
Anime Expo: Namco Bandai On Display

"One Namco Bandai fighter shines, another flops."

1UP delivers their report on Soul Calibur IV, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm and Tales of Vesperia from Namco Bandai's booth at the Anime Expo.

Peow5920d ago

SCIV seems like its only about the womens breast size, but I could(and I hope) be wrong. Naruto is some whiney brat and all the nerds around my area all have these stupid headbands they wear to school and think they're ninjas. Never heard of Tales of Vesperia. Gaming sucks these days.

Sorry, off topic, probably gunna get deleted by a mod, maybe get banned. But I'm in a really bad mood and this is currently my only way to vent some steam. Yay.

NMC20075920d ago

because that is all everyone is focusing on for some reason, instead of focusing on the damn game, they are whining and pissing and moaning about the boobs, pretty lame, Neogaf is the worse I have seen this rediculous display.

They are just man made tits, been in the game industry since forever, get over it.

Not talking to you but just out loud in general.

Ninja-Sama5920d ago

I rly want to play T6 moreso than anyother fighting game this year...guess SC4 will have to tide me over till then.

Le-mo5920d ago (Edited 5920d ago )

I wonder what's taking them so long to release Tekken 6. The game is already playable since it's been release for the arcades. Namco better wow me.

admeister5920d ago

I've played the demo, and Naruto is not choppy, and it's definitely not complex imo. Is it really so hard to press an L1 or R1 trigger to call in some allies to assist you briefly? I find games like Naruto much easier to get into than SC.

Baka-akaB5920d ago

Luckily those idiots got no impact on the sales of the 3 titles .

There is no way not to be impressed by Naruto unless you dont want to be . NO game from an anime license has ever been as beautiful and well animated .That alone is a feat worth mentioning .

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Soul Calibur IV - 15 Years of Soul

Soul Calibur IV launched worldwide 15 years ago, bringing with it the best performance of the series to date.

Terry_B417d ago

Hell no. It was the start of the downfall (SCV) of the series. Huge downstep from the giant SCIII

purple101417d ago

Switched to unreal engine. Ruined it.

Yi-Long416d ago (Edited 416d ago )

Used to love this series, probably my favorite 3D fighter, perhaps together with the now also dead Dead or Alive (2-3-4), but as with so many games in the fighting genre, their short-term greed (season passes) has made me lose all interest, sadly …

sagapo416d ago

Yeah, I remember playing Soul Caliber on my dreamcast at the time, that was insane!

sosro416d ago (Edited 416d ago )

the first three are much better games.

Walweeze416d ago

Loved Number 2 and 3( loved all the solo modes like chronicle of the sword ) so was super hyped when 4 came out but the lack of single player content was disappointing. Still love soul calibur to this day though

DarXyde415d ago

2 was definitely the golden era of Soul Calibur for me. I was a bit conflicted about it at times because there were 3 different versions (I liked the PS2 version for controls, I liked playing as Spawn the most, and I thought the addition of Link was really awesome). Even so, the single player content was outstanding. Easily the most fun I've had with a fighting game, followed closely by Tekken 5's single player modes

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In defence of Soul Calibur 4's horrible Star Wars guest characters

From VG247: "Link suits the world of Soul Calibur. The elf-like little twink fit into the roster as well as any sword-wielding fantasy hero could – facing off against the likes of the machiavellian Frenchman Raphael, the inhuman hellspawn Astaroth, or the horny gimp Voldo, the Legend of Zelda guest character fits right in. Weaponry, aesthetic, move set… all of it gels with Soul Calibur’s camp high fantasy world – even when you’re pulling massive bombs out of God-knows-where and hurling them across the stage. It just fits.

You know what doesn’t fit, though? Lightsabers. No amount of sci-fi reasoning, magic, or blaming it on wizards can make Yoda, Darth Vader, and (eurgh) Starkiller fit in the war-torn European and Silk Road settings of Soul Calibur. It just doesn’t track. Why Bandai Namco decided to shoehorn the trio of characters into the fourth Soul Calibur game, then, remains a mystery; it’s damaging to both brands, it makes no sense canonically, and – more than anything else – it’s just all a bit tacky (or should that be Taki?)"


Ranking The Soulcalibur Games From Worst To Best

Bandai Namco's other premier fighting game series, Soulcalibur, has been around for over 25 years, but what game is the best?

Read Full Story >>
Yi-Long1143d ago

Really loved Soulcalibur on Dreamcast. Truly blew all competition away back then when it came to graphics and fluidity, and I liked the roster and arenas.

Haven’t bothered with the newest release because sadly fighting games these days have become too expensive. They’ll release a base-game, then add all the interesting characters through expensive season passes, so unless there’s a Complete Edition released (and if I’m still interested in the game by then), I’m better off just shrugging my shoulders and skipping it completely.

The direction the fighting game genre has picked for itself means it will now only appeal and sell to the hardcore fans of the genre, while the mainstream gamers will spend their money elsewhere.

FinalFantasyFanatic1143d ago

I played Soul Calibur 2 on the PS2, it was great and I got pretty good at it, decimated most of my friends at that game. I recently got VI on the PS4 and it just doesn't have the same magic, plus it seems to have stuffed some extra mechanics in there that just complicate it too much for me, although I really do agree they're too expensive, I've always wanted to get all the DLC characters for Central Fiction, but it's way too expensive.

Kaze881143d ago

I prefer SC VI to the SC III. SC II had a really fast pace for a fighting game, when new SC III bursted into the scene it felt sluggish when compared to the second one. On SC VI they brought back the quicker pace of the game, but not as much on SC II, though I think it was a good decision. I wish they would go the MK11 route with their games, but we all know that Bandai Namco is not interested, they hardly gave the devs time and money to support SC VI.