
Star Wars Battlefront: Storm Trooper teased with these incredible images

Electronic Arts have posted these impressive-looking screenshots on Instagram teasing the Storm Trooper from Star Wars Battlefield.

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Relientk773392d ago

This game will break the internet when it's revealed

SpaceRanger3392d ago

No joke, I can feel the wave of excitement and anticipation coming from the hype for this game. Its the same way I can see the storms coming over the hills here in Texas that we've had the past few days.

It's going to be amazing! And we'll be the ones who get to say that we experienced it from the start.

May the force be with you all...and the Internet... these next coming days. We'll need it.

vishmarx3392d ago

the internet breakdown will be even more severe if it turns out to be an first person only bf clone.

hoping for the exact opposite lol

Naga3392d ago

On breaking the internet, perhaps they should just release a screenshot of a storm trooper in that Kardashian pose just to seal the deal.

3392d ago
SolidStoner3392d ago

I hope that it would be battlefield with different skin.. since Hardline failed to be real battlefield .. maybe this one will be.. :D lmao

poppinslops3391d ago

At least it won't be on xbox360/PS3... whatever it ends up being, it'll be bigger and shinier than Battlefield.

Which reminds me - 3PO and R2 did today's 'Top 10' on Letterman... it was pretty funny; R2 said he walked in on Han going 'Solo'.

raymantalk13391d ago

i do hope this is a great game but for gods sake dont make more out of what we have seen, nothing that has been shown so far says it will be great when we/i actually see actual gameplay then we/i can then be impressed until then just wait.

garrettbobbyferguson3391d ago

Here's to hoping it's not Battlefield 4: Star Wars edition. Last thing I need is another series that I enjoyed catering to the modern COD/Battlefield crowd.


Well judging by the teaser trailer release a few weeks back. I put my money on it STAR WARS: Battle clones

Bobby Kotex3391d ago

No one cares about your weather.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3391d ago
3-4-53392d ago

* Never got to play the previous two SW Battlefront games but this new one is very high up on my list of most wanted games.

* Pairing this with the release of the new movie has my Star Wars hype increasing weekly.

kickerz3392d ago

My internet is dizzy with excitement

princejb1343392d ago

not if dice breaks the game first lol

RedDevils3391d ago

All those starwars nerds will scream like sissy girls when it realease

llMurcielagoll3391d ago

I just hope it does not break the game servers upon release which is more than likely to happen and most of us wont be able to play multi-player or Single player should it be DRM oriented.

Syntax-Error3391d ago (Edited 3391d ago )

Too bad Xbox One gets the game a week before PS owners. EA Access will be releasing it early to it's subscribers.

Electronic Arts originally wanted EA Access to appear on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but Sony rejected the membership program because of their own membership program PSNow

kraenk123391d ago (Edited 3391d ago )

It's only 5 days an I guess everyone can wait 5 days for the supposedly better version.

CowbopBeboy3391d ago

I'm as excited for Star Wars Battlefront as much as the next person, but in what universe is an image of a Stormtrooper's chestplate "incredible"?

quenomamen3391d ago

Correction, this game will be broken when it's released.

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Bigpappy3392d ago

Have to wait and see it those images represent "in-game".

starchild3392d ago

Well, considering they said the trailer would feature in-game footage, I think it's fairly likely these images are too. Not a guarantee, just a suspicion.

HammadTheBeast3391d ago

Killzone 2 ended up looking better than the trailers or target render. There's a number of comparisons online.

Ken853391d ago

I think that could be an in gameplay model.Have you seen the models on BF4? And remember that game was still cross platform for last gen. This ones gonna be much newer and shiner

-Foxtrot3392d ago

I'm scared and excited by thos game

PygmelionHunter3392d ago

I know. I'm cautiously optimistic about the reveal... With EA, you never know these days... Heck I'll still be cautious the day it's released. By all we know, it might not even work properly.

Str8Chaos743392d ago (Edited 3392d ago )

We need a good Star Wars game. Please don't F**k this up EA and Dice. I'm with you Foxtrot and PygelionHunter, I feel the exact same way.

bmwfanatic3392d ago

Ok I give in I need directions to the hype train station. Cant wait for the reveal!!!

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Aspyr Allegedly Used A PC Mod To Add Xbox Exclusive Content To SW Battlefront Classic Collection

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XiNatsuDragnel154d ago

Aspyr if we sell hotcakes get that code from radical or something and create battlefield 3 please

DarkkMinion153d ago

Hope more developers do this.

Becuzisaid153d ago

I thought that was kind of obvious they were incorporating mods to piece this game together. Maybe not, but that's made me worried about one thing:

They also planned on adding the modded ending to KOTOR 2 but were legally blocked from doing so, even after they advertised that to help sell preorders for the game on Switch. Could the same happen with this? Any opponents have 3 weeks to bring down the hammer.

GoodGuy09153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

Wish these games would just get remakes.

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gurp499d ago

love all of the classic star wars games

The3faces499d ago

Had a blast playing Kotor when it first released can't wait for the remake to drop.

Terry_B499d ago

urgh..that website design is as ugly as possible. bad colors.