
Second exclusive Xbox 360 Naruto game in development

It looks like the PlayStation 3 is not the only one getting an exclusive Naruto game this year. Ubisoft have just announced Naruto 2: Broken Bond, the second exclusive Xbox 360 Naruto title. The second game, however, will not be an action/adventure title like the first game. Naruto 2: Broken Bond will be a fighting game, with the battle between Naruto and Sasuko as main stage. Naruto 2: Broken Bond will ship in november 2008 exclusively on Xbox 360. More details and media is expected during E3 2008.

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cp685867d ago

I have already sold my 360, just few days ago, for Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm.

Mikelarry5867d ago

limit yourself when you can have both consoles. i have got both and i will try both naruto games. but i dont think i like the idea of a fighting game but ill still try it

Violater5867d ago

people are going to $hit bricks if this game has Online while the ps3 version doesn't.

What's more important online or great visuals?

Time_Is_On_My_Side5867d ago

I have three words "Metal Gear Online" great visuals and a great free online system.

Violater5867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

What does MGO have to do with which Naruto game to choose?

sonarus5867d ago

This one is just a battle game so it will probably have online. I think the PS3 naruto was supposed to have some free roam elements. Anyway if 360 naruto doesn't look better than PS3 naruto, screw ubisoft and their talks of ps3 not being able to run naruto

rroded5867d ago

gotta agree the ps3 version will prob b nicer looking but no online sucks.

liquidsnake5867d ago

A fighting game? Seriously this is not because I own a PS3 but an "open" world action/adventure game is of more value than a fighting game. Imo that is.

ustayclassyn4g5867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

What's more important online or great visuals?

gameplay's more important than both of them:P

Time_Is_On_My_Side5867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

"people are going to $hit bricks if this game has Online while the ps3 version doesn't.

What's more important online or great visuals?"

You tell me, or maybe I should have said Tekken?

Time_Is_On_My_Side5867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

Sometimes visuals define game-play and I'm not just talking about the simple 2D (two dimensions) / 3D (three dimensions). A good example would be the DS and PlayStation Portable. They both have 3D visuals yet the experiences can be different. With better graphic movement can be more fluent like seen in fighting games etc.

mintaro5867d ago

What does Tekken have to do with which Naruto game to buy?

power of Green 5867d ago

You sold your 360 because you wanted a PS3 exclusive Naruto game?, Sure you did lol.

1.3, I thought Naruto games have been fighters in the past?.

1.8, Are you joking? 1) they have different artstyles 2)The 360 version is for more advanced graphically; looking better in my opinion by far but one could argue they like the natural anime style the PS3 game displays better(slightly faded and bland though).

JVIDICAN5867d ago

you do realize the goal of graphics in an anime game is to look like the anime right? 0_o

meepmoopmeep5867d ago

i agree with Mikelarry.

better to have both consoles than one if you can afford it.
game time management is the bigger issue for me.

Time_Is_On_My_Side5866d ago

lol, man people are slow, I'm simply stating that online can be on the PlayStation 3 side. The PlayStation 3 can harvest better graphics than the XBOX 360. The XBOX 360 can only do 720p while the PlayStation 3 at 1080p. So I was stating that you can have both on the PlayStation 3 console. With this new Naruto game looking like the anime online can easily be added, like how Tekken was with an add-on. If Tekken added online with an add-on this game can easily ship with online as well.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 5866d ago
Ri0tSquad5867d ago

I doubt it but you never know

TrevorPhillips5867d ago

im getting it i like games like naruto, avater and dragon ball :)

SickNick855867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

it's a rumor...they say Ubisoft don't have announced anything and xbox.nl hope they do at E3

SUP3R5867d ago

(Save judgment til' trailer premiere)

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Naruto Videogames Ship 10 Million Units Worldwide

Namco Bandai Games has today announced that the Naruto videogame franchise has shipped 10 million copies worldwide since the launch of the first game in 2003. Namco Bandai Games began releasing Naruto videogames in March 2003 and has published a total of 15 titles to date across multiple platforms.

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RedDead4580d ago

He must be talking about his own games right? CC2's ultimate ninja(storm for this gen) series

Baka-akaB4579d ago

Er yeah , what's the gamecube , gbza/ds or wii games doing in the listing ?

Bandai namco is only behind the good naruto games :p . BAsically the ps2 ps3 narutimate/ultimate ninja (now on 360 too of course)series , or the psp games

lizard812884579d ago

I heard those games are going downhill. Atleast the CoN games. I wish they brought CoN4 over, since that one is the best, but they didn't. Instead we got an American adaption


Why 2009 Will BeThe Year Of The Xbox 360 (Chapter Four: The Ally)

In this chapter, we will be unfolding a new reason known as the Ally. This reason will reveal all the support that Microsoft will be receiving, this year, from their partners including Square-Enix, Namco Bandai, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Epic Games, Valve, and Capcom.

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Master Samo5547d ago

To all the readers, I thank you in advance for reading this article. I would like to present to you some of the Bits Of Information (BOI) that I was not able to include in this article. They are as follow:

BOI 1 ) Tecmo: in March of 1981, a U.S. division was inaugurated as U.S. Tehkan, Inc. A month later, in April of 1981, Tehkan released in Japan its first arcade video game titled Pleiads (which was distributed in America by Centuri). When it was still called Tehkan, the company also released such classic games as Bomb Jack and Tehkan World Cup. On the 8th of January 1986, Tehkan officially changed its name to Tecmo

BOI 2 ) Capcom: was founded in 1979 as Japan Capsule Computers, a company devoted to the manufacturing and distribution of electronic game machines.

I hope everyone enjoyed the Information provided

God Bless You All

Master Samo

MURKERR5547d ago (Edited 5547d ago )

why not write why they were exclusive? because of the ps3 install base back then,most of the sequels to those game are ps3 bound,3rd party support like take two,ubisoft sega,EA,konami have confirmed they made most of their money on ps3 last year 2008 so 3rd party support is cemented.

square are the only ones who really have gone to microsofts side this gen (is it coincidence their games and reputation havent been good lately?),as for DLC this week has highlighted thats not as exclusive as gamers thought,still dont care for DLC though i want exclusive games and

ps3 has the best 1st party support i have seen by any gaming company for years and 'TRICO' was the cherry on top for me

360s year was 2007 an amazing year for games but times move on


HHG you fail again

Kamikaze1355547d ago

Square-Enix - None of their current gen games scored well.

Namco Bandai - Tales of Vesperia heading to PS3...the complete version with exclusive content - making the 360 version seem incomplete and leaving 360 owners in the dark.

Ubisoft - Same as Square Enix

Bethesda - All DLC heading to PS3 starting in June. No exclusive support here.

Epic Games - Gears was awesome....but nothing in 2009

Valve - They barely support the 360 versions of their games. These guys are a PC brand =P

Capcom - They're releasing 20-40 PSone classic. Dead Rising 2 and Lost Planet 2 were already confirmed for the PS3.

KingKionic 5547d ago

Very nicely put. Im amazed at the writer made it so detailed. I thank you master samo. Also the article explain third party support which is very true that the xbox 360 does have alot of third party support .

qface645547d ago (Edited 5547d ago )

wut? .___. does not compute

anyways years already half way through and nothing unbelievable has really come out for the 360 in that time and i don't really think in the next 6 months they will release a bunch of stuff for it at least not huge exclusives that make everyone go ga ga

sure they will release more games and DLC this year but will it really be enough to say that 2009 will be the year of the 360?

TrevorPhillips5547d ago

keep on coming samo your doing a very good job :)

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PM: Naruto: The Broken Bond Review


"Now, what does the game get worse? The animation in cut-scenes seems stiffer, though it may be my imagination. Also, the fetch quests start almost before the game's title screen, and I don't want to find another block of wood for a boat, nor do I want to run around the forest to get coins anymore. If these coins are so valuable, why are people leaving them lying around in the forest? How come no one else has picked them up? They are GIGANTIC and GLOWING. To put it another way, if I were sawing a piece of wood in a field, and there was a coin the size of my torso rotating next to me, I might drop my saw and bring it to town to see what it was worth. Why are people hiding these coins in big blue barrels? There's a lot of quality in The Broken Bond, but gamey garbage like this drags it into the gutter. The producers should learn that just jumping across rooftops is fun. I don't need a reason to do it, and even if I did, it doesn't have to be enormous floating currency."

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