? They had a significant amount of closures as well.

Strange 🤔

Pixykont7d ago

It's now everyone's fault that you don't understand the nuance of the situation? Typical fanboy

Crows906d ago

Right. PlayStation just closed 2 critically acclaimed studios....wait they didn't.


Keep supporting MS people and Xbox, they clearly do not care as you can see with all these closures. You want to hurt Xbox and MS just boycott their next console.

BeHunted7d ago

Sony has closed down more game studios this generation than the number of new IPs they've created

Moegooner7d ago

Sony didn't buy studios, just to shut them down. Smart ass

porkChop7d ago

If we boycott everyone that closed down studios we wouldn't own a PS or Xbox, and would only play indies on Steam.

PRIMORDUS7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

If we boycott and let them know the reason why they would have to listen. Stop closing game studios they should have never been closed to begin with. I keep saying this but MS is worth 3 trillion!! They do not have to close anything. They will make money no matter what even without closures.

Aloymetal7d ago

'' You want to hurt Xbox and MS just boycott their next console.''
100%!! But to be fair, most gamers around the planet can see right through MS's BS and most don't care about xbox so no need to tell them what it's obvious. We can safely say that they've been ''boycotting'' the green brand for a long, long time. The proof is in front of everyone's eyes every time their hardware sales figures are published.

Crows906d ago

If you just push that thought further...most of the world already passively boycotts Xbox

Nacho_Z7d ago

You have no choice other than to crack on and hope for the best.

phoenixwing7d ago

Glad someone gets it. What is doom and gloom going to accomplish for the studio? Nothing. That's why he said what he said.

Darkegg7d ago

This is a spiritual or philosophical statement from the developer. Being worried is in itself a negative feeling that isn’t healthy. Live fully in the present moment and accept what comes. Reality is all about impermanence and the law of nature (transient).

Personally, it’s an industry I’m slowly backing out. When it comes to wholesome practices and quality life, video games fit into the “I can live without this”. Given how employees life is (generally), how they are treated, and contributions to personal health .. it’s nice to have video games in the right moderation but I equate it to other industries how the ethics of the operation is lacking at the expense of “at all costs”. The extremity of that idea is demonstrated from top of the hierarchy down. Maybe some of us care, many of us don’t, and some feel it’s pointless due to the insignificance at the microscopic level (what is the value of a singular action against millions). Only we can choose and control our own action.

Reaper22_7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

I'm not worried at all. Obsidian are are awesome devs and I'm looking foward to Avowed.

MrNinosan7d ago

Tango wasn't awesome I assume?

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Fallout New Vegas dev pitched Bethesda a number of Elder Scrolls games

Chris Avellone expands on his earlier claims that Fallout New Vegas dev Obsidian pitched Bethesda ideas for Elder Scrolls spinoffs.

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-Foxtrot187d ago

Really Bethesda? Come on

We could have gotten to explore more of the regions or revisit old ones with another developer making them. Would have shortened the time between releases of the main games.

shinoff2183186d ago (Edited 186d ago )

Just thinking about what could've been. Maybe they didn't wanna be showed up on their flagship title Ala new vegas compared to fallout 3 and 4

phoenixwing186d ago

it's not that hard to show them up when they're like 20 years behind in terms of engine and development skills. If they had gotten the go ahead i guarantee it would have been better than anything they'd made recently.

anast186d ago

Bethesda didn't and still doesn't do above the bare minimum.

cammers1995186d ago

The issue here was Bethesda was butthurt that obsidian managed to develop a better fallout game at the time (new vegas) than theirs (fo3) so they didn't allow it.

OneLove185d ago (Edited 185d ago )

It's funny how they're both owned by Microsoft now. They should be able to work together now.


The Outer Worlds PS5 Spacer's Choice Edition Is So Busted That Players Want Refunds

Playstationlifestyle writes: "The Outer Worlds’ subreddit is full of threads complaining about the Spacer’s Choice Edition, with many players demanding refunds. Publisher Private Division‘s support team responded to some ticket submissions, promising players that their complaints have been passed on to the development studio.

Over on Twitter, developer Obsidian Entertainment has been responding to fans, apologizing for the issues."

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shinoff2183470d ago

Go figure. How's the Xbox version. Maybe sonys right about bugs in cod

Sonyslave3470d ago

Microsoft got nothing to do with this Private Divison and some other dev did this update.

Christopher470d ago

While I get it is an outside studio, Microsoft now has everything to do with any work on their IPs, including ensuring that any third-party hired to develop their games makes sure they work.

porkChop470d ago


MS owns the IP going forward but they do not own the publishing rights to the first game. Private Division does. MS has nothing to do with the remaster, that's why the trailer for the remaster doesn't have an XGS logo.

I get that the Spacer's Choice Edition has issues but the fault lies with Private Division pushing it out before it was ready. It has major issues on all platforms, not just PS5.

Christopher470d ago

***MS has nothing to do with the remaster, that's why the trailer for the remaster doesn't have an XGS logo.***

Microsoft literally owns the development studio, and, yes, they were involved in the port (this isn't a remaster, it's a port for current-gen consoles).

porkChop470d ago

MS owns the dev, yes. But they still have nothing to do with it. Their only involvement is that a studio they own made the game.

Also, it's not a remaster? Really, since when? So upgraded lighting, updated textures, new animations, etc., means it's just a port. Ok.

Let's look at the Steam description:
"The Outer Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition is the ultimate way to play the award-winning RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division. Including the base game and all DLC, this REMASTERED masterpiece is the absolute best version of The Outer Worlds."

What about the Private Division store?
"2019’s hit RPG has been REMASTERED with better graphics, improved performance, additional animations, higher-res environments, and more."

Godmars290470d ago

Given that MS is in the middle of trying to buy Actvision, this is very much the bullet loaded into the gun they shot themselves in the foot with.

TheExecutioner470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

typical gibberish in response. Take some time to yourself.

jwillj2k4470d ago

Wrong. Guilty by association. This goes for this and any other title under their umbrella going forward. No one will draw a line in the sand separating the two when it comes to issues and rightfully so. They made their bed so lay in it, can’t have one without the other.

343_Guilty_Spark470d ago

Good try Christopher. Microsoft doesn’t own publishing rights to first game. The Spacer Choice Edition has bugs on Xbox.

DOMination-470d ago

Firstly all versions are the same so this isn’t some big conspiracy.

Secondly Private Division are owned by 2K I believe.

Sonic1881469d ago (Edited 469d ago )


You should to bring back the Bubble system for guys like Obscure_Observer.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 469d ago
darthv72470d ago

the XB version is also borked. This was done by a different outfit and not by MS or Obsidian.

porkChop470d ago

It's bad on all platforms. This article is from PlayStation Lifestyle so they're only going to report on the PS5 version.

shinoff2183470d ago

To be fair I did ask how's the Xbox version. It was a real question

HardKnockKid24470d ago

Shin, really? You also said go figure as to heavily imply they purposely screwed up the PS version. You even said maybe Sony was right about intentional bugs. Stop and do the research next time

CobraKai470d ago

They did mention that all platforms were affected in the first paragraph

The_Blue470d ago

Truth is the game is just bad

MadLad470d ago

Neither Microsoft, or even Obsidian, are involved in this update.

I'm sure Sony will still now bring this up in litigation. People need to read more than just the headline.

All I have to say is Ghost Wire Tokyo ran fine. Psychonauts 2 ran fine. Wasteland 3 ran fine. There's no evidence that a Microsoft owned company put out a PlayStation game that ran poorly.

darthv72470d ago

But but but.... sony says it 'could' happen. /s

Jin_Sakai470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

But but but…. Microsoft stuck PS5 owners with the inferior PS4 version of Psychonauts 2 so that Series X would be the best place to play on console.

MadLad470d ago (Edited 470d ago )


They honored the promises made to original PS4 owners within the promises of the Kickstarter had prior to the acquisition. Nothing more. Nothing less.

porkChop470d ago


There was never a PS5 version announced or promised so PS gamers got exactly what they kickstarted. We also don't know if Sony even gave Double Fine any PS5 dev kits considering they were owned by MS. But sure, MS is bad for giving PS4 gamers a better game by delaying it and giving DF extra funding to finish and include all of the cut content.

Christopher470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

Obsidian developed this update. They literally apologized and said they would work on fixing the issues.

The company they used was for graphical updates, but Obsidian still did most of the work. I wish they had taken more time to QA.

Jin_Sakai469d ago

“There was never a PS5 version announced or promised so PS gamers got exactly what they kickstarted.“

Could they have made a PS5 version though? Of course they could have.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 469d ago
Obscure_Observer470d ago ShowReplies(1)
ModsDoBetter470d ago

I hardly think Microsoft are deliberately sabotaging cross platform games…that’s a bit “conspiracy theory”.

Christopher470d ago

Definitely agree with this. Just bad management on a game which happens.

Sonic1881469d ago

I told you so. I expect Microsoft to continue doing this

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 469d ago
Stanjara470d ago ShowReplies(2)
OhReginald470d ago ShowReplies(1)
CantThinkOfAUsername470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

I know I'm wasting my energy here, but this has nothing to do with Microsoft or Sony. This current gen port was outsourced to Virtuos, a Singaporean development studio with a surprisingly good track record. The publishing rights of the game go to Private Division, the publishing arm of Take-Two.

This 'remaster' is busted on all platforms. Not even a stable 30 FPS on Xbox Series X's 'cinematic' option. 13900K + 4090 (the most powerful PC components available today) can't run the game at 4K@60. It's currently sitting at Mostly Negative 20% rating on Steam. The game runs worse than Cyberpunk 2077 with Psycho settings and Ray Tracing at native 4K while not looking the part.

And to add insult to injury, they're asking for $60 (currently on a 'special' 20% discount coming at $48). There's no free upgrade. Only if you own the base game and both DLCs do you get an upgrade for $10.

jznrpg470d ago

MS owns the IP. They clearly get a build and have to approve THEIR IP to be released the state it was in.

DankSinatra470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

That’s not true, the current publisher for this game is not Microsoft. Microsoft owns the rights moving forward with future games but publishing rights still belongs to take two.

Christopher470d ago

Nah, they're just managing obsidian here, not the IP.

Christopher470d ago

Just a correction, part of the work was done by virtuos. Obsidian was lead and did a lot of work on it and managed the work.

This is just bad management by obsidian.

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