
This is how The Order 1886 looks on a native 21:9 monitor

The Order 1886 runs at an aspect ratio of 21:9, which is far from the normal 16:9 aspect ratio used for most games.

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Eonjay3388d ago

That is pretty incredible.

Fro_xoxo3388d ago (Edited 3388d ago )

Yeah it looks great. Black bars are gone.

MasterCornholio3388d ago

It still looks great even with the black bars in my opinion.

360ICE3388d ago

I stopped noticing the black bars pretty quickly, but I can't argue with how nice it looks without them.

Svinya3388d ago

So wait a second... Is the game actively rendering the black bars or not???

Fro_xoxo3388d ago (Edited 3388d ago )


No, it isn't. It's all about aspect ratio.

This guy's monitor supports the Order's native aspect ratio. So black bars poof.

Not sure about Tvs, but on monitors. You can alter the aspect ratio of the display.

I use a monitor too.

BC_Master_Haze3388d ago

Wow, speak of the devil, I was just thinking about the acer 34" 21:9 curved monitor supposedly coming out soon (or being announced officially, but there's confirmation). 21:9 is so much better imo

XboxDD3388d ago

Black bars be finally gone

XBLSkull3388d ago

That monitor is like 3880x1440p which means... The game is massively upscaled, where are all the Sony fanboys who have been crying that upscaling is such a terrible, terrible thing. We could sure use you now to come tell us how awful this upscaled atrocity is.

AliTheSnake13388d ago (Edited 3388d ago )

It looks just like it looks on my monitor. The same aspect ratio.
The black bars are there to make it look like this.

BattleAxe3388d ago

I love PC gaming on my LG Ultra-Wide Monitor (21:9). Once you play on an ultra-wide screen, you won't go back to 1080p, because you actually feel like your peripheral vision is blocked and everything feels condensed.

fr0sty3388d ago (Edited 3388d ago )

@XBL,your point falls flat on its face when you factor in that the game does not require any actual upscaling at all, and this person CHOSE to hook it up to a monitor that upscales it to a higher resolution (because the monitor kinda has to in order to fill all those extra pixels). Unlike those 3/4 of Xbox One AAA games that force you to upscale your game on any 1080p TV before the image even leaves the console.

Nice try, but you fail. Again.

ziggurcat3388d ago


it proves the opposite, actually, and it proves that the game is being downscaled to fit into a 16:9 screen, exactly like a widescreen movie on blu-ray.

bouzebbal3388d ago (Edited 3388d ago )

i'm not sure people understand that black bars is a developer choice. It gives it an old cinematic filter that fits in my opinion pretty well with the game's context and the developer's vision with this episode.
I can't believe how stellar this game looks everytime i play it.

@XBLSkull: i don't expect more from someone like you ;)

Silly Mammo3387d ago

I've never had a problem with letterbox/black bars. I notice it initially and then after a minute or so never see it again when watching movies or playing games.

The black bars thing is really a non-issue that critics have latched onto as a deal breaker for The Order. Petty

Jaqen_Hghar3387d ago

what black bars? Oh yeah those are there. A man didn't remember them from the opening cutscene till now (just finished the game on hard). Pretty awesome game.

MysticStrummer3387d ago

lol Another failure from XBLSkull! Good times!

I sure don't remember black bars being such a huge problem when other games did this in the past.

Army_of_Darkness3387d ago (Edited 3387d ago )


Your fanboyism is starting to effect your comments and with that remark you're at borderline retarded.

Just .... Think a witsy-itsy bit before commenting next time ;-)

Unspoken3387d ago (Edited 3387d ago )

I really want a 21:9 monitor now because I can lose the black bars on The Order....


Or wait, I can just buy a bigger TV and enjoy a way bigger picture even with the black bars.

If you have a PS4 hooked up to your PC monitor, sure. If you use the aspect ratio for work that would benefit it, great. But all you want to do is play this cinematic game at its native aspect ratio?

Just buy a bigger TV.

NuggetsOfGod3387d ago (Edited 3387d ago )

The industies obsession with hollywood. The order feels like a documentary.

When gsme tries to be a movie I am happy it fails.

I like games.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3387d ago
Adexus3388d ago

Makes me really want a curved 21:9 monitor!

UKmilitia3388d ago

i just been playing ona 106" projector and it looks amazing,the textures are so high quality too.
best looking game i ever seen .

i didnt even notice the black bars either.

i would also like to just say that the sites giving reviews lower than 7 are just pure crap because the game is a great cinematic game,i just finished it and cant wait for the sequel.

poor_cus_of_games3388d ago

I am absolutely loving this game also. What dafaq is up with these reviews?

James Vanderbeek3388d ago

this game is incredible. having a blast with it.

Bathyj3387d ago (Edited 3387d ago )

I've have a few problems with this game, but the black bars are not one of them. It really is a non issue. I don't even notice them. I'm too busy staring at the center of the screen, not the top and bottom.

And while this screen looks nice the picture would still be smaller than my tv, and wouldn't all normal 16:9 content have bars on the side? Cool to see though.

You're irrelevant. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not even going to bother picking apart your argument because I'm on a tablet and it's already obvious to everyone. Probably even you.

BallsEye3387d ago

why would anyone want to remove the beloved black bars?? It ruins the whole cinematic feel! Noooo! /s

NerdStalker3387d ago

I can't wait until all those xbox one exclusives start hitting, then we can have fun reviewing them, but wait what exclusives are coming to xbox one? I couldn't tell you, gears and halo, fable that's it, quantim break. Perhaps it's because I couldn't care less what exclusives are coming to xbox one, Ps4 is dominating this gen and will continue to do so, so you have fun with all your wee updates nobody really cares, everyone else will have fun playing games Ballseye.

Perjoss3387d ago

There are probably a few people that will buy a 21:9 monitor just to play this game.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3387d ago
Fireseed3388d ago

Say what you will about the games length or such, but damn this game looks incredible.

monkeyfox3388d ago

f£$K me that looks good...

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3388d ago (Edited 3388d ago )

@"First thoughts? It looks pretty damn good. I’m currently going through the game myself and can confirm the game is the best looking console game I’ve seen."

Only those who haven't played it say otherwise.

traumadisaster3388d ago (Edited 3388d ago )

Who the frig ever came close to inferring the game is not beautiful? Actually no one...

Btw tech demos have always been around. Which this basically is for full price.

Don't get me wrong, I AM a gfx whore so I love this and ryse. And I'll pay, heck I would have paid 60 for mgs.

Jaqen_Hghar3387d ago

Don't soil this game's name by mentioning it in the same vein as Ryse lol. This has a deep lore and an emotional story. Also has really tight TPS mechanics and fun and varied weaponry.

blockcoc3388d ago

Who is saying it doesn't look good? First I have heard.

moomoo3193388d ago

I am loving this game so far it turned out exactly as advertised. I even like the black bars haha

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The Order: 1886 pushed visuals hard in 2015 - And still looks stunning today

Digital Foundry : Released in February 2015, The Order: 1886 was a stunning PlayStation 4 game at the cutting-edge of rendering technology, with visuals that still hold up today. The game's release pre-dated in-depth Digital Foundry coverage, something we're looking to address with this new video! Ready at Dawn's game never received a sequel and never received a PS4 Pro upgrade, but thanks to developments with exploited, older firmware PS5 consoles, we can now show you the game running locked at 60 frames per second.

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VenomUK296d ago

The gameplay was bland and extremely frustrating at times with unnecessary QTE combat at points. But the world and the lore and the characters and the story were fantastic. I’ve always wanted a sequel. I still hope Sony will surprise us one day.

shadowT297d ago

Sony missed the opportunity to acquire Ready at Dawn Studios.

Tacoboto297d ago

But... Sony didn't want Ready at Dawn. Clearly

mkis007296d ago

I'm guessing had 1886 turned out more positively they would have.

RaidenBlack297d ago

And let's not forget,
Ready At Dawn showcased The Order 1886 running on PC at 60fps at SIGGRAPH 2015

isarai297d ago

I still stand by my theory that this game just released at the wrong time. Almost every outlet spent a lot of time in their reviews ragging on the game for not being an online experience, everyone was in the Destiny hype train and at the time they wanted EVERY game to follow suit, bashing any game that didn't. If this were released after everyone realized how much that wasn't future, people would've appreciated it more. I loved it, and I'm always disappointed that we'll never get a sequel

Tacoboto296d ago

That doesn't seem to be true about outlets complaining on the lack of online. The review summaries on Metacritic are very consistent: Amazing graphics, but shallow gameplay and a very short length with little reason to return.

Here's an example of how *little* time IGN spent talking about multiplayer:

"With no multiplayer, and no reason to revisit the short and stunted single-player campaign once it’s been completed, there just isn’t a lot to it."

It's the final sentence. They don't even take the time to say "online multiplayer"

MrChow666296d ago (Edited 296d ago )

"Amazing graphics, but shallow gameplay and a very short length with little reason to return."
You are right, that's what everbody was saying at the time, never heard anything about it not being online.
I've been thinking about trying this game for years, I may get it now that it's dirt cheap, no big loss if it sucks

MrChow666296d ago

Oh, add to that bad enemy AI, I remember that from the reviews, I saw a video of a wherewolf boss fight with a very weak AI

thorstein296d ago

And there we glowing reviews for shorter games. It was one of the times where hating this game was "cool."

CrimsonWing69296d ago

Can you show me the reviews that rag on it for not having an online experience?

I’m not doubting you or anything. I’m just being lazy.

isarai296d ago

Sorry, not multiplayer, open world is what I meant.

Tacoboto296d ago

That's also fake news, isarai. Again, the game was consistently criticized for what it was (Pretty but extremely short, extremely linear, hand-holding, no replayability), not for what it wasn't (multiplayer/open-world)

isarai296d ago

Nope, every review uses the term "linear" several times as if it's some inherently bad attribute. Not fake news at all. Since then there's veen plenty of short and sweet single player linear games that get lots of praise, again after the reality of everything being open world set it and it wasn't as great as everyone thought. But at the launch of the last gen everyone had open world fever, and especially the first couple years "linear" was a con in many games reviewed

Tacoboto296d ago

That's your own contortion assuming criticism of its extremely linear design is suddenly a call for it to have been open world.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 296d ago
zumlauf14296d ago

You totally made up a claim regarding an overall review consensus that isn't true. And, instead of just ignoring being called out for it, you respond with "oh actually i ment to say OPEN WORLD". Which literally isn't true either. You can't show us one review that bashed the game for "not being open world". And, somehow the other guy is getting downvoted. Over a bullshit liar.

isarai296d ago

Games were being criticized at that time for any game that wasn't open world or online. So yeah I got one mixed for the other, doesn't change my argument one bit that it would've been received better if it released later. People are agreeing because if you were not riding the "online and open world" hype train at that time, it was blatantly obvious there were biases in play for how games were criticized. Now after all that has happened since people want to say "oh wait these games were actually pretty good" cause they know better now

Rude-ro296d ago

The gameplay was very shallow and when one says repetitive, it is by the very definition for some fights. As in, completely identical but different setting.

The game has amazing potential.
The graphics, the lore, characters…
This could most definitely have been all corrected with a sequel and became a franchise hit…
Still would love to see an attempt.

Ie fantastic premise and moments that shine…
But it had its downfalls that deserved the negative marks.

thorstein296d ago

It was the "game to hate" when it launched. And right here, on this site, we saw people posting stories that were outright fabrications about the game. It was weird. The game launched, it was fun, a really cool game but the hate was too much. And so were the lies.

Minute Man 721296d ago

It was just too short....but I loved every minute of it....double dipped and grabbed the ultimate CE

babadivad296d ago

That isn't true. I remember people talking about how incredibly short it was and the somewhat janky gunplay.

KwietStorm_BLM296d ago

First I'm hearing of this. I don't know what multiplayer has to do with anything. The game was just dull. Amazing graphics, great narrative, great lore, boring gameplay sprinkled in pieces between cutscenes, and lackluster AI and controls.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 296d ago
anast296d ago

People cried this game was too short. No people are crying because games are too long.

isarai296d ago

Pretty sure everyone is complaining about bloated games lately but ok

anast296d ago

Thank you for the ok. I needed that.

RaidenBlack296d ago

Games like Ubisoft open worlds not enjoyable lengthy games like Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate III

anast296d ago

I get it, but people also complain about the main stories being too long or just games being too long in general because they are "adults".

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The Curious Case of The Order: 1886 - A Retrospective

Ready At Dawn cut their teeth developing spin-offs for PlayStation Portable and porting games to consoles. When they got a chance to establish their own with The Order: 1886, its poor critical reception ostensibly halted their trajectory. Can one middling game really sully one’s reputation in the eyes of Sony?

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moriarty1889762d ago

Wanted a sequel for this game so much. It was left wide open for one with the ending it had.

porkChop762d ago

Sony did file a new trademark a while back, so you never know. Though if I were to guess it would be a reboot rather than a sequel.

REDGUM762d ago

The Order was great from my playthrough and really enjoyed it. The same with Days Gone. Both, amongst others out there, deserve a follow-up. Anyone who actually played through the complete games knows there were hidden gems in and around these 2 games. Too many out there put too much faith in reviewer's opinions instead of thier own and get put off or join the hate bandwagon.
Seriously, gamers need to game & not read or view other people game with added opinions thrown in.
Honestly, if you haven't played either of these 2 games yet, do yourself a favour, pick it or them up, forget anything you know about them & just play it for yourself & create you're own opinions.

Ninver762d ago

I ignored the reviews and went straight to the store to but the game. Thoroughly enjoyed it I might add. If only Sony had the balls to summon enough faith to reboot or give us a sequel. Maybe even a prequel done right and make it a 3 part series. Wasted opportunity for a really different exclusive if you ask me.

barom762d ago

Days Gone is really an exceptional game though it feels like it took a bit of time for it to get interesting.

The Order 1886 was unfortunately not very good. Super beautiful game with beautiful cinematics but felt incomplete and don't really remember much happening at all in the game i.e. it was kind of bland. A sequel where they learned from their mistakes would be very intriguing though and I would have bought it.

monkey602762d ago

I loved Days Gone and I would have loved a sequel.

I didnt like The Order. There was enough there for me to give a sequel a chance if they improved on bits but I'm losing no sleep over the absence of it. I thought the 1st one was genuinely terrible for a multitude of valid reasons.

S2Killinit762d ago

I really enjoyed it. I was hoping for a game in the same world but less linear. With lots of that sweet lore.

YoungKingDoran762d ago

Yeah with the tech sorted and expanding on the existing assets, they could/should have been able to do a trilogy that gen. What happened..

moriarty1889762d ago

Agreed. Such an interesting title just abandoned. Makes no sense. As I said the ending of the game sets up for a sequel perfectly.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 762d ago
porkChop762d ago

Incredible graphics and presentation. Great use of photo mode. A really interesting premise. The actual gunplay felt solid. The game just needed to be longer, and the levels could have been a bit less constrained. More enemy variety as well. At full price it just didn't have the value, at least in my opinion.

I would like to see a sequel or reboot, which I think is more likely. It would need to be a new dev as Ready at Dawn are part of Oculus now

robtion762d ago

I think Bluepoint could do a good job. They have the technical capability if Demon's Souls is anything to go by.

MeatyUrologist762d ago

Agreed. Because of all the bad reviews I waited until the end of last gen to buy it, but was really surprised. The only knocks against it were length and linearity. Really loved the visuals, atmosphere, story, and characters. The gunplay was actually really well done with unique and fun weapons.

You mentioned the photo mode, and this was one of the best examples I have seen. They actually allow you to add filters and modify the visuals in the photo mode, and then apply those to the game. I have never seen that before or since. I really wish more games would allow this. Give the users more control over how the game looks to cater it to their tastes.

uth11762d ago

This was a weird one in that the community hated the game but also demanded a sequel

SonyStyled762d ago

Because it’s literally a 5 hr game, yet had the same quality offering of the other AAA Sony games that are tens to hundreds of hours of gameplay.

I used a walkthrough trophy guide for the platinum to not miss any collectibles in one run, it took 8hrs. I thought it was actually a pretty great game, but always wonder why that level of game development didn’t continue for a 15hr single player campaign.

robtion762d ago

I'm part of the community and I loved it.

I think a lot of the hate was from people who didn't even play it jumping on the bandwagon. Clearly there was the usual hate from xbox fans but also from insecure PC players as the graphics were (still are) phenomenal.
The game is a flawed gem. A new entry on PS5 would have great potential (doubt it will happen though, Sony isn't into risk taking these days).

Eidolon762d ago

All the early hate was a people who haven't played it and were quick to call it a QTE game.

AuraAbjure762d ago

I'm an Xbox fan and I'm planning on getting a PS4 pro one day to play this game along with gravity Rush 2 and others.

coolbeans761d ago

-"I think a lot of the hate was from people who didn't even play it jumping on the bandwagon."

Can we please stop retreating back such tired defenses? It's had a heavily mixed reception ever since critics PLAYED the game back then, and justifiably so. Even trying to rope in "insecure PC players" just shows how shallow this view actually is.

762d ago
Shiore2u762d ago (Edited 762d ago )

Can't ever forget those terribly designed lycan fights.

ClayRules2012761d ago

Ugh, I love this game! But yes, those lycan fights were terribly designed, for real.

Overall though, solid gameplay.

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Sony Files A New Trademark For The Order: 1886

The Order: 1886 has received a new trademark filed by Sony. The trademark application is for a video game, implying that they want to extend it.

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zsquaresoff898d ago

I hope they give this game another chance, it had an incredible story and gameplay, It was just unfortunate that the game length was extremely short.

Magog898d ago

The team that made it was bought by Facebook. I don't see why they would continue the series with a new team rather than just make a new IP.

Neonridr898d ago

I guess it's still possible that another studio could take another swing at it. But yeah, Ready at Dawn was bought by Facebook.

darthv72897d ago

would be cool to see an oculus version.

CrimsonWing69897d ago

It wouldn't be the first time this has happened. Bungie and 343 come to mind with Halo.

Magog897d ago

@CrimsonWing69 the difference is Halo was still successful. In my mind they should have put the series to rest when the original creators got tired of it but Microsoft love to flog the series so there you go.

ALMGNOON897d ago

am pretty sure Sony owns the IP so that doesn't matter at all.

GamingSinceForever897d ago

So what other great games has that studio produced since being bought by Facebook?

Magog897d ago

@GamingSinceForever they made Lone Echo a well received VR game.

Lord_Sloth897d ago

The team was, but that doesn't mean all of them left Sony. It's entirely possible that several of the employees still work for Sony.

Rhythmattic897d ago (Edited 897d ago )

"The team that made it was bought by Facebook."
Yes.. Not the IP...
Personally, The IP has soooo much potential for exploration.......If done right.....
Which brings me to your post... Unlike FB... Sorry, Meta.... A team is not IP, and with an even better team working on such said IP, It could be a winner...

Def wont be 1886 infinite,

deleted897d ago

Exactly @Rhythmattic Could you imagine if The Order was handed over to a studio like Santa Monica?! The Order 1886 set up a really nice setting and lore... now the idea could be pushed to the next level by one of Sony's high tier studios. It may be too much to ask to get one of the big dogs on it, but one can dream.

It could even work out that someone like Santa Monica create a smaller team just for creative vision, then hand over the busy work of building that world to one of their subsidiaries like the newly acquired Valkyrie Entertainment, which specializes in high tier support work.

Magog897d ago (Edited 897d ago )

@Lord_Sloth Readyatdawn were never owned by Sony so no, none of their employees stayed with Sony. Order 1886 was a second party game funded by Sony but developed by an outside company.

Neonridr897d ago

@GamingSinceForever - Lone Echo and its sequel are some of the better VR games out there with a great story and some awesome VR integration. The second game only came out in October of this year, so it will be some time before we see their next project.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 897d ago
_SilverHawk_897d ago

Hopefully playstation-5 will have a sequel to the order 1886.

FlavorLav01897d ago

Please let one of the big boys take a swing at it and slay us with an awesome game. Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Sony Santa Monica, and Sony Bend could all do this IP justice.

Magog897d ago

Why would any of Sony's teams want to take their time and resources to work on another studios unsuccessful IP instead of their own unique ideas? Generally speaking Sony doesn't assign their top teams games to make they let them make what they want and are passionate about.

senorfartcushion897d ago

It’ll be just to hold on to the rights. They’re not making a new one. A remaster in 5 years is most likely, but until then, no.

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FlavorLav01897d ago

If it had been marketed correctly as a strong narrative experience and sold for $30-40 instead of full price, the game would’ve big a huge success and we’d have guaranteed sequels. Loved the game, hope more from this IP is on the way.

Rhythmattic897d ago

It def cut corners though.. The Wolf fights where copy and pasted, the gun mechanics, decent... But the World was what made it... Maybe your standard gun mechanics, but never the guns....

The round table needs to be fleshed out....

ChasterMies897d ago (Edited 897d ago )

Short games are ok with me. Everyone loves the Titanfall 2 campaign and it was only about 5 hours. The issue is gameplay, and frustrating controls that did not need to be frustrating. Other than that, the look and feel was fantastic.

porkChop897d ago

Titanfall 2 also had an excellent multiplayer mode though. As excellent as the campaign was, no one would have paid full price for just that.

Ramboforlife897d ago

Totally agree. If it was a 20-30 hour campaign, it would have sold very well. It deserves another chance.

Livingthedream897d ago

Nah it had mediocre to terrible reviews. Don’t really know anyone who actually loved the game, but there was potential. They should give it another go same studio. Lol

Rude-ro897d ago

This is not that type of game.
I can not think of a single story driven game that does not have endless fetch quests in a forced open world type game that comes close to 20 hours.

Let’s be realistic…
Either way, the game had issues that can easily be remedied and make for an amazing sequel and I hope it happens.

senorfartcushion897d ago

It was good but had a terrible
Cliffhanger. An actual second half would have skyrocketed the game’s status. TLOU 2 was over 30 hours long for some people.

porkChop897d ago

It really just needed to be twice as long. I can put up with super linear, tightly scripted gameplay as long as I feel like I'm getting my money's worth. But the game was so short with little replay value. And the length prevented the lore from being properly realized.

I'm interested as long as they can flesh out the length. Possibly open up the gameplay slightly without detracting from the movie-like scripting.

-Foxtrot897d ago

Yeah I really liked the overall world and Sir Galahad


Having Werewolves and then vampires opened it up to so many possibilities, who's to say other mythical beasts couldn't be introduced.

EmperorDalek897d ago

The story was good until it ended on a cliff hanger, I wouldn't call it incredible. The gameplay was dreadful. I would like to see an improved sequel however.

itsmebryan897d ago


Maybe I'm missing something but, wasn't that game panned after much hype as not very good and poor gameplay? Metacritic is 63% and user rating of 6.7 and by no means consider a hit.
Actually a new developer could be good for the game.

Flewid638897d ago

Limited gameplay mechanics too but I REALLY enjoyed what was there.

alb1899897d ago

Yep, I always liked the atmosphere and characters of this game. I think it can be a really good game if they put emphasis on the gameplay.

DarXyde897d ago (Edited 897d ago )

I don't know if I would say the gameplay was "incredible." The lore was fine and the weapons were awesome (and truly a standout visually, no questions asked). I'm impressed they got a game looking this good to run in such a stable condition when you consider the tech last gen. I only played it on base PS4, and that was really a marvel.

But that all said, the gameplay didn't stand out for me at all. Felt like a pretty standard affair and, as you said, the length was pretty short. Granted, I got it on sale for $12, so I don't feel bad about that purchase. It didn't really linger so the point was really to tell the story they wanted to tell, which I can respect.

I also hope they give it another chance, but I would prefer if they really made it stand out. There's a ton of creative talent over at PlayStation, so if Ready at Dawn had learned from the shortcomings of the first game and they're willing to solicit feedback from PlayStation studios, it has great potential.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 897d ago
NovusTerminus898d ago (Edited 898d ago )

I really want another one, I bought it day one zero regrets. I enjoyed it a lot and has lots of room for a sequel.


USPTO policy is that a trademark only be updates with visual proof once every ten years after initial filing, and since the game is still for sale on the PlayStation Network it is likely just a paper work error that will be corrected so that they can continue selling the game digitally.

RaidenBlack898d ago

Yea ... I initially though this might be for a near-future res+fps boost and/or a PC port, paving way for 1887.

GhostofHorizon898d ago

It was a really good game but there was a ton of room for improvement all around. If they had another crack at it, it could be something special.

Eidolon897d ago

A lot of games before and since have made absolutely shameless attempts at making a great experience that ended up falling short. This game gets the worst of it because of hype. And it's actually has really good narrative and gameplay. Tell me one thing NOW that it did wrong that other games aren't doing. Tell me.

BenRC01897d ago

I really like it, bought the special edition years after release, expecting an average game but was very pleasantly surprised

Relientk77898d ago

I really liked the concept, but the game wasn't perfect. It definitely had some flaws. The graphics not being one, they were insane. The coolest guns in the game were only usable for a short period of time. I believe there were like 2 werewolf fights that were basically identical which people pointed out. I'd love for the series to get another shot.

masterfox898d ago

hope there is a sequel, first one was and still is stunning from every aspect, from gameplay, visuals , music, etc, you name it, it literally the whole game is realtime cgi!, imagine what a PS5 can do to it!

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