
Is Eurogamer Dropping Review Scores the Right Move?

Esteemed video game website Eurogamer announced today that they are discontinuing the classic numbered scoring system on all their reviews, to generally positive feedback. Given the state of the industry and its relationship with aggregating site Metacritic, this is a bold move – more likely than not, it is also the right one.

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Gazondaily3417d ago

Each to their own. I still think review scores have a place but the weakness isn't so much on the ones doling out the scores (aside from some troll ones on Metacritic) but on the people who place too much weight on them.

If the removal of the scores mean people pay more attention to the substance of a review then yeah its the right move.

But an aggregate score can help gauge the quality of a title if you're on the fence about it.

Ultimately, you alone are the best judge of a game and its quality.

aconnellan3417d ago

I completely agree, the people who place so much importance on them are the ones who misconstrue the system.

For me personally, they have lost their meaning as of late (simply due to the stigma surrounding 'any game lower than 'x' is a bad game), but there are still a lot of people who use them to determine their purchases, and that's fine.

Off topic, I have to say, Septic, it's always refreshing to read your comments. They're intelligent, well thought-through, and interesting to read. Bubbles for you, my friend.

Gazondaily3417d ago

Ah cheers for the nice words. <3

I think you're in the minority regarding your sentiments about me on here :P

"For me personally, they have lost their meaning as of late "

I feel the same way too. The numbers mean very different things for different people it seems. Not entirely a bad thing I guess.

Mr Pumblechook3417d ago

Eurogamer are the website who kicked off the trend for slating The Order: 1886 without having played the full game. Now previews are coming back favourable it would have seemed odd if backtracked and gave it a higher score and odd if they gave it a lower score that differs from the mainstream.

Bansai3417d ago (Edited 3417d ago )

I believe it is a right move, now I will actually feel the need to read the review instead of just looking at a score.

And let's be honest, a crap ton of people were doing just that :)

3417d ago
ContinuePlay3417d ago

Pumblechook, if you'd played the build they previewed (I did, as it happens, as it did most of the other people at the expo last year and most subsequent previews that came from it) you'd realize just how awful it was. It screamed style over substance, a linear procession of moving down corridows firing at enemies with no intelligence and a lack of self-preservation, while possessing the accuracy of a Star Wars Stormtrooper. It was truly horrid.

To be honest, I've seen little subsequent that has changed that opinion. And even the most recent build - the blimp one - has come in for heavy criticism (EDGE, GamesTM, many others).

Most of the good previews are coming from PlayStation sites, which is telling in itself.

freshslicepizza3417d ago

yes, very good move. the score itself is no longer the substance of the review but what they say about it. now (hopefully) the discussions revolve around the game, not the score. the focus will be on the good and bad parts and not the score shoved in to counter any discussion.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3417d ago
pivotplease3417d ago

It would be difficult to discern the quality of a game if no numbers were given whatsoever. Though there are certain reviewers out there that are so sporadic with their scores that it goes beyond logic, and I would prefer it if they stopped giving numbers or stopped reviewing altogether.

Bennibop3417d ago

They have just replaced their 10 point system with a 4 point system so they are still giving it a score of sorts. My main issue is their refusal to re-review games with so many games being patched and rebalanced I believe that they should be revisted, as if they were to review Driveclub, AC:Unity and Halo MCC again the scores would be very different.

Zichu3417d ago

I think this system is a good idea. It might get people to actually read the reviews instead of just looking at a score. I bet most people don't read reviews at all and just see a score, if it's not the score they are looking for, they won't get it.

It's gotten to the point where games that get below a 7 is considered a bad game by a lot of people. You also won't be seeing the stupid decimal scores. If a game is a 7.9, why is it a 7.9, why isn't it an 8? How far does it go when you see scores like 7.91, it's close, but yet not close enough to an 8.

This system seems simple, gets their point across and I think it will benefit gamers in general.

pivotplease3417d ago

To an extent the below 7 theory is correct though. But not on a review to review basis but when you take them all together on metacritic. It took me like 15 minutes to think of a game that I enjoyed that got below a 70...Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex on the PS2 (66). The Xbox version that came out later got 70 so even that one is kind of a stretch lol. Oh and the original Monster Hunter for PS2 (68).

starchild3417d ago


I couldn't disagree more. I've enjoyed a ton of games that scored below 70. And many games that scored over 8o were just mediocre to me. I really don't put much stock in scores or critic reviews as a whole.

ContinuePlay3417d ago

They do re-review games. And they changed their policy on that permanently following Battlefield. They no longer review games with heavy emphasis on multiplayer until after launch.

plsburydoughboy3417d ago

The main thing is game companies actually use review scores to determine if devs will be paid, and even if they will stay hired. This move has an undebatable upside.

SmielmaN3417d ago

Agreed. Plus there's a lot of bias in gaming "journalism" and there's a lot of shady deals where reviews are bought and reviewer have to sign gag orders so they can't mention what the company doesn't want you to mention. So imo it seems reasonable to just talk about the game and the experience without having to quantify its quality with a number. Kudos to them for thinking outside the box here.

Fro_xoxo3417d ago (Edited 3417d ago )

It is perfect.. I love it. In fact, all other sites should do the same. Something similar at least.

We don't need scores, leave that sh!t in school.

It's time we stop grading an expression of art.

OB1Biker3417d ago

Reviews need to change and dropping the biased score system is going in the right direction for a better service to us consumers

ndrliang13417d ago

I feel like reviewers have too much power. With a number one person decides on they can help a game to sell millions or completely shut it down. This puts an unbelievable pressure and stress on developers to to adhere to what they think critics will praise.

I understand we need a way to know whether we should spend $60, but I do think the opinion of a few weighs too heavily on a games success or failure, and therefore, have too much weight on what games developers feel forced to make.

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Digital Foundry: Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One/X vs PS4/Pro Tested - Can Any Last-Gen Console Cut It?

Digital Foundry’s latest tests on Xbox One and Xbox One X, with comparisons to PS4 and PS4 Pro.

darthv721283d ago

If you purposely limit the output resolution to 1080p on both the pro and X, does it make the framerate more stable?

1283d ago Replies(1)
RaidenBlack1282d ago

They need to implement a more aggressive DRS to maintain a stable framerate.
The very same thing DF stated for AC Valhalla.

porkChop1282d ago

Yup. The resolution doesn't drop low enough or fast enough.

Stanjara1282d ago

No, Xbox does one internal setup of rez, then has a scaler chip that upscales or downscales that rez to your tv output setup. It doesn't matter.
PlayStation Pro is the same only for some games you can force the system to 1080p, or better yet to a regular Ps4 by turning off super sampling. But for some games it doesn't work either like Uncharted 4...Gow...Dark Souls Remasterd...internal setup in those games itself bypass that super sampling off.

Its bad...and we must all wait for patches.

--Onilink--1282d ago

The system output resolution doesnt actually affect in any way the game’s internal resolution.

Profchaos1282d ago

Very good point I'd love to see this tested

Shane Kim1282d ago

I think it's just the video output. The games internal resolution is fixed by the developers.

seanpitt231282d ago (Edited 1282d ago )

I am on a 1080p screen and it will automatically super sample the image down but when your driving around it hits 900p more often on the pro so I don’t think it matters we will just have to wait for more patches until the frame rate gets more stable

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1282d ago
1282d ago Replies(3)
Babadook71282d ago (Edited 1282d ago )

Man. Pro nearly always has a bit of an FPS advantage over 1X. At least it happens frequently when the resolution is lower.

Profchaos1282d ago

Yeah exactly that Devs try to squeeze more out of the X and end up with a inferior product my personal preference is fps over resolution either hit a stable 30 with as high as possible res or drop the res until you do.

On the flipside we can see going for a higher resolution on Xbox paying dividends based on players getting a higher resolution on sx than ps5 but it's nothing to write home about only a few rare games I felt like the X gave a better image over the pro rdr2 bring one fit it's grass fidelity but it was minor at best

IRetrouk1282d ago

Still can't believe they released this like this, I've played a bit on ps5, no mad glitches yet but have had 3 shut downs.... not good enough.

Seraphim1281d ago

it's kind of crazy they didn't push back console releases but I bet they needed that pay check. Not to mention all the delays already to get the game where it currently is. CDPR, while notorious, is still a smaller studio who likely doesn't have massive cash reserves. For a brief bit I thought the industry was realizing it shouldn't announce games to early but that doesn't seem to be the case. Though imo more developers should wait until deep enough into development to announce a game that actual footage can be shown and the games release could be w/in a year or two tops.

As for the shut downs. Honestly I don't think it's Cyberpunk causing the shut downs. I finally got my hands on a PS5 Wed. Which is the only reason I bought Cyberpunk. I decided to finish Shadows Awakening before starting CP because if i put something down I tend to not finish it & I prefer what I start unless it's a terrible game. Anyway I'd wager that game crashed at least 5x a night from Wed night through Sat night when I finished it. Shadows Awakening is not a very demanding title & ran completely fine on my Pro; though it had super slow load times lol. Personally I think there's just issues in the software on PS5 that Sony needs to iron out. We early adapters are again beta testers.

A friend also got one Wed after I gave him a call to let him know they were in stock. I swung by tonight and he started talking about the Cyberpunk shut downs but once I said what my experience was he quickly realized. Dam, that's actually been happening to me too with other games. Though I don't believe he's had a problem with any of his PS5 games. Just PS4 titles he's playing and he tends to play half a dozen titles at the same time. I haven't actually played a PS5 game but imagine those run fine. It's just a kink in the software causing shut downs on PS4 games atm.

IRetrouk1281d ago (Edited 1281d ago )

Its not the system from my experiance, I've played ghost, god of war, need for speed, tekken 7 and spiderman so far on my system with no issues, I've also played astro bot, spiderman miles and remastered, dirt 5, godfall, and cyberpunk, only dirt 5 and cyberpunk have caused a shutdown issue. Both devs have acknowledged these issues too by the way.

Father__Merrin1282d ago

Horrible game not even worth a 5

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15 European gambling regulators unite to tackle loot box threat

Less than a week after Belgium began a criminal investigation into FIFA's loot boxes, 15 gambling regulators from Europe and one from the US have together a&hellip;

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LucasRuinedChildhood2101d ago

A lot of momentum this week in the effort to tackle loot boxes. With an Australian study also proving that gamblers are far more likely to purchase loot boxes, it's time for legislators to get very serious about this issue and update our laws. Loot boxes are exploitative and it seems to are detrimental to many consumers purchasing them. EA are refusing to follow the law in Belgium because there's too much money on the line for them. They are never going to reign themselves in. As an Irishman, it's nice to see our signature on the list.

LucasRuinedChildhood2101d ago

If it wasn't for them defying Belgian law, you may not have seen this response. They're their own worst enemy.


Eurogamer's parent company Gamer Network has been bought by PAX operator ReedPOP

Big news for Eurogamer today: after 18 years as an independent, Their parent company Gamer Network has been acquired by ReedPOP.

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