
Super Stardust HD with trophies reviewed by TGS

That Gaming Site has reviewed Super Stardust with its new trophie system in mind.

Getting your first trophy is like driving a car for the first time. You want more!

I recently 'HAD' to purchase Super Stardust HD on account of the latest update/s (2.40, 2.41). I was one of the lucky few that had the original 2.40 with out it crashing or 'bricking' my console but there was lack of games supporting the features. This is when i decided to make the purchase (reading through some forums, you quickly gather a lot of people did this).

So lets start.

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dhammalama5822d ago

I think it was the UNLUCKY FEW that had problems with the update. I updated and had no problems and from what I've read, most people who updated came off without a hitch.

On topic, Super stardust HD really deserves good scores. I like playing it and then not believing that I'm still actually alive with all the sh!t that's going on at once. You just zone-in, fly, shoot like crazy and watch the chaotic mayhem ensue.

yanikins1115822d ago

I was thinking the same thing. I think he meant lucky few as in not many people had the original 2.40, but i thought thats why these guys have editors....

Mr_cheese5822d ago

reread the article it has been updated i think they listened

Mr_cheese5822d ago

he admits a miss write and has updated

Montrealien5822d ago (Edited 5822d ago )

Let sony deal with the PR about the 2.4 problems. If you take it personally and feel like you need to defend it, there is a problem. I was one of the lucky ones that had no problems also, but I know, as Sony does, that some had issues with 2.4. It ends there. And he did edit it.

On topic. I need to get this game, but I also want Blast Factor to get trophies...pls pls pls ;D

harrisk9545822d ago

Can't seem to get the "Late Boomer" trophy, "Shock and Awe" or the Co-op one.... I'm on Level 2!!!! :)

By the way, does anyone know where the split screen co-op mode is? B/c I bought the expansion pack, but the split screen is not part of it and it is not available on the PS Store... if there is a trophy that is not available anymore due to a discontinuation of an expansion pack, that is not cool! It will prevent many from getting the Platinum trophy.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5822d ago
ThatCanadianGuy5822d ago

" I was one of the lucky few that had the original 2.40 with out it crashing or 'bricking' my console "

What the hell man? I think he's got it wrong.It should be

"I was one of the many who had the original 2.40 with out it crashing or 'bricking' my conole "

There,now thats better -.-

Mr_cheese5822d ago

yeah i checked and he says it miss wrote.

kumashii385822d ago

good score.
SSHD is one of the most impressive game in term of graphic.
(many many meteorites and explosions. "wow" amount.)
and fun to play.

dale15822d ago

didn,t brick on all my freinds list and that was 50 at the time so yeah it was like a few that had problems

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5822d ago (Edited 5822d ago )

Sounds like this game is selling a lot because of the 'Trophies'+'In-game Music'???
That should get the Lazy @ssed game makers off their Lazy Fat @sses!!!and make the Patches for their older games!!! (Yeah COD4 guys you Lazy Bunch of BAB00NS!!!+Do Rumble to in-between your DOUGHNUT eating!Or i won't buy your game!...Easy?No???) ;)

(p.s COD4 is Stunning tho!!!) ;-P

PLAYSTATION®3規格ソフトウェアのゲー ム 中にXMB™ ;)

Mr_cheese5822d ago

i dont think the writer of this article is a fanboy... on his profile it says he loves the p3s??? :S

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5822d ago

I forgive him then;-D
It's a good read to;)

p.s i love my PS3 to(just incase no one realized that on this) ;-D

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3 Classic Housemarque Games Worth Playing Through Before Returnal

If you've been hankering for an intro to Housemarque's brand of adrenaline-filled action, then here are 3 awesome titles you should try.

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Knushwood Butt1159d ago

I plan to snag Stardust VR soon. It is on PSN sale for cheap.

FTLmaster1159d ago

Do it! It’s a seriously addictive experience. Housemarque is the master of modern arcade classic gameplay. Curious to see how Returnal turns out tbh.

Knushwood Butt1158d ago

Thanks. Downloaded it and will be playing it shortly.

Pre-ordered Returnal too.

P_Bomb1159d ago

Loved Alienation. Good co-op!

Knushwood Butt1158d ago (Edited 1158d ago )

Yep, had a lot of fun playing it with my kids. Although they always fight over the drops.

ArchangelMike1156d ago

Dead Nation is a classic, Definately one of their best games.


Housemarque licenses Unreal Engine 4 for a new and unannounced title

Finland’s longest standing game development studio, Housemarque, today announced that it is licensing Unreal Engine 4 and moving away from its own in-house technology for future projects, including a soon-to-be-announced title.

TheOttomatic912385d ago

Damn it sucks they won't be doing any SP games anymore.

arkard2385d ago

Agreed, I found d their games to be fun and enjoyable... To bad I seem to be the minority.

TGG_overlord2385d ago

Well, I haven't played all of their games, but "Nex Machina" is pretty darn cool imo.

BrianOBlivion2385d ago

I didn't read that. I've read that while they are planning to expand into multiplayer, the only thing they've decided to give up on is the top-down arcade shooter style of games because the last couple have sold in decreasing amounts.
Too bad for me as I've enjoyed most of their games. Now I feel bad that I didn't buy Matterfall but I just didn't like the addition of platforming into the mix.
I haven't read anywhere that those MP games wouldn't include SP.

TGG_overlord2385d ago

"I didn't read that. I've read that while they are planning to expand into multiplayer, the only thing they've decided to give up on is the top-down arcade shooter style of games because the last couple have sold in decreasing amounts."

- Ah, now I got what @TheOttomatic91 meant with "Damn it sucks they won't be doing any SP games anymore.". Well, to be fair, "Matterfall" isn't exactly one of their better titles...

Einhander19712385d ago (Edited 2385d ago )

Um don't expect anything good from these guys anymore.

Atticus_finch2385d ago

IDK what to expect. Me and my GF love HM hopefully they keep making couch coop games.


PS Plus March 2016 Lineup Makes Another U-Turn In North America, Brings Back Super Stardust HD

You can now enjoy one additional free PS Plus game for PS3 in March 2016, if you managed to get it earlier.

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