
The Last Remnant announced for PC

Square Enix has just announced that The Last Remnant will be released for the Xbox 360 worldwide on November 20, 2008.The PlayStation 3 release date hasn't been announced yet.

In addition, Square Enix has announced that a Windows version is in development, as well. No release date was announced.

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decapitator5912d ago (Edited 5912d ago )

This was actually announced at the Microsoft conference. I guess "Definite"(PC) version confirmed then. Sucks because I really wanted to play this on my PS3(since its the only consoles I have) this year but seeing as how that won't happen, PC version get.

NO_PUDding5912d ago (Edited 5912d ago )

Just wait.

Even Star Ocean 4 will come to PS3 eventually. Cus exclusivity deals come to an end at some point.

Square is just too greedy to do it any other way.

EDIT: I say greedy, that's just harsh, games cost a lot of money. They can't really afford to have exclusives. Until PS3 is a big player, things will be multiplatform.

Real gamer 4 life5912d ago (Edited 5912d ago )

Yea it will come to the ps3. Probably with extra exclusive content like eternal sonata and bioshock. One thing i noticed is that all microsoft timed exclusive always get release for the ps3, with extra content. It sometimes seem like developer reward us for waiting a little bit longer.

decapitator5912d ago (Edited 5912d ago )

Yeah but that kinda stupid though. I mean, I don't mind having multiplatform games but what I hate is when I gotta wait after the game has been released before I can get my fill of the action. Sony need to seriously do something about it.

But nonetheless, good for 360 owners.

Harry1905912d ago (Edited 5912d ago )

I thought this news had already been posted on N4G.

Soul why did you disagree with me? Do you have a problem?

SixTwoTwo5912d ago

The wait sucks but for the RPG gamers like myself we still have Valkyria Chronicles and Eternal Sonata. Then theres atleast a dozen other titles out this fall that will definitely get you atleast reaching for your wallet.

decapitator5912d ago

Yeah, but if you really think about it, We are getting Valkyria on time but Eternal Sonata is later as well....but ah, whatever, Will get both. My backlog is so freaking huge right now


Soon to be purchased:
Naruto Ultimate Ninja

solidt125912d ago

I own a PS3 also and want to buy this game.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5912d ago
CyberSentinel5912d ago (Edited 5912d ago )

<-@decapitator ( <-next zone over): If the game is coming to 360 on Nov 20, what makes you so sure if will be available for pc "BEFORE" 2009?

<-@Real gamer 4 life: It's nothing more then an incentive to get you to buy an old game, kind of like how we got split screen for UT3.
(which I did preorder and buy btw for 360)

*suggestion to moderators, why not rename this zone to either....

Fanboy Zone


War Zone

Gamer Zone and Fanboy Zone....I think it would be much more fitting as well as entertaining for the site.
Just a suggestion.
Peace out.

Playstation Man5912d ago

2007 was the year of shovelware for Square

2008 looks to be the year of good-but-not-great titles that they see as quick profits.

I'm starting to really dislike Square and I've been playing FF since Gold Cartridge NES days. Not impressed guys. I'm actually cheering on Level 5's WKC to own FFXIII. It may just do it judging by gameplay vids too.

decapitator5912d ago

Dude, wait for August 1/2 , I hear something big will happen for PS3 owners.

Harry1905912d ago (Edited 5912d ago )

is that Hashimoto is in charge of making it.
Believe...FF 7 Rebirth...Believe...comon Nomura...I heard 'shocking',just how more 'shocking' will it be than the E3 multi plat announcement.

I do miss Squaresoft too.

Wait,if it is not FF7....Vagrant Story? Xenogears? Serious Wow there. Believe. As long as it's not another one of Enix's lame franchises we haven't even heard about except in japan.

solsub5912d ago

I agree decapitator, let's see what Square has in store when they make that announcement in early August.

Real gamer 4 life5912d ago

If they are going they are willing to add extra exclusive content, then i am more willing to wait. There will plenty of game this holiday season to satisfy my gaming need. Resistance little big planent bioshock eternal sonata valkary choronicles and narotu. Sony is going to rape my wallet this holiday season. And both eternal sonata and bioshock have a lot of extra exclusive content.

Real gamer 4 life5912d ago (Edited 5912d ago )

How are you sure its something good for the ps3?

decapitator5912d ago

you should listen to the 1UP yours podcast from yesterday. Shane from 1UP had an interview with one of the head guys fron SE and he reveals that there will be a special announcement about FVII: AC for Blu-ray. According to him, he has gotten more inside information about that special announcement which will tilt the momentum back to PS3 owners after the FXIII betrayalton by SE.

Corrupt5912d ago

I recall Shane saying it will tilt the pendulum to the PS3 "not for good or ill".

decapitator5912d ago

Yeah but if you have been following the interviews and other things conducted during E3 after the FXIII announcement, it would seem that, the decision to go multiplatofrm with the series was very recent, meaning, whatever SE should not be heavily affected. At least that's what I think.

Harry1905912d ago (Edited 5912d ago )

of FF 7 Advent Children Complete will be confirmed probably. They mentioned it n an interview. maybe they will bundle something with it too.

Complete is an extended edition with new scenes and re-cuts.

Real gamer 4 life5912d ago

What does he mesn by "not for good or ill".?

tako20005912d ago

Well, least SE do spread the love of LR on nearly all console, perhaps Wii version at August?

@Real gamer 4 life
I guess that means several PSN titles. You know, those kind of titles that didn't really change the fact they screwed PS3 but said "hey, here is something for the pain".

ya~well, I admire your positive thinking but for me SE don't have anything to offer...

For the August announcement:

We know it's not FF7-remake since its asked million times and not a hint of good news. Even though its about that, probability to be multi-platform (remember the "not for good or ill" quote?).

We know its not SO4 on PS3, this question pretty much grilled FF13 Ltd Shinji Hashimoto during an interview (claps for the reporter asked that) and we know the "reach for wider gamers" idea didn't apply on that.

We know its not KH3...well least if my memory correct, KH3 listed to be a mobile-phone game. Even if its on next gen, still multi-platform (same quote).

So what else? New IP? New Saga or Sword of Mana series? FFversus13 on X360/PC(anything is possible with SE)? or FF7:AC BD itself is the big announcement(lmao if true)?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5912d ago
alster235912d ago

ff13 will be on PC sooner or later

iamtehpwn5912d ago

I mean, I'll buy the PC version and the PS3 version of FFXIII.

centrum2k5912d ago

SE is like hungry little dog now. finally some jrpg for pc.

alster235912d ago

yeah my friend wanted a JRPG on pc

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Rangerman12081703d ago (Edited 1703d ago )

While I agree that the combat in Star Ocean 5's combat is pretty fun, saying that its story is more enjoyable than its predecessors is highly debatable. Also, it's not just the technical issues the game suffers from.

Gaming4Life19811703d ago

Star Ocean 5 was garbage and I was a huge star ocean fan.

Docmortem1703d ago

Completely disagree the games I played from the list all deserve their scores (Star Ocean, Nier, Tales of Zesteria, Type-0). While there are certainly people that love these games, they have flaws in many categories, that justify those scores.
Star Ocean especially bored the hell out of me. Lame story and face roll battle system (I finished the game anyway). These games are really niche and when rated by a broader public, fall short. In my opinion even in their own genre.

solideagle1703d ago

I personally have not played any game below 80 and thought wow this should have been 80-90 game. The only game I thought should have been 90 was Shadow Hearts II: Covenant. I am pretty sure there will be some games but average score usually is pretty good indication.

do you recommend any JRPG which you think were good/amazing but it didn't score well? I just purchased Tokyo xanadu but it seems way too slow like trails game but trail at least has good story. I will give it a shot

1703d ago
rainslacker1703d ago

I think there were quite a few JRPG games that got hit with lower meta scores last gen when all these reviewers were on their anti-anime tropes kick. Not that they should get up there into the high 80s or 90s, but they weren't 60-70 games either.

That's mostly died off this gen, thankfully

WickedLester1703d ago

Ni No Kuni 2 is way better than it's metascore.

solideagle1703d ago

I think Ni No Kuni 2 combat is pretty generic but if you add all DLCs then its combat is pretty awesome. I purchased the complete edition so I can say DLC changes the combat completely

FinalAeonX1703d ago

Ni no Kuni 1 is way better than its metascore

Father__Merrin1703d ago

meta scores are rubbish best ignore them. many gems out there

solideagle1703d ago (Edited 1703d ago )

can you please name few?

Kocurstvo1703d ago (Edited 1703d ago )

Useless to argument troll, but e.g. Eat Lead is hilarious and extremely funny, yet mediocre on metastupids.... Lords of the Fallen, Strange brigade... I could name hundreds

1703d ago
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kalkano2098d ago

It's a good game, but the story is only okay. The gameplay is where the game really shines, but the game itself does an atrocious job of explaining it's own systems. Basically, you need to read a "what I wish I knew before I started" somewhere online, and then the game becomes great.