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Obsidian: “Something awesome is on the horizon…”

Obsidian Entertainment has “something awesome” on the horizon, revealed the developer on Twitter.

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Christopher3313d ago
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Barnaby-Jones3313d ago

Imagine how awesome it could be with the new tech today. Here's hoping!

3312d ago
3312d ago
Summons753313d ago

After the buggy/broken mess that was Kotor 2....I hope not.

CorndogBurglar3313d ago (Edited 3313d ago )

I had KOTOR 2 on PC and it was fine.

Also, that game came out like 10 years ago.

If they were to make KOTOR 3 it would more than likely be an all new team of people making it with no connections to KOTOR 2.

plut0nash3312d ago

Have you tried the RCM? It makes the game much better.

MadLad3312d ago (Edited 3312d ago )

They have a track record of (almost) pulling off, with a much smaller studio, that which most people need twice the time for.

That's not a horrible thing to be able to claim. And, that said, as soon as they were given reasonable development time for worthwhile projects (South Park, Pillars of Eternity), they bang out two of the best games of their respective years.

lelo2play3313d ago (Edited 3313d ago )

I wouldn't mind a successor to Fallout 4, the same way they did for Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas.

... but I suspect the news is Pillars of Eternity for consoles.

jznrpg3312d ago

I loved New Vegas , all the upgrades and details. Despite the bugginess it was one of my favorite last gen games. I wouldnt mind them doing the next Elder Scrolls either.

MadLad3311d ago

It was designed with keyboard and mouse in mind. Very UI heavy.
It's not like Divinity, which was very modernized by comparison. You can even say that they designed the game with the idea for consoles sometime down the road.

Same can't be said for Pillars of Eternity. They would have to re-design the game itself to work as such.

That's not saying I'm not for it. Pillars of Eternity is phenomenal, and I want as many people as possible to play it. Just saying I don't see it happening.

That said, it will run on most any basic home computer.

cplus3313d ago

Tweet is old they already said what it is:
@pmarreck We've already made the announcement! It's for our #PillarsCardGame, Lords of the Eastern Reach Kickstarter

Sly-Lupin3312d ago

Yup. Shame it's not a digital CCG. I can never go back to physical cards.

Anyway: DAMN. There are a LOT of console gamers here.

susanto12283313d ago

many people just said that and Christocolus thanks for bring it up...the only NEWS i want to hear coming out of Obsidian is a single player KOTOR 3 game FK this multiplayer crap

3-4-53312d ago

Star Wars RPG ? Yes please.

bennissimo3312d ago

After the crapfest SWTOR was, a proper KOTOR sequel would sit just right on my shelf of games.

mep693312d ago

Hopefully with the original formula eg silent hero. I hate hearing an awful voice actor.

aftrdark213312d ago

This! I would love a KOTOR 3. Played SWTOR and it's okay but I would really love for them to finish up the original KOTOR trilogy. KOTOR 2 ended with more questions than answers IMO.

TheXgamerLive3312d ago

Hellllz yeah I agree KOTOR 3;)

TXIDarkAvenger3312d ago

omg this would be so good. I mean this year is perfect to announce something Star Wars related. Please Obsidian!

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RatchetandClank3313d ago

I know everybody hates remasters (or a port) but if any game needs one its south park.

Sora_19943313d ago

I actually was hoping it would get one I waited for it actually now I don't have my ps3 anymore and can't play it at all

Kurisu3313d ago

I bought it on PS3 last week and it's a great game! I'm not too far in, just made it past the first day.

TheOnlyMastrx3312d ago

So much yes, I would definitely buy it again!

ginsunuva3312d ago

Just play it on a laptop. It runs on very low end.

MadLad3311d ago

There's almost no discernible difference between the PS3/360 version and the PC version.
It was a rather low end game, tech-wise, and there's nothing to be gained in bringing it over to consoles, aside from simply having it on more consoles.

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Forum_Pirate3313d ago

You're aware how obscenely unlikely that is with Star wars changing hands and the expanded universes complete eradication right?

Also, SWTOR is basically Kotor 3-10.

Takwin3313d ago

I've read similar comments before that SWTOR is many KOTORs, but that is disingenuous. SWTOR is boring and filled with typical MMO-fare whereas KOTOR remains one of my most beloved RPGs.

Aloren3312d ago

The storyline of each class is very much kotor-like though. You should have played it when there was the x12 boost. You'd have experienced the storylines without having to do any MMO stuff.

WeAreLegion3313d ago

South Park 2: Electric Boogaloo?

dumahim3313d ago

Instead of fantasy, they could do a another one with the kids doing their superhero characters instead.

ZaWarudo3313d ago

Obsidian? Whatever it is i'm sure i'll like it, unless it's a Stick of Truth sequel, that game sucked.

Hopefully it's a console port of Pillars of Eternity.

Christopher3313d ago (Edited 3313d ago )

Stick of Truth sucked...

Hell no it didn't! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Edit: I'd love PoE on every platform, but they did mention it wasn't going to happen on consoles towards the end of last year. Would love for that to have changed, but unlikely.

WeAreLegion3313d ago (Edited 3313d ago )

┬─┬ ノ(ಠ_ಠノ)
Please respect tables.

RJ920093312d ago

Hahaha all this made my day!!

Christopher3312d ago

┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

Kurisu3313d ago

I'm not that far in to South Park but personally I'm really enjoying it. I haven't watched an episode of South Park for years but I knew I wanted to play the game as soon as it was announced.

3313d ago
jznrpg3312d ago

I enjoyed South Park , but I would prefer PoE on consoles , first.

ZaWarudo3312d ago

Guess it's great for South Park fans, tons of fanservice and references, but as an RPG? it's pretty terrible.

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Feargus Urquhart is doing what he does best

The Obsidian founder isn’t ready to leave the RPG behind just yet

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Community513d ago
gangsta_red513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

Very good read. Looking forward to Outerworlds 2 and Avowed. Hopefully even a Pillars 3 with a very bigger budget


Obsidian Entertainment vs Chris Avellone – Everything You Need to Know in One Place

RPG Codex user TT1 has compiled all of Chris Avellone’s posts regarding his accusations against Obsidian Entertainment into a Google Doc for for the ease of everyone. The doc is about a 100 pages long and is filled with accusations and allegations against the company enough to make a 2 hour documentary.

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Community2231d ago

Why A Fake Fallout: New Vegas 2 Rumor Won't Stop Spreading

You may have seen the news on your Facebook feed, or on the front page of Reddit’s popular r/games subreddit: Obsidian is making Fallout New Vegas 2! This would all be well and good, except for the fact that they’re not.

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FallenAngel19842697d ago
ZaWarudo2697d ago

I'm glad it's fake. The story of the Mojave Wasteland is done, we don't need to go back.

I still want to see another Fallout from Obsidian though.