
Female Game Developers: Leading Ladies of Gaming

"Females are into gaming. This is also true in the realm of female game developers. Come check out some intense ladies who are developing video games." - Jen Galik

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SpiralTear3416d ago

Missing Jade Raymond and Roberta Williams? For shame!

Seriously, though, these women made it. They worked hard and led the industry. Hearing Hennig encouraging new female developers to get involved in games instead of scaring them away is a fantastic move. THAT'S the behavior we need more of in the industry.

Blaze9293415d ago (Edited 3415d ago )

"Come check out some intense ladies who are developing video games."

Jade Raymond doesn't even make games anymore at the moment. You know she left Ubisoft right?

Peekayboo3415d ago

Anyone with dignity would leave Ubisoft

SpiralTear3415d ago

True, she did leave Ubisoft and hasn't said what she's doing next. I predict she'll stay in games, though. She knows what she's doing.

rainslacker3415d ago

Jade Raymond and Williams and Brenda Romero have been doing this for ages. Long before some people decided to make it into a huge issue. They did it for the same reason the tech industry in general is doing it. because when you have a industry which traditionally appeals to males, it gets hard to get women to pick it up, and because of that, you miss out on a lot of talent and limit potential growth of said industries.

One thing about this is why does the tech industry traditionally appeal majorly to males? The simple answer is upbringing and gender roles within society in general. It's far from a misogynistic attitude of the industry or it's consumers. Until those things change, trying to change a single industry in general is probably going to be fruitless, but that doesn't mean that you can't encourage more participation like the above mentioned have been doing.

3-4-53416d ago (Edited 3416d ago )

* Oh, you mean these women aren't trying to change other people's creations, they are actually making their own games?

What a concept.

CaptainObvious8783416d ago

What's that? AND they're not sexistly judging people for preferring certain types of games?


ShaunCameron3415d ago

But they're influenced by the Patriarchy! They're not really women! LOL

ElementX3415d ago

How about Jane Jensen who created Gabriel Knight?

Redinfamy3415d ago

Amy Hennig is a legend. I cannot wait for new projects


Rhianna Pratchett on Challenges of Game Writing and Crafting Complex Female Characters

During the Game Developers Session (GDS) conference in Prague, we had the privilege of speaking with Rhianna Pratchett, an award-winning writer and narrative designer. Pratchett, who has penned some of the most memorable female protagonists like Nariko from Heavenly Sword, Faith from Mirror’s Edge, and Lara Croft from the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot, delves into the challenges and freedoms of writing for different media, AAA and indie games.

-Foxtrot147d ago

Complex? She literally made Lara Croft whine and have father issues for an entire trilogy


Snookies12145d ago

"have father issues"

To be fair, that IS a complex... Just not the right kind, lol!

mixelon145d ago

The dad stuff wasn’t entirely her fault.. She was given outlines she had to flesh out and not full freedom. from the article…:

“ And there were things that we kind of butted heads more on, particularly with Rise [of the Tomb Raider] because I wasn't a fan of the dad plot. I didn't really like her motivation being her father because it felt like that's often the motivation given to female characters and it's also motivation that's very prominent in the previous movies as well. And I would have rather it been about her own experiences in the first game and how that had changed during the second game. But sometimes you just have to do your job, you just have to find peace with it. And I kind of played around with my relationship with my father and kind of put some aspects of that and then that just made me feel better about it. And sometimes this is what you have to do.”

She never seemed that whiny to me given the circumstances.

-Foxtrot145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

If you’re a good writer you’d have been able to do that a little better but she didn’t

She was restricted sure but with what she had with an outline she didn’t do a good job

She’s not her father, she got work and into the industry a lot easier because her father was a great writer.

It’s nepotism basically

Knightofelemia145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

Female Commander Shepard is a way better female character then Lara Croft has been.

franwex145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

Yep, that’s because they wrote an interesting character first.

Christopher145d ago

It's actually because they let you write the story you want.

145d ago
Inverno145d ago

Meanwhile it seems that female characters across entertainment media are being dumb down. What they've done to the female characters in the Avatar adaptation is insulting.

145d ago Replies(1)
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Amy Hennig's Star Wars Game Taps Director of the Infamously Cancelled Star Wars 1313

The director of the infamously scrapped Star Wars 1313 has joined the team working on Amy Hennig's upcoming Star Wars game at Skydance New Media.

Garethvk409d ago

I was at the announcement for it at E3. They had us in a side hall conference room that was just a couple rows of benches. When the gameplay and video demo started the side walls looked like windows that showed us dropping down levels in our ship to 1313.

rlow1409d ago

Glad he’s onboard, 1313 was so ahead of its time from what was shown. This bodes well for her game. Looking forward to what they are cooking up.

Profchaos408d ago (Edited 408d ago )

After 1313 cancellation and the new trilogy I think it's safe to say Disney was the worst thing that could have happened to star wars

Dirtnapstor408d ago (Edited 408d ago )

Well I hope the protagonist is not an angry, bitter woman, who is mad at the world and despises the need for men, or men themselves.


Captain America Game With Black Panther Teaser Trailer Released

At today's Disney & Marvel Games Showcase, a new Captain America game was unveiled along with a short teaser, and it features Black Panther, too.

jznrpg686d ago

Meh . Captain America is boring and I know little of Black Panther besides the movie .

chobit_A5HL3Y686d ago

no character is boring if you have good writing.

-Foxtrot686d ago

This is great, it’s like the comics where Cap ran into the Black Panther of that time period before he was frozen

Nick Fury was also in it, I’m hoping it’s the original Nick Fury not the Samuel Jackson lookalike he then played in the films

-Foxtrot686d ago

Well that was something

Kind of

I’m talking about the original before the Ultimate version

The one who was in the Howling Commandos and because he slowly ages then ran Shield in the present


Ashunderfire86685d ago

Could you imagine if David Hasshoff showed up in an upcoming Avengers movie as Nick Fury? He would say: “What are you staring at? I am the original.” The crowd would be shock with laughs lol 😂

Christopher686d ago

Looks like it's a WW2 game, so won't be Black Panther from the movies anyway but one of his ancestors.

crazyCoconuts686d ago

Have you ruled out.... time travel? Parallel universes?? ;-)

Christopher686d ago

Of course not. It's Marvel. Everything gets left on the cutting room table.

northpaws686d ago

Did they say who is the developer? That's the most important question.

Vengeance1138686d ago

It's in the title of the article, Amy Hennig is making the game thus it's Amy Hennig's studio Skydance New Media making it.

crazyCoconuts686d ago

Wasn't there a recent announcement about them also doing a star wars game? Disney must have a lot of faith in this new studio

mkis007686d ago

Its bumming me out we havent got to see anything of hers since uncharted 3.

Lexreborn2686d ago

Hmm, so you will play as 4 different characters with 4 different play styles in world war 2. I’m pretty tired of games set in world war 2 but seems like the popular set piece to always go to.

It will be sort of interesting to see the narrative of The Black Panther(tachakka I am presuming) who always seemed to be uninterested in that time and who did cross paths with Capt.

686d ago Replies(2)
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