
Console Monster: Don King Presents Prizefighter Review

Console Monster writes: "Don King is a name that's known around the boxing world. Those of you who don't specifically know who he is, I'll give you a description of his appearance: He's black, quite small, wears glasses, has grey hair (looks like he's been electrocuted) and he's always got a cigar in his hand. Still no idea? Go and Google "Don King" and see the images that come back, and you'll know who I mean - hell, I didn't know his name until several years ago, but I seen him on TV more than a decade ago. Anyway, let's talk a little bit more about who Don King is.

Don King is a renowned boxing promoter. He's the one who arranges fights between boxers who he has signed up for his promotional company. He arranges the fees for the fighters, location and so forth. As a promoter, Don King has undoubtedly had the best highlight in boxing history with the Rumble in the Jungle way back on October 30th 1974. On this night in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo), two of boxing biggest names took to the ring (George "I'm so proud of it I put my name on it" Foreman and Muhammad "The Greatest" Ali) and put themselves through 8 rounds of excellent boxing and until this day, many claim this as the best fight ever shown. So, if Don King could do promotions so well with boxers, can his game "Don King Presents Prizefighter" stand tall or will it fall to the canvas with a devastating punch?..."

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pharmd5816d ago

that scores sounds on par for everything ive heard from users....


Podcast: DF #64: Battlefield 1943 Breaks the Internet

Another week and another episode of Distributed Failure is here for your listening pleasure. This week's "What They've Been Playing" features discussion on Top Spin 3, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, Fight Night Round 4, Battlefield 1943, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, and much more! They follow that up with some gaming news including the latest update on EGM, the addition of prizes to 1 vs. 100, and the announcement of a new Mechwarrior game.

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Buy Low and Sell High on the Xbox 360

Buy low, sell high. It's a well-known phrase in the stock market and it applies equally well to videogame traders. The Goozex Report breaks down which Xbox 360 games are currently dropping in value so that you don't buy high and sell low.

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Boxing for the 360

When it comes to boxing on the Xbox 360, the pickings are slim. The Goozex Report provides recommendations on which boxing games to trade for and the values and review scores for each of the boxing titles. This is a must-read for gamers looking to play a lot of video games without spending a lot of money.

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Raoh5738d ago

LOL talk about fanboy

no mention of ps3 as if fight night is an exclusive..............

LOL Fail

-Maverick-5738d ago

and desperate.

No one talks about the last place inferior console....just like all websites show the Xbox 360 box on all multiplatform games...just like 99.9% of multiplatform games run better on the Xbox 360 than the last-placetation 3.


outlawlife5738d ago

this article is about boxing games available on the 360 and a comparison of those for 360 owners

it isn't about ps3 or even remotely related to it
your post = "FAIL"

goto the open zone