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Is Dragon's Crown's Developer Teasing a New Game That Will Enrage the Pundits?

Rememer Dragon’s Crown? It was doubtlessly one of the best PS3 and PS Vita games of 2013, but it drove the pundits absolutely crazy due to its art style that shown rather extreme bodies (even if many seemed to notice the trait only in the ladies for some reason).
The developer now renewed its official website with a new teaser picture, which you can see above, simply reciting “Blast Off Vanillaware 2015.”

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Abriael3453d ago
Godmars2903453d ago

Definite side-scroller shooter vibe from that. With an Infinite Stratos theme.

Deadpool6163453d ago

I would love to play a futuristic Dragon's Crown!

lonelyplayer3453d ago

dragon's crown is great. I'm playing it on my vita right now :)

Anon19743453d ago

Haven't put in much time with this yet but the reviews for it were almost unanimously great and I picked this up via PS+. Looking forward to spending some time with this in the near future. I'm a sucker for a good hack n slash.

Interested to see what Vanillaware comes up with next.

CaptainObvious8783453d ago

Has your account been hacked, darkride?

I would have assumed someone like you would be appalled at this game and would refuse to play it, regardless of how amazing it was.

Omeganex99993453d ago

Got the platinum trophy for DC for Vita, it's great and addictive :)

Spotie3453d ago

I'm with the Captain, here. Considering how you're quick to jump on the "Misogyny!" hype train, I can't believe you aren't attacking Dragon's Crown for its hypersexualized art style.

Anyway, Vanillaware is one of those companies that's an automatic Day 1 buy for me. I can see what Godmars says with the Infinite Stratos feel(though just superficially, all things considered), and how it would seem to hint at a sidescrolling bullet hell game. I dunno if it'll go that route, but I can't wait to see what it is, regardless.

Anon19743453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

When the hell have I ever claimed "misogyny" or complained about sexualized art styles? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I've ever even used the term "misogyny" here. I think the closest I've ever come to saying anything even remotely against using sexualized women in games is way the hell back when Bayonetta came out, but mostly because her proportions just creeped me out. Like some weird, Sarah Palin Barbie doll with a too small head. Just does nothing for me.

I've also stated in the past that hey...wouldn't it be neat if when my daughter was old enough to play games there were more games like Beyond Good and Evil for her to play? Apparently a father wanting more variety of content in the future for his daughter to play is taboo?

That doesn't for a second mean I don't appreciate an art style like we see in Dragon's Crown. Hell, movies and TV use sex and female sex appeal all the time when appealing to men and it works.

Who ever said I had an issue with that? Because I think Gamergaters shouldn't harass people (or anti-GG's for that matter), that sexism in gaming is a discussion worth having and gamers should be more informed about issues before spouting off...suddenly everyone assumes I'm one of them there, whatchacall...sjw's. It seems like there's no in-between for GG supporters. You're either with them or a femi-nazi.

It's a ridiculous assumption perpetrated by people who have no interest in debating game issues with others who have a different opinion then their own, and an attempt to minimize the discussion by slapping labels on everything rather than stay on topic.

madjedi3453d ago Show
Anon19743453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

You see what I mean? Just look at madjedi's rambling. The second you bring up Gamergate (or you don't even have to bring it up at all) some people's brains turn to mush and they start spouting nonsense about conspiracies and the coming wars and SJW's and third wave blah blah blah. I mean, can anyone honestly make sense of that jabber? We are talking about videogames right? Games? A hobby that we all enjoy? Entertainment?

I've never once posted an article that labeled men and gamers as misogynist's or hostile towards women and I don't believe it for a second, but in their twisted minds the if you post an article they don't agree with you're some sort of Devil/Nazi/Hitler/Feminist spawn who hate all things gamer and who piss pure malevolence...and all things not in 100% accordance with GG is anti-gamer, Milo be praised. Funny considering I've also posted Milo articles before and pro-GG articles before yet it's only "spamming" when it's articles they don't agree with. GG has got to be the most divisive crap I've seen and heard in my 30+ years since I've been gaming. Makes the console wars look like nothing.

And all over a goddamn hobby. Seriously, if you don't agree with a site, don't visit that site. How had is that? Don't like Polygon? Don't visit Polygon. It's an entertainment site, for Christ's sake. Game journalism is mostly just fans with their own blogs, and if you don't like them, don't read them! I don't care for the slant I see displayed on Fox News, so I don't watch Fox News. See how that works? I've seen Kotaku do some stupid things over the years, so I don't read Kotaku. What a concept! Grow up and move on!

It's nonsense. If you need me, I'll be enjoying some videogames this weekend. And yes, some might have boobies. I game because I enjoy it, I've enjoyed it for 30+ years, I'm enjoying it more now that I have kids of my own and I can play with them and I never plan on stopping.

maniacmayhem3452d ago (Edited 3452d ago )

Going to have to agree with Darkride here. The comments just went in an entirely different direction for no apparent reason.

I mean seriously madjedi, what the heck was that whole rant even about and how does it relate to the topic?

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Malice-Flare3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

heh, a yearly cover of Vanillaware's site and a rumor is made. check the gallery for the previous year's cover image...

Remy_S3453d ago

Screw the pundits! They're nothing but oversensitive children that can't deal with artistic expression.

PeaSFor3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

the professional victims, the misandrist, the feminazis, the SJWs from Polygon and Kotaku(we all know exactly who they are) will always bitch and moan, thats their bread & butter.

SilentNegotiator3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

Speaking of Polygon SJWs, I saw on Twitter that Ben Kuchera started the year off by having his mob of bully followers try to get someone fired for having the audacity to be pro-gamergate.

What a POS.

gamey3453d ago

Man. You are a case in point for propaganda working. Any other buzzwards you think have missed out on? You really aren't saying anything of substance but it sure sounds good. There are 8 different loaded terms you used and the rest are just there to link them together. At first I thought it was an opinion and then I realized I've seen that exact wording stitched together about a thousand times already in forums for self-proclaimed "victims of oppression".

PeaSFor3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

"I realized I've seen that exact wording stitched together about a thousand times"

Maybe because there's a reason to shine a light on their ulgy and blatant agenda...

So, im sorry to disapoint you but you wont sweep GG under the carpet

jmac533453d ago

The word pundits imply that they actually have something intelligent to say.

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Unicorn Overlord Developer Vanillaware Is Working On New Action RPG Featuring Online Component

Unicorn Overlord developer Vanillaware is currently working on a brand new action RPG that features an online component.

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blackblades32d ago

Yeah except for the online components


PlayStation Plus is a secret paradise for RPG fans

From games that digitaltrends DeAngelo Epps has always wanted to play but missed out on, like Odin Sphere, to newer titles that he'd love to re-experience like Yakuza: Like a Dragon, there was enough there to justify diving back in. And those titles aren’t even a small percent of what’s available here. Vanillaware titles, Square Enix games, NIS franchises he’d never even heard of — there’s a whole lot to dig into.

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Eonjay209d ago

PSPlus is Amazing for RPGs and NIS America, Square Enix and Vanillaware games are perfect for PSPortal.

LG_Fox_Brazil208d ago

Not really a 'secret' but a paradise indeed, I just finished Soul Hackers 2, pretty good, and started Labyrinth of Galleria and I am having a blast. Tons of great RPGs in the PS4/PS5 family

Mr_cheese208d ago

Secret is the click buzzword. Can't have a title without bait these days.

anast208d ago

secret, shadow, hidden

OtterX208d ago

Perfect for playing on the Portal, since rpgs can be such timesinks. For those people who can't stay glued to the TV, it's good to give some freedom around the house, out on the porch or whatever. I haven't picked up a Portal yet, bc of life priorities, but I definitely anticipate picking one up asap and playing more rpgs!

ziggyzinfirion208d ago

I'm currently playing Final Fantasy VII:Remake for the first time on PS5 and I am freaking blown away by this game so far. I don't know why I waited this long or due to my huge backlog but had to be honest, this game exceeded my expectations.

OtterX208d ago

Yea, story pacing aside, the combat system is pretty killer, especially if you slow it down to play it more like a tactical turned based jrpg!

I actually wish FF16 had gone this route, instead of the DMC route. The FF7:R system gave enough action for those who wanted to play that way, while still appeasing us old school turn based jrpg fans.

Glad you're enjoying!

crazyCoconuts208d ago

Some of the best in game HDR I've ever seen in that game. I liked it a lot too. My first final fantasy game believe it or not

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Vanillaware 20th Anniversary Event Announced

Vanillaware announced that it will host the "Vanillaware 20th Anniversary Fes" event in Japan with two separate exhibitions in Tokyo and Osaka.

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Community496d ago
LG_Fox_Brazil496d ago

PLEASE! Bring Muramasa: The Demon Blade to modern consoles!

TriniOutsider496d ago

I was legit thinking about that game the other day.

FinalFantasyFanatic496d ago

Steam Release please, I never got to play the game originally.

bangoskank496d ago

I would totally be excited if they where to announce a new rogue-lite or Metroidvania RPG.

Ronmaest496d ago

I’d like a full blown rpg.

bangoskank495d ago

That would be cool too. Preferably old-school turn-based.

Ronmaest496d ago

Love this company. I hope they bring Muramasa and Grand Knight Story!

Auron496d ago

Please call up Sega and Make a proper Golden Axe.