
Top 10 PS2 JRPG series and games that should be remastered for PS3 and PS4

A list of the top 10 PS2 JRPG series and games that should be remastered for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.

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WESKER20153446d ago

forget ps2, PS1 had the best JRPGs, remaster vagrant story if anything, or better yet!, make a completely new game

breakpad3446d ago (Edited 3446d ago )

Exactly ..PS1 was the peak of JRPGs not PS2 ...on PS2 lot of the JRPG entries were mediocre games in comparison to those of PS1 s

DualWielding3446d ago

but PS2 games still look great when remastered, PSOne games don't hold up as well

pivotplease3446d ago

It is true. PS1 games are at the point where they would be kind of difficult to remaster. They almost have to be remade from scratch instead. PS2 games can just have smoothed edges and more detail added though.

MeteorPanda3446d ago

l'd love vagrant story remasterd. It's still being played on my vita time and time again. Aged so well

Godmars2903446d ago

How about Square makes a FF entry that's "old school". One that doesn't have to be a graphical showcase, but recognizes basic tropes and gameplay mechanics.

SoapShoes3446d ago

Those old school ones did that while being graphical showcases, how about both?

Godmars2903446d ago

A this point graphics can take care of themselves. San incompetence.

Thing is, given the example of the first FF14, the introduction of FF13's sequels and along with more missteps than successes, guess what Square-Enix's middle name is...

NoctisPendragon3446d ago

How about no ? If the next FF did something like that (going backward) it would be the less FF ever.

Gamers that still relate every new final fantasy to one that was released in 1997 are stuck in their ways.

FF was always about attracting youngsters and not 3x year old men .

Godmars2903445d ago

They've been going "backwards" since FF8. Diminishing or removing game elements such as mini-games while making stories and characters more generic and less interactive.

Unless you count cut scenes of course.

NoctisPendragon3445d ago


Yeah but they never went backward in term of graphics or delevelopement cost .
And mini-games + worked stories are comming back.

Anyway i don't see FF XVI looking like FF I or FF VI any-time soon .

Godmars2903445d ago

One thing: the point is that most production costs goes towards graphics. Square committed to building at least two game engines from the ground up then not use them.

Another thing; what even makes you think I'm talking about 8 bit, 16 bit, or as many indies seem to use for "retro" titles, 4 bit graphics?

Lost Ark:

A Korean MMO that uses UE4 and an isometric view. Not an over the shoulder 3rd person view.

NoctisPendragon3445d ago

Lol , looks really good , they should make an alternative FF Saga (like FF Type-0) for 3rd vue ATB/Turn-based console games.

But as the next main FF it is stil looking like a pre-FF VII game for me so idk ...
Even Hironobu Sakaguchi said FF was all about invovations and moving forward but so many people are still asking fo the oposite.

Godmars2903445d ago

The only thing Square has been moving towards, possibly since FF7, are CG movies with busy work that tries to justify it.

I want layered gameplay with character types and their roles meaning something again. I want magic to mean something again.

NoctisPendragon3445d ago

Yeah same here , for the magic i think FF XV will have a lot of it .

Godmars2903445d ago (Edited 3445d ago )

No. Magic means as much if not less in FF15 than it did in FF13: f/x. It wasn't even needed in the FF15 demo. It means nothing. Offers no strategic or tactical value. The Ramuh summon was little more than a triggered scripted event.

Also think about the kaiju level monsters freely wondering around small towns and tourist rest spots. How are there even tourist rest stops when pack of dog-like monsters are all over the place much less two to three story tall literal behemoths?

And why is your party concerned with active patrols of enemy troops attacking them seconds they step into a clearing or walk on the road, yet those same troops don't have soldiers in town looking for your car? They should be setting up an ambush at the garage.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3445d ago
Spotie3445d ago

How about just letting go? If you keep it around, it's not "old school" anymore.

Besides, FF isn't supposed to hold on to that much. It's always been a series that changes quite a bit, adding new things to a few staples. Why this fervent desire to change that?

gerol3446d ago

FF12 Remastered is so definitely going to happen

ScubbaSteve3446d ago

Hopefully in the remastered version they cut out the first 5 hours of the game and delete vaan and panello.

pivotplease3446d ago

In that case it would be a day one buy for me. They should probably also add sidequests that aren't just hunts, NPCs that talk, more useful summons, a reasonable amount of FMVs, and an interesting villain while they're at it. Killing off the license boards also wouldn't be a complete loss.

MoveTheGlow3445d ago

And fill in the gap before the game's final stage, too. It seriously goes from character building mid-game to bam, final level.

That and airships need to be actual airships and not a menu system. Sure, that's a tough undertaking, but they have some resources to throw around!

slinky1234563446d ago

Quite a few of these I would like to play. I hope they at least make them classics and bring them to PS4 soon.

I missed quite a few and I recently started to play some PSOne classic RPG's. Just have a bag log that's 20 years old now I'm trying to get through.

rhap3446d ago (Edited 3446d ago )

IDK, PS2 was cool, but PS1 was my favorite console for JRPG. I could keep listing games on and on and on. I'll say ten.

1- Saga Frontier
2- Breath of Fire 3
3- Valkyrie Profile
4- Azure Dreams
5- Guardian's Crusade
6- Xenogears
7- Suikoden 2
8- Grandia
9- Vagrant Story
10- Legend of Mana

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Final Fantasy 12 Has The Worst Cid, Says Ben Starr

Clive actor Ben Starr plays kiss, marry, kill with Final Fantasy characters, and decides to off Cid from Final Fantasy 12.

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CrimsonWing69162d ago

I’d give it to 8, but whatevs.

mastershredder162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Ew VO actors and their cringe core. Fiverr voice actors could out perform this chump.


Final Fantasy XII Is the Perfect Final Fantasy Game to Play After XVI

Final Fantasy XVI makes big changes to the series. It has a new approach to combat and a mature story, that makes XII the perfect game to play after.

Flawlessmic458d ago

It's always a good time to play ff12. But more importantly absolutely everybody that has a ps5 should be playing ff16!!

What a game yoshi p and his team have delivered, we can only hope they have been handed the keys to next main line final fantasy and they can go back to back!!

457d ago Replies(1)
GhostScholar457d ago

He turned final fantasy into a 3rd person action game. A good one for sure, but not final

Flawlessmic457d ago

What is final fantasy?

If your telling me it's turn based/party then people aren't actually final fantasy fans they are mechanic fans of turn based games not final fantasy.

I could point to 20 different reasons why this is a proper final fantasy but going off everyone opinions apparently what makes a final fantasy is the mechanics and nothing else lol.

I guess final fantasy hasn't been final fantasy since X-2.

GhostScholar457d ago

I’m not saying just the turned based aspect makes a game final fantasy or not. It’s not that it’s not turn based only. I don’t like the combat at all in 16. It’s better than 15 for sure, but it just doesn’t feel like a final fantasy game. It reminds me more of the Witcher 3 than final fantasy. The setting, the look of the world. No sci fi aspects.

Flawlessmic457d ago (Edited 457d ago )

i still have to disagree dude, final fantasy games are made up of so much more, they have a certain heart & soul to them that make them easily identifiable and this game has all that heart and soul of a FF game as well ff staples below.

- the music
- chocobos
- moogles
- summons - Super heavy influence
- a grand epic story/ ps. they have done medieveil before like with ff9
- crystals - Super heavy influence
- cid

I mean the fact this game is basically all about crystals and eikons is about as FF as it gets, throw in the rest and i get it being action game may be weird but this is FF game through and through.

in terms of Sci fi, id say your probably still very early on in the game.

This is coming from an old school FF fan.

Terry_B458d ago

I also recommend Devil May Cry 3-5 if you liked FF16 a lot.

MrNinosan457d ago

Played them all, and no... Not at all like FFXVI except parts of the combat

Gardenia456d ago

I don't know if this is serious or sarcasm, but it says a lot of what Final Fantasy has become.

lucian229457d ago

ff12 was the worst ff imo; no character was unique because of the class system, so in cutscenes no character had an assigned weapon; they were all different skins of one another; the game played itself, the main character wasn't the main character and it was just a big eh

Nacho_Z457d ago

I think I preferred 12 to 13 but I agree with your assessment. It was very bland and not much fun to play.

lucian229457d ago

i liked 13 combat wise, and i think story wise, but then i really liked the 2nd game, and lightning returns was....odd but i liked it.

MrNinosan457d ago

Sounds like you were late to FFXII and only played Zodiac edition.

FFXII is a great game, still today, and with Zodiac, it became even better.

lucian229455d ago

nope lol i got ff12 at launch

GhostScholar457d ago

Final fantasy 7 remake is better than 16 in every way

lucian229455d ago

not at all; while i love my ff7, ff16 is epic constantly; no game has epic battles the way this one does

Tapani162d ago

The Zodiac edition was absolutely superb. Top 5 final fantasies, up there with 4, 6, 7 and Tactics.

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MadLad457d ago

Still the last one I really enjoyed.
Series is just all over the place anymore and, while people like the new arpg gameplay, it doesn't do anything for me.

goldwyncq457d ago

The world is the real star of XII. I didn't care about the character nor the story but the worldbuilding was excellent.

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Final Fantasy XII director shoots down 17-year rumor about the game's main character

First, the rumor itself. When Final Fantasy XII originally launched in 2006, plenty of players were left disappointed by protagonist Vaan, who many deemed to be dull and apathetic. From this, a rumor sprang forth than companion Basch was originally meant to be the protagonist of Final Fantasy XII, but was switched out of the role at the last minute.

This rumor has gained traction ever since, to the point where multiple outlets have reported it as fact, and Final Fantasy XII’s Wikipedia page (opens in new tab) even mentions it as part of the game's development. Now though, years after the rumor originated, original Final Fantasy XII director and scenario writer Yasumi Matsuno has stepped in to quash the rumor.

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Hofstaderman523d ago

I'm still convinced Vaan and Penelo were placed in the game as a last minute decision.

-Foxtrot522d ago (Edited 522d ago )

It does feel like that tbh

It's why even though the theory has been shot down I can see why people came up with and believed it.

It makes sense

Vaan was there for the younger audience and to me that seems like a last minute development decision.

gold_drake522d ago (Edited 522d ago )

ok that doesnt change the fact that Vaan is the least intresting and biggest waste of a main character in the franchise.

like Penelo and Vaan are literally just there, to be there. any other character has more purpose haha.

Becuzisaid522d ago

We all know Balthier and Fran were the mains the whole time lol.

FinalFantasyFanatic522d ago

The characters and writing for this game, just wasn't good, I have a hard time believing that there wasn't some major changes at some point (do writers just not leave notes for each other if one of them gets sick or leaves?).

SegaSaturn669522d ago

I enjoy the gameplay a lot but tend to agree, the soundtrack was not memorable to me at all, either. Which is weird because the composer also did FFT which was tremendous.

FinalFantasyFanatic521d ago

I always think of Uematsu when I think of the FF franchise, but most of his music is pretty iconic, unfortunately I didn't get to play FFT (hopefully it ends up with a Steam release in the near future).

RedDevils522d ago

Back then I like the gameplay, but I just don't like the story enough to enjoy it as X.

GoodGuy09522d ago

It was obvious Vaan was of little importance. His brother or Balthier should've been the MC. They've already told us that Vaan was chosen just so the game can appeal to younger audiences. But well that's square for ya, always trying to appeal to the masses rather than just do what they really want to do and favor core fans.

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