
Mass Effect 4 Will Dwarf Previous Games, 200 Devs Working On It, Actual Name Already Finalized

Trusted industry insider shinobi602 h as taken to the NeoGAF forums to drop some information regarding Mass Effect 4.

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ShugaCane3477d ago

Oh god. That Shinobi602 is the Jack Bauer of video games. Or Austin Powers, I haven't decided yet.

Mega243477d ago

More like Johnny English, "Trusted insider" please, this "person" just says something that has 50/50 chance of being true or false. It's like me saying that there's going to be a Call Of Duty next year...

Kingthrash3603477d ago

What makes me laugh is the "200 devs working on the game"
Lol how many worked on assassins creed unity? dev counts mean nothing to me.
I just hope they make a great game and get back to being the mass effect that captivated us when it first released. not the disappointment that was mass effect 3. (Worst ending ever)

XBLSkull3477d ago

Just hope it is more like ME1. ME2 went ahead and noobified the whole game and ME3 just continued that trend. Make it closer to KotoR and ME1 please.

DarkOcelet3477d ago

I agree, ME1 was indeed the best. They need to go back to its roots again. It was epic and even though most explorable planets were empty, it was just awesome driving the Mako around climbing all sorts of things. ME2 felt like a filler but a damn good one but i hated how linear it was especially after the first was open world. Hopefully ME4 is full blown open world like DAI?

Archmagel3477d ago


Yes! So much truth. ME1 was challenging at higher difficulties and the system of abilities was so much better. I hope they go back to those roots and not continue down the path of ME2 & 3.

Lilrizky3476d ago

umm forza horizon 2 was correct, halo mcc was right with all 4 of them plus the halo 5 beta, he got guerilla's game horizon exactly right, he even predicted exactly when the titanfall dlc was being released he's been on a ball lately.

RedSky3476d ago

More staff means bigger budget. Bigger budget means distributors feel they need to make it safe and mass market. It also usually leads to games lacking personality because the unifying vision of it gets lost.

JWiLL5523476d ago

Not a good example.

There's a 100% chance of a Call of Duty each year, not a 50/50 chance. :P

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3476d ago
Ashunderfire863477d ago

Capcom had 600 people work on Resident Evil 6 for all platforms, and it turn out crappy. Plus it was the worst Resident Evil sequel ever, so 200 people involve in developing Mass Effect 4 don't mean much.


tombraiders3477d ago

Actually it does because that is the most developers working on a Bioware game ever also I tend to find that more than 200 devs sometimes hinders the game due to miscommunication.


At 200 devs your studio is already way beyond the ballpark for miscomunication, it happens in studios with less than 50, imagine 200.

Now, I'm not saying 200 is necessarily too much and it will definetelly be a problem, it can very well not be, it all depends on the management of the project to get that many people working together and respect deadlines in order to not get in each others' way. I'm just saying, the bigger the number, the harder it is for management.

And for what is worth, I liked RE6 better than RE5, not that RE5 was any good to begin with...

ApolloTheBoss3477d ago

"The game apparently dwarfs previous Mass Effect games and even Dragon Age Inquisition."

Did I read that right? Jesus Christ!

Bigpappy3477d ago

I am hoping they open this planets up to more exploration and make them more useful.

FullmetalRoyale3477d ago (Edited 3477d ago )

I'm hoping they use areas similar to DA: Inquision, but with them all being seperate planets.

We shall see.

stragomccloud3477d ago

I hope it's good! Big dev team doesn't automatically mean it's going to be a good game. Remember AC: Unity?

brettyd3477d ago

Unity is probly the best AC gameplay wise, i've enjoyed it more than most AC games. Too bad about the tech issues though.

elninels3476d ago

Thanks for being reasonable. I agree greatly. Also the number of npcs, the size of paris, the game is also gorgeous. Besides I ran into rather few bugs, way less than a Bethesda game.

The 10th Rider3477d ago

It's not something I've really looked into, but a lot of games that I've known to have large development teams seem to be a lot messier and less focused than games with a small dedicated team.

Either way, it's not like you can make a universal judgement that every game with a large dev team is bad or every game with a small one is good. There'd always be exceptions.

Emrage3477d ago


Look at hmcc or unity and than look at infamous second son like 100 people worked on that or 1 of the games of naughty dog.

The 10th Rider3477d ago (Edited 3477d ago )

Resident Evil 6 and Epic Mickey 2 are some more examples of overly large development teams putting out some less-than-stellar games.

Hercules1893477d ago

Tmcc was built by a small team. 343 was just looking over it

Madrigal3477d ago

Yeah, and Driveclub.

jhoward5853477d ago

True that. But that depends on how many projects the devs team is taking on at the same time.

Its seems as though UBI can't just work on one project at a time.

stragomccloud3477d ago

Well, I definitely have faith in BioWare.

EvilWay3477d ago

There is also like 3 or 4 Ubisoft studios so they all make something different

jhoward5853477d ago (Edited 3477d ago )


That is true. But seeing how some of my buddies who work as devs gives me the idea that UBI might be doing the same thing among all of their studios.

I willing to bet every single one of UBI's studio specialize in one or more talent that the other studios can do better. That said, UBI could shift the work load among all of their studio.

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Thefreeman0123477d ago

I really hope it will be open for exploration and immersion like mass effect 1.. I loved just wondering around cities and planets

Perjoss3476d ago (Edited 3476d ago )

Mass Effect 1 felt so much more like an RPG then 2 and 3 did by a long shot. They focused way too heavily on the combat for the later games and just streamlined everything else.

The Mako landings need to be a thing again, but this time flesh them out more, people love exploring unknown worlds and finding random and interesting stuff. I still can't believe they just abandoned that part of the game in 2 and 3.

The inventory and loot system from 1 felt so much more involved and deep too, it certainly wasn't perfect but 2 and 3 felt like such a huge step back. Always there are players that don't care about loot and just want story and action, thats why you need a good loot system for the RPG heads and then an 'auto equip best loot' button for the people with less time on their hands, just like the system they have for auto assigning skill points.

martinezjesus19933477d ago

E3 2015 trailer with a mid to late 2016 release?

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Mass Effect 4 and The Challenges of Canonicity in Choice-Based Games

Game Rant Writes "Canonicity can be a tricky nut to crack in franchises with continuing narratives, and that's something Mass Effect 4 will need to contend with."

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just_looken467d ago (Edited 467d ago )

wow gamerant forgot mass effect 4 came out years ago number 6 and 7 were cancelled.

The new mass effect which can be called number 5 will not have any of your choices why you might ask?

Well dragon age keep were your choices from number one can been seen in number 3 got unplugged from number one and number 2 is finicky.

Dragon age on pc requires a mod to get past the server login and non of your choices get uploaded to the keep even the dlc no longer works sense it needs a server check.

On xbox i teseted this only though local saves i was able to transfer choices from one to too but 0 of one dlc would work.

So if the more popular dragon age series is in this state why would they care about your mass effect choices?

Oh and that remaster that was tossed out still has day one issues and number 3 is still hard to play on pc do to lighting issues and ram limits imposed from 2014.

My expectations for the next bioware 2.0 titles is very low.

phoenixwing467d ago

They should redo the main trilogy

just_looken467d ago (Edited 467d ago )

They should redo the dragon age trilogy for sure on pc DA1 the ui is messed up sense it was for 4080p/720i days back in 2005. Getting to run is also very hard

The only way to play dragon age one is via xbox one backwards compatable state.

The ps3 version of dragon age one is pre throphy/ in game xmb so it has the freezing/crashing issues or just will not run.

just_looken467d ago

Well i am not American so please enlighten me on usa education before your country invades mine and forces us into your society

GhostScholar466d ago (Edited 466d ago )

@ just_looken

Did I mention education? Never said America did have negative points. I know for all you “enlightened” people you think everything is either all good or all bad, but in reality that’s not how life works. We have a government that traded a known terrorist for a basketball player who moonlights as a drug dealer. We aren’t perfect by a long shot. If you want to go political though how about your leader leaving his own country when the truck driver strike happened?

porkChop467d ago

Dragon Age is not more popular than Mass Effect.

shinoff2183466d ago

Yea I read that and was like I've heard way more people talk mass effect compared to dragon age. Personally I'm more into mass effect. It's got the whole dope ass sci fi thing going on while dragon age has the same old medieval thing

gold_drake466d ago

andromeda is a spin off tjo and not considerd a numvered title. as it has to 99% nothing to do with the trilogy.

i think they need to make the destroy perfect ending canon.
we need more of shepard. haha.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 466d ago

Mass Effect 4 Can Explore Post-Apocalyptic Themes

Game Rant Writes "Mass Effect 4 will likely treat Mass Effect 3’s Destroy ending as canon, and this gives it an opportunity to explore a post-apocalyptic galaxy."

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Rebel_Scum620d ago

Destroy is the best choice. Bring the relays back over the course of a new trilogy, maybe right at the end of the first game. Say it was Cerberus, Salarians or a bunch of keepers that created a relay.


Mass Effect 4 Needs to Make One Major Change with the Protagonist

Game Rant Writes "Mass Effect 4 has plenty of opportunities to change a lot about the franchise, particularly in the protagonist players can create."

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BrainSyphoned620d ago

Tons of opportunities since most anyone who made it special is long gone

ClayRules2012620d ago

“Mass Effect 4 Needs to Make One Major Change with the Protagonist“

To make sure the main characters face isn’t tired with the released game?